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2011 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference October

18-21, 2011, Jeju, Korea.

Field Enhancement by Spherical Dimers in the

Quasistatic Regime
Sami Smaili and Yehia Massoud

Abstract-The properties of plasmonic

nanoparticles in the vicinity of other plasmonic
nanoparticles differ from those of individual
nanoparticles due to the interaction between
the nanoparticles. In this paper, we study the
field enhancement by dimers , a result of the
plasmon oscillation resonance. Additionally, the Fig. 1. Shematic of a dimer consisting of two spherical particles.

resonance prop erties of dimers depend on the The figure describes the coordinate notations.

separation between the nanoparticles

constituting the dimer. In our study, we use the
quasistatic approximation together with
spherical metal particles, we use the quasistatic approxi mation
translation relations for spherical harmonics in to arrive at an analytical formulation for the dimer properties.
order to efficiently capture the properties of The analytical formulation allows for efficient

plasmonic dimers. modeling of plasmonic nanoparticle dimers [5]-[9], [9]

[46]. Efficient modeing is in turn important because it allows
the development of highly efficient design method ologies for
nanoscale systems based on nanoparticle dimers, an important
I. INTR ODUCTI ON requirement for the development
Plasmon oscillations at the interface between a metal and a of high performance complex systems [47]-[73]. Equally
dielectric has been utilized in a wide range of applications such important, efficient modeling allows the assessment of the
as subwavelength waveguiding, chemi cal sensing, cancer effect of process variations on the performance of nanoparticle
treatment, and optical communication dimer based systems, which become more profound as the
devices [1]-[3]. Metallic nanoparticles in particular are system scales down in size, leading to the development of
used in many of such applications due to many unique properties methods for metigating these effects
they posses such as the easiness of exciting surface plasmons [74]-[81]. The quasistatic approximation is valid because
on these nanoparticles and the large the resonance wavelength of small nanoparticles is typi cally
field enhancements around them [2]. The properties of much larger than their sizes [82], [83]. We solve for the
nanoparticles vary with their shape, size, and constituents, but potential function in spherical coordinates, which can
more importantly, the interaction with other nanopar ticles in the be used to derive all the dimer properties in the quasistatic
vicinity. In nanoparticle dimers, which consist of two metallic regime. However, following an approach similar to that followed
nanoparticles near each other, the prop erties of the interacting for single particles for solving the scattering problem leads to
nanoparticles differ from those of individual nanoparticles complicated results. Instead, we use a coordinate systems
and as a result a compos transformation when considering the boundary conditions at
ite nanoparticle arises [4]. In addition, the properties each of the two particles constituting the dimer using the
of dimers give an insight to the interaction between translation theorems of
nanoparticles in general, where in most applications, many spherical harmonic functions [84].
nanoparticles are found in the vicinity of each other. Thus,
studying the properties of dimers is a first step for studying the
properties of nanoparticle aggregates. In our study of the field
enhancement by dimers consisting of

The authors are with the Electrical and Computer Engineering

department at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA.
978-1-4577-2141-0/11/$26.00 @2011 IEEE 583
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5:0.02 5:0.04

w -
5:0.07 5:2
Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 2. Scattered electric field for a dimer consisting of 20nm

nanoparticles versus wavelength for different particle separations.
Fig. 3. Scattered field profile for a dimer with an aspect ratio of (a)
1 and (b) 4 for various seprations.


A dimer separates space into three regions: the region and on the surface of sphere 2 (where the second set of boundary
inside each sphere and the region outside the dimer, conditions is applied) in terms of only (r2,e2,ip2)
in which we denote the potential function by <PI, <P2,
and <PaUl, respectively. Moreover, we denote the centers of <POU =

the two spheres by C1 and C2 such that the vector C1C2 is in (-Eo - A�Ul 02(V) -
the direction of the incident field and the coordinates in the I
orthogonal systems centered at CI and
C2 by (rl,e1,ipd and (r2,e2,ip2), respectively. The potential where v is the separation between the centers of
functions in all the regions are given by the two particles while 02(V) 03(V) are the second and
third order outer functions, respectively [84]. The 8

I 01ll'1 2A01ll' 1 IA°lt' 122A°'lt12I B' m22
(BI ml' B2ml' A c
be obtained by using the boundary conditions at the surfaces of
each sphere [85]. (4) is used with the boundary conditions at the
and surface of sphere 1 while (5) is used with the boundary
conditions at the surface of sphere 2.
1l 1 2
The boundary conditions result from the continuity of the
tangential electric and normal displacement fields at the
<POUI = -EorlcOSel +A� I ri (rl al r2 a 2)
coSei surfaces of the two nanoparticles =
and =
l yield the following relations in terms of the potential function
+ A�ut ri\3cosei + 1)

where in (3) Eo is the incident field and we used the fact that at O<PI
infinity the potential outside the dimer is the same as the I rt=al
incident potential [85]. The expression in (3) is in
O<Pl (6)
terms of both coordinates, the one around CI and around Em I rl=al
C 2. Using the translation theorems of spherical harmonic o
o I r2=a2
functions up to the second order [84], we can express <POltl Em I r2=a2 Eolll r2=a2 (7)
on the surface of sphere 1 (where the boundary conditions
are applied) in terms of only (rl,e1,ipl) , where Em is the dielectric function of the metal consti

<PaUl tuting nanoparticles, which is a function of wavelength.

