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1) Research Background
Consumer behaviour profoundly shapes skincare decisions, influencing the adoption or
exclusion of skincare products. The decision to include these products in daily routines is
influenced by a multitude of factors, from appearance to self-esteem and overall well-being.
This research aims to comprehend the motivations behind these choices. For those engaged in
skincare routines, this study delves into the role of information sources, peer
recommendations, and brand loyalty in guiding product selections. Additionally, it explores
the driving forces behind sustained product usage. In contrast, the research investigates the
reasons behind abstaining from skincare products, including uncertainties and external
influences on this decision.

2) Research Methodology

Research Design & Approach - This research employs a qualitative methodology to explore
consumer behaviour in the skincare industry through in-depth interviews as Qualitative
research is more suited for comprehending the complexities and motivations behind
consumer choices.

Data Collection & Sampling Process: A purposive sampling approach was adopted to select
participants who represent a diverse demographic range, including age, gender, and
geographical location. Interviewees were recruited through various channels, including social
media, community groups, and academic institutions. Following which- Semi-structured,
one-on-one interviews were conducted with participants. The interviewees were provided
with a set of open-ended questions to explore their experiences, perceptions, and behaviour
related to skincare.

3) Research Result

The analysis of in-depth interviews unveils recurring themes in consumer behavior within the
skincare industry, irrespective of individual backgrounds. The consumer's perception of
skincare as a crucial aspect of self-care and self-esteem is a prevailing trend. Consumers
actively rely on digital channels and peer recommendations as primary sources of
information. Ingredient-driven choices are notable, emphasizing preferences for specific
components such as hyaluronic acid, retinol, and antioxidants.
Budget considerations are a common thread, highlighting the consumer's pursuit of a balance
between affordability and product efficacy. Various motivations trigger skincare initiation,
including personal interest, societal influences, and expert advice. Peer influence, brand
reputation, and social proof significantly sway product selections. Skincare routines have
transformed into essential lifestyle practices, contributing to overall well-being. These
findings collectively underscore the dynamic and multifaceted nature of consumer behaviour
in the skincare sector, reflecting the evolving preferences of modern consumers.

4) Research Conclusion

Skincare routines have evolved into a reflection of personal values and diverse motivations.
Interviews with various individuals reveal the multifaceted nature of skincare choices, driven
by concerns about appearance, health, and self-confidence. In this digital age, information-
seeking plays a pivotal role, with consumers relying on social media and trusted sources for
product knowledge. They prioritize quality, ingredients, and effectiveness over brand names,
showing a discerning approach. Price considerations and peer recommendations also
influence decisions. Ultimately, consumers seek science-backed, tailored solutions that cater
to their unique skin needs, emphasizing the evolving landscape of the skincare industry.
Naman Agarwal
Interview 1
Name – Vidhi
Age – 19
Gender- Female
Demographic – Hyderabad, Telangana
Overview: In Vidhi's case, her decision to start a skincare routine was driven by both a
personal concern for her skin's well-being and the societal emphasis on physical appearance.
The desire to have clear, radiant skin, which is often associated with self-confidence and
making a positive first impression, played a crucial role in her motivation to adopt a skincare
regimen. This illustrates how societal norms and the desire for social acceptance can be
powerful drivers of consumer choices.

In Vidhi's case, the experts influence also played a significant role. Her consultation with a
dermatologist led to the development of a tailored skincare routine. The role of professionals
in guiding skincare choices showcases how consumers rely on experts for advice and
solutions to their specific needs, especially in an industry where there are countless products
and ingredients to choose from.

Moreover, the importance of information-seeking in Vidhi's journey cannot be overstated.

She actively sought information about skincare products and ingredients, demonstrating the
meticulous research that many consumers conduct in today's information-rich age. Vidhi's
preference for ingredients like niacinamide and salicylic acid highlights how consumers
prioritize products based on their perceived benefits and effectiveness.

