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Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc


Họ và tên người dạy: Phạm Thị Thảo Nguyên Môn: Tiếng anh
Đơn vị: Trường PT Thực Hành Sư Phạm
Bài dạy/Chủ đề: Unit 10: Communication in the future L4 - Communication
Buổi: sáng ; ngày: 08/04/24 ; lớp: 8H ; tiết: 1 ; Số HS có mặt:

Thời Tóm tắt nội dung, hoạt động của giáo viên và học sinh, sản
Nhận xét
gian phẩm của các hoạt động học
7: 04 Introduced the lesson
7: 05 Activity 1: Warm- up: Jumble words ( 5 mins) - Students actively
The teacher gave five incorrectly arranged vocabulary words participated and the
and asked students to rearrange the correct vocabulary. classroom
Two Ss with the fastest answers received extra points. atmosphere was
Then T called on one student to share his answers with the class.
T feedbacked on student performance and gave extra points.
7: 10 T introduced some new vocabulary and asked if the students - The teacher
already know it. T let the students learn the pronunciation and introduced the lesson
meaning of each vocabulary. effectively.
Next, T read the sample and had the whole class repeat it. Then
T led into the lesson.
7: 13 Activity 2: Interrupting politely. - Ss actively
Task 1: Listen and read the conversations participated in the
T asked Ss to read the conversations first. lesson.
Played the recording and had Ss pay attention to the highlighted - The teacher
parts. controlled the class
After the first listening, T analyzed the usage of the two phrases:
- Teacher and student
- Sorry for interrupting: say sth better
interaction was very
- Hold on: listen information agian
Let Ss listen a second time and then asked them to practice in
pairs for 1 minute.
7: 18 Task 2: Works in pairs. Make conversations - T praised students
T let a student read the question and then T analyzed it and for doing well,
showed the student how to apply it. helping students
Ss practiced saying the conversations in pairs. (2 mins) actively participate in
the lesson.
T went around observing and offering help if necessary.
7:23 Finished working in pairs. T gave a sample conversation and
invited some pairs to perform in front of the class. Invited
comments on their performance from other Ss. Then gave
7: 26 The teacher made a question to lead to the new task. ( Is picture - T had a smooth
or language mostly used? ). transition had
Activity 3: The future of language instructions.
Task 3: Read Mark’s prediction about a popular means of - had construction
communication in the near future. Then ask and answer the briefly
questions. - Ss actively
T asked one student to read the question and asked the whole participated in the
class to read the passage. lesson.
T explains the new words in the passage.
7:29 T asked students to work in pairs to answer 5 questions and then
invited some Ss to share their answers. Confirm the correct
7: 32 Task 4: Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. - The teacher taught
T introduced some new words and instructed students how to effectively and the
ask questions with Wh-question ( what, when, who, how, why) students focused on
7: 34 Ss worked in pairs. T went around observing and offering help if the lesson
necessary. - Students were quite
7: 39 Finished working in pairs. T invited some pairs to perform in
front of the class. Invited comments on their performance from
other Ss. Then gave feedback.
7: 43 To prepare for task 5, T reviewed how to use prepositions ( in +
time in the past) and asked students to reread the vocabulary in
task 4.
7:45 Task 5: Report your pair’s conversation to the class by making a - Teachers gave
similar talk to Mark’s prediction in 3 enthusiastic guidance
The teacher provided a sample conversation and gave specific to students.
instructions on how to do it for Ss. - Students lively
Then T asked Ss to do the task individually. T moved around to participated in the
observe and offered help if Ss encountered difficulty. lesson
End of activity. T invited some Ss to perform in front of the
class. T feedbacked on student performance and gave extra
7: 52 Consolidation: Wrap- up ( 1 min) - The activity was
- T asked Ss to tell what they have learned carried out quickly
- Summarised the main points of the lesson and efficiently
+ Interrupting politely - Students listened
+ How to use WH- question ( what, when, who, how, why) attentively
- Do homework
- T thanked the pupils and offered her thoughts on the lesson.

