Product Properties

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Properties Chili Sauce Tomato Ketchup Special Sauce

Density at room temperature [kg/m3]

Specific heat capacity [kJ/(kg.K)]
Thermal conductivity [W/(m.K)]
Viscosity [cP]
- Consistency index K
- Flow behavior n
- Shear rate [1/s]
Sugar content [Bx]
NaCl %w/w
Pulp and fibre content
Product contains functional additives
(starch, gelatin, etc)

Kitchen for Chili Sauces and various Tomato Sauces:

Mixing capacity : ….
With (4) mixing tanks : ….
Blending temperature : ….

Typical recipe for Chili Puree, ingredients:

Coarse Grinding Chili : ….
Pre-mix Chili puree with garlic (ambient @30 °C) : …..
%Garlic :…. %
Pre-mix Dissolved Sugar with Salt (@90 °C) : …. %
% Salt : …. %
Pre-mix Modified starch, preservatives, oleoresins (@30 °C) :…%
Process Water (ambient @30 °C) :…%

Typical recipe for Tomato paste, ingredients:

Tomato paste (ambient @30 °C) :…%
Pre-mix Dissolved Sugar with Salt (@90 °C) :…%
Salt :…%
Pre-mix Modified starch, preservatives, oleoresins (@30 °C) : …%
Process Water (ambient @30 °C) :…%

Pasteurizer system:
Working capacity : …… LPH
Final product viscosity : ….. cps @ …°C with a shear rate of …. sec-1
Pasteurized feed temperature : … °C
Required Deaeration temperature : … °C
Pasteurizing temperature : … °C
Holding time : ….. ? with by-pass
pH : …. ?
Pre-cooler for hot filling :…
Final cooling for cold filling : …. C

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