Her flexibility regarding product brands and her emphasis on suitability to her skin type over
brand loyalty underscore a key aspect of modern consumer behaviour. Consumers like Vidhi
are more inclined to choose products based on their attributes, such as ingredients and
compatibility with their skin type, rather than being brand driven. This indicates that
consumers today are more discerning and quality-focused, willing to explore various brands
that cater to their specific skincare needs.

Overall, Vidhi's skincare routine exemplifies how consumer behaviour in the skincare
industry is influenced by a combination of personal needs, societal expectations, expert
guidance, meticulous information-seeking, and a preference for products that align with
individual skin characteristics. The skincare industry is witnessing a shift towards well-
informed and selective consumers who prioritize effective, science-backed solutions over
brand names or marketing hype.

Interview 2

Name – Muskan
Gender - Female
Age – 20
Demographic - Hyderabad, Telangana

Muskaan's experience highlights that personal motivation and curiosity play a significant role
in initiating a skincare routine. She delved into skincare not out of necessity but rather driven
by her own interest and the desire to experiment with different products. This reflects how
consumers often embark on skincare journeys out of self-motivation or the aspiration to
improve their appearance and self-confidence. The influence of peers and societal standards
is also noticeable in Muskaan's experience. Her friends introduced her to the world of
skincare, creating a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) and the desire to conform to the
group's practices. This underscores how social pressure and the desire to fit in can influence
consumer choices, especially among younger individuals.

Muskaan's preference for medical products recommended by a dermatologist emphasizes the

role of expert advice in shaping consumer behaviour. While she initially started with self-
researched routines, the guidance of a healthcare professional prompted her to shift towards
more effective, medicated products. This highlights the importance of professional
recommendations and the impact they can have on skincare choices.

The ongoing research process is a vital aspect of Muskaan's consumer behaviour. She
extensively Googles products, ingredients, and their effects, demonstrating that informed
decision-making is key for consumers in the skincare industry. The availability of online
information allows consumers to educate themselves about products and make informed
choices. Additionally, Muskaan's ranking of skincare products showcases that consumers
often have preferences based on their experiences. She gravitates towards brands and
products that have shown the most benefit to her skin, highlighting that positive outcomes
heavily influence consumer loyalty and purchasing decisions.

Lastly, Muskaan's admission that skincare has become a routine in her life, and she feels out
of place when not practicing it, reflects the transformation of skincare from being a mere task
to becoming a lifestyle. This underlines how consistent skincare routines can become
ingrained in daily habits and contribute to an individual's overall well-being and self-esteem.

In conclusion, consumer behaviour in skincare is shaped by a complex interplay of personal

interest, social influences, professional advice, ongoing research, product experiences, and
the integration of skincare routines into daily life. Understanding these factors is crucial for
skincare brands and professionals looking to cater to the diverse and evolving needs of
consumers in the skincare industry.

Dia Suvarna

Interview 1

Name: Kashika Abhavya

Age: 19
Demographics: Lucknow
Gender: Female
Overview: Kashika, 19-year-old college student strives to put in conscious effort towards
nurturing her skin's well-being and health, a reflection of the growing trend among
consumers who view skincare as an essential aspect of self-care and self-esteem. Kashika's
information-gathering process is a testament to the digital age. She sources knowledge from a
variety of platforms, including social media, influential figures, in-depth blogs, and trusted
websites. This highlights the pivotal role of these digital channels and the power of peer
recommendations in shaping the choices of the younger demographic, like college students.

She places immense importance on the specific ingredients in the products she uses. Her
preferences range from hyaluronic acid for hydration to retinol for anti-aging benefits, and
antioxidants for skin protection. Reflecting a profound awareness of the science and
functionality behind skincare, emphasising that consumers like Kashika are no longer
satisfied with surface-level product choices but are seeking effective, science-backed
solutions tailored to their unique skin needs.
Balancing her budget is also a consideration for Kashika. She's willing to invest in quality
products but acknowledges that excessively low-priced options may compromise the desired
results. In this aspect, she exemplifies the prudent consumer, recognizing the importance of
finding the sweet spot between affordability and product efficacy. Kashika's inclination
towards well-reviewed and popular brands underscores the weight of brand reputation and
consumer feedback in her decision-making process. The power of social proof and a brand's
overall image is undeniable in her choices, a feature shared with many consumers in today's
information-rich landscape.

