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W Army Lists


List of Sets
List Set Latest Version Date Published
Chariot - Sumer and Akkad 2023.01 1st January 2023
Chariot - Egypt and Hatti 2023.01 1st January 2023
Chariot – Bronze and Iron 2023.01 1st January 2023
Chariot - Assyria and Babylon 2023.01 1st January 2023
Classical - The Balkans and Pontic Steppe 2023.01 1st January 2023
Classical - Egypt and Judaea 2023.01 1st January 2023
Classical - Gaul, Germany and Britain 2023.01 1st January 2023
Classical - Greece and Macedon 2023.01 1st January 2023
Classical - Italy 2023.01 1st January 2023
Classical - Persia, Iran and India 2023.01 1st January 2023
Classical - Spain, Sicily and Africa 2023.01 1st January 2023
Classical - Syria and Asia Minor 2023.01 1st January 2023
Early Medieval - Arabia 2023.01 1st January 2023
Early Medieval - Britain 2023.01 1st January 2023
Early Medieval - Byzantium 2023.01 1st January 2023
Early Medieval - Frankia 2023.01 1st January 2023
Early Medieval - The Steppes and Eastern Europe 2023.01 1st January 2023
Asian - Mandate of Heaven 2020.01 1st January 2020
Asian - The Warring States and Han Dynasty 2023.01 1st January 2023
Asian - The Three Kingdoms 2023.01 1st January 2023
Asian - Tang China 2023.01 1st January 2023
Asian - Genghis 2023.01 1st January 2023
Asian - Land of the Samurai 2023.01 1st January 2023
Asian - India 2023.01 1st January 2023
Asian - Southeast Asia 2023.01 1st January 2023
Medieval - The Crusades 2023.01 1st January 2023
Medieval - Frankokratia 2023.01 1st January 2023
Medieval - House of Osman 2023.01 1st January 2023
Medieval - Kings in the North 2023.01 1st January 2023
Medieval - House of Valois 2023.01 1st January 2023
Medieval - Holy Roman Empire 2023.01 1st January 2023
Medieval - Ostsiedlung 2023.01 1st January 2023
Medieval - Reconquista 2023.01 1st January 2023
Medieval - Africa 2023.01 1st January 2023
Americas - South America 2023.01 1st January 2023
Americas - Meso America 2023.01 1st January 2023
Americas - North America and Oceania 2023.01 1st January 2023
Rennaissance - The Italian Wars 2023.01 1st January 2023
Rennaissance – Japan 2023.01 1st January 2023

2023.01: 1st January 2023

List of Armies by List Set

List of Armies by List Set

No. Army Dates List Set
1101 Early Sumerian 3000 to 2801 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1102 Old or Middle Kingdom 3000 to 1550 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1103 Early Nomad 3000 to 1001 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1104 Highland Raiders 3000 to 1001 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1105 Early Libyan 3000 to 651 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1106 Sumerian 2800 to 2501 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1107 Elamite 2800 to 1100 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1108 Early Syrian 2700 to 2200 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1109 Indus Valley Civilisation 2600 to 1700 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1110 Later Sumerian 2500 to 2250 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1111 Nubian 2500 to 1480 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1112 Akkadian Empire 2334 to 2193 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1113 Third Dynasty of Ur 2112 to 2004 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1114 Isin-Larsa 2028 to 1762 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1115 Later Amorite 1894 to 1595 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1116 Dynasty of Sealand 1732 to 1460 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1201 Hittite Old and Middle 1680 to 1380 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1202 Hyksos 1645 to 1535 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1203 Minoan and Early Mycenaean 1600 to 1251 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1204 Mitanni 1595 to 1250 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1205 Kassite Babylonian 1595 to 1105 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1206 Syro-Canaanite 1590 to 1100 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1207 New Kingdom Egyptian 1500 to 1069 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1208 Gasgan 1450 to 1001 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1209 Hittite Empire 1400 to 1180 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1210 Middle Assyrian 1365 to 884 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1211 Later Mycenaean 1250 to 1180 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1212 Early Israelite 1250 to 1001 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1213 Sea Peoples 1230 to 1101 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1214 Early Vedic Indian 1200 to 901 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1215 Trojan War - Achaean 1193 to 1183 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1216 Trojan War - Trojan 1193 to 1183 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1301 2nd Dynasty of Isin 1157 to 1026 BCE Bronze and Iron
1302 Syro-Hittite 1100 to 901 BCE Bronze and Iron
1303 Philistine 1100 to 732 BCE Bronze and Iron
1304 Dark Age Greek 1100 to 671 BCE Bronze and Iron
1305 Israelite 1000 to 801 BCE Bronze and Iron
1306 Phoenician 1000 to 332 BCE Bronze and Iron
1307 Early Arab 1000 to 301 BCE Bronze and Iron
1308 Mannaian 950 to 610 BCE Bronze and Iron
1309 Libyan Egyptian 945 to 720 BCE Bronze and Iron
1310 Later Syro-Hittite 900 to 700 BCE Bronze and Iron
1311 Chaldean Babylonian 900 to 627 BCE Bronze and Iron
1312 Later Vedic Indian 900 to 530 BCE Bronze and Iron
1313 Later Elamite 890 to 539 BCE Bronze and Iron
1314 Early Neo-Assyrian Empire 883 to 745 BCE Bronze and Iron
1315 Early Urartian 860 to 747 BCE Bronze and Iron
1401 Phrygian 850 to 676 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1402 Early Iranian 836 to 550 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1403 Later Israelite 800 to 586 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1404 Cimmerian 750 to 630 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1405 Urartian 746 to 585 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1406 Neo-Assyrian Empire 745 to 681 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1407 Kushite Egyptian 732 to 656 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1408 Lydian 687 to 540 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1409 Later Sargonid Assyrian 680 to 609 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1410 Saitic Egyptian 664 to 525 BCE Assyria and Babylon

