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One Word Substitution


1. Crawl: to move slowly with your body on or close to the ground, or

on your hands and knees
Hindi Meaning: gkFkksa vkSj ?kqVuksa ds cy pyuk
Ex. He crawled to the group leader because he wanted a promotion.

2. Sprint: to run a short distance as fast as you can

Hindi Meaning: cgqr rst nkSM+uk] FkksM+h nwjh dks cgqr rst ls nkSM+uk
Ex. We had to sprint to catch the bus.

3. Slither: to move by sliding from side to side along the ground like a snake
Hindi Meaning: lk¡i dh rjg tehu ij ck;¡k&nk;k¡ fiQlyrs gq, pyuk
Ex. A long snake slithered toward them.
4. Indelible: that cannot be removed or washed out
Hindi Meaning: tks gVk;k ;k /ks;k u tk ldsa ] vfeV] LFkk;h
Ex. The blood had left an indelible mark on her shirt.

5. Abolish: to put an end to something, such as an organization,

rule, or custom
Hindi Meaning: fdlh dkuwu ;k izFkk dks vkf/dkfjd :i ls lekIr djuk
Ex. The government has pledged to abolish child poverty by 2020.

6. Punctual: doing something or happening at the right time; not late

Hindi Meaning: lgh le; ij dqN djus ;k gksus okyk] le;fu"B
Ex. Please try to be punctual, so we can start the meeting on time.
7. Asphyxia: the state of being unable to breathe, which causes
somebody to die or to become unconscious
Hindi Meaning: lk¡l u ys ikus dh fLFkfr] tks csgks'kh ;k e`R;q dk dkj.k cu ldrh
Ex. Birth asphyxia results from an inadequate intake of oxygen by the
baby during the birth process.

8. Amnesia: loss of the ability to remember

Hindi Meaning: ;knnk'r [kks cSBus dh voLFkk
Ex. The phenomenon of amnesia for syncope is the most likely
explanation for this overlap.
9. Anaemia: a medical condition in which there are not enough red blood
cells in the blood
Hindi Meaning: [kwu dh deh
Ex. The main symptoms of anaemia are tiredness and pallor.

10. Alopecia: loss of hair, especially from the head, that either happens
naturally or is caused by disease
Hindi Meaning: xatkiu
Ex. The side effects such as alopecia, sickness and drowsiness, are rare
and of minor importance.

11. Assessment: to judge or decide the amount, value, quality,

or importance of something
Hindi Meaning: ewY;akdu djuk
Ex. The insurers will need to assess the flood damage.

12. Introspection: the process of thinking deeply and carefully to examine

your own ideas, feelings, etc.
Hindi Meaning: vkRe fo'ys"k.k
Ex. His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy

13. Inspection: an examination of the structure of a building by

a specially trained person.
Hindi Meaning: tk¡p] fujh{k.k
Ex. he arrived to carry out/make a health and safety inspection of the

14. Valuation: a professional judgement about how much money

something is worth
Hindi Meaning: fdlh oLrq dk ewY; fu/kZj.k
Ex. You can receive a home loan of up to 95 percent of the official
valuation of the property.

15. Verbatim: exactly as it was spoken or written

Hindi Meaning: tSlk cksyk ;k fy[kk x;k Bhd oSlk_ 'kCnk'k
Ex. I don’t think I will read the whole thing verbatim to you.

16. Graffiti: pictures or writing on a wall, etc. in a public place

Hindi Meaning: fdlh lkoZtfud LFkku esa nhokj ij cuk fp=k ;k dh xbZ fy[kkoV
Ex. The memorial to dead soldiers had been defaced by grafitti.

17. Acumen: skill in making correct decisions and judgments in

a particular subject, such as business or politics
Hindi Meaning: fLFkfr dks rqjar vkSj Li"Vrk ls le>us dh ;ksX;rk] dq'kkxzcqf¼
Ex. A better understanding of the concept of delirium might improve
diagnostic acumen.

18. Durable: likely to last for a long time without breaking or getting wea-
Hindi Meaning: fVdkÅ] LFkk;h
Ex. The machines have to be made of durable materials.

19. Pliable: easy to bend or shape, (used about a person) easy to influence
Hindi Meaning: tks vklkuh ls eqM+ lds] vklkuh ls izHkkfor gks ldsA
Ex. Some kinds of plastic become pliable if they're heated.

20. Reservoir: a large lake where water is stored to be used by a particular

area, city, etc.
Hindi Meaning: cM+k tyk'k;
Ex. There’s a tremendous reservoir of goodwill out there

21. Aviary: a large cage or area in which birds are kept

Hindi Meaning: Ik{kh'kkyk

22. Aquarium: a glass container filled with water, in which fish and water
animals are kept
Hindi Meaning: tytho'kkyk
Ex. There is also a great temptation to catch fish for aquariums.

23. Museum: a building where collections of valuable and interesting

objects are kept and shown to the public
Hindi Meaning: izn'kZu&LFky] E;wft;e
Ex. Do you know whether the Science Museum charges for admission?

24. Pillion: a seat for a passenger behind the driver on a motorbike

Hindi Meaning: eksVj ckbd ij ihNs dh lhV
Ex. She was a pillion passenger on his motorcycle when it crashed.
25. Girdle: a piece of underwear for women, worn around
the waist and bottom, that stretches to shape the body
Hindi Meaning: dj/uh] dejcUn
Ex. she wears corsets and girdles, tight and uncomfortable

26. Misconstrue: to understand somebody’s words or actions wrongly

Hindi Meaning: fdlh O;fDr ds dgs x;s 'kCnksa dks xyr le> ysukA
Ex. Johnson complained that his statements were misconstrued.

27. Misinterpret: to understand something wrongly

Hindi Meaning: fdlh ckr dk xyr vFkZ yxkuk
Ex. My speech has been misinterpreted by the press.

28. Misappropriate: to steal something that you have been trusted to

take care of and use it for your own good
Hindi Meaning: xcu djuk] nq"iz;ksx djuk
Ex. He is accused of misappropriating $30,000 to pay off gambling

29. Misapprehend: fail to understand (a person or their words) correctly;

Hindi Meaning: mYVk le>ukA
Ex. He was under the misapprehension that those chemicals were

30. Terrible: very unpleasant; causing great shock or injury

Hindi Meaning: cgqr cqjk] cgqr rdyhiQ vkSj pksV igq¡pkus okyk
Ex. We have just received some terrible news.

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