Education & EnViorments

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Group 09

01. Lương Thị Phương Thảo - 23A4030324

02. Phạ m Thị Thu Hà - 23A4030099

03. Nguyễ n Hoài Nam - 23A4050235

04. Trầ n Minh Cương - 23A4030061

05. Phạ m Văn Đức - 23A4030089


Reading 1
Multiple choice
Why are you studying

Reading 2
Climate change

Reading 3

Reading 4
Save the Planet

Reading 5
Knowledge and education
is a key to success
Reading 1

Why are you

“Why are you studying languages? Everyone speaks English.”

This is a typical phrase that many foreign language students in the

UK hear at least a few times during their time at university. Britain
seems to be filled with naive people (1)…… believe that English is
spoken all around the world, and think that we don’t need to make
an effort to (2) …… in another language. It seems talking slowly and
loudly at foreigners is an (3) …… form of communication, even if we
are in their country!

With less than 50% of 15-16 year old taking a language at GCSE, and
the number of students studying languages at A-level or university
plummeting, the UK is at the bottom of the European languages
league table for those being able to speak at least one other
language. This is (4)…… for the UK as 80% of young people in Sweden
and the Netherlands are able to speak (5) …… language. The EU is
also doing everything it can to help increase the number of multi-
linguists in Europe by increasing the budget for Erasmus funding, (6)
…… can only be a good thing. Where would languages in the UK be
without the EU and Erasmus funding? Not many of us would be able to
afford to go on a year abroad therefore not improving our language
skills enough.
I am working in two primary schools just outside of Paris as part of
my year abroad. Most pupils here start learning English when they
are six years old, and a few of them started when they were three!
Learning a language from such a young age makes it (7) …… for
them to pick it up; some of the children are still learning to read and
write! They find English (8) …… and a well-needed change from
learning French, Maths, History and Geography. Learning English is
also compulsory from a young age, whereas here in Britain,
languages are currently only compulsory from year 7- 9 (ages 11-13),
and students have the choice whether to take languages as a GCSE
exam option.

Thankfully, from September 2014 it

will be compulsory for primary
schools to teach a language from
the age of seven. I have seen for
myself how much French children
enjoy (9) …… English, I hope that
British pupils will feel the same
when experiencing another
language and culture and that will
(10) …… increase the number of
people studying languages in the
Read the text above and choose the correct word for each space. For

each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D

1 A who B that C which D when

2 A communication B communicate C communicated D communicative

3 A disagreeable B suitable C acceptable D unacceptable

4 A embarrassing B embarrass C embarrassed D embarrassingly

5 A others B another C others D the other

6 A who B that C which D when

7 A easy B easily C easiness D easier

8 A enjoyable B interesting C unenjoyabe D pleasant

9 A learn B learnt C learning D learnt

10A hopeful B hopefulness C hope D hopefully

New words/
Pronouncing Meaning Example

Clearly we
- có thể chấ p
need to come
nhậ n được
to an
- satisfactory
acceptable (a) /əkˈsept.ə.bəl/ arrangement
and able to be
that is
agreed to or
acceptable to
approved of
both parties.

There's very
- sự giao tiếp little
communication - the act of communication
(n) communicating between
with people mother and

Several large
- giảm mạ nh
rocks were sent
- to fall very
plummet (v) /ˈplʌm.ɪt/ plummeting
quickly and
down the

- xấ u hổ
- to cause You're
someone to feel embarrassing
embarrass (v) /ɪmˈbær.əs/
nervous, him with your
worried, or compliments!

- quỹ
- an amount of
The hospital has
money saved,
set up a special
fund (v) /fʌnd/ collected, or
fund to buy new
provided for a
New words/
Pronouncing Meaning Example

- họ c sinh
Her school
- a person,
especially a
pupil (n) /ˈpjuː.pəl/ described her
child at school,
as a very
who is being
promising pupil

- thú vị
Thank you for a
-something that
most enjoyable
enjoyable (a) /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ.ə.bəl/ is enjoyable
gives you

- rấ t cầ n thiết
- used to The extra hour
well-needed /ˌwel ˈniː.dɪd/ emphasize the of sleep was
necessity of well needed.

