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Local Area EHS Induction

Welcome to MCRI
It is important that all employees receive appropriate induction training before commencing work
activities within MCRI facilities, RCH Campus. This includes an induction into the local area and of the
new surroundings. This checklist is designed to aid in the induction process.

Group Leaders/Managers are responsible for ensuring workers under their supervision receive adequate
induction training.

NOTE: The following modules are to be completed prior to commencing any work activities.
 Local Area Induction Checklists - Forward completed checklist to EHS Department
and go back into Nucleus to acknowledge EHS Induction checklist has been
completed – this will mark this course in the system as complete.
 MCRI New Starter Safety Induction – for both office and laboratory based staff
 Laboratory Safety Induction – for laboratory based staff

If you have any queries please contact EHS department via

Employee Details
Name: Group/Dept:
ID Number: Position:
Inducted by: Location:
Supervisor: Date:

Office Based Checklist

General Information Y N N/A
Location of safety noticeboards
Location of amenities in the area (Toilets, Printing, Meeting Rooms etc)
Introduction to your Health & Safety Representative (HSR)
Introduction to Key Departments (IT, HR, etc)
Emergency Information Y N N/A
Details of Zone Wardens in the area
Location of emergency WIP phones in the area
Location of break glass alarm and fire extinguishers in the area
Emergency access and egress points in the building
Location of First Aid Kit in the area
Details of First Aiders in the area
Safety Requirements Y
Information on how to access EHS Support (ie ergonomic assessment)

Staff/Student: Signature:
Group Leader/Supervisor: Signature:

Document No: EHS-0193 Version: 6 Date:

Laboratory Based Checklist
Staff/Student Name: Research Group/ Work Area:
Staff /Student ID: Position:
Inducted by: Location:
Supervisor: Date:
General Information Y N N/A
Location of Safety Noticeboards
Introduction to your Health & Safety Representative (HSR)
Location of amenities in the area
Emergency Management Y N N/A
Details of Zone Wardens in the area
Location of emergency WIP phones in the area
Location of break glass alarm and fire extinguishers in the area
Emergency access and egress points in the building
Location of ’Emergency Stop’ button
Location of Spill Kit in the area
Location & Use of Emergency Eyewash and Safety Shower in the area
Location of First Aid Kit in the area
Details of First Aider in the area
Laboratory Safety Y N N/A
Aware of Essential Laboratory Practices
Location of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – lab gowns, safety glasses, gloves etc.
Aware of EHS Information on the Intranet
Aware of Relevant Laboratory Protocols & Job Safety Assessment
Aware of Waste Procedures (biological, GMO, sharps, chemical etc.)
Chemical Safety Y N N/A
Location of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Location of Chemical Risk Assessment / Risk Management Plans
Location of Dangerous Goods Cabinets and Scheduled Poisons storage
Aware of Chemical Management Procedures (storage, labelling, waste disposal etc.)
Plant Safety Y N N/A
Use of Biological Safety Cabinets
Use of fumehood
Use of -80 Freezers
Other (please specify):
Training Requirements Completed
Laboratory Safety Induction (Mandatory)
Standard Online Courses : Working with GMOs, Scheduled Poisons on Nucleus
Liquid Nitrogen Safe Use & Handling; Chemical Management & Spills; Radiation Safety Awareness
Book in via EHS :
Staff/Student: Signature:
Group Leader/Supervisor Signature:

Document No: EHS-0193 Version: 6 Date:

Document No: EHS-0193 Version: 6 Date:

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