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List of Armies by List Set

No. Army Dates List Set

1411 Assyrian Babylonian 652 to 648 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1412 Neo-Babylonian Empire 626 to 539 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1413 Median Empire 620 to 550 BCE Assyria and Babylon
2101 Early Scythian or Saka 680 to 301 BCE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2102 Thracian Lowland Tribes 680 BCE to 25 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2103 Paeonian 512 to 265 BCE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2104 Early Sarmatian 350 BCE to 100 The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2105 Bosporan 348 BCE to 375 The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2106 Later Scythian 300 BCE to 50 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2107 Scordisci 240 BCE to 80 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2108 Bastarnae 179 BCE to 300 The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2109 Dacian or Carpi 82 BCE to 318 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2110 Thraco-Roman 20 BCE to 46 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2111 Alan 60 to 650 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2112 Later Sarmatian 100 to 390 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2113 Quadi 166 to 406 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2114 Early Vandal 166 to 442 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2115 Tervingi 220 to 376 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2116 Taifali 220 to 380 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2117 Scirii 220 to 476 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2118 Greuthingi or Early Ostrogoth 220 to 497 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2119 Heruli 220 to 508 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2120 Gepid 220 to 567 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2121 Hunnic 375 to 469 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2122 Gothic 377 to 419 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2123 Early Langobard 380 to 488 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2201 Cyrenean Greek 630 to 74 BCE Egypt and Judaea
2202 Meroitic Kushite 592 BCE to 350 Egypt and Judaea
2203 Late Period Egyptian 405 to 343 BCE Egypt and Judaea
2204 Nabatean 312 BCE to 106 Egypt and Judaea
2205 Pre-Islamic Arab 300 BCE to 400 Egypt and Judaea
2206 Early Ptolemaic 280 to 200 BCE Egypt and Judaea
2207 Ptolemaic 199 to 55 BCE Egypt and Judaea
2208 Jewish 167 BCE to 6 CE Egypt and Judaea
2209 Late Ptolemaic 54 to 31 BCE Egypt and Judaea
2210 Blemmye 30 BCE to 500 CE Egypt and Judaea
2211 Jewish Revolt 66 to 135 CE Egypt and Judaea
2212 Axumite 150 to 970 CE Egypt and Judaea
2213 Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 250 to 636 CE Egypt and Judaea
2214 Southern Pre-Islamic Arabian 401 to 638 CE Egypt and Judaea
2301 Highland Gallic 350 to 50 BCE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2302 Lowland Gallic 350 to 40 BCE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2303 Early German 180 BCE to 219 Gaul, Germany and Britain
2304 Ancient British 60 BCE to 90 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2305 Scots-Irish 50 to 450 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2306 Batavian Revolt 69 to 70 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2307 Caledonian 70 to 211 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2308 Picts 215 to 500 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2309 Early Franks 220 to 484 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2310 Rugii 220 to 490 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2311 Burgundi 220 to 495 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2312 Alamanni 220 to 506 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2313 Suevi 220 to 584 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2314 Frisii 220 to 734 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2315 Old Saxon 220 to 804 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2316 Limigantes 334 to 359 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2317 Thuringii 380 to 555 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2318 Turcilingi 450 to 493 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2319 Gallic Foederate Roman 461 to 486 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2401 Classical Greek 670 to 275 BCE Greece and Macedon

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No. Army Dates List Set

2402 Thracian Hill Tribes 670 BCE to 25 CE Greece and Macedon
2403 Spartan 668 to 394 BCE Greece and Macedon
2404 Early Macedonian 500 to 357 BCE Greece and Macedon
2405 Illyrian 500 BCE to 20 CE Greece and Macedon
2406 Mercenary Greek 401 to 298 BCE Greece and Macedon
2407 Later Spartan 393 to 228 BCE Greece and Macedon
2408 Alexandrian Macedonian 356 to 323 BCE Greece and Macedon
2409 Alexandrian Expeditionary 334 to 324 BCE Greece and Macedon
2410 Epirote 334 to 167 BCE Greece and Macedon
2411 Thraco-Macedonian 323 to 281 BCE Greece and Macedon
2412 Macedonian Successor 323 to 280 BCE Greece and Macedon
2413 Coalition against Antigonus 302 to 301 BCE Greece and Macedon
2414 Pyrrhic 294 to 272 BCE Greece and Macedon
2415 Later Macedonian 279 to 168 BCE Greece and Macedon
2416 Hellenistic Greek 275 to 146 BCE Greece and Macedon
2417 Hellenistic Spartan 227 to 195 BCE Greece and Macedon
2501 Early Roman or Latin 500 to 330 BCE Italy
2502 Italian Hill Tribes 500 to 290 BCE Italy
2503 Umbrian 500 to 290 BCE Italy
2504 Etruscan 500 to 280 BCE Italy
2505 Magna Graecia 500 to 267 BCE Italy
2506 Early Campanian 500 to 264 BCE Italy
2507 Apulian 500 to 203 BCE Italy
2508 Bruttian 500 to 203 BCE Italy
2509 Lucanian 500 to 203 BCE Italy
2510 Camillan Roman 400 to 275 BCE Italy
2511 Samnite 396 to 272 BCE Italy
2512 Later Campanian 335 to 211 BCE Italy
2513 Mid Republican Roman 275 to 100 BCE Italy
2514 Later Republican Roman 105 to 20 BCE Italy
2515 Spartacus Slave Revolt 73 to 71 BCE Italy
2516 Early Imperial Roman 20 BCE to 268 CE Italy
2517 Imperial Roman 269 to 396 CE Italy
2518 Foederate Roman 397 to 460 CE Italy
2519 Later Foederate Roman 461 to 490 CE Italy
2601 Achaemenid Persian - Royal 550 to 424 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2602 Achaemenid Persian - Satrapal 530 to 424 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2603 Mountain Indian 500 to 170 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2604 Classical Indian 500 BCE to 350 Persia, Iran and India
2605 Later Achaemenid Persian 423 to 329 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2606 Later Saka 300 to 130 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2607 Graeco-Bactrian 250 to 140 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2608 Parthian 250 BCE to 225 Persia, Iran and India
2609 Indo-Greek 180 BCE to 10 CE Persia, Iran and India
2610 Kushan or Indo-Scythian 150 BCE to 500 Persia, Iran and India
2611 Parthian Vassal States 147 BCE to 225 Persia, Iran and India
2612 Indo-Parthian 75 BCE to 100 CE Persia, Iran and India
2613 Early Sassanid Persian 224 to 336 CE Persia, Iran and India
2614 Middle Sassanid Persian 337 to 488 CE Persia, Iran and India
2615 Hephthalite 356 to 560 CE Persia, Iran and India
2701 Libyan 650 BCE to 202 Spain, Sicily and Africa
2702 Sicel 550 to 380 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2703 Siciliot Greek 550 to 241 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2704 Early Carthaginian 550 to 236 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2705 Sardinian 550 to 215 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2706 Syracusan 411 to 211 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2707 Spanish - Celtiberian 320 to 20 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2708 Spanish - Iberian 320 to 20 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2709 Spanish - Lusitanian 320 to 20 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2710 Numidian or Moorish 310 BCE to 199 Spain, Sicily and Africa