- bắ t buộ c
- If something is The law made
compulsory, you wearing seat
compulsory (a) /kəmˈpʌl.sər.i/ must do it belts in cars
because of a compulsory.
rule or law

- đầ y hy vọ ng
"Do you have a
- in a hopeful
hopefully (adv) /ˈhəʊp.fəl.i/ cigarette?" he
asked hopefully.

A. Climate change is one of the most
pressing issues of our time. The
effects of climate change are
already being felt around the world,
in the form of more extreme weather
events, rising sea levels, and changes
in plant and animal life. If we do not
take action to address climate
change, the consequences will be

B. The main cause of climate change is the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil,
and natural gas. These fuels release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere,
which trap heat and cause the Earth's temperature to rise. Other causes of
climate change include deforestation, agriculture, and industrial processes. The
effects of climate change are already being felt around the world. In recent
years, we have seen more extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods,
and droughts. Sea levels are also rising, which is threatening coastal
communities. In addition, climate change is causing changes in plant and animal
life. Some species are moving to cooler areas, while others are becoming extinct.

C. There are a number of things that we can do to address climate change.

These include:
Reduce our reliance on fossil fuels: We can do this by using more renewable
energy sources, such as solar and wind power.
Improve energy efficiency: We can do this by making our homes and
businesses more energy-efficient.
Protect forests: Forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so it is
important to protect them.
Reduce our consumption: We can do this by buying less stuff and wasting
less. Climate change is a serious problem that we must address. By taking
action now, we can help to protect our planet for future generations."
Read the passage above and answer the questions

1. What is the main cause of climate change?

2. What are some of the effects of climate change that are

already being felt around the world?

3. What are some things that we can do to address climate


4. Why is it important to protect forests?

5. How can we reduce our consumption?

6. What are the benefits of using more renewable energy


7. What are some of the challenges involved in improving

energy efficiency?

8. What is the author's tone in this paragraph?

9. What is the author's purpose in writing this paragraph?

10. What is your opinion on climate change?

New words/
Pronouncing Meaning Example

- Thảm họ a
- Causing many a catastrophic
catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/
people to suffer earthquake

- Vậ t liệ u, chấ t
liệ u, đồ
- Used to refer
to a substance,
This hot sauce is
stuff /stʌf/ material, group
good stuff
of objects, etc.
when you do not
know the name

- Bão, cuồ ng
phong A powerful
hurricane /ˈhʌrɪkən/ - A violent storm hurricane hit the
with very strong Da Nang coast

- Hạ n hán
- A long period Farmers are
of time when facing ruin after
drought /draʊt/
there is little or two years of
no rain severe drought

- Ven biển,
thuộ c bờ biển
/ˈkəʊstl/ a coastal path
coastal - Of or near a
New words/
Pronouncing Meaning Example

- Có thể làm mới

- Renewable
forms of energy
energy sources
renewable /rɪˈnjuːəbl/ can be
such as wind
produced as
and solar power
quickly as they
are used

- Phá rừng
- The act of Land erosion
cutting down or caused by
deforestation /ˌdiːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃn/
burning the trees widespread
in an area deforestation

- Sự tiêu thụ
- The act of
Gas and oil
using energy,
consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃn/ food or
always increases
materials; the
in cold weather
amount used

- Hiệ u quả
I was impressed
- The quality of
by the efficiency
doing something
efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃnsi/ with which she
well with no
handled the
waste of time or

- giố ng loạ i
- a set of
animals or plants
in which the
members have A rare species of
species /ˈspiːʃiːz/
similar butterfly
to each other
and can breed
with each other.
Reading 3

