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We are living in a modern world today where gadgets play a vital role for every student.

The students use gadgets to communicate, to learn, and also for entertainment, such as listening

to music, watching movies, and even playing games. The use of gadgets in education has

resulted in an important change in the learning environment. The gadgets have the potential to

improve achievement goals, improve creative abilities, and prepare students for success in life.

However, gadgets also lead to distraction and addiction, which may result in a hindrance to

studying. Gadgets can either positively or negatively impact students’ academic performance,

this topic is highly important and timely in today's culture. The research was done in the local

context at Saint Joseph High School. Carrying out this study is also the most effective approach

to inform learners or students about the different ways that devices affect their academic



This study is designed to provide information on how gadgets may impact the academic

performance of the students.


This study aims to determine how students’ use of gadgets affect their academic performance as

well as the consequences of their dependence of technology

1. What is the possible impact of gadgets towards the academic performance of the




The focus of this study is the academic performance of the students in terms of using gadgets.

This study will be conducted at Saint Joseph Highschool of Talakag, Inc. The grade 11 students

are selected as respondents in this study.


1. GADGETS - A useful but usually tiny mechanical or technological device.

2. IMPACT - The powerful influence that something has on someone or something

An unpleasant, negative, or positive effect.

3. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE - The degree to which a learner, instructor, or

establishment accomplished their present or long-term goals for learning.

Chapter II


Gadgets nowadays play a vital role in helping students with their academic tasks in

school. According to Shashikant Subhash Patil (2018) Effects of Different Electronic Gadgets

on Academic Performance of Students People's lives have been changed and enhanced by

technology, becoming more comfortable and productive. Today's technology and digital

advancements have impacted almost everyone. New developments in technology have greatly

improved communication, transportation, and education. Since new useful high-tech items are

created every day to make tasks easier and faster, many people experience less stress.

The device appears to be able to support enhanced school performance and student

learning as mobile phone technology develops. Many aspects of our daily lives, particularly

those of students, have been impacted by the sudden rise in cell phone use in recent years. Thus,

the current study looks into how mobile phone use contributes to both male and female students'

academic performance in the Nandurbar area.

Convenience sampling, or non-probability sampling, has been used by choosing

respondents from a number of university departments. The departments vary in terms of

teaching, infrastructure, student numbers, and other facilities.

Out of 200 samples surveyed, it was discovered that approximately 91% of respondents

use Android mobile phones to attend their online classes, 6.6% use laptops, 1.8% use tablets, and

the remaining 0.6% use desktop computers to attend their online classes. Respondents believe

that the reason for the dominance of mobile phone use is because they may use this device while
sitting in a comfortable body posture. As a result of the preceding debate, it is evident that there

has been a precipitous growth in the usage of electronic devices by students for reasons other

than online class.

In conclusion, the study discovered that while students might utilize their phones for

studying, they also misuse them. Educational institutions may take advantage of a mobile

phone's educational potential because university students have a desire to interact among each

other. The results of the research additionally demonstrate that cellphone makers have to take

into an account the ways in which youth use their mobile phones for learning. One outstanding

aspect of the study is the use of interactive, multi-user functionalities, which can be both

disruptive and helpful while studying.

The article's relevance to the researcher’s study is to determine the effects of various

electronic devices on students' academic performance.

According to Lusekelo Kibona (2015) A Review on the Impact of Smartphones on

Academic Performance of Students in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania Mobile

entertainment devices, such as smartphones, serve as portable. An individual can: see movies;

listen to songs; and audio and video blogging, aside from blogging.

The intention of this research aimed to examine how smartphones affected students'

academic success in higher educational facilities.

The methodology used in the current study was Internet Search. The research consulted

various sources from the Internet to provide proof and facts related to the problems raised. In

cases possible, the resource's websites were reviewed.

As a result, those with smartphones are very occupied and mindful of the message alerts

for either Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, and other social media, leaving them

sensitive to time management since they talk most of the time each other rather than focusing on

educational conversations subject

This investigation showed that there is a significant relationship between marital status,

age, and gender on the obsession with using cellphones in colleges and universities overall in

connection to the academic achievement

The article's relationship to the researcher's study is to determine whether those students'

use of smartphones has an impact on them positively influencing their academic achievement or


According to Arie Shaiful Ranchman (2019) An Analysis of the Use of Gadget

on Students' Learning Outcome Education also contributes to the rapid development of

gadgets. Once-used communication tools are becoming more and more multipurpose instruments

that are accessible to all groups.

This study seeks to investigate how students in primary schools use technology, as well

as its influence and learning targets

Purposive sampling was the method employed in this study's data collection to select

participants based on the researcher's perception that they share the necessary information for the

purpose of the research.

Based on the result of research on fifth-grade students, both from observation and

interviews with students and parents regarding the negative and positive impacts of using

gadgets. Positive effects included training creativity, eliminating boredom, learning activities,

improving reading skills. As for the negative impact, such as students became lazy, eye

irritation, hoax news, provocation, porn sites, promiscuity in cyberspace, irritability, and even

cry if they were not allowed to use gadgets.