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No. Army Dates List Set

2711 Later Carthaginian 235 to 146 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2712 First Servile War Slave Revolt 135 to 132 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2713 Second Servile War Slave 104 to 100 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2714 Spanish - Sertorian 80 to 72 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2715 Pompeian Numidian 47 to 46 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2716 Later Moorish 200 to 696 CE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2801 Asiatic Greek 670 to 129 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2802 Lycian 525 to 300 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2803 Bithynian 435 to 74 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2804 Armenian 330 BCE to 627 Syria and Asia Minor
2805 Asiatic Successor 323 to 280 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2806 Eumenid 321 to 316 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2807 Cappadocian 300 BCE to 17 CE Syria and Asia Minor
2808 Attalid Pergamene 282 to 129 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2809 Galatian 280 to 62 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2810 Early Seleucid 279 to 167 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2811 Seleucid 166 to 129 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2812 Commagene 163 BCE to 72 CE Syria and Asia Minor
2813 Late Seleucid 128 to 56 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2814 Pontic 110 to 47 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2815 Palmyran 258 to 273 CE Syria and Asia Minor
3101 Early Arab Conquest 629 to 637 CE Arabia
3102 Arab Conquest 638 to 685 CE Arabia
3103 Khawarij 658 to 873 CE Arabia
3104 Umayyad in Africa and Spain 685 to 788 CE Arabia
3105 Umayyad and Early 'Abbasid 685 to 830 CE Arabia
3106 Andalusian 755 to 1031 CE Arabia
3107 North African Dynasties 789 to 1164 CE Arabia
3108 Khurasanian Dynasties 821 to 1003 CE Arabia
3109 Caliphal Later 'Abbasid 831 to 946 CE Arabia
3110 Regional Later 'Abbasid 831 to 946 CE Arabia
3111 Zanj Revolt 869 to 883 CE Arabia
3112 Salamiyah Qarmatian 874 to 899 CE Arabia
3113 Tulunid and Ikhshidid 874 to 969 CE Arabia
3114 Bedouin Dynasties 890 to 1500 CE Arabia
3115 Bahrain Qarmatian 897 to 1078 CE Arabia
3116 Dailami Dynasties 900 to 1062 CE Arabia
3117 Baghdad Buyid 946 to 978 CE Arabia
3118 Kurdish 950 to 1085 CE Arabia
3119 Kara-Khanid Khanate 960 to 1211 CE Arabia
3120 Ghaznavid 962 to 1187 CE Arabia
3121 Early Fatimid Egyptian 969 to 1073 CE Arabia
3122 Seljuk Turk 1037 to 1090 CE Arabia
3123 Great Seljuk Empire 1063 to 1092 CE Arabia
3201 Early Post-Roman British 407 to 468 CE Britain
3202 Later Scots-Irish 450 to 950 CE Britain
3203 Middle Post-Roman British 469 to 579 CE Britain
3204 Later Pictish 500 to 850 CE Britain
3205 Early Anglo-Saxon 555 to 700 CE Britain
3206 Later Post-Roman British 580 to 1053 CE Britain
3207 Early Welsh 580 to 1100 CE Britain
3208 Middle Anglo-Saxon 701 to 1016 CE Britain
3209 Viking 793 to 1070 CE Britain
3210 Early Scots 850 to 1123 CE Britain
3211 Norse-Irish 900 to 1167 CE Britain
3212 Anglo-Danish 1014 to 1071 CE Britain
3301 Eastern Later Roman 441 to 493 CE Byzantium
3302 African Vandal 442 to 535 CE Byzantium
3303 Sabir 450 to 582 CE Byzantium
3304 Langobard 489 to 584 CE Byzantium

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3305 Sassanid Persian 489 to 628 CE Byzantium
3306 Daylamite 489 to 899 CE Byzantium
3307 Italian Ostrogothic 493 to 561 CE Byzantium
3308 Early Byzantine 493 to 578 CE Byzantium
3309 Maurikian Byzantine 575 to 650 CE Byzantium
3310 Italian Lombard 584 to 774 CE Byzantium
3311 Heraklian Byzantine 622 to 628 CE Byzantium
3312 Early Serbian 627 to 1042 CE Byzantium
3313 Early Croatian 627 to 1089 CE Byzantium
3314 Syrian Byzantine 629 to 636 CE Byzantium
3315 Late Sassanid Persian 629 to 654 CE Byzantium
3316 Rshtuni Armenian 638 to 705 CE Byzantium
3317 Thematic Byzantine 650 to 929 CE Byzantium
3318 Lombard Principalities 775 to 1076 CE Byzantium
3319 Bagratid Armenian 885 to 1045 CE Byzantium
3320 Later Thematic Byzantine 930 to 963 CE Byzantium
3321 Nikephorian Byzantine 960 to 1058 CE Byzantium
3322 Later Nikephorian Byzantine 1059 to 1071 CE Byzantium
3401 Tolosan Visigoth 419 to 621 CE Frankia
3402 Armorican or Early Breton 435 to 913 CE Frankia
3403 Basque or Early Navarrese 470 to 1035 CE Frankia
3404 Early Merovingian Frank 485 to 561 CE Frankia
3405 Burgundian 496 to 613 CE Frankia
3406 Provencal 535 to 639 CE Frankia
3407 Swabian Duchies 539 to 744 CE Frankia
3408 Austrasia 562 to 639 CE Frankia
3409 Neustria 562 to 639 CE Frankia
3410 Later Merovingian Frank 613 to 735 CE Frankia
3411 Later Visigoth 622 to 720 CE Frankia
3412 Gallia Aquitania 628 to 632 CE Frankia
3413 Charles Martel Frank 718 to 741 CE Frankia
3414 Astur-Leonese 718 to 1037 CE Frankia
3415 Carolingian 741 to 888 CE Frankia
3416 Charlemagne Carolingian 768 to 814 CE Frankia
3417 East Frankish 888 to 933 CE Frankia
3418 Early Feudal French 888 to 1045 CE Frankia
3419 Early Holy Roman Empire 933 to 1106 CE Frankia
3420 Breton 935 to 1072 CE Frankia
3421 Norman 987 to 1071 CE Frankia
3422 Normans in Italy and Sicily 1042 to 1071 CE Frankia
3501 Southern Slav 476 to 896 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3502 Eastern Slav 476 to 985 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3503 Wends 476 to 1218 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3504 Bavarian 550 to 788 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3505 Avar 553 to 826 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3506 Early Bulgar 559 to 680 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3507 Bohemian 568 to 1003 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3508 Carantanian 626 to 745 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3509 Early Khazar 630 to 737 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3510 Magyar 650 to 997 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3511 Medieval Alan 651 to 1500 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3512 Volga Bulgar 675 to 1237 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3513 First Bulgarian Empire 681 to 1018 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3514 Khazar 738 to 968 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3515 Moravian 833 to 907 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3516 Pecheneg 850 to 1122 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3517 Rus 860 to 1054 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3518 Leidang 950 to 1070 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3519 Early Polish 960 to 1100 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3520 Early Hungarian 997 to 1100 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe

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3521 Cuman or Kipchak 1054 to 1394 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
4101 Erlitou Chinese 1700 to 1301 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4102 Chinese Northern Barbarians 1700 to 500 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4103 Later Shang Chinese 1300 to 1017 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4104 Chinese Nomadic Barbarians 1300 to 314 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4105 Early Zhou Chinese 1122 to 722 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4106 Early Spring and Autumn 771 to 685 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4107 The Five Hegemons 685 to 591 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4108 Late Spring and Autumn 591 to 475 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4201 Early Warring States 475 to 355 BCE The Warring States and Han
4202 Middle Warring States 355 to 278 BCE The Warring States and Han
4203 Qin 335 to 206 BCE The Warring States and Han
4204 Later Warring States 316 to 202 BCE The Warring States and Han
4205 Qiang 315 BCE to 300 The Warring States and Han
4206 Yuezhi 300 to 150 BCE The Warring States and Han
4207 Dian Tribes 295 BCE to 176 The Warring States and Han
4208 Xiongnu 250 BCE to 155 The Warring States and Han
4209 Nanyue 207 to 111 BCE The Warring States and Han
4210 Western Han 206 BCE to 23 CE The Warring States and Han
4211 Chinese Dominated Vietnam 111 BCE to 544 The Warring States and Han
4212 Han Rebels 17 to 205 CE The Warring States and Han
4213 Eastern Han 25 to 208 CE The Warring States and Han
4214 Buyeo 49 to 347 CE The Warring States and Han
4215 Southern Xiongnu 50 to 303 CE The Warring States and Han
4216 Xianbei 90 to 300 CE The Warring States and Han
4301 Wu - Three Kingdoms 199 to 280 CE The Three Kingdoms
4302 Shu - Three Kingdoms 208 to 263 CE The Three Kingdoms
4303 Wei - Three Kingdoms 208 to 316 CE The Three Kingdoms
4304 Gaya Confederacy 249 to 412 CE The Three Kingdoms
4305 Baekje Korean 249 to 663 CE The Three Kingdoms
4306 Xianbei Kingdoms 284 to 436 CE The Three Kingdoms
4307 Tuyuhun 284 to 634 CE The Three Kingdoms
4308 Later Qiang 300 to 550 CE The Three Kingdoms
4309 Di 300 to 550 CE The Three Kingdoms
4310 Later Xiongnu 304 to 439 CE The Three Kingdoms
4311 Goguryeo Korean 313 to 668 CE The Three Kingdoms
4312 Southern Dynasties 317 to 589 CE The Three Kingdoms
4313 Rouran Khaganate 330 to 555 CE The Three Kingdoms
4314 Silla Korean 356 to 935 CE The Three Kingdoms
4315 Northern Dynasties 439 to 577 CE The Three Kingdoms
4316 Western Wei and Northern 535 to 581 CE The Three Kingdoms
4401 Pre Dynastic Khitan 432 to 1000 CE Tang China
4402 Sogdian 500 to 730 CE Tang China
4403 Tarim Basin States 500 to 1063 CE Tang China
4404 Gokturk 550 to 774 CE Tang China
4405 Early Tibetan 560 to 840 CE Tang China
4406 Sui China 581 to 623 CE Tang China
4407 Tang China - Northern 618 to 763 CE Tang China
4408 Tang China - Central 623 to 763 CE Tang China
4409 Tang China - Southern 623 to 763 CE Tang China
4410 Balhae Korean 698 to 926 CE Tang China
4411 Türgesh 699 to 965 CE Tang China
4412 Uyghur Khaganate 744 to 860 CE Tang China
4413 Late Tang China - Northern 764 to 884 CE Tang China
4414 Late Tang China - Central 764 to 884 CE Tang China
4415 Late Tang China - Southern 764 to 884 CE Tang China
4416 Early Shatuo 808 to 907 CE Tang China
4417 Tribal Mongolian 840 to 1100 CE Tang China
4418 Tibetan 841 to 1065 CE Tang China
4419 Uyghur Successor States 860 to 1330 CE Tang China

