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CHR - Task 1 - Abstract

Israel-Palestine conflict has been receiving more coverage globally now more than ever before,
highlighting the importance of journalistic rights and ensuring their safety in reporting on such
sensitive and volatile situations. Media plays a vital role in international conflicts, acting as a
bridge between politics and citizens. We are more informed about the atrocities happening,
thanks to the increased social media coverage. Violence against journalists continues to escalate
in the region, and has been on the increase since 2000. During that time, the number of
journalists shot dead by Israeli forces and other Israeli authorities has risen to 50, according to
the Palestinian Centre for Development and Media Freedom (Mada). Therefore, it is crucial for
governments and organizations to prioritize the protection of journalists, both physically and
psychologically. As per Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "everyone has
the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions
without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media
and regardless of frontiers."

This article will delve into modern journalism and the challenges faced by journalists in
reporting one of the most enduring conflicts of our time. The article will examine the evolution
of traditional news outlets to a much more reliable source of outlet, which is first hand
experience from the "micro-celebrities" of Gaza. The article will analyze the evolution of these
micro-celebrities to the primary source of information dissemination in the war torn Gaza Strip,
and aims to highlight the balance between journalistic objectivity and their psychological well-
being in conflict reporting.

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