For her, peer influence is a significant factor. Recommendations from friends and individuals
with similar skin types hold sway over her selections, displaying the role of social networks
in guiding consumer decisions. The endorsement of products by those with similar skin
concerns resonates deeply with her choices. Lastly, her adaptability to changing environments
and weather conditions in her skincare routine highlights the flexibility and pragmatism of
the modern consumer. She recognizes that skincare needs may shift depending on external
factors, underscoring the importance of an adaptable skincare regimen that caters to changing

In essence, Kashika's skincare journey embodies the transformation in consumer behaviour

within the skincare industry. It mirrors the trend of consumers becoming well-informed and
selective, driven by knowledge, ingredient-focused, budget-conscious, influenced by brand
reputation and peer recommendations, and adaptable to environmental factors.

Interview 2

Name: Debangshi Saha

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Demographics: Kolkata, Bengal
Overview: Debangshi, a 20-year-old female college student, provides valuable insights into
her skincare routine and how it relates to consumer behaviour trends. Debangshi's self-
confidence is moderately affected by her appearance, with approximately 75% of her
confidence influenced by her looks. This reflects the powerful connection between
appearance and self-esteem, a common trend among consumers who view skincare to boost
self-confidence. Her skincare routine, although considered basic, exemplifies the beginning
stages of a skincare journey. The morning routine includes face wash, moisturizer, and
sunscreen, while the nighttime routine involves cleansing, moisturizing, and sometimes the
inclusion of toner and serum. Debangshi is a beginner but open to exploring new products,
showcasing the adaptability of modern consumers to evolving skincare trends.

The initiation of her skincare journey was influenced by her mother's routine, demonstrating
the role of family recommendations. However, Debangshi also incorporates elements of peer
influence, taking interest in her friends' products and routines. This highlights the interplay
between family and peer recommendations in consumer choices. When it comes to product
selection, Debangshi places a strong emphasis on in-depth research. She actively searches for
products, checks ingredients to ensure compatibility with her sensitive skin, and reads
reviews to make informed decisions. This meticulous approach reflects the trend of informed,
selective consumers who prioritize product knowledge and efficacy.

Budget considerations play a significant role in Debangshi's decision-making process,

reflecting the financial constraints often faced by college students. She sets a budget of 5000
for skincare products, and this budget flexibility allows her to explore both Indian and foreign
brands, prioritizing what suits her skin best. Her preference for in-store testing indicates her
tactile approach to product selection. However, her purchasing decision can be influenced by
cost, as she might opt for online purchases to save money.

Debangshi's evaluation of products is not solely based on peer recommendations. She trusts
her family's suggestions, particularly her mother's, but she meticulously assesses products
based on her unique skin type and needs. This personalized approach underscores the
individualized nature of skincare choices. The impact of compliments and positive feedback
on her self-esteem highlights the role of social acceptance and external validation in
consumer behaviour. It motivates her to invest more in her skincare routine, aligning with the
broader trend of consumers seeking not only skin health but also a boost in self-confidence.
Debangshi, like other consumers, occasionally recommends products to friends, especially
when they face specific skincare concerns. This reflects the role of word-of-mouth
recommendations in shaping consumer choices.