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4420 Ten Kingdoms China 885 to 975 CE Tang China
4421 Five Dynasties China 885 to 979 CE Tang China
4422 Later Shatuo 908 to 923 CE Tang China
4501 Goryeo Korean 918 to 1399 CE Genghis
4502 Khitan-Liao 927 to 1125 CE Genghis
4503 Later Zhou and Early Northern 951 to 1005 CE Genghis
4504 Later Northern Song 1006 to 1127 CE Genghis
4505 Xi Xia 1038 to 1227 CE Genghis
4506 Pre-Conquest Mongol 1100 to 1206 CE Genghis
4507 Jurchen - Jin 1113 to 1234 CE Genghis
4508 Qara Khitan 1124 to 1211 CE Genghis
4509 Southern Song 1127 to 1279 CE Genghis
4510 Khwarazmian 1156 to 1231 CE Genghis
4511 Mongol Conquest 1207 to 1259 CE Genghis
4512 Golden Horde 1251 to 1502 CE Genghis
4513 Ilkhanate 1256 to 1357 CE Genghis
4514 Chagatai Khanate 1259 to 1370 CE Genghis
4515 Yuan Dynasty 1260 to 1368 CE Genghis
4516 Later Nomadic Mongol 1264 to 1508 CE Genghis
4517 Ming Chinese 1356 to 1500 CE Genghis
4518 Joseon Korean 1400 to 1500 CE Genghis
4601 Yayoi Japanese 500 BCE to 250 Land of the Samurai
4602 Yamato Era Japanese 251 to 672 CE Land of the Samurai
4603 Heishi Militia Japanese 673 to 794 CE Land of the Samurai
4604 Emishi 709 to 878 CE Land of the Samurai
4605 Heian Japanese 794 to 1179 CE Land of the Samurai
4606 Sohei Monks 980 to 1550 CE Land of the Samurai
4607 Kamakura Samurai 1180 to 1334 CE Land of the Samurai
4608 Muromachi Samurai 1335 to 1500 CE Land of the Samurai
4609 Muromachi Peasant Uprising 1428 to 1441 CE Land of the Samurai
4610 Ikko Ikki 1477 to 1580 CE Land of the Samurai
4701 Anuradhapura Kingdom 161 BCE to 1070 India
4702 Tamil Indian 275 to 1450 CE India
4703 Gupta Indian 320 to 550 CE India
4704 Late Classical Indian 543 to 1212 CE India
4705 Empire of Harsha 555 to 647 CE India
4706 Rajput Indian 600 to 1310 CE India
4707 Arab Indian 724 to 833 CE India
4708 Chola Empire 980 to 1279 CE India
4709 Ghurid 1100 to 1222 CE India
4710 Muslim Indian Sultanates 1192 to 1526 CE India
4711 Vijayanagar 1336 to 1526 CE India
4801 Early Khmer 100 to 801 CE Southeast Asia
4802 Rebel Vietnam 544 to 938 CE Southeast Asia
4803 Champa 600 to 1500 CE Southeast Asia
4804 Annam 602 to 905 CE Southeast Asia
4805 Pyu and Early Mon 660 to 1057 CE Southeast Asia
4806 Indonesian or Malay 700 to 1511 CE Southeast Asia
4807 Nanzhao 728 to 1382 CE Southeast Asia
4808 Angkor Empire 802 to 1431 CE Southeast Asia
4809 Kingdom of Pagan 849 to 1297 CE Southeast Asia
4810 Autonomous Vietnam 906 to 938 CE Southeast Asia
4811 Ngô, Đinh and Early Lê 939 to 1009 CE Southeast Asia
4812 Lý, Trần and Hồ Vietnam 1010 to 1407 CE Southeast Asia
4813 Moluccas 1200 to 1511 CE Southeast Asia
4814 Thai Kingdoms 1238 to 1510 CE Southeast Asia
4815 Bamarised Shan Kingdoms 1287 to 1539 CE Southeast Asia
4816 Hanthawaddy Kingdom 1287 to 1539 CE Southeast Asia
5101 Georgian 1008 to 1403 CE The Crusades
5102 Later Fatimid Egyptian 1074 to 1171 CE The Crusades

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5103 Early Armenian Cilicia 1080 to 1150 CE The Crusades
5104 Syrian States 1092 to 1174 CE The Crusades
5105 Eastern Seljuk Turk 1092 to 1181 CE The Crusades
5106 Later Seljuk Empire 1092 to 1194 CE The Crusades
5107 Early Turcoman Beyliks 1092 to 1277 CE The Crusades
5108 Peoples Crusade 1096 CE The Crusades
5109 First Crusade 1096 to 1099 CE The Crusades
5110 County of Edessa 1097 to 1144 CE The Crusades
5111 Early Outremer States 1100 to 1129 CE The Crusades
5112 Post Seljuk Abbasid 1120 to 1259 CE The Crusades
5113 Outremer States 1130 to 1187 CE The Crusades
5114 Sultanate of Rum 1140 to 1276 CE The Crusades
5115 Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 1151 to 1375 CE The Crusades
5116 Ayyubid Egyptian 1171 to 1250 CE The Crusades
5117 Later Crusader 1188 to 1291 CE The Crusades
5118 Ayyubid Syrian States 1193 to 1285 CE The Crusades
5119 Seventh Crusade 1249 to 1250 CE The Crusades
5120 Mamluk Egyptian 1250 to 1517 CE The Crusades
5201 Komnenan Byzantine 1071 to 1204 CE Frankokratia
5202 Kingdom of Serbia 1166 to 1300 CE Frankokratia
5203 Second Bulgarian Empire 1186 to 1395 CE Frankokratia
5204 Lusignan Cypriot 1192 to 1474 CE Frankokratia
5205 Latin Empire 1204 to 1261 CE Frankokratia
5206 Nicaean Byzantine 1204 to 1261 CE Frankokratia
5207 Epirot Byzantine 1204 to 1337 CE Frankokratia
5208 Empire of Trebizond 1204 to 1461 CE Frankokratia
5209 Venetian in Greece 1204 to 1470 CE Frankokratia
5210 Frankish Greece 1205 to 1458 CE Frankokratia
5211 Late Imperial Byzantine 1261 to 1384 CE Frankokratia
5212 Despotate of the Morea 1262 to 1460 CE Frankokratia
5213 Early Ottoman Turkish 1281 to 1362 CE Frankokratia
5214 Order of St John 1292 to 1522 CE Frankokratia
5215 Catalan Company in Anatolia 1303 to 1305 CE Frankokratia
5216 Catalan Company in Greece 1306 to 1388 CE Frankokratia
5217 Genoese in Cyprus 1373 to 1464 CE Frankokratia
5301 Islamic Persian 1245 to 1393 CE House of Osman
5302 Turcoman Beyliks 1278 to 1515 CE House of Osman
5303 Serbian Empire 1301 to 1489 CE House of Osman
5304 Later Hungarian 1308 to 1441 CE House of Osman
5305 Wallachian 1330 to 1476 CE House of Osman
5306 Jalairid Sultanate 1336 to 1432 CE House of Osman
5307 Albanian Principalities 1355 to 1479 CE House of Osman
5308 Moldavian 1359 to 1517 CE House of Osman
5309 Timurid 1360 to 1506 CE House of Osman
5310 Ottoman Turkish 1362 to 1520 CE House of Osman
5311 Kara Koyunlu 1378 to 1469 CE House of Osman
5312 Ak Koyunlu 1387 to 1504 CE House of Osman
5313 Crusade of Nicopolis 1396 CE House of Osman
5314 Tatar Khanates 1430 to 1520 CE House of Osman
5315 Black Army Hungarian 1442 to 1494 CE House of Osman
5401 Jarls of Orkney 1014 to 1472 CE Kings in the North
5402 Kingdom of the Isles 1079 to 1493 CE Kings in the North
5403 Anglo Norman 1087 to 1154 CE Kings in the North
5404 Medieval Welsh 1094 to 1410 CE Kings in the North
5405 Feudal Scottish 1124 to 1305 CE Kings in the North
5406 Feudal English 1154 to 1320 CE Kings in the North
5407 Later Norse-Irish 1168 to 1300 CE Kings in the North
5408 Early Anglo-Irish 1169 to 1349 CE Kings in the North
5409 Medieval Irish 1300 to 1500 CE Kings in the North
5410 Medieval Scottish 1306 to 1473 CE Kings in the North

