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Quarter 4, Mathematics 7
A. Defines statistics and statistical questions;
B. Poses problems that can be solved by statistics

Statistics is a mathematical science that includes collecting, organizing, and analyzing data in such a way that
meaningful conclusions can be drawn from them. We use statistics to manage our time properly, to budget finances, to
count on the number of days spent on the task, and many more.

Lesson 1. Statistical Questions

Do you know that statistics is about using data to answer questions? In real life, we might encounter many problems.
To solve those problems, we may have a series of questions. If you investigate these questions, some of these are
statistical and some are not.

A statistical question can be answered by collecting data that varies from each other. This means that not all
the values of the data are the same.

Statistical questions are questions that should have different answers. It can be recognized if the answer is a
percent, range, or average.

What if someone will ask you this question: How old are you? This question is not statistical because it has an exact
answer. But we can rewrite this question into statistical form as: How old are the students in your section?

Activity 1: Now, try this. Determine whether the question is Statistical or Not

Questions Statistical or Not

1. What is my favorite snack?
2. What are the favorite subject of Grade 7 students at MNCHS?
3. What is my favorite color?
4. Who is my favorite movie star?
5. What is the favorite games of MNCHS Grade 7-Makusog ?

There are two types of data: Quantitative (Numerical) and Qualitative (Categorical).

Types of Data Definition Examples

Quantitative (Numerical) Every value in the set is a number, can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,…
counted or measured
Qualitative (Categorical) This can be taken on non-numerical values October
such as names of people, things, labels, and Medium
others, can be categorized Green

Examples: Identify each of the following data sets as categorical or numerical.

1. Heights of the Grade 7 students ( This is Numerical because the answer is a number.)
2. Favorite flavor of ice cream for each Grade 7 student ( This is Categorical because the answer is a flavor
which is NOT a number.)
3. Hours of sleep of Grade 7 students. ( This is Numerical, because the answer is a number.)
4. Eye color for each Grade 7 student ( This is Categorical because the answer is a color which is NOT a
5. Number of pencils in each pencil case of the Grade 7 students. ( This is Numerical because the answer is a

• Statistics is about using data to answer questions.
• Statistical Questions are questions that should have different answers, and answers
are obtained through the process of statistics – COLLECT, ORGANIZE, PRESENT,

What Have I Learned?

Activity 1: Identify Me! Identify each of the following data sets as categorical or numerical. Write C if the data is
categorical and N if the data is numerical in your answer sheet. Use the answer sheet and ballpen.
Data Sets Answer
1. Number of pet dogs for each 40 Grade 7 students.
2. Number of languages spoken by 50 adults in Masbate City
3. Favorite sports of each MAPEH teacher in MNCHS.
4. Number of hours per week spent in reading modules of 40 Grade 7 students.
Activity 2: What Am I? Which of the following questions are statistical or not? Write SQ if it is a statistical question
and NSQ if it is not. Write your answer in an answer sheet.

Questions Answer
1. How many letters are there in your first name?
2. What are the colors of your school uniform?
3. How many hours of sleep do Grade 7 students usually have?
4. What are the ages of your classmates?

Oronce, Orlando and Marilyn Mendoza. E- MATH 7. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc., 2015.
Julieta G. Bernabe, Elementary Algebra (Textbook for First Year),SD Publications Inc. 2009,

Lesson 2. Statistical Instruments

What I Need to Know

At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to formulate simple statistical instruments (M7SP-IVa-3).
Specifically, you will: (a) define simple statistical instruments; (b) identify simple statistical instruments; and(c)
formulate simple statistical instruments.

A statistical instrument is any process whose aim is to describe a phenomenon by using an interview guide,
questionnaire, or a rating scale.

Here are the statistical instruments that are commonly used in research.
1. Interview guide: It is a list of questions to be asked face-to-face to gather data from the respondents. It can be a
structured or unstructured interview.

Types of Definition/Description Examples

Structured an interview following a • What is your favorite subject? Why is it your favorite subject?
Interview set of sequence of • What is your best area of strength outside school? Why are you good
questions. at that?
• What did you want to be when you were in
• elementary school? What do you want to be when you are an adult?

Unstructured an interview that does not • Tell me about yourself?
Interview use any set of questions and • What is your greatest strength?
is more casual. • Do you think TV is educational?

2. Questionnaire: It is a printed list of questions to be answered by respondents to collect data. It can be structured or
closed format or unstructured or open format.

Questionnaire Definition/Description Questions begin with

• Is/are
Structured or questions that can be in the form of multiple  Who
Closed choice and alternative response • Do/did  When
• Would/will  Where
questions such as true-or-false • Could/can  Which
• Was/were  Have/has
Unstructured questions that have no limit as to the  What
or open responses of respondents • Why
• How

The diagram on the right shows examples of a structured or

closed format instrument because among the four choices
you have to choose only one answer.

How about these examples?

These are examples of unstructured or open format instrument because the respondents have the freedom to answer
in their own words, instead of limiting their responses to a set of pre-selected choices.

3. Rating scales: It is often used in survey research and

respondents are asked to rate or select a response in a
ranked manner.

The picture on the right shows an example of a rating scale

instrument because the respondents are asked to rate or
select a response in ranked manner such as: 1. Strongly
disagree, 2. Disagree , 3. Agree , 4. Strongly Agree

What’s More?
Activity 1: Identify Me! What statistical instrument is
used? Determine the type of question of each item by writing SF (for structured format), UF (for unstructured format),
RS (for rating scale), SI (for structured interview), and UI (for unstructured interview). Write your answer in your
answer sheet.

Statement Answer
1. What social media do you prefer?
2. How satisfied are you in Modular Distance Learning ?
3. How did you met your best friend?
4. Are you in favor of shifting to Digital Learning ?
5. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Activity 2: Match Me. Match the definitions in column A with the corresponding terms in Column B. Write the letter
that corresponds to the answer in your answer sheet.
Column A Column B
1. The questions in this format can have different answers A. Questionnaire
2. It is an interview which does not use any set of questions. B. Unstructured Format
3. The questions in this format are usually asking for just one answer C. Rating Scale
4. It is the list of questions to be asked face to face to gather D. Structured Format
data from the respondents
5. These are often used in survey research to ask the respondents E. Interview Guide
to rate or select a response in a ranked manner

Activity 3: Formulate Me. In your answer sheet formulate three (3) rating scale questions or statements given the topic.
The first question is done for you

Topic 1: Too much use of gadgets

1. Too much use of gadgets is not good for your health.

Rating Scale:
(1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree

Topic 2. ___________________
Rating Scale :

Topic 3. __________________
Rating Scale:

Oronce, Orlando and Marilyn Mendoza. E- MATH 7. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc., 2015.
Julieta G. Bernabe, Elementary Algebra (Textbook for First Year),SD Publications Inc. 2009, 82-86.
Marilou C. Geruela, et al. DIWA Mathematics for the 21st Century Learner, DIWA Learning Systems Inc. 2015,
pp.307 – 309.

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