Overall, Debangshi's skincare journey showcases several key consumer behavior aspects in
the skincare industry, including the influence of family and peer recommendations, informed
decision-making, budget considerations, personalization, and the link between skincare and
self-esteem. Her experience exemplifies the evolving consumer trends in skincare, where
individuals strive to make well-informed choices to achieve both skin health and self-

Jinay Jain

Interview 1

Name- Prakriti Mohanty

Age- 19
Gender – Female
Demographics – Bangalore
Overview: Prakriti Mohanty, a 19-year-old female, shares her insightful take on skincare. She
firmly believes that skincare is not just about looking good; it's about taking care of your
health. For Prakriti, skincare is like armour, protecting her skin from things like pollution and
the sun's harmful rays. Her daily skincare routine reflects her commitment to keeping her skin
healthy. In the morning, Prakriti follows a simple three-step routine: cleaning, moisturizing,
and using sunscreen. In the evening, she keeps it basic with cleaning and moisturizing,
adjusting her routine to her skin's needs throughout the day.

Prakriti is selective when choosing skincare products. She's had allergic reactions in the past,
so she does a lot of research and testing to find what's best for her. She's loyal to specific
brands. Olay is her choice for moisturizers, tailored to her skin type and climate. Minimalist
is her go-to for sunscreen because it doesn't leave a white residue on her skin. While she
knows that some skincare products can be costly, Prakriti believes the benefits they offer
make the cost worth it. She acknowledges that not everyone values skincare as much as she
does, so the expenses might seem high to them. Her view reflects the changing landscape of
skincare, where health is becoming a top priority.

What makes Prakriti stand out is that she's proactive in her skincare. She does her research
and experiments instead of relying on recommendations. Her past allergic reactions have
made her even more committed to making informed choices based on her skin's unique
needs. Prakriti believes skincare can fit any budget. She thinks anyone, regardless of their
income, can have a skincare routine with products they can afford. She also points out that
modern, off-the-shelf skincare products are more convenient for today's busy world compared
to traditional methods.
When Prakriti looks to the future of skincare, she sees a growing demand due to
environmental changes and increasing pollution. She thinks that as these challenges worsen,
people will need to prioritize skincare for their health.

In summary, Prakriti's insights provide a valuable perspective on how consumers today view
skincare. Her focus on the health aspects of skincare and the importance of personalized
product choices showcases the changing world of skincare. Her dedication to research and
adaptability highlights the evolving nature of consumer choices in skincare.

Interview 2

Name – Naman Chajjer

Age- 20
Gender- Male

Overview: In the interview with Naman, a 20-year-old male, he provided valuable insights
into his skincare routine, beliefs, and brand preferences. Naman's perspective underscores the
significance of skincare in contemporary society, where looks are not only a fashion
statement but also a reflection of health and well-being. He firmly believes that maintaining
healthy skin is an essential part of achieving confidence and self-assuredness in fashion
Naman's skincare regimen consists of a straightforward yet effective routine, including face
wash, moisturization, and sunscreen. He has adopted this regimen as a proactive measure
against the detrimental impact of sun exposure, pollution, and tanning. His decision to engage
in basic skincare procedures is driven by a desire for prevention and protection against
environmental stressors.

What distinguishes Naman's approach is his flexibility in product selection. He does not
pledge allegiance to any single brand; instead, he is an enthusiastic experimenter, continually
seeking products that align with his specific skincare needs. His strategy involves scrutinizing
ingredient lists and referencing the recommendations of medical professionals and
influencers on social media platforms. Naman takes a vigilant stance against harsh chemicals
like parabens and actively seeks products enriched with ingredients like hyaluronic acid.

Among the brands he currently uses are Pond's, Minimalist, and Nivea, which, in his view,
consistently deliver results and cater to his skincare requirements. Notably, Naman doesn't
succumb to the allure of marketing promises but rather values products that have
demonstrated their efficacy through personal experience. This showcases his pragmatic
approach to skincare choices, as he prioritizes tangible outcomes over superficial marketing

Although Naman concedes that some skincare products can be expensive, he is willing to pay
a premium if the product genuinely addresses his specific skin concerns. He emphasizes the
connection between a healthy diet and lifestyle and their impact on the skin. Naman
recognizes that poor dietary choices and adverse environmental factors can adversely affect
one's skin, reinforcing the need for an active and preventive skincare routine.

