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23:35 21/04/2024 Skill Assessment

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Data Management in SQL (PostgreSQL)

Question 1




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Add the rows from the movie_2010 table to movie_2000 but remove the duplicates.

-- movie_2000
| year | title | budget |
| 2000 | Mission: Impossible 2 | 125000000 |
| 2004 | Shrek 2 | 150000000 |
| 2008 | The Dark Knight | 185000000 |
| 2010 | Toy Story 3 | 200000000 |

-- movie_2010
| year | title | budget |
| 2010 | Toy Story 3 | 200000000 |
| 2014 | Transformers: Age of Extinction | 210000000 |
| 2015 | Star Wars: The Force Awakens | 245000000 |
| 2016 | Captain America: Civil War | 250000000 |

Complete the code to return the output

FROM movie_2000
ORDER BY year;
FROM movie_2010
ORDER BY year;

Expected Output Your Output

year title budget year title budget

2000 Mission: Impossible 2 125000000 2010 Toy Story 3 200000000

2004 Shrek 2 150000000 2014 Transformers: Age of Extinction 210000000

2008 The Dark Knight 185000000 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens 245000000

2010 Toy Story 3 200000000 2016 Captain America: Civil War 250000000

2014 Transformers: Age of Extinction 210000000… 1/2
23:35 21/04/2024 Skill Assessment

year title budget

2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens 245000000

2016 Captain America: Civil War 250000000

Incorrect answer

Difficulty MEDIUM

Skill Joining Multiple Datasets

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