Suplagio Et Al

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Guide Questions for In-depth Interview

Research Questions IDI Guide Questions

RQ1: In education, what are the different 1. How has the pandemic affected parents'
challenges and opportunities for parents to ability to support their children's
their students after experiencing the education?
pandemic? 2. What are the main challenges parents face
in transitioning their children back to in-
person schooling after the pandemic?
3. What opportunities have emerged for
parents to engage more actively in their
children's education as a result of the
4. How have parents adapted their parenting
styles and strategies to address the unique
challenges posed by remote learning
during the pandemic?
5. What are the long-term effects of
disrupted learning during the pandemic on
students' academic performance, and how
can parents help mitigate these effects?

RQ2: How did the participants cope from the 1. How did you handle any feelings of
challenges that they experienced? uncertainty or anxiety as a parent
during the post-pandemic transition?
2. What strategies did you employ to
maintain a healthy work-life balance
while parenting after the pandemic?
3. Were there any particular resources or
tools that you found helpful as a
parent during the post-pandemic
4. In what ways have you modified your
parenting style and approaches to
address the unique challenges arising
after the pandemic?
RQ3: How do these experiences shape the
participants’ beliefs and principles as parents? 1. Did your principles or values shift
after the pandemic? If so, how?
2. What lessons or values did you
prioritize teaching your children after
the pandemic?
3. How have your lived experiences in
the post-pandemic era affected your
perspective on the importance of
family time and connection in your
parenting approach?
RQ4: What insights that the parents can 1. What strategies and approaches can
share in their experiences after pandemic you share that you find effective in
towards the education of their students? helping your children stay motivated
and engaged in their studies after the
2. Can you share any valuable insights
you have learned from your
experiences from managing work to
supporting your children's education at
3. How has the post-pandemic influence
your outlook on education, and what
importance can you share regarding
the importance of adaptability and
resilience in navigating uncertain
4. Looking back, what advice would you
give to other parents who may be
facing similar challenges in their
students education in the post-
pandemic world?
I. Preliminaries/Greetings

A. Interviewer Introduction
Hello and welcome to this interview. My name is Donna Mae P. Suplagio. I am your

B. Interviewer explains, in a general and brief way, the purpose of the

interview and how information collected during interview will be used
and towards what goal
First of all, I would like to thank you all for taking time out of your day to come here and
discuss your ideas.

My role here as an interviewer is to help you describe your experiences and ensure that
we cover the important topics that we would like your input on.

The overall goal is to hear your thoughts about your experiences in the post-pandemic
parental journey in education.

I am asking you since you are a parent (with lived experiences of being a parent with
student/s in the post-pandemic). You are the expert on this and I am here to learn from

C. Interviewer explains briefly the participants’ rights and what

participating in the focus group will entail
This is strictly voluntary.

Interviewer reads/explains the distributed Information Sheet and Consent Form.

Additional explanation (for emphasis) if needed:

Please note that I will be taking some notes during the interview and I would also like to
audio/video record what you say so that I don’t miss anything important. This will also
allow me to go back and revisit the information if needed. I would like to obtain your
consent to have this interview recorded and some pictures taken.

The information you provide me is completely confidential. I understand how important it is

that this information is kept private and confidential.

You may refuse to answer any question or withdraw from the study at any time. However,
I can never emphasize enough the importance of your participation during the entire

D. Ground Rules:

The total length of time of the focus group meeting is expected to be about 1 hour.

As far as the interview is concerned, there are a few “ground rules”

 Please feel comfortable to share your ideas and experiences.
 Also, I might call “time out” to allow the interview to stay within the topic at
hand (just in case the interview goes off tangent).
 Information provided in the information must be kept confidential. Also,
please bear in mind that there’s no right or wrong answer to the questions I
will ask.
 Turn your cell phones on silent mode if possible.

Do you have some ground rules to add?

The interviewer will then ask additional questions based on the responses of the participant.


The interviewee will be informed that the IDI will commence. The interviewer will say:

A few minutes from now we will start our interview and the interviewer will be going to ask four
main questions that you will answer. The interviewer will then ask additional questions based
on the responses of the participant.

Part A. What are the different challenges and opportunities of the parents to their
students after the pandemic?

The interviewer will summarize the responses of the participants and ensure that
their experiences are correctly noted. The interviewer will then ask if the participants
have anything to add before moving on to the next question.

The interviewer will then move to the sub questions. The interviewer will ask:

1. What are some of the key challenges that you face as a parent in supporting your
children's education after the pandemic?

2. What are the challenges as a parent in helping your children develop resilience and coping
skills to navigate any ongoing uncertainties or disruptions in the post-pandemic education?

3. Can you describe any changes you observed in your relationship with your children during
the post-pandemic period?

4. Were there any positive aspects or unexpected benefits that emerged from being a parent
in the post-pandemic?

Part B. How did you cope from the challenges that you experienced especially as
a parent in the post-pandemic?

Next, the interviewer will summarize the responses of the participants and ensure
that their experiences are correctly noted. The interviewer will then ask if the
participants have anything to add before moving on to the next question.

The interviewer will then ask:

1. How did you handle any feelings of uncertainty or anxiety as a parent during the post-
pandemic transition?

2. What strategies did you employ to maintain a healthy work-life balance while parenting after
the pandemic?
3. Were there any particular resources or tools that you found helpful as a parent during the
post-pandemic period?

4. In what ways have you modify your parenting style and approaches to address the unique
challenges arising after the pandemic?

Part C. How these experiences do shaped their beliefs and principles as parents?

The interviewer will summarize the responses of the participants and ensure that
their experiences are correctly noted. The interviewer will then ask if the participants
have anything to add before moving on to the next question.
The interviewer will then ask:

1. Did your principles or values shift after the pandemic? If so, how?

2. What lessons or values did you prioritize teaching your children after the pandemic, and

3. How have your lived experiences in the post-pandemic era affected your perspective on the
importance of family time and connection in your parenting approach?

Part D. What insights that the parents can share in their experiences after
pandemic towards the education of the students?
Next, the interviewer will summarize the responses of the participants and ensure
that their experiences are correctly noted. The interviewer will then ask if the
participants have anything to add before moving on to the next question.

The interviewer will now ask:

1. What strategies and approaches can you share that you find effective in helping your children
stay motivated and engaged in their studies after the pandemic?

2. Can you share any valuable lessons you have learned from your experiences face managing
work while also supporting your children's education at home?

3. How has the post-pandemic influence your outlook on education, and what importance can
you share regarding the importance of adaptability and resilience in navigating uncertain times?

4. Looking back, what advice would you give to other parents who may be facing similar
challenges in their students education in the post-pandemic world?

The FGD assistant facilitator should take pictures of the process, arrangement of metacards
and other documentation activities.

Time: 60 minutes
Materials Needed: Audio/Video Recorder

III. Closing Round/Final Reflections

The Interviewer should ensure to finish at least five minutes ahead of schedule.

- Wrap up
- Other remarks
- Expressing gratitude

As we come to a close, are there any areas we did not explore that are either relevant to what
you do or important to you? What are these? Tell us more…
 Are there any questions that you would like to ask me?
 Can we talk with you again if additional questions come up? How to best contact you?
 Should you have questions or should you wish to contact me, I affixed my contact
information on the consent form you signed.
 Again, we earnestly thank you all for your contributions.

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