According to this study, fifth-grade pupils at SDN 2 Pringtulis in Mayong District, Jepara

Regency, might learn more effectively with the use of technology. These findings suggested that

technology might encourage students to be more excited about their studies while improving


The connection of the article to the researchers’ study is to determine whether gadgets

can be a tool in the learning of the students.

According to Sulfeeza Md. Drus. (2017) Impact of ICT And Electronic Gadget

Among Young Children in Education: A Conceptual Model With its rapid development over

time, technology continues to have an important part in how we live every day. One can see how

technology impacts people of all ages and from all areas of society. Without any question,

technology impacts youth as well, particularly when it comes to the use of electronic devices and


Thus, the aim of this study is to look into the variables that can affect young children's

use of ICT and gadgets for educational purposes.

This work employs traditional literature review methods for the initial investigation, in

addition to three participant interviews. The goal of the literature search was to examine prior

research on the effects of ICT and electronic devices on young children.

As the result, children would find it easier to recall what they had learned, to respond to

exam questions, and in particularly when picking learning English as an outcome of the


To validate the suggested conceptual model, both quantitative and qualitative data must

be collected. The research gap identified during the initial examination supported the importance

of this study for both schools and teachers. Since this research is still in its early stages, more

review of the paper's findings with parents and educators is needed.

ICT and electronic devices can facilitate and increase students' learning processes and

offer better methods of instruction, according to the researcher's study.

According to Jamaluddin (2020) The Influence of Mobile Phone Addiction on

Academic Performance Among Teenagers addiction to mobile phones has become a barrier to

education for students since it can cause teenagers to become completely dependent on their


This study's primary goal is to investigate how mobile phone addiction may impact

academic achievement. This study looks into teenagers' use of mobile phones and how it affects

their ability to focus on schoolwork.

This study's methodology is called purposive sampling; it is a kind of non-probability

sampling where a researcher involves his own judgments when choosing sample respondents. It
can sometimes be referred to as a judgmental sample. Researchers selected people that fit these

requirements for the target sample because they use mobile usage of phones.

Findings from the study show a significant positive relationship between addiction to

mobile phone usage and academic performance. In this situation, the more students use their

mobile phones, the more it will affect their academic performance. In other words, addiction to

mobile phone will affect the student’s academic performance. A student’s attention on academics

may be diverted if they have high addiction on mobile phones.

Mobile phones have changed the way people communicate and

Connectivity among most individuals makes them essential in this

Current times. Despite all of its advantages, overuse of the device could result in

Negative consequences include the rise in social issues resulting from a lack of social skill

practice insufficient rules to reduce any risks from excessive use.

The article and the researcher's study are related in that they both aim to determine

whether or not students' academic performance will be impacted by their electronic gadgets.

According to Kaite J. Carstens (2021) Effects of Technology on Student Learning

Since its invention, technology has aided humanity in many ways. Among these are gadgets such

as computers, laptops, cellphones, iPads, and tablets. We can now complete our tasks more

easily thanks to these devices, especially at work and in school. Prior to their advancement,

gadgets were a great help to us.

The study's goal was to gain a deeper understanding of how technology affects our daily

lives and whether it benefits or hurts the students.

A mixed method approach was employed by the researchers to investigate the effects of

technology integration on students' learning. To gather data, a survey was created and distributed

using Qualtrics.

In general, data shows that the participants seem to view technology as a tool that

enhances learning and engages students. They pointed out that technology is used for a variety of


The findings of this study demonstrate that there are numerous advantages and

disadvantages of using technology in the classroom. Despite reviewing survey data, educators

did discuss more advantages than disadvantages of technology. While there were certain areas in

which educators thought they could benefit from further help, overall, they believed that using

technology increased student enthusiasm and engagement.

The relevance of this article to the researcher’s study is they are both examining whether

the gadgets can be useful towards the learning process of the students.

According to Soyemi Jumoke (2015) Analysis of Mobile Phone Impact on Student

Academic Performance in Tertiary Institution mobile phones have become practically a

necessity since their rapid rise in popularity in the late 1990s. Based on a 2010 worldwide study,

cell phones are the most essential kind of communication with teenagers.

This study aims to evaluate the effects of mobile phones in a learning environment, as

they improve the learning process for students in many ways. With their wireless internet

connection, mobile devices provide a variety of educational opportunities that quickly encourage

The basic random sampling approach is used in this paper. Simple random sampling

(SRS) is the process of taking a simple random sample of a given size such that every part of the

frame has an equal chance of being chosen.

There is significant relationship between the usage of the mobile for other activities like

chatting on Facebook, WhatsApp and BBM compare to academic purpose. Most of the

respondent believed that the students use their mobile phones on social network more than using

it to learn eBooks.