I. NHẬN XÉT (Cảm nhận, ấn tượng, phát hiện)

1. Đánh giá chung về những thành công của tiết học
- Việc phân bổ thời gian cho các hoạt động:
In general, teachers have demonstrated flexibility and logicality in arranging time for
learning activities. The warm-up activity took only 5 minutes, which was enough to
capture students' attention and stimulate their interests. Teachers only gave 5-6 minutes
for simple exercises like activities 2 and 3, which allows pupils to complete them swiftly
and without boredom. Furthermore, teachers also flexibly adjust the time for each activity
based on the difficulty level and students' learning abilities. For example, in activity 4,
students encountered many difficulties in asking and answering questions, so the teacher
spent extra time guiding and answering them. As a result, students are able to fully
engage in lessons, acquire knowledge, and efficiently practice skills
- Sự phù hợp kỹ thuật dạy học cho từng nội dung/hoạt động trong bài học:
The teacher successfully used a number of outstanding techniques, which contributed to
creating a lively and effective lesson. A typical example was the teaching of new words.
Instead of simply providing definitions, the teacher used pictures to stimulate students'
thinking and guessing skills. Another effective method was that the teacher encouraged
students to discover the meaning of vocabulary on their own through context. This
method helps students understand how vocabulary is used in real life and practice reading
comprehension skills. In addition, the teacher often asked students to review the
vocabulary they have learned at the beginning of the lesson and from previous lessons.
Continuous review helps students consolidate their knowledge and memorize vocabulary
- Cách GV đưa ra hướng dẫn và duy trì sự chú ý của học sinh:
From my observations, he teacher applied effective techniques for guiding and attracting
students' attention. Teachers always took the time to give detailed instructions for each
activity, ensuring students clearly understood the requirements and goals to be achieved.
After instruction, teachers used the reward method with plus points to motivate students
to actively participate and complete the assignment well. Students might be motivated
and their learning spirit sparked by prompt acknowledgment and encouragement.
Moreover, T allowed the class to work in pairs for a few of the tasks. This method helps
students practice communication skills, cooperate, share ideas, and support each other to
create a happy atmosphere, reduce boredom, and increase interest in the subject.
- Mức độ tham gia của học sinh vào bài học và mức độ đạt được mục tiêu của bài học
The students demonstrated a clear interest and enthusiasm for the lesson content through
their active participation in the activities. Many students were proactive and eager to
participate, contributing multiple times to the lessons. The lesson objectives were
successfully met as the students grasped the knowledge taught. This was evident in the
wrap-up activity, where they were able to accurately and comprehensively recall the key
points of the lesson. However, in activity 4 , some students remained rather passive and
hesitant to participate.
Bài học
- Theo em, học sinh học hiệu quả nhất qua hoạt động nào? Vì sao?
From my observations, students achieved the highest efficiency and participated most
enthusiastically in Activity 3. The classroom atmosphere was lively, with many students
volunteering to answer questions. There are three main factors contributing to the success
of this activity. Firstly, Activity 3 revolved around the topic of using emoji in
communication, a topic that is close, familiar, and attractive to students at this age.
Second, the teacher carefully explained new vocabulary before starting the activity,
helping students clearly understand the lesson content and be more confident when
answering questions. Third, the teacher used bonus points to reward correct answers, an
effective measure to encourage students' spirit of building lessons.
- Điều em thấy hay nhất từ bài học là gì?
The most outstanding part of the lesson is the teacher's careful planning for each task. In
addition to making sure that students fully understand the new lesson requirements for
every task, teachers also provide an adequate basis of knowledge so that students can
move on to the next activity. For instance, the teacher asked pupils to repeat using the
preposition "in" and to learn vocabulary in task 4. Reviewing this background knowledge
gives students the necessary knowledge to complete task 5, which involves making
logical connections between activities.
- Em có khả năng thực hiện hoạt động nào tốt hơn? Bằng cách nào?
The teacher demonstrated good teaching ability in the lesson. However, I realized that
some students were still passive and did not really understand how to do the exercises in
Activity 5. To improve the effectiveness of this activity, I propose the following
improvements: Instead of working individually, students will be divided into pairs to
complete the exercise in Activity 5 together. From there, students can share their own
opinions, thereby expanding their perspectives and finding diverse solutions to
assignments. Moreover, The teacher will repeat each step to make sure all students
understand clearly. Encourage students to boldly ask the teacher for help when they do
not understand the lesson. At the end of the activity, the teacher can invite more than two
students to share their answers with the class to understand the students' ability to
understand the lesson.


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