Informative Essay
on the Beauty of
I appreciate the beauty of nature
and everyday occurrences in a way
that I love starting my day by
seeing the beauty of nature in the
very simple things around me, such
as the mountain, trees, plants, and
some animals that were here on our
farm. Every time I see a place
where I feel peace and I smell the
fresh air, where there is no

I will say that this is the true life of being simple. And every day
for me is like a gift, and every gift is beautiful in its own way.
Sometimes the gifts are not directly received or given from one
person to another, but they are simply all around us. They wait
for us to notice and appreciate them. Just like nature, although
before we ignore the beauty of it, it seems as time goes by
nature or our environment gets better. So, God, give us the gift
of being present and being open to the wonderful world that
surrounds us. Appreciate the little things because sometimes the
little things make you happy and content.

And also, we are often

reminded that the little things
are the ones that really matter
in life, yet we are prone to be
distracted by the pursuit of big
milestones in our busy lives. Live
in these moments that exist
between the big events, and
they will define you as much as
the larger occasions that we
remember. Every day is full of
fragments that we can
appreciate and cherish.
Nature and its beauty are infinite. Some
people find beauty and happiness in
little things. But, some of us fail to see
the beauty of nature around us. So, we
just need to open our eyes and look
around for a while. You will start seeing
the beauty of nature in the very simple
things around you. And some simple
habits to appreciate the beauty of
nature are planting a tree, making a
garden, going hiking trails, watching
more sunsets, reducing pollution, and
lastly protecting our nature. We can’t
live without nature. The beauty of nature
keeps us alive and happy.

As a future educator, I will do the best

thing I know to teach and make all
students appreciate the beauty of nature
even in a simple way. Although by now
all children are exposed to using
different gadgets, and as a result, they
no longer experience or do the things
that children were used to doing before
even seeing the importance of nature.
But as a future teacher, I will do or
create some activities that maybe
children will love, being present to their
different ideas, encouraging them to
participate, promoting creative thinking,
giving them good feedback, and also
giving them a chance to appreciate and
see the real world, because I believe
their ordinary day living can make
wonderful by exploring or trying
different things to see that there is
something in our everyday life that we
need to figure out.
Read the following passage and choose True (T) or False (F)

No Information True False

The author appreciates the

1 beauty of nature in everyday

The author enjoys starting their

day with the view of the city

The author mentions that

nature and its beauty are finite

The author suggests planting

5 trees and reducing pollution as
ways to appreciate nature.

The author is not concerned

6 about the use of gadgets by

The author wants to encourage

7 creative thinking and
exploration in children.

The author believes that

children today no longer
appreciate the importance of

The author wants to keep

9 children indoors and limit their
exposure to nature

The author does not see a

10 need for educators to teach
students to appreciate nature..
New words/
Pronouncing Meaning Example

- môi trường
We must
- the natural
protect the
world in which
Environment (n) /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ environment for
people, animals
and plants live

- độ ng viên
Her words of
- That gives
Encouraging encouragement
(a) /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒɪŋ/ motivated me
to keep going
courage or

- thiết bị
We live in a
- A small
world filled with
mechanical or
Gadget (n) /ˈɡædʒɪt/ high-tech
device or tool.

- trân trọ ng
- To protect and
She cherishes
care for
Cherish (v) /ˈtʃerɪʃ/ the memories of
her childhood
lovingly; to hold
something dear.

- sự kiệ n Rare
- Events or occurrences
(n) /əˈkʌrəns/
incidents that like this are
happen. hard to predict.
New words/
Pronouncing Meaning Example

- biết ơn
- To recognize the I appreciate
value or quality of your help with
(v) /əˈpriːʃieɪt/
something; to be the project.
grateful for

- dự án
- Significant This voyage
events or stages in marked an
one's life, a important
Milestones (n) /ˈmaɪlstəʊn/
project, or a milestone in the
process that mark history of
important exploration.