Results showed that they are negatively impacted by social media to a majority due to the

concentration on talking, listening to music, and other things while their school-related activities

are disregarded and imparted to endure suffering. According to this study, mobile phone usage is

out of control among students, who are the main reason for poor academic achievement among


The connection of this article to the researchers’ study was to assess how mobile phone

impacts the academic achievements of students’

According to Noratikah Othman (2020) The impact of electronic gadget uses with

academic performance among secondary school students When it comes to their

technological devices, many schoolchildren spend most of their time on them. Thus, due to their

excessive reliance on electronic devices, both the aspect of academic accomplishment and health

state are impacted.

This study’s main goal was to ascertain the relationship between the use of electronic

devices and students’ academic performance and health status among selected secondary school

students in Kuantan, Pahang.

Using convenient sampling, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on a

sample of 233 students from three specially chosen secondary schools: SMK Pelindung, SMK

Bukit Goh, and SMK Teluk Chempedak.

233 schoolchildren participated in the study, and 59.2% of them were Malay. 53.2% of

the population was male, and 46.8% was female. 51.9% of students spent fewer than 5.99 hours

using an electronic device, compared to 48.1% who spent more than 6 hours using one. Based on

the data, it was determined that while there was no significant correlation between the number of

years that a person started using an electronic device and the total amount of time spent on it,

there was one between race, gender, parent income, degree of dependency, academic

performance, and health status and the amount of time spent on electronic devices.

The majority of students who use electronic devices more frequently have high levels of

dependence on them, low academic performance, and good health. Therefore, in order to address

these issues and help students strike a balance between their academic performance and health

status, healthcare providers should design effective interventions like the introduction of

academic applications on electronic devices and health tracking. This will also increase wellness

and health among students.

The article is important to the researcher's research since it addresses the question of how

various electronic devices affect students' academic performance.

In the study conducted by Hina Asif Khan (2021) Impact of Personal Digital Devices

Usage on Academic Performance of University Students The contribution made by modern

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Several researchers have investigated how

children learn and their academic performance.

The purpose of this study is to ascertain how utilizing personal digital devices (PDDs)

affects university academic achievement of students.

The questionnaire-based quantitative design was applied to get insights from Master’s

program final semester students (16 years of education) enrolled in University of the Punjab's

Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences in Lahore chosen using proportional stratified


The present study reported the impact of using personal digital devices on university

students’ academic performance. The study revealed that majority of the students often used

smart phones (having touch screen, internet access & social media apps) for their study purpose.

The outcomes demonstrate that the respondents regularly use laptops, mobile phones, and smart

phones for the educational purposes. Employing Personal Digital Devices assisted students in

improving their learning process, including grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary.

This article and the researchers' study are related since they both look into how students' use of

personal digital devices affects their academic performance.

The research conducted by Amitha M Hegde (2018) Effect of Electronic Gadgets on

the Behavior, Academic Performance, and Overall, Health of School-Going Children It

addresses the growing concern over the impact of electronic gadgets on children and adolescents'

health and behavior, noting the lack of recognition of this influence.

The survey aimed to assess the excessive use of electronic gadgets and its effects on

students' behavior, academic performance, and health.

The researchers conducted a questionnaire survey among 240 students aged 12 to 16

years in a government high school in Mangalore, Karnataka.

Findings revealed that electronic gadget use had a significant impact on students'

academic performance, with 69% of students reporting gadget use before bedtime, leading to

complaints of headaches and difficulty concentrating during classes or while studying.

The study underscores the negative impact of electronic gadgets on students' well-being

and academic performance, aligning with the researchers' objectives to highlight the detrimental

effects of gadget use.

This article's connection to the researcher's study is that it highlights the importance it is to

address children's gadget use in school



This chapter introduces the research design, role of the researcher, research participants, data

collection and procedure, data source, data analysis, ethical consideration and trustworthiness of

the study were utilized.


The researcher will employ the qualitative research method. Survey questions will be sent to the

respondents at Saint Joseph Highschool of Talakag, Inc. Simple Random sampling method will

be used in this study. This method ensures the higher chance of getting selected as respondents


In order to gather the necessary data, it is the duty of the researcher to gather information from

the chosen respondents among the grade 11 students.


The Grade 11 students at Saint Joseph High School of Talakag, Inc. are involved in this study.

Research BOYS: GIRLS: Total:


Grade 11 san lorenzo 3 3 6

Grade 11 san pedro 3 3 6


To gather data for this study, a survey will be given to students at Saint Joseph High School of

Talakag, Inc.


This data comes from students in grade 11 who uses gadgets. We will create a question to the

respondents in order to collect the data we need.


Analyzing data on student gadget use can provide useful insights into their preferences, and

actions and its impact on academic performance.

different applications, types of content consumed, and its i


The respondents' personal information will remain private, the researchers will request their

consent and parental approval, and they will be free to answer the questions according to their

perspectives. The researchers will first explain the questions that will be given to the respondents

so that they can fully understand the content.


To establish the worthiness of the study, the researchers have been able to gather information

with credibility, conformability and completeness. they went through the process of closely

gathering, organizing, and carefully describing our analysis methods. Therefore, it will be easier

to determine whether our methods are reliable.

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