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31/7/2020 Asparagus Diseases - Purple Spot (Stemphylium)

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Asparagus Diseases - Purple Spot (Stemphylium)

Scientific Name
Pleospora herbarium (anamorph = Stemphylium vesicarium)
Purple spot is a significant disease of asparagus. Infections occurring during
harvest reduce the marketability of the crop (figure 1). Severe summer
infections result in the premature defoliation of the fern, which can reduce
the following year's yields by up to 52%.

Tan-to-brown sunken, elliptical lesions with purple edges appear on infected
spears, stems and fern (figure 2). As the disease spreads the lesions
expand and merge together killing the affected tissue and eventually
causing wide-spread defoliation (figure 3). Small black spores
(pseudothecia) may be visible in the centre of the lesion, particularly on the
previous season's crop residue.
Initial infections commonly occur on the bottom 30 cm (12 inches) of the
stem, moving upwards onto the fern as the season progresses.

Figure 1. Unmarketable spear 1/3
31/7/2020 Asparagus Diseases - Purple Spot (Stemphylium)

Figure 2. Elliptical lesion with a purple border on asparagus stems

Figure 3. Expanded lesions on mature asparagus fern

The sexual stage of this disease is known as Pleospora herbarium. P.
herbarium produces pseudothecia that overwinter in the asparagus crop
residue. In the spring, the pseudothecia release ascospores which are the
primary source of infection in the emerging asparagus crop. After the initial
infection, the asexual state of the fungi (stemphylium vesicarium) begins to
release conidia. The conidia are responsible for continuing infection periods
throughout the growing season.
The temperature range for stemphylium is 0-30 C; however the disease
reaches its peak activity from 15-25 C. Infections during harvest often
occur as a result of microscopic wounds caused by wind damage or sand
blasting. The stomata also act as a point of entry for this pathogen. High
humidity and prolonged periods of leaf wetness promote disease
development. Infection can occur in as little as 3-24 hours of leaf wetness.

Period of Activity 2/3
31/7/2020 Asparagus Diseases - Purple Spot (Stemphylium)

Purple spot is most prevalent during cool, wet conditions. It is often active
during the late spring and again in the late-summer. Hot, dry conditions in
July and August will slow the progression of this disease, however levels of
infection can increase dramatically as the temperatures cool in early fall.

Scouting Notes
Carefully inspect 10 groups of 10 plants across the field. Look for signs of
lesions at the base of the plants as they begin to develop fern. Continue
monitoring throughout the growing season, especially if cooler night-time
temperatures lead to heavy dew fall and prolonged periods of leaf wetness.

None established. Apply registered fungicides after harvest during fern
establishment. Do not wait for symptoms to appear on the fern and in the
upper canopy before initiating a spray program.
The TOM-CAST system, originally developed for the Ontario processing
tomato industry, can successfully be used to predict stemphylium outbreaks
in asparagus.

Management Notes

Reduced tillage and the use of cover crops and windbreaks can help
reduce the occurrence of sand blasting.
Maintain a 7-21-day preventative fungicide program. Use the
shorter spray interval during periods of cool, wet weather or
prolonged heavy dewfall.
No-till fields may host higher levels of stemphylium inoculum.
However, tillage damages the crown, impacting the long term
productivity of the field. Tillage also increases wind erosion and
subsequent sand-blasting. The benefits of zero-till systems
outweigh the associated stemphylium risks.
Second and third year asparagus plantings often act as a source of
secondary innoculum, infecting the main commercial crop. Begin
scouting these fields for signs of infection immediately after

For more information:

Toll Free: 1-877-424-1300
E-mail: 3/3

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