In conclusion, Naman's skincare philosophy is rooted in health-consciousness and centres on

prevention and protection. His commitment to experimentation and his discerning approach
to ingredient research reflect a consumer who prioritizes the genuine effectiveness of skincare
products over promotional hype. Naman's insights offer a valuable perspective on the
evolving consumer attitudes in the skincare industry, which is increasingly driven by
informed and outcome-focused choices.

Ankur Gupta

Interview 1

Name – Niharika Gupta

Demography – Manglore (Karnataka)
Age – 23
Gender – Female
Overview: In the conversation with Niharika Gupta, she discusses her skincare routine and
the factors that influence her choices when it comes to skincare products. Her behaviour
provides insights into consumer behaviour related to skincare routines. Niharika emphasizes
that she values taking care of herself more than just looks, reflecting the consumer behaviour
trend of prioritizing self-care and self-esteem through skincare.

She mentions that she gathers information about skincare products from various sources,
including social media, influencers, written blogs, and trusted websites. This highlights the
role of digital platforms and peer recommendations in shaping consumer decisions.
Niharika’s focus on ingredients, such as salicylic acid and vitamin C, underlines the
importance consumers place on the specific components of skincare products and their
benefits. This shows that informed consumers consider the science and functionality behind
the products they choose.
She discusses her budget considerations, indicating that consumers often evaluate the price of
skincare products against their personal budgets. Niharika suggests that while she is willing
to pay more for quality, extremely low-priced products might not be effective and could
potentially harm the skin. This reflects the balance consumers seek between affordability and
product quality. When comparing two brands, she leans towards the more popular and well-
reviewed option, highlighting the influence of brand reputation and product reviews on
consumer choices.

Niharika also emphasizes the importance of peer recommendations, especially from

individuals with similar skin types. This illustrates the role of social influence and personal
networks in consumer decision-making. Finally, her adjustment to her skincare routine based
on changes in location due to different weather conditions emphasizes the impact of
environmental factors on skincare choices.

Overall, Niharika’s skincare routine and preferences reflect common aspects of consumer
behaviour in the skincare industry, including the influence of information sources, ingredient
preferences, price considerations, brand reputation, and social recommendations.

Interview – 2
Name – Ishika Marodia
Demography – Bengaluru, Karnataka
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Overview: In the conversation with Ishika Marodia, her skincare routine and preferences
provide insights into consumer behaviour related to skincare products. Ishika emphasizes the
importance of a skincare routine, highlighting that it is essential for both hygiene and
healthcare. This reflects the consumer behaviour trend of considering skincare as a
fundamental aspect of personal care and well-being. Her skincare routine is tailored to
address specific skin concerns, such as acne-prone skin. This illustrates that consumer
behaviour often aligns with individual skin needs and concerns.

Ishika mentions the importance of salicylic acid in her skincare routine, emphasizing the role
of specific ingredients in product selection, which is a common factor in consumer choices.
She expresses a willingness to explore different skincare brands, but her choice ultimately
depends on the effectiveness of the products. This illustrates how consumers seek products
that provide desired results and may switch if the product does not meet their expectations.
Price considerations are also a significant factor in her decision-making process. Ishika
mentions that the price should be justified by the results obtained, reflecting the balance
consumers often seek between product quality and cost. Ishika relies on recommendations
from friends and family, highlighting the role of peer influence in skincare product choices.

Her focus on checking product ingredients and reviews showcases the importance of
informed decision-making and consumer research. Reviews play a significant role in her
choices, demonstrating the impact of social proof and testimonials on consumer behaviour.
Ishika indicates a willingness to try new products based on recommendations, and she gives
importance to the majority opinion in reviews when assessing new products. This reflects the
influence of peer and public opinion on consumer choices.

In the context of location changes, Ishika suggests that her skincare routine remains
consistent regardless of her location, showing that environmental factors do not significantly
impact her product choices. Overall, Ishika’s skincare routine and preferences align with
common consumer behaviour patterns in the skincare industry, including personalized
routines, ingredient consideration, cost-effectiveness, peer recommendations, and the
influence of reviews and public opinion.

