Continuous Assessment 2022

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Peace-Work-Fatherland Paix-Travail-Patrie
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The ministry of Higher education Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur
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Institut Supérieur Des Sciences, De Technologie, Institut Supérieur Des Sciences, De
Management Et Développement Durable Technologie, Management Et Développement

Continuous Assessment 2022/2023 academic year

Course title: Digital Electronics (SWE113) Mr. Ndayo
Level: level 1 Time allowed: 1hr
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions following the correct numbering order and show your
working clearly. Avoid cancelation.

1. A car speed limit in major roads is 60.0935km/hr. What is this speed limit equivalent to
hexadecimal and in binary? 3marks
2. A) Convert the following binary numbers to their decimal equivalence.
a. 1010.101012
b. 01111101101100.001102 3marks
B) Convert the following decimal numbers to their binary equivalence.
i. 8.828125
ii. 16.0625 4marks
3. Using truth tables, Show that
(i) (X + Y) • (X + Y) = X
(ii) (A̅B + A) + (A̅C + B) = A+B+C 3 marks
4. Simplify the following Boolean expression A*B + A̅ *C + B*C 3marks
5. A combinational circuit takes 4 inputs labeled A, B, C and D respectively. the output S of
the circuit is high (1) if the value of the first input A is different from that of the last input
D otherwise the output S is low (0).
i. What are the total number of combinations possible for this circuit? 1mark
ii. Write down the truth table for the required combinational logic function. 2marks
iii. Write the Boolean expression of the circuit 1mark
iv. Draw the logic circuit of the above expression 4marks
v. Using Karnaugh Maps, determine the simplified Boolean expression 5marks
vi. Draw the circuit of the simplified expression obtained in iii) above 1mark
vii. What name is given to the circuit obtained in iv) above 1mark

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