- Mấ t tậ p trung
I couldn't focus
- Unable to
on my work
concentrate or
Distracted because I was
pay attention
(a) /dɪˈstræktɪd/ feeling
because of
distracted by
the noisy
diverting or

- bỏ qua
- To refuse to take
We cannot
notice of or
Ignore (v) /ɪɡˈnɔː(r)/ afford to ignore
their advice.

- ô nhiễ m
- The introduction
of harmful Water pollution
substances or can harm
Pollution (n) /pəˈluːʃn/
contaminants into aquatic life
the environment,
leading to adverse

Save the planet

Years ago there wasn't a problem with rubbish because things like
plastic and disposable nappies hadn't been invented. There wasn't
so much packaging on items you bought either. But now with
everything so over wrapped packaging and disposable we are
suffering the consequences of far too much waste. The trouble is not
everything can be recycled or will rot away. You used to be able to
get a refund on glass bottles when you took them back to the shop.
Now they are either collected from your house by the council or you
can take them to a bottle bank.

The fact that paper can be recycled and

easy to dispose of it, but remember paper
is made from trees, which are important to
the environment. The rainforests have been
slowly disappearing for a while now. We
need them not just because it helps with
the climate. They are important as like all
plants they give us oxygen. They are also a
home to many animals who rely on them
for their survival

The best waste is organic, dead leaves;

carrot tops, onion skins and so on all rot
down and make fertile soil. This in turn will
help the plants and vegetables giving
them much needed food. So if you are
able to have a compost heap in your
garden you'll be helping the environment
and your garden will love you for it.

Acid rain is another serious problem, it is

damaging to plants and is caused by
pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides. These come from the
burning of coal, oil and gas.
Dropping litter is not only a lazy thing to do, it makes work for other
people, is bad for the environment and looks ugly. So think before
you drop litter either bin it or keep it and then bin it.

When rivers and seas are polluted by waste we are not only stealing
their beauty but we are spoiling it for ourselves too. Our health can
also suffer. Sadly accidents do occur; oil slicks sometimes happen
and wreck the environment. Animals tend to suffer the most from
these incidents. We should really have in place something that will
prevent so much destruction, rather than just waiting for it to
happen, then trying to clean up the damage.

Nuclear waste has been the cause of controversy over the years.
Radioactive material leaking cut would be very serious indeed, it
can cause real harm. This is why it is the most worrying.

Although we are trying to stop the hole in the ozone layer getting
any bigger, nuclear waste is still a serious problem. The ozone layer
protects us from harmful ultra-violet rays. Its hole has been caused
by chlorofluorocarbons (cfc's) , a chemical that was found in some
products. Refrigerators used to contain them. So do we care enough
about the earth we have inherited and our passing onto future
generations? Or is it now all too late to do anything? Each one of
us can make a difference and each and every one of us is
responsible to the environment. It takes care of us; we should take
care of it.
Match the pictures

a. Some products are

difficult to destroy

b. These come from the

2. burning of coal, oil and

3. c. Animals suffer the

most from this incident

d. Nowadays products
4. are over packaged

e. Both humans and

5. animals need it to
f. Causing the hole in
the ozone layer to get
bigger and bigger

7. g. The best waste

h. Gradually
disappearing over time

i. Products made from

trees can be recycled
9. and destroyed but
should not be wasted

k. Protects us from
10. harmful ultraviolet rays
New words/
Pronouncing Meaning Example

- Đóng gói
- The materials
All our
in which objects
packaging is
Packaging (n) /ˈpæk.ɪ.dʒɪŋ/ are wrapped
before being

- Vứt bỏ ai đó/ Every month he

cái gì đó must dispose of
Dispose of
- to get rid of the oil his
someone/somet /dɪˈspəʊz/
something; restaurant uses
throw out or to fry potatoes.

