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Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Prepared by: Sameera Frozan

What is Past Perfect
Continuous Tense?
 It talks about the events that started at a particular time in the past and
was still in progress in the past.

 Note: Use “since” and “for” in this case.

(+) S+ had been+ Ving + O/C+.

Ex: She had been travelling to Paris for 2 hours.
Ex: We had been buying new clothes in the mall since morning.

(?) Had+ S+ been+ Ving+ O/C+?

EX: Had she been travelling to Paris for 2 hours?
EX: Had we been buying new clothes in the mall since morning?

(-) S+ had+ not+ been+ Ving+O/C+.

EX: She had not been travelling to Paris for 2 hours.
EX: We had not been buying new clothes in the mall since morning.
Change the below sentences into negative and interrogative forms.

1- The teacher had been sleeping since night.

 The Teacher had not been sleeping since night.
 Had the teacher been sleeping since night?

2- Farid had been playing tennis for 1 hour.

 I had not been playing tennis for 1 hour.

 Had I been playing tennis for 1 hour?

3- John and Samantha had been cooking rice since 10 AM.

 John and Samantha had not been cooking rice since 10 AM.
 Had John and Samantha been cooking rice since 10 AM?

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