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5411 Medieval English 1320 to 1454 CE Kings in the North
5412 Anglo-Irish 1350 to 1500 CE Kings in the North
5413 Lancastrian English 1455 to 1471 CE Kings in the North
5414 Yorkist English 1455 to 1483 CE Kings in the North
5415 Late Medieval Scottish 1474 to 1487 CE Kings in the North
5416 Richard III English 1483 to 1485 CE Kings in the North
5417 Early Tudor English 1485 to 1487 CE Kings in the North
5418 Yorkist Pretender 1486 to 1487 CE Kings in the North
5501 Feudal French 1046 to 1149 CE House of Valois
5502 Northern Medieval French 1150 to 1337 CE House of Valois
5503 Southern Medieval French 1150 to 1337 CE House of Valois
5504 Early Swiss 1291 to 1405 CE House of Valois
5505 Early Medieval Low Countries 1297 to 1409 CE House of Valois
5506 Early 100 Years War English 1337 to 1414 CE House of Valois
5507 100 Years War French 1337 to 1444 CE House of Valois
5508 Free Company 1357 to 1444 CE House of Valois
5509 Medieval Burgundian 1363 to 1471 CE House of Valois
5510 Middle Swiss 1405 to 1473 CE House of Valois
5511 Later Medieval Low Countries 1410 to 1478 CE House of Valois
5512 Later 100 Years War English 1415 to 1453 CE House of Valois
5513 Scottish in France 1418 to 1429 CE House of Valois
5514 French Ordonnance 1445 to 1480 CE House of Valois
5515 Burgundian Ordonnance 1471 to 1477 CE House of Valois
5516 Edward IV English 1475 to 1482 CE House of Valois
5601 Early Communal Italian 1029 to 1149 CE Holy Roman Empire
5602 Papal Italian 1049 to 1320 CE Holy Roman Empire
5603 Norman Sicilian 1072 to 1212 CE Holy Roman Empire
5604 Hungarian 1100 to 1308 CE Holy Roman Empire
5605 Early Imperial German 1106 to 1149 CE Holy Roman Empire
5606 Feudal German 1106 to 1340 CE Holy Roman Empire
5607 Later Communal Italian 1150 to 1320 CE Holy Roman Empire
5608 Imperial German 1150 to 1340 CE Holy Roman Empire
5609 Medieval Frisian or 1150 to 1500 CE Holy Roman Empire
5610 Hohenstaufen Sicilian 1194 to 1266 CE Holy Roman Empire
5611 Hohenstaufen German 1268 CE Holy Roman Empire
5612 Angevin Sicilian 1268 to 1320 CE Holy Roman Empire
5613 Aragonese Sicilian 1282 to 1442 CE Holy Roman Empire
5614 Medieval German City League 1300 to 1440 CE Holy Roman Empire
5615 Early Italian Condotta 1321 to 1420 CE Holy Roman Empire
5616 Medieval German 1341 to 1440 CE Holy Roman Empire
5617 Kingdom of Naples 1421 to 1493 CE Holy Roman Empire
5618 Italian Condotta 1421 to 1493 CE Holy Roman Empire
5619 Republic of Venice 1421 to 1493 CE Holy Roman Empire
5620 Late Medieval German 1441 to 1492 CE Holy Roman Empire
5701 Early Russian 1055 to 1246 CE Ostsiedlung
5702 Early Medieval Danish 1071 to 1279 CE Ostsiedlung
5703 Post-Viking Scandinavian 1071 to 1279 CE Ostsiedlung
5704 Feudal Polish 1100 to 1335 CE Ostsiedlung
5705 Early Lithuanian 1132 to 1299 CE Ostsiedlung
5706 Estonian 1200 to 1227 CE Ostsiedlung
5707 Prussian 1200 to 1283 CE Ostsiedlung
5708 Teutonic Orders 1201 to 1439 CE Ostsiedlung
5709 Novgorod Republic 1247 to 1471 CE Ostsiedlung
5710 Post-Mongol Russian 1247 to 1533 CE Ostsiedlung
5711 Medieval Norway 1280 to 1390 CE Ostsiedlung
5712 Medieval Danish and Kalmar 1280 to 1450 CE Ostsiedlung
5713 Medieval Swedish 1280 to 1523 CE Ostsiedlung
5714 Later Lithuanian 1300 to 1515 CE Ostsiedlung
5715 Medieval Polish 1335 to 1454 CE Ostsiedlung
5716 Hussite 1419 to 1479 CE Ostsiedlung