- Rừng nhiệ t đới

The Amazon
river basin
- A forest in a
contains the
Rainforest (n) /ˈreɪn.fɒr.ɪst/ tropical area
world's largest
that receives a
lot of rain

- Số ng, tồ n tạ i
- The fact of a
The doctors told
my wife I had a
Survival (n) /səˈvaɪ.vəl/ organization,
50/50 chance
etc. continuing
of survival
to live or exist

- Màu mỡ
These plants
- Fertile land
need moist
can produce a
Fertile (a) /ˈfɜː.taɪl/ fertile soil and a
large number of
good quality
New words/
Pronouncing Meaning Example

- Đố ng Put the
- An untidy pile vegetable
Heap (n) /hiːp/
or mass of peelings on the
things compost heap

- Dầ u loang
- A layer of oil
The oil slick was
that is floating
over a large
Oil slick (n) /ˈɔɪl ˌslɪk/ monitored by
area of the
air and sea
surface of the

- Hủy diệ t
- The act of
The destruction
of the rain
something, or
Destruction (n) /dɪˈstrʌk.ʃən/ forests is an
the fact of

The country had

agreed to
- Hạ t nhân
disable its main
- Relating to the
Nuclear (a) /ˈnuː.kliː.ɚ/ nuclear fuel
nucleus of an
plant by the
end of the year

- Tia cực tím

- Describes light
at the purple
Ultraviolet rays
end of the
Ultra-violet (a) /ˌʌl.trəˈvaɪə.lət/ darken skin in
spectrum, which
cannot be seen
by human beings
Reading 5
Knowledge and education is
a key to success
Education powers a better world by serving society and allowing
people to become better citizens. As we all know, “education is a
key to success”. Education allows society to gain knowledge and
gives way to more professional career options like teaching,
engineering, and accounting. Education teaches us how to manage
time wisely, how to handle several tasks at the same time without
panicking, and how to deal with people in a proper manner. These
skills are vital for us to cope and excel in the working life as we will
be facing many difficulties or challenges. Proper education allows
an increase in the average income to fulfill the basic needs in life.
Education builds confidence so that we are able to make decisions,
face life problems, and accept successes and failures. Being well
educated does not only mean having an educational certificate and
being paid high; however, it also means having a good social life.
In this competitive world, education is a necessity for all of us.
Education provides solutions to all problems. Education helps us to
think rationally and make the right decision. Through education, we
learn about the importance of being honest, respecting and
honoring authority, and respecting one another.

Education helps in the personal

development of an individual. As
Francis Bacon said, “knowledge is
power”. Knowledge gives a
person the ability to understand,
analyze, make better decisions.
Education improves and increases
the confidence level of every
individual. It also improves the
decision-making capabilities in
every kind of critical situation
which they might face in the
future. Besides that, education
leads to exposure. Through
education, people are introduced
to science, mathematics,
literature, fine arts, and more
which gives an opportunity to
individuals to discover their
talents and abilities
Education improves communication
skills. When people are learning,
they are often called upon to
express themselves verbally. Through
this, they learn how to use language
effectively in order to communicate
ideas, defend opinions and ask
questions. Educated people are
more likely to be open-minded. They
are not confined by their own
beliefs, nor are confined by the
beliefs of others.

By being open-minded people, stop being judgemental towards

others and accept them for who they are, and give equal respect to
everyone. This can prevent conflicts from taking place within a

Education teaches discipline. We learn how to behave properly and

speak politely to people. Through education, we learn to say the
right thing at the right time so that we don’t hurt any parties