(-Eo -A�UI202(V) +A�uI203(v))rlcosel Each boundary condition, by the fact that the first and second
order Legendre polynomials cose and (3cose2 -1)

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along with their derivatives with respect to rand e are
orthogonal, results in 4 equations, totaling to 8 equations. Solving S
this system yields the potential function in all -0.04
regions and the electric field can be obtained as E = - V<P .

The near field properties of the dimer depend mainly on

the radius of the two particles constituting the dimer and the
separation between the two particles. The main ramification of
20 40 60 80 100 120
the plasmonic resonance of dimers is the amplification of the
electric field around the dimer or the field enhancement, which
is the ratio of the magnitudes of the scattered electrical field to Fig. 4. Square of the scattered electric field at resonance wavelength
the incident electric field. In all our simulations, the incident for the dimer in figure 2 at the curve consisting of the upper
field is taken to have a hemisphere of nanoparticle I (positions I to 40), the dimer axis
magnitude of 1V1m so that the scattered field represents (positions 40 to 80), and the upper hemisphere of nanoparticle 2
the field enhancement (ratio of scattered field to incident field).
(positions 80 to 120).
We denote by S the ratio of the particle separation
(surface to surface) to the sum of the two radii of the two
particles (5 (v - al - a2)/(al
= + a2)). Figure 2 shows the
coordinates (rl ai,el n) and (r2 a2,e2 0). In
a],e] 0) for a dimer
= = = =

scattered field at the point (r] = =

fact, the resonance field enhancement assumes two local

consisting of 20nm particles for various particle separa tions.
maxima on the surface of each nanoparticle at the
The figure shows that the resonance wavelength, at which the
points (r] = a],e] = 0) and (r] = a],e] = n) on the
electric field peaks, blue shifts as the separation between the
two particles increases. This is depicted in surface of nanoparticle 1 and the points (r2 a2,e2 0)
= = and

the figure by the shifting of the curves to the left as the separation (r2 = a2,e2 n)
on the surface of nanoparticle 2, indicating

that the resonance mode is a dipole mode (with

increases. Figure 3 shows the electric field at the resonance
wavelength (the resonance field) for the an angular number l = 1). Thus, for dimers with small
same dimer as in figure 2. The field enhancement for any nanoparticles, the only dominant resonance mode is the dipole
separation is largest in the area between the two dimers and least one. The field enhancement along the surface of each
in the area outside the two nanoparticles. However, the nanoparticle reaches a minimum midway between
magnitude of the field enhancement at a the points of local maxima; namely, a minimum on the
given point in space decreases as the separation increases. In surface of nanoparticle 1 is reached at the point (rl aI, el =

figure 4 we show the resonance field enhancement on the =n12) and a minimum on the surface of
curve extending from the point on the surface of nanoparticle 2 is reached at the point (r2 a2,e2 n12). The = =

nanoparticle 1 outside the dimer (rl al,el

= = n), dependence of the field enhancement on the separa tion is
along the upper hemisphere of nanoparticle 1, the dimer reflected in figure 4 where the field enhancement
axis, and the upper hemisphere of nanoparticle 2, to the at all the points along the considered curve decreases as the
separation between the particles increases. We notice that for
point on the surface of nanoparticle 2 outside the dimer (r2 =

small separations, the field enhancement drops quickly as the

a2,e2 = 0). The field enhancement is symmetric
separation increases, after which the drop slows down as the
with respect to the plane perpendicular to the dimer axis and
separation becomes larger and the two particles become
cutting it midway due to the symmetry in geometry. The field
effectively isolated. We note that the field in the region
enhancement is highest at the points on the nanoparticle
between the two nanoparticles is the most dependent on the
surfaces inside the dimer with coordinates
particle separation. For instance, as the separation between the
(rl = ai,el = 0) and (r2 = a2,e2 = n). The field nanoparticles increases, the field between the two nanoparticles
enhancement drops going from these points towards the decreases the strongest, while a relatively weak drop is
symmetrically opposite point lying on the surface of the experienced by the field outside the two nanoparticles.
respective nanoparticles outside the dimer and with

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IV. C ONCLUSION [17] A. Nieuwoudt and Y Massoud, "Analytical wide-band modeling of high
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chip inductors realized using carbon nanotube bundles," IEEE Tran. on
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[22] S. Kirolos, T. Ragheb, J. Laska, M. Duarte, Y Massoud, and R. Baraniuk,
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