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5717 Later Teutonic Order 1440 to 1525 CE Ostsiedlung
5718 Later Medieval Polish 1455 to 1515 CE Ostsiedlung
5801 Early Catalan and Aragon 988 to 1149 CE Reconquista
5802 Taifa Andalusian 1017 to 1110 CE Reconquista
5803 Feudal Navarrese 1035 to 1327 CE Reconquista
5804 Feudal Castile and León 1037 to 1349 CE Reconquista
5805 Almoravid 1054 to 1147 CE Reconquista
5806 Feudal Portuguese 1129 to 1149 CE Reconquista
5807 Almohad 1130 to 1269 CE Reconquista
5808 Taifa of Murcia 1147 to 1172 CE Reconquista
5809 Early Crown of Aragon 1150 to 1336 CE Reconquista
5810 Medieval Portuguese 1150 to 1500 CE Reconquista
5811 Banu Ghaniya 1184 to 1235 CE Reconquista
5812 Medieval Granadine 1228 to 1492 CE Reconquista
5813 Hafsid 1229 to 1500 CE Reconquista
5814 Kingdom of Tiemcen 1236 to 1520 CE Reconquista
5815 Marinid 1248 to 1465 CE Reconquista
5816 Medieval Navarrese 1328 to 1379 CE Reconquista
5817 Crown of Aragon 1336 to 1479 CE Reconquista
5818 Medieval Castilian 1350 to 1476 CE Reconquista
5901 Christian Nubian 550 to 1500 CE Africa
5902 Kingdom of Ghana 800 to 1235 CE Africa
5903 Beja 831 to 1500 CE Africa
5904 Kanem-Bornu 850 to 1500 CE Africa
5905 Abyssinian 890 to 1500 CE Africa
5906 Mogadishu Sultanates 896 to 1500 CE Africa
5907 Tuareg 950 to 1550 CE Africa
5908 Hausa Kingdoms 1000 to 1500 CE Africa
5909 Kingdom of Benin 1100 to 1503 CE Africa
5910 Ayyubid in Ifriqiya 1172 to 1207 CE Africa
5911 Kilwa Sultanate 1180 to 1506 CE Africa
5912 Mali Empire 1235 to 1670 CE Africa
5913 Bantu Kingdoms 1250 to 1550 CE Africa
5914 Mossi 1250 to 1575 CE Africa
5915 Kongo 1350 to 1512 CE Africa
5916 Central African 1350 to 1550 CE Africa
5917 Songhai 1370 to 1592 CE Africa
6101 Muzo or Panche 800 to 1580 CE South America
6102 Columbian Indian 1000 to 1580 CE South America
6103 Muisca Confederation 1400 to 1541 CE South America
6104 Cauca Valley Tribes 1400 to 1580 CE South America
6105 Paez 1400 to 1580 CE South America
6106 Aruak and Carib Indian 1200 to 1580 CE South America
6107 Gé Brazilian Indian 1200 to 1580 CE South America
6108 Tupi 1200 to 1580 CE South America
6109 Moche 100 to 750 CE South America
6110 Canari 500 to 1533 CE South America
6111 Chimú 900 to 1470 CE South America
6112 Chanka 1000 to 1440 CE South America
6113 Kingdom of Cusco 1200 to 1437 CE South America
6114 Inca Empire 1438 to 1545 CE South America
6115 Hatun-Colla 1440 to 1462 CE South America
6116 Northern Mapuche 1450 to 1552 CE South America
6201 Middle Formative Meso- 1200 to 400 BCE Meso America
6202 Olmec 1200 BCE to 200 Meso America
6203 Teotihuacan 100 to 750 CE Meso America
6204 Classical Mayan 200 to 900 CE Meso America
6205 Chichimec 800 to 1500 CE Meso America
6206 Mexica 800 to 1500 CE Meso America
6207 Otomi 800 to 1500 CE Meso America

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6208 Toltec Empire 900 to 1150 CE Meso America
6209 Post-Classical Mayan 987 to 1461 CE Meso America
6210 Totonac 1100 to 1519 CE Meso America
6211 Mixtec 1100 to 1521 CE Meso America
6212 Zapotec 1100 to 1521 CE Meso America
6213 Texcalan Empire 1168 to 1521 CE Meso America
6214 Purépecha Empire 1200 to 1521 CE Meso America
6215 Post-Toltec Cities 1300 to 1522 CE Meso America
6216 Aztec Empire 1428 to 1521 CE Meso America
6301 Eastern Woodland Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6302 Mound-Builder Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6303 Plains Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6304 Pueblo Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6305 Tu'i Empire 950 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6306 Hawaiian 1000 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6307 Pacific Northwest Culture 1100 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6308 Timucuan 1200 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6309 Moa-Hunter Maori 1280 to 1450 CE North America and Oceania
6310 Southeastern Woodland 1300 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
7101 Late Swiss 1474 to 1522 CE The Italian Wars
7102 Later Castilian 1477 to 1497 CE The Italian Wars
7103 Later Burgundian 1478 to 1506 CE The Italian Wars
7104 Later French Ordonnance 1481 to 1493 CE The Italian Wars
7105 Swabian League 1488 to 1499 CE The Italian Wars
7106 James IV Scottish 1488 to 1513 CE The Italian Wars
7107 Tudor English 1488 to 1525 CE The Italian Wars
7108 Maximilian German 1493 to 1519 CE The Italian Wars
7109 German States 1493 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7110 Italian States 1494 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7111 Italian Wars French 1494 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7112 Italian Wars Venetian 1494 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7113 Pre-Cordoba Trastámara 1498 to 1504 CE The Italian Wars
7114 Trastámara Spanish 1505 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7201 Sengoku Japanese 1500 to 1585 CE Japan
7202 Nobunaga Japanese 1540 to 1582 CE Japan
7203 Takeda Japanese 1560 to 1575 CE Japan

