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India’s Financial Sector has definitely seen a lot of changes through the years, From Pre
Independence Period to the present time and the future. India's banking sector is a current
illustration of the nation's adaptability and toughness.

Objectives of our project are

• To investigate the financial industry's historical development.

• To evaluate the financial sector's status right now while emphasizing important developments.

• To forecast likely future financial sector events.

• Using graphical representations to analyze patterns and data

THESIS statement-Tools such as regression, correlation, and multiple other bar/line graphs have been
utilized to determine the status of the financial sector of the country.


 Investigating Historical Development: The first goal is to look into the historical development
of the financial industry. This is important because it gives us a context for understanding
how the industry has changed over time
 Evaluating Current Status: The second goal, which entails assessing the financial sector's
current situation, provides a quick overview of the state and dynamics of the sector
 Future Event Prediction: The third objective, predicting probable future events in the
financial sector, is crucial for strategic planning and decision-making
 Using Graphical Representations: One effective strategy for making complex financial analysis
more understandable is to use graphical representations to analyse patterns and data.
 Therefore In conclusion, these goals complement one another to give a thorough
understanding of the financial sector's past, present, and future.

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