Ayush Agarwal
Interview 1

Name: Riya
Age :20
Gender: Female
Demographic: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Overview: In the conversation, Riya's skincare routine reflects several consumer behaviour
concepts. Firstly, her decision to start a skincare routine at the age of 21 was influenced by
perceived changes in her skin condition, such as tanning and oiliness. This demonstrates how
personal factors and problem recognition play a crucial role in consumer choices. Secondly,
her choice of skincare products is driven by an understanding of her skin type, influenced by
both online research and professional recommendations from a skin doctor. This highlights
the importance of information search and expert advice in the consumer decision-making
process. Riya also emphasizes the need for consistency in product usage to see effective
results, which aligns with the idea that product trial and evaluation are key stages in the
consumer adoption process. Furthermore, her willingness to pay for these products reflects
her satisfaction with the perceived value, indicating that consumers are often willing to invest
in products they believe will maintain or enhance their appearance. Overall, Riya's skincare
routine exemplifies the complex interplay of personal factors, information-seeking, and
product evaluation in consumer behaviour when it comes to personal grooming and skincare.

Interview 2

Name – Isha
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Demographic – Bihar
Overview: In the conversation, several key consumer behaviour concepts can be observed.
First, Isha mentions that she started following a skincare routine due to skin issues,
highlighting the influence of a problem recognition or need recognition in consumer
behaviour. Her decision to use different brands of skincare products indicates that consumers
often have a repertoire of brands they trust, and they may experiment with new products
based on reviews and recommendations from peers, demonstrating the role of brand loyalty
and word-of-mouth influence. Additionally, Isha's consideration of the price-value
relationship for products, where she finds luxury brands like MAC justifiable for certain
items but considers others, like lip balm, overpriced, reflects the importance of perceived
value in consumer decision-making. Lastly, her reliance on reviews, recommendations, and
online research underlines the impact of information search and social influence in shaping
consumer choices.

V Mukesh

Interview 1

Name: Aryan
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Demographic: Amritsar, Punjab
Aryan takes his skincare routine very seriously, primarily due to the unique needs of his
acidic and oily skin. His dermatologist has recommended a specialized regimen that includes
medication, reflecting the importance of tailored care. Aryan understands neglecting his
routine could lead to unwanted breakouts. When selecting skincare products, he places a
strong emphasis on his skin's acidity and oiliness, favouring alkaline products to maintain
balance. Aryan seeks recommendations from trusted sources, such as his mother and his
dermatologist, as he values their expertise. He tends to rely on familiar skincare brands, like
Nivea, based on past positive experiences, avoiding unknown brands due to previous
disappointments. Online reviews and peer recommendations take a backseat to these trusted

The driving force behind Aryan's skincare choices is the performance of the product and its
ability to positively impact his skin. He shares a personal experience of significant
improvement after using isotretinoin medication, underscoring the effectiveness of
professional guidance. Specific product ingredients, like sulphate-free formulations, are
essential to Aryan. He is diligent about consulting his dermatologist's advice and assessing
whether a product is suitable for his skin before trying it, based on recommendations. If a
product causes excessive dryness, he discontinues its use.

Aryan believes that companies should provide accurate information about their products,
especially concerning potential side effects like skin dryness. He emphasizes the importance
of striking a balance between personal preferences and professional guidance, urging others
to tailor their skincare routines to their unique skin type and consult with a dermatologist for
personalized recommendations. In Aryan's world, skincare is a science, and the formula for
success lies in a careful blend of expertise, trust, and individualized care.

In this analysis, it's evident that Aryan's skincare choices are heavily influenced by his
specific skin type, past experiences, and the advice of trusted experts. This demonstrates the
significance of individualized skincare routines and the role of professionals in guiding
consumer choices. Additionally, it highlights the importance of accurate product information
and the impact of personal experiences in shaping consumer preferences.

