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Muhammad Bayu Rohmat Ramadhon

Surakarta, Indonesia 57126 | 085882408370

I had the ability of beingable work equally well, time discipline, very through, highly
curious, mobile, able to work under pressure. And i have a weakness that is sloppy
and forgetful. But, i have a solution to dealing with my weakness that is with more be
careful in action and i will always write it down so i dont forget.

Sebelas Maret University 2022 - 2025

- Participate in organization Paskibra
- Participate in organization Pramuka
- Participate in organization Rohis
- Member of the concert event program
- Holding event in concerts school
- Holding a work program in a spiritual organization

Holding charity every Friday

Editing, Analytical Skills, Multitasking, Teamwork, Able to work under pressure,
basic speak english

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