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Trần Ngọc Bảo Châu

Lesson 2: A closer look 1
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Vocabulary: use the lexical items related to the topic Our greener world
- Pronunciation: pronounce the sounds /a:/ and /æ/ correctly in isolation and in context
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Personal qualities
-Be aware of the importance to protect the environment;
- Be interested in learning more about the environment;
- Develop self-study;
- Students are conscious of protecting the environment in their daily activities.

- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 11, A closer look 1;
- Computer connected to the Internet;
- Projector / TV.

Stage Stage aim Procedure

1. - To create an active - Teacher gives an English word and writes the number of
WARM-UP atmosphere in the class letters on the board using dashes. (rubbish)
5ms before the lesson; – Students will guess certain letters. If that letter is in the
(Hangman) - To lead into the new word, the teacher will fill in the appropriate dashes. If that
lesson. letter does not appear, points will be deducted.
- To activate students’ – Teachers continue until the word is completed (student
prior knowledge and wins) or all points are deducted from students (teacher
vocabulary related to the wins).
topic. - Then T leads students into the lesson by telling them that

- To enhance students’ “In today lesson, we are going to learn more about 3Rs and
skills of cooperating with how we can save the environment.”

2. - To teach students some Task 1: The three Rs stand for Reduce - Reuse -
VOCABULA places and adjectives Recycle. Draw a line from a symbol in column A to its
RY describing ones in a matching word in column B and its meaning in column
(15 mins) neighbourhood. C. ( 5 mins)
- To revise / teach the - Have students read the information in the table and draw
words for things that can a line from a symbol in column A to the matching word in
be reduced, reused and column B and its meaning in column C.
recycled. - Ask Students to work in pairs. Then ask some Ss share
their answer with the whole class.
- T give feedback and write the correct answers on the
board. (REDUCE: using less of something REUSE: using
something again RECYCLE: creating new products from
used materials )
- T elicit the difference between “recycling” and “reusing”
from students:
+ Recycling refers to the process of converting waste
materials into new products or materials. Processing an old
item such as a newspaper, a glass or a can and turning it
into a new product.
+ Reusing an item involves using it multiple times in its
original form or for the same purpose.
Task 2: : Write a word/ phrase under the pictures. ( 5
- Have students work in pairs to do this activity. Call on
students from different pairs to go to the board and write
the words. - This activity can also be organized as a
competition. Whichever pair finishes the activity first will
be the winner and they can go to the board to write their
answers. Answer key: 1. rubbish 2. plastic bag 3. glass 4.
plastic bottle 5. noise 6. paper 7. water 8. clothes
Task 3: Pair work – Put the words into 2 groups; some

words can belong to more than one group. ( 5 mins)
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs, students put the
words from 2 in appropriate groups. Draw the table on the
board and call three students to go to the board and write
their answers. One word can belong to more than one
Reduce Reuse Recycle
rubbish, plastic plastic bag, glass, rubbish, plastic
bag, noise, plastic bottle, bag, glass, Pair
plastic bottle, can, paper, bulb, work plastic
paper, water water, clothes bottle, can,
paper, bulb

- Teacher elicits some more words for each group from the
students. Here are some suggested words:
+ Reduce: electricity, gas,…
+ Reuse: envelope, carton box, old textbook,…
+ Recycle: newspaper, textbook, plastic container,…
PRONUN - To give students further Task 4: Listen to these sentences, then repeat. Pay

CIATION practice with rhythm in attention to the bold syllables. ( 7 mins)

sentences. Audio script:
– Rhythm
- To get students 1. If you cycle, it’ll help the Earth.
familiarized with rhythm 2. Water is good for your body.
sentences in sentences. 3. The students are planting trees in the garden.
( 22 mins) - To help students 4. Is it better to use paper bags?
practice the conversation 5. We are happy to walk to school.
in pairs. - T asks Ss to read the sentences first. Correct their
pronunciation if needed.
- Play the recording for students to listen to the sentences.
Have them pay attention to the bold parts.
- Ss practise saying the questions in pairs. (2 mins)
- Call on some pairs to practise the dialogues in front of the
class. Corrects students' pronunciation if necessary.
- T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and repeat in
Task 5: Listen to the conversation. Pay attention to the

bold syllables. Then practise the conversation with a
classmate. ( 5 mins)
Audio script:
Vy: What are you doing?
Mi: I’m writing an article about going green.
Vy: Great! I’m writing a poem about the 3Rs.
Mi: Let me read it.
Vy: I’m still writing. Wait for a minute.
- Ask Ss to look at the sentences, listen to them and repeat,
paying attention to the pronunciation of the bold syllables.
- Play the recording for students to listen to the
conversation. Have them pay attention to the bold parts.
- Play the recording of each sentence again for students to
repeat in chorus.
- Have students work in pairs to practise reading the
conversation. Walk round the class, praising good
pronunciation and correcting any mistakes.
- Call on some students to read the conversation aloud.
Comment on students’ pronunciation.
Game: Understanding each other ( 5 mins)
- Teacher prepares some word cards:
1. rubbish 2. plastic bag 3. glass 4. plastic bottle 5. noise 6.
paper 7. water 8. clothes 9. cycle 10. plant
- Teacher asks 2 students go to the board and give one of
them the cards. She/ He has to act the word out without
saying a word. If the other one can guess and say aloud the
word correctly, they will get the points (or candies instead).
5 - Helps Ss summarize a. Wrap-up
what they have learned.
CONSOLID - Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt.
- Evaluate students' level
ATION of knowledge - Ask Ss to say aloud some words and phrases they
- Emphasize important
( 2 mins) remember from the lesson.
information in the lesson.
b. Homework
- Do exercises in the Workbook
- Prepare for the next lesson: lesson 3 – A closer look

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