In addition, maturity is also one of the ways how education powers a

better world. Maturity is the ability to respond to the environment in
an appropriate manner at the correct time. A mature person will take
responsibility for his/her own actions rather than blaming others if
anything goes wrong. For example, maturity is very important for a
leader. A mature can receive compliments as well as criticism without
getting offended. A mature leader will seek opinions from others
before making any decision so that it will be fair to all parties. There
will always be things that go wrong and leaders are more likely to
face major disappointments but a matured leader will identify the
actions that can be taken to move on. People will face less conflict
when they are matured. They forgive easily and don’t hold a grudge.
Matured people replace arguments and misunderstandings with
communication and compromising. Education prevents people from
getting cheated easily. People with education can differentiate
between what is right and what is wrong.
Read a text above and summarize it into
a paragraph about 100 words
New words/
Pronouncing Meaning Example

- trưởng thành
- (of a child or
He has matured
young person)
mature (v) /məˈtʊrd/ into a
behaving in a
responsible adult.
sensible way, like
an adult

- xung độ t
- a situation in
which people,
There is a conflict
groups or
between their
conflict (n) /ˈkɒn.flɪkt/ countries
opinions on this
disagree strongly
or are involved in
a serious

- mố i thù hậ n
- a feeling of
anger or dislike
She still holds a
grudge against
grudge (n) /ɡrʌdʒ/ somebody
him for what he
because of
did years ago.
something bad
they have done
to you in the past

- thay thế
- to substitute
We need to
something with
replace the old
replace (v) /rɪˈpleɪs/ something else or
equipment with
to take the place
new ones
of something.

- gian lậ n
She cheated in
- to be deceived
the game by
or tricked into
cheat (v) /ʧiːtɪd/ moving her game
gaining unfair or
piece when no
one was looking.
New words/
Pronouncing Meaning Example

- thỏa hiệ p
-an agreement
made between
two people or
groups in which They reached a
each side gives compromise on
compromise (n) /ˈkɒm.prə.maɪz/
up some of the the budget by
things they want making some
so that both sides
are happy at the

- phân biệ t
- to distinguish or
discern the
It's important to
differentiate (v) /ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt/ between two or
between right
more things,
and wrong.
typically based
on specific

- khả năng
- skills or talents
Her artistic
in performing a
ability (n) /əˈbɪləti/ abilities are truly
specific task or
executing a
particular skill.

- bằ ng lời nói
-related to
verbally (adv) /ˈvɜːrbəli/ their concerns
spoken language
verbally during
or by using words
the meeting

- phòng vệ
- to protect or
He will defend
stand up for
defend (v) dɪˈfend/ his point of view
in the debate.
against danger
or attack, often
Reading 1

No Answer Explanation

1 A Relative clause

2 B Make an effort + to V

3 C Parts of speech

4 A Parts of speech

5 B Another + Countable Nouns

6 C Relative clause

7 D Make it easier for sb to do sth

Choose the answer according to the

8 A
meaning of the sentence

9 C EnJoy + Ving

10 D Parts of speech
Reading 2

Answer: The main cause of climate change is the burning of fossil

fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These fuels release
1 greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, which trap heat and
cause the Earth's temperature to rise.
Line 1 paragraph B

Answer: Some of the effects of climate change that are already

being felt around the world include: More extreme weather events,
2 such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts; Rising sea levels, which is
threatening coastal communities.
Line 6 paragraph B

Answer: There are a number of things that we can do to address

climate change. These include:Reduce our reliance on fossil fuels:
We can do this by using more renewable energy sources, such as
solar and wind power.Improve energy efficiency: We can do this
3 by making our homes and businesses more energy-efficient.Protect
forests: Forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so it is
important to protect them.Reduce our consumption: We can do this
by buying less stuff and wasting less
Paragraph C

Answer: Forests are important because they:Absorb carbon

dioxide from the atmosphere, which helps to mitigate climate
Line 7 paragraph C

Answer: We can reduce our consumption by:Buying less stuff: We

should only buy what we need and avoid impulse
5 purchases.Reducing our food waste: We should compost food
scraps and eat less meat.
Line 9 paragraph C
Answer: It causes some species to move to cooler areas, while
others are becoming extinct. - Line 9 paragraph C

Answer: They release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere,

7 which trap heat and cause the Earth's temperature to rise- Line 2
paragraph B

Answer: The author's tone in this paragraph is serious and urgent.

