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Name : Erna Fitriany

NRP : 7004232005

Hello mom Tuti. Let me introduce myself, my name is Erna Fitriany, one of the ITS
students. I am happy to be one of the thousands of ITS students. I will study in 3 years, or 6
semesters if the time is right. However, to be able to graduate and graduate on time there are
several graduation requirements, including carrying out scientific publications in reputable
international journals. I hope I can make scientific publications in the 2nd or 3rd semester of
my study period. I wish it were easier. The publication of the journal takes quite a long time
from submission to publication. I wish it weren’t so diHicult. Many students are worried
about this scientific publication activity, because on the one hand it can delay the study
period and delay the graduation of ITS students. All ITS students who are required to carry
out scientific publications hope that they can publish their scientific articles on time. I wish
it were easier.
Scientific publications also have positive sides, including being able to disseminate
the knowledge gained and can also be used by institutions to increase their accreditation in
international competition. ITS students and community members hope that the quality and
quality of education at ITS will always be superior.
On the other hand, one of the requirements for student graduation is to undertake an
international seminar. Some students take English courses, they hope that when they carry
out international seminars their conversations will be fluent. I wish it were easier. This
required international seminar activity has several advantages, including increasing
relationships and being able to channel knowledge directly to seminar participants. I hope
that seminar participants can understand the knowledge that I provide and I also hope that
I can upgrade the knowledge that I have.
Another requirement to pass is having a Toefl score above 500. I hope I have a Toefl
score above 500, so that I can fulfill the administrative requirements to graduate from ITS. In
my opinion, TOEFL is one of the very diHicult passing requirements, especially in terms of
grammar, I am weak in grammar. I hope that I am proficient in listening, grammar and reading
so that I have a good TOEFL score. I wish it were easier. I hope I can graduate right in the 3rd

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