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One Word Substitution

1. Antagonist- a person who is strongly opposed to something or someone
Hindi Meaning: fojks/h] 'k=kq
Ex. The antagonists in this dispute are quite unwilling to compromise.

2. Antichrist-a person or thing who is morally very bad

Hindi Meaning: 'kSrku] bZlk fojks/h
Ex. He was not the antichrist or a criminal, just an opportunist.

3. Adversary-an enemy
Hindi Meaning: fdlh Li/kZ esa fojks/h] 'k=kq
Ex. He saw her as his main adversary within the company.

4. Anarchist-a person who believes in anarchism

Hindi Meaning: vjktdrkoknh
Ex. He was a poet, an anarchist, and a vegan.

5. Hutch -a piece of furniture with open or glass-covered shelves and

sometimes one or more cupboards, for storing and showing things like plates
and glasses:
Hindi Meaning: lUnwd] fi×k~tjk
Ex. She purchased a hutch in which to display the dishes.

6. Monastery- a building in which monks live and worship

Hindi Meaning: og LFkku tgk¡ ½f"k&euq jgrs gSA

Ex:we visited a Buddhist monastery in Thailand"

7. Mint- a place where the new coins of a country are m ade
Hindi Meaning: टकसाल
Ex: No coins for the current year have yet come from the mint.

8. Hangar- a large building in which aircraft are kept

Hindi Meaning: foeku dks j[kus dh bekjr] gSaxj
Ex: He installed a hangar for his helicopter at his main home.

9. Egotist- a person who considers himself or herself to be better or more

important than other people
Hindi Meaning: LokFkhZ] vagdkjh
Ex. Politicians are notorious egotists.
10. Atheist- someone who does not believe in any god or gods, or who
believes that no god or gods exist:
Hindi Meaning: ukfLrd]
Ex. As an atheist, I do not accept this religious argument.

11. Apostate- someone who has given up their religion or left a political
Hindi Meaning: Lo/eZ R;kxh
Ex. "after fifty years as an apostate he returned to the faith"

12. Pervert- to change something so that it is not what it was or should be,
or to influence someone in a harmful way
Hindi Meaning: fdlh dks fcxkM+uk ;k Hkz"V djuk
Ex. Her ideas have been shamelessly perverted to serve the president's
propaganda campaign.

13. Misanthrope- someone who dislikes and avoids other people

Hindi Meaning: ekuo}ks"kh] ekuonzksgh
Ex. He was shunned because of his miserable misanthropic nature.

14. Masochist- a person who gets pleasure from being hurt by another
Hindi Meaning: d"VHkksx ls lq[k vuqHko djus okyk] LoihM+d
Ex. He was a voyeur and a masochist.

15. Blasphemous- considered o ffensive t o G od o r religion:

Hindi Meaning: bZ'oj ds izfr vuknj ns[kkuh okyh ys[kuh ;k Hkk"k.k
Ex. His writing has been condemned for blasphemy.

16. Irreverent- not showing the expected respect for official, important, or
holy things
Hindi Meaning: fdlh izfr vknj u djus okyk] u ns[kus okyk] vuknjiw.kZ
Ex. This comedy takes an irreverent look at the world of politics.

17. Profane- showing no respect for a god or a religion, often through

Hindi Meaning: ifo=k oLrqvksa ds izfr vlEeku] v/kfeZd
Ex. Funny, profane, and fearless, she has become one of America's biggest
television celebrities.
18. Encyclopedia- A book or set of books containing many articles arranged
in alphabetical order that deal either with the whole of human knowledge or
with a particular part of it, or a similar set of articles on the internet:
Hindi Meaning: fo'odks'k
Ex. The library was full of dictionaries, encyclopaedias, poetry, and plays.

19. Anthology- A collection of stories, poems, etc., by different writers

Hindi Meaning: fofHkUu ys[kdksa dh Ikzk;% ,d gh fo"k; ij fy[kh jpukvksa dk ladyu]
Ex. This Bob Dylan anthology includes some rare recordings of his best

20. Bonfire- a large fire that is made outside to burn unwanted things, or
for pleasure
Hindi Meaning: dwM+s&djdV ds <sj dks tykus ds fy, ;k fdlh mRlo esa [kqys esa yxkbZ
xbZ vkx
Ex. We built a bonfire on the beach.
21. Motel- a hotel for people travelling by car, usually with spaces for cars
next to each room
Hindi Meaning: dkj&;kf=k;ksa ds fy, cuk eq[; lM+d ij gksVy] eksVy
Ex. There are numerous nursing home companies building units on the motel

22. Casino- a building or business where people play games to win money
Hindi Meaning: ,slk LFkku tgk¡ •sy •sydj iSlk thrk ;k gkjk tk ldrk gS_ dSlhuks
Ex. He opened a new casino in Kashmiri Gate.

227. Agnosticism- the beliefs of someone who does not know, or believes that it
is impossible to know, if a god exists
Hindi Meaning: vKs;oknh
Ex. According to census figures, men significantly outnumber women in
claiming agnosticism.
23. Pantheism- belief in many or all gods, or the belief that God exists in,
and is the same as, all things, animals, and people within the universe
Hindi Meaning: lHkh nsoh&nsorkvksa dh ewfrZiwtk
Ex. Individuals who believe in pantheism maintain that God and the universe
are the same being
24. Theism- belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially a god who
created the world and who acts to influence events:
Hindi Meaning: bZ'ojokn
Ex. Russell, the famous philosopher, rejected theism on the grounds that it
can be neither proven nor disproven that God exists.

25. Artisan- someone who does skilled work with their hands.
Hindi Meaning: dkjhxj] f'kYidkj
Ex. The middle class consisted of artisans and people with small businesses.

26. Vertebrate- an animal that has a spine

Hindi Meaning: jh<+ okys tkuoj
Ex. Birds, fish, and reptiles are all vertebrates.

27. Parasite- an animal or plant that lives on or in another animal or plant

of a different type and feeds from it:
Hindi Meaning: ijthoh] tks nwljs ij vkfJr gks
Ex. The older drugs didn't deal effectively with the malaria parasite.

28. Analogy- a comparison between things that have similar features, often
used to help explain a principle or idea:
Hindi Meaning: lekurk
Ex. He drew an analogy between the brain and a vast computer.

29. Amalgamation- the process in which separate organizations unite to

form a larger organization or group, or an organization or group formed in
this way:
Hindi Meaning: lekesyu] feJ.k] la;kstu
Ex. The association was formed by the amalgamation of several regional
environmental organizations.

30. Honorarium: a payment made for somebody’s professional services,

when no particular amount is charged for those services
Hindi Meaning: ekuns;
Ex. We usually offer our visiting lecturers an honorarium of £500.

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