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Before Class:

Title & Date: Write the class name, date, and topic at the top of your notes.
Review Prerequisites: Briefly skim any assigned readings or previous lectures to
refresh your memory.
During Class:

Focus on Key Ideas: Don't try to write everything down. Look for cues like
"important," "main point," or repeated emphasis to identify key information.
Use Abbreviations & Shorthand: Create a system of abbreviations to write faster.
Bullet Points & Outline Format: Structure your notes with bullet points, headings,
and subheadings to improve readability and organization.
Diagrams & Visuals: Sketch diagrams, graphs, or mind maps to represent complex
After Class:

Review & Revise: As soon as possible after class, review your notes. Fill in any
gaps, clarify unclear points, and condense lengthy sections.
Summarize Main Points: Write a concise summary of the key takeaways from the
Add Questions & Connections: Jot down any questions you have or connections you can
make to previous material.
Additional Tips:

Record Lectures (with permission): If allowed, record the lecture to supplement

your notes.
Use Technology: Explore note-taking apps like OneNote or Evernote for organization
and searchability.
Compare Notes with Classmates: Discussing key points with classmates can solidify
Remember, these are just guidelines. Adapt them to your learning style and the
specific requirements of your class.

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