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Xuan Phi IELTS

Practice 7: Viết toàn bộ bài viết cho biểu đồ dưới đây

The following chart shows the results of a British survey taken in 2009 related to
housing preferences of UK people.

The chart gives information about different types of house, which British preferred in three
regions, Liverpool, London and Manchester in 2009.
Overall, it is clear that apartments were by far the most popular household type in Liverpool,
while the number of London and Manchester people favoured semi-detached houses over other
houses. The lowest figures were recorded in terraced houses of the three regions.
Nearly 60% of British wanted to live in flats in Liverpool as opposed to the minor percentage
prefering in terraced houses, under 10%. Meanwhile, London had 10% higher preference than
Manchester in both terraced houses and apartments.
The figures for semi-detached houses in London and Manchester were the same, with 38% of
favorite. By contrast, 35% of people living in London favoured detached house, compared with
that of 25% in Manchester. The preference of Liverpool citizens in detached houses and semi-
detached houses was much lower, which was recorded under 18%.

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