Interview 2

Name: Shivangi
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Demographic: Noida, Uttar Pradesh

She emphasizes that her skincare routine is primarily about feeling good for herself, rather
than being judged by others. This indicates that her skincare choices are driven by personal
satisfaction and self-care. She understands the importance of considering one's skin type
when choosing skincare products, highlighting the need for tailored routines based on skin
characteristics (e.g., oily, combination skin). She mentions that she gathers information from
various sources, including online apps like Nykaa to educate herself about skincare. She
also values trying out samples to determine a product's suitability.

While Shivangi has tried different products in the past, she now prefers to stick with the
products she has been using for six months. She doesn't mind trying new products from
brands she trusts. Recommendations from friends, family, and online reviews hold about 40%
weight in her decision-making process. She prioritizes personal experience and sample
testing to assess the suitability of products for her skin.

She is motivated to continue using specific skincare products if they show noticeable results
and improvements in her skin. If a product doesn't deliver results, she is willing to switch.
She highlights her positive experience with sheet masks, which significantly improved the
quality of her skin. This demonstrates that she values effective products that deliver
results.She prefers natural ingredients over chemical ones, favouring products with
ingredients she can consume. This reflects her belief in the connection between internal and
external health.

She switched from using The Face Shop and Body Shop products to Forest Essential due to
the latter's more permanent and effective results. This highlights her willingness to explore
new brands for better outcomes. She stopped using a product containing Retinol Acid because
it caused side effects and was difficult to integrate into her skincare routine.

She consults with dermatologists and beauty experts but relies on her own knowledge of
ingredients and their effects. She seeks to find common ground between her preferences and
professional recommendations. She acknowledges that skincare routines should be
personalized based on an individual's skin type, and what works for her may not work for
someone with a different skin type.
Overall, Shivangi's consumer behaviour in the skincare product market is characterized by a
balance between personal preferences, trial and error, and seeking professional advice. She
places importance on effective products, natural ingredients, and her own experience in
determining which skincare products to include in her routine.

Manan Monga

Interview 1




Aditya's interview offers a glimpse into the mindset of a young adult who abstains from any
skincare routine, including even a basic one. While he acknowledges the significance of
personal appearance, Aditya does not regard skincare as the primary determinant of looks and
highlights other grooming practices, such as hair care, as more pertinent to his self-image.

Several factors underpin Aditya's decision to forgo skincare. He expresses scepticism about
the intricacies of skincare routines, driven by confusion regarding trending products, the
difficulty of choosing the right items, and the ever-shifting landscape of skincare trends.
Moreover, Aditya emphasizes the influence of cultural norms and societal expectations
among men in his environment, which further shape his views on skincare.

His curiosity about skincare products is offset by hesitations arising from the cost and the
overwhelming volume of available information, considering skincare a luxury out of reach
for a student. Aditya's cultural background and the example set by his family and social
circle, where skincare routines are not the norm, significantly influence his perspectives. He
also recognizes the sway of peer pressure and social media marketing in promoting skincare

Despite his current stance, Aditya keeps an open mind about skincare in the future. However,
he emphasizes the importance of thorough research and critical thinking over blindly
following trends or social media influencers when making an informed decision about
incorporating skincare into his routine. In sum, Aditya's interview reflects the complex
interplay of cultural, social, and economic factors that influence skincare consumer
behaviour, illustrating the evolving dynamics of this industry.

Interview 2


Arjun's interview underscores the importance of personal appearance in his life, a sentiment
widely shared among individuals for its impact on self-esteem and self-confidence. His
commitment to skincare is evident through his detailed morning and night routines, which
include a range of products like cleansers, facial scrubs, masks, and serums. Arjun's past
struggle with acne serves as a motivating factor behind his skincare regimen, demonstrating a
personal connection to his choice of products and ingredients.

