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23:40 21/04/2024 Skill Assessment

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Data Management in SQL (PostgreSQL)

Question 7




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There was an error in your code BETA

In your code, you forgot to include the JOIN condition between the bike_trips table and the bike table. Without specifying how
the two tables are related, the query will not be able to fetch the correct data. In the correct code, a LEFT JOIN is used along with
the ON clause to specify that the bike_ID from bike_trips should match the bike_ID from the bike table. This allows the query
to correctly retrieve the data from both tables based on the specified relationship.

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Join the bike_trips table with bike but keep all the records from bike_trips no matter whether they have a match in bike .

-- bike_trips
| trip_ID | duration | bike_ID |
| 364 | 60 | 5000 |
| 365 | 900 | 2300 |
| 366 | 720 | 5002 |

-- bike
| bike_ID | last_date_in_use | color |
| 2300 | 2020-04-15 | blue |
| 2350 | 2020-04-15 | green |
| 3000 | 2020-04-18 | green |

Complete the code to return the output

SELECT Trip_ID, Duration, t.bike_ID, last_date_in_use, color

FROM bike_trips AS t
bike AS b
ON t.bike_ID = b.bike_ID;

Expected Output Your Output

syntax error at or near "{"

trip_id duration b i ke _ i d last_date_in_use colo LINE 3: {{option}} bike AS b
365 900 2300 2020-04-15 blue

364 60 5000… 1/2
23:40 21/04/2024 Skill Assessment

trip_id duration b i ke _ i d last_date_in_use colo

366 720 5002

Incorrect answer

Difficulty MEDIUM

Skill Joining Multiple Datasets

Report Issue… 2/2

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