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HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Revision Chapter 9

1) Write your answer on the school foolscap paper
2) Indicate clearly: name, index no, class, date
3) Write the question clearlyfollowed by answers in paragraphs ( PEEL)

A : **Note- Making
1) Revise Chapter 9 [ pg64 - pg 86]
2) In your notebook: make detailed notes for Chapter 9

B : Answering Structured Questions

- Write your answers on the school foolscap paper
- Write your name, index no, class
- Write every question on the writing paper, followed by your answer

Q1: Housing developments affect the natural environments in many ways.

Describe how the use of natural resources have significant and wide-ranging impact on the natural

Q2: Housing developments affect the natural environments in many ways.

Explain how land and water pollution have serious negative impacts on the environment.
Suggest solutions to these environmental pollution.

**Q3: Explain why laws and regulations are sometimes ineffective in managing water pollution.

***Q4: Describe some of the ways in which housing in Singapore contributes to the well-being of
its citizens.

***Q5: Compare the access to amenities and the presence of communities in improving the quality
of life of individuals.

1) In your note-book: make notes for Chapter 9 [pages 64 - 86]
2) Revise Chapters 7 & 8 : Make notes

Q6: Study photograph of Gardens by the Bay, one of the biggest attractions in
Singapore. Gardens by the Bay has garnered accolades for both its sustainability and its ambitious
design by Wilkinson Eyre.
[a] Describe the environmentally friendly technologies in its design to promote sustainability.

[b] Do a google search on ONE other building in Singapore with environmentally friendly
technologies. Explain the impacts.

[c] Read the extract in the commentary: “Why does Singapore still lack a
recycling ethos?”

Q7: Singapore is experiencing a waste “epidemic” and lags far behind Asian counterparts
when it comes to sorting our waste. According to NEA, Singapore’s recycling rate is at a
constant low.
Explain how far you are with the statement. Explain your answer.

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