His emphasis on specific ingredients like vitamin C, retinoids, SPF, and hyaluronic acid
reveals a good level of skincare knowledge. Arjun's brand loyalty is notable, mainly
stemming from positive past experiences. This loyalty is a common trait in the skincare
industry, where trust in familiar products is vital.
While he prefers established brands, Arjun remains open to trying new products if they
demonstrate proven benefits, showcasing a balanced approach between loyalty and
exploration. He also considers the price of men's skincare products, noting that they are
generally more affordable than women's products, emphasizing the value of ingredients over
brand names. Furthermore, Arjun values peer recommendations but ultimately takes charge of
his product choices.

In conclusion, Arjun's interview provides valuable insights into his meticulous and informed
approach to skincare, driven by personal experiences and a keen understanding of skincare
ingredients. His balance between brand loyalty and willingness to explore new options can
inform marketing strategies for products catering to individuals with similar concerns and
Skincare routines are no longer a mere daily regimen; they have become an intricate
reflection of personal values, social influences, and individualized preferences. The
interviews with Vidhi, Muskaan, Kashika, Debangshi, Prakriti Mohanty, Naman, Niharika
Gupta, Ishika Marodia, Aryan, Riya, Shivangi, Aditya, and Arjun have provided valuable
insights into the diverse landscape of consumer behaviour in the skincare industry. These
interviews illuminate the intricate web of motivations, information-seeking habits, product
choices, and brand loyalties that underpin individual skincare routines.

The overarching theme that emerges from these interviews is that skincare routines are deeply
personal and multifaceted. Everyone’s motivation to adopt and adhere to a skincare regimen
varies, spanning from concerns about appearance, self-confidence, and societal expectations
to proactive health-consciousness and self-care. This diversity underscores the evolving
nature of the skincare industry, where consumers perceive skincare as a holistic pursuit,
encompassing both appearance enhancement and health preservation.

The pivotal role of information-seeking in the digital age becomes evident as interviewees
actively scour various sources, from social media and influential figures to in-depth blogs and
trusted websites, for knowledge about skincare products and ingredients. This emphasis on
education highlights the pivotal role of these digital channels in shaping the choices of
younger demographics, such as college students like Kashika and Debangshi, who prioritize
science-backed solutions tailored to their unique skin needs.

Individual preferences regarding skincare products reveal a discerning and quality-focused

consumer base. Loyalty to specific brands, often based on positive past experiences, coexists
with a willingness to experiment with new products if they demonstrate clear benefits.
Consumers increasingly prioritize product attributes, such as ingredients, compatibility with
skin type, and effectiveness, over brand names or marketing hype. These insights suggest that
consumers are willing to explore various brands that cater to their specific skincare needs.

Price considerations play a significant role in the decision-making process, underscoring the
need to strike a balance between affordability and product efficacy. Additionally, the power of
peer recommendations and social influence cannot be underestimated. Recommendations
from friends, family, and individuals with similar skin types hold sway over skincare
selections, highlighting the role of personal networks in guiding consumer decisions.
A notable thread running through these interviews is the shift towards well-informed and
selective consumers who prioritize effective, science-backed solutions. This discerning
approach is exemplified by consumers like Kashika, who emphasizes the importance of
ingredient-focused choices, and Shivangi, who values natural ingredients. The impact of
social proof and brand reputation is evident as consumers increasingly rely on product
experiences and public opinion to guide their choices.

The interviews also reveal the significance of tailored skincare routines based on individual
skin types, needs, and concerns. Consulting with dermatologists and other experts is
considered essential, emphasizing the personalized nature of skincare choices.

Ultimately, the conclusions drawn from these interviews underscore that skincare routines are
not monolithic but multifaceted and deeply influenced by personal, social, and economic
factors. The skincare industry is evolving, with consumers striving to make informed choices,
striking a balance between affordability and quality, and seeking products that cater to their
unique skin characteristics and requirements. Understanding and catering to these dynamic
consumer behaviours are crucial for skincare brands and professionals looking to meet the
evolving needs of consumers in this dynamic and influential industry.

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