The author is concerned about the effects of climate change and
8 believes that we need to take action to address it.- This question
is from my personal point of view, you can refer to the sample

Answer: The author's purpose in writing this paragraph is to inform

readers about the issue of climate change and to encourage
them to take action to address it.- This question is from my
personal point of view, you can refer to the sample answer

Answer: Climate change is a serious problem that we need to

address. The effects of climate change are already being felt
around the world, and they are only going to get worse if we do
10 not take action. We need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels,
improve energy efficiency, and protect forests. We also need to
change our behavior to be more sustainable.- This question is from
my personal point of view, you can refer to the sample answer
Reading 3

NO Answer Explanation

The first sentence of the passage mentions the author's

1 T appreciation for the beauty of nature in everyday

The author explicitly mentions their preference for starting the

2 F
day with the beauty of nature, not the city.

The passage emphasizes the importance of appreciating the

3 T little things in life, which often make us happy and content, in
contrast to being distracted by big milestones.

The author describes nature and its beauty as infinite, not

4 F

The passage suggests activities like planting trees and

5 T
reducing pollution as ways to appreciate nature.

The author expresses concern about children's exposure to

6 F gadgets, implying that they do not wish to see children overly
focused on them..

The author intends to promote creative thinking and

7 T
exploration in children, as mentioned in the passage.

The author mentions that children today are often distracted

8 T
and don't appreciate the importance of nature.

The author does not want to keep children indoors; instead,

9 F they aim to encourage children to explore and appreciate

The author believes that as a future educator, they have a

10 F role in teaching students to appreciate the beauty of nature,
as indicated in the passage.
Reading 4

Line 3 paragraph 1 - “But now with everything so over packaged


Line 4,5 paragraph 1 - “The trouble is not everything can be

recycled or will rot away”

Line 4 paragraph 2 - “They are important as like all plants they

give us oxygen”. They are trees

Line 2,3 paragraph 4 - “These come from the burning of coal, oil
and gas”

Line 3,4 paragraph 6 - “Animals tend to suffer the most from

these incidents”

Line 1,2 paragraph 2 - “The fact that paper can be recycled and
6-i is easy to dispose is great, but remember paper is made from

Line 2 paragraph 8 - “The ozone layer protects us from harmful

ultraviolet rays”

Line 1,2 paragraph 8 - “ Although we are trying to stop the hole

8-f in the ozone layer getting any bigger, nuclear waste is still a
serious problem”

Line 1,2 paragraph 3 - “The best waste is organic, dead leaves;

9-g carrot tops, onion skins and so on all rot down and make fertile

Line 2,3 paragraph 2 - “The rainforests have been slowly

disappearing for a while now.”
Reading 5
Education is the key to personal and societal success, serving as a
catalyst for progress (1). It imparts knowledge, enabling individuals to
pursue diverse careers and develop essential life skills (2). Education
instills time management, multitasking abilities, and proper
interpersonal interactions, vital for navigating life's challenges (3).
Beyond economic benefits, education builds confidence, fosters social
integration, and promotes ethical values like honesty, respect, and
authority (4). It enhances critical thinking, decision-making, and
communication skills, fostering open-mindedness and conflict
prevention (5). Education also nurtures maturity, encouraging personal
responsibility, effective leadership, and the ability to discern right
from wrong (6). In essence, education empowers individuals and
powers a better world through knowledge, skills, and ethical values (7).

Sentence Content

Sentence 1 Important meaning of education

Sentence 2 Describe how education is imparted

Sentence 3 The role of education in facing challenges in life

Sentence 4 Non-economic benefits of education

Education nurtures maturity, openness in thinking

Sentence 5&6
and prevents conflicts

Sentence 7 Conclusion of the passage

1st article:

2nd article:

3rd article:

4th article:

5th article:

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