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Alphabetical List of Armies

Alphabetical List of Armies

No. Army Dates List Set
5507 100 Years War French 1337 to 1444 CE House of Valois
1301 2nd Dynasty of Isin 1157 to 1026 BCE Bronze and Iron
5905 Abyssinian 890 to 1500 CE Africa
2601 Achaemenid Persian - Royal 550 to 424 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2602 Achaemenid Persian - Satrapal 530 to 424 BCE Persia, Iran and India
3302 African Vandal 442 to 535 CE Byzantium
5312 Ak Koyunlu 1387 to 1504 CE House of Osman
1112 Akkadian Empire 2334 to 2193 BCE Sumer and Akkad
2312 Alamanni 220 to 506 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2111 Alan 60 to 650 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
5307 Albanian Principalities 1355 to 1479 CE House of Osman
2409 Alexandrian Expeditionary 334 to 324 BCE Greece and Macedon
2408 Alexandrian Macedonian 356 to 323 BCE Greece and Macedon
5807 Almohad 1130 to 1269 CE Reconquista
5805 Almoravid 1054 to 1147 CE Reconquista
2304 Ancient British 60 BCE to 90 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
3106 Andalusian 755 to 1031 CE Arabia
5612 Angevin Sicilian 1268 to 1320 CE Holy Roman Empire
4808 Angkor Empire 802 to 1431 CE Southeast Asia
5403 Anglo Norman 1087 to 1154 CE Kings in the North
3212 Anglo-Danish 1014 to 1071 CE Britain
5412 Anglo-Irish 1350 to 1500 CE Kings in the North
4804 Annam 602 to 905 CE Southeast Asia
4701 Anuradhapura Kingdom 161 BCE to 1070 India
2507 Apulian 500 to 203 BCE Italy
3102 Arab Conquest 638 to 685 CE Arabia
4707 Arab Indian 724 to 833 CE India
5613 Aragonese Sicilian 1282 to 1442 CE Holy Roman Empire
2804 Armenian 330 BCE to 627 Syria and Asia Minor
5115 Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 1151 to 1375 CE The Crusades
3402 Armorican or Early Breton 435 to 913 CE Frankia
6106 Aruak and Carib Indian 1200 to 1580 CE South America
2801 Asiatic Greek 670 to 129 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2805 Asiatic Successor 323 to 280 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
1411 Assyrian Babylonian 652 to 648 BCE Assyria and Babylon
3414 Astur-Leonese 718 to 1037 CE Frankia
2808 Attalid Pergamene 282 to 129 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
3408 Austrasia 562 to 639 CE Frankia
4810 Autonomous Vietnam 906 to 938 CE Southeast Asia
3505 Avar 553 to 826 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
2212 Axumite 150 to 970 CE Egypt and Judaea
5116 Ayyubid Egyptian 1171 to 1250 CE The Crusades
5910 Ayyubid in Ifriqiya 1172 to 1207 CE Africa
5118 Ayyubid Syrian States 1193 to 1285 CE The Crusades
6216 Aztec Empire 1428 to 1521 CE Meso America
4305 Baekje Korean 249 to 663 CE The Three Kingdoms
3117 Baghdad Buyid 946 to 978 CE Arabia
3319 Bagratid Armenian 885 to 1045 CE Byzantium
3115 Bahrain Qarmatian 897 to 1078 CE Arabia
4410 Balhae Korean 698 to 926 CE Tang China
4815 Bamarised Shan Kingdoms 1287 to 1539 CE Southeast Asia
5913 Bantu Kingdoms 1250 to 1550 CE Africa
5811 Banu Ghaniya 1184 to 1235 CE Reconquista
3403 Basque or Early Navarrese 470 to 1035 CE Frankia
2108 Bastarnae 179 BCE to 300 The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2306 Batavian Revolt 69 to 70 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
3504 Bavarian 550 to 788 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe

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3114 Bedouin Dynasties 890 to 1500 CE Arabia
5903 Beja 831 to 1500 CE Africa
2803 Bithynian 435 to 74 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
5315 Black Army Hungarian 1442 to 1494 CE House of Osman
2210 Blemmye 30 BCE to 500 CE Egypt and Judaea
3507 Bohemian 568 to 1003 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
2105 Bosporan 348 BCE to 375 The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
3420 Breton 935 to 1072 CE Frankia
2508 Bruttian 500 to 203 BCE Italy
2311 Burgundi 220 to 495 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
3405 Burgundian 496 to 613 CE Frankia
5515 Burgundian Ordonnance 1471 to 1477 CE House of Valois
4214 Buyeo 49 to 347 CE The Warring States and Han
2307 Caledonian 70 to 211 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
3109 Caliphal Later 'Abbasid 831 to 946 CE Arabia
2510 Camillan Roman 400 to 275 BCE Italy
6110 Canari 500 to 1533 CE South America
2807 Cappadocian 300 BCE to 17 CE Syria and Asia Minor
3508 Carantanian 626 to 745 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3415 Carolingian 741 to 888 CE Frankia
5215 Catalan Company in Anatolia 1303 to 1305 CE Frankokratia
5216 Catalan Company in Greece 1306 to 1388 CE Frankokratia
6104 Cauca Valley Tribes 1400 to 1580 CE South America
5916 Central African 1350 to 1550 CE Africa
4514 Chagatai Khanate 1259 to 1370 CE Genghis
1311 Chaldean Babylonian 900 to 627 BCE Bronze and Iron
4803 Champa 600 to 1500 CE Southeast Asia
6112 Chanka 1000 to 1440 CE South America
3416 Charlemagne Carolingian 768 to 814 CE Frankia
3413 Charles Martel Frank 718 to 741 CE Frankia
6205 Chichimec 800 to 1500 CE Meso America
6111 Chimú 900 to 1470 CE South America
4211 Chinese Dominated Vietnam 111 BCE to 544 The Warring States and Han
4104 Chinese Nomadic Barbarians 1300 to 314 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4102 Chinese Northern Barbarians 1700 to 500 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4708 Chola Empire 980 to 1279 CE India
5901 Christian Nubian 550 to 1500 CE Africa
1404 Cimmerian 750 to 630 BCE Assyria and Babylon
2401 Classical Greek 670 to 275 BCE Greece and Macedon
2604 Classical Indian 500 BCE to 350 Persia, Iran and India
6204 Classical Mayan 200 to 900 CE Meso America
2413 Coalition against Antigonus 302 to 301 BCE Greece and Macedon
6102 Columbian Indian 1000 to 1580 CE South America
2812 Commagene 163 BCE to 72 CE Syria and Asia Minor
5110 County of Edessa 1097 to 1144 CE The Crusades
5817 Crown of Aragon 1336 to 1479 CE Reconquista
5313 Crusade of Nicopolis 1396 CE House of Osman
3521 Cuman or Kipchak 1054 to 1394 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
2201 Cyrenean Greek 630 to 74 BCE Egypt and Judaea
2109 Dacian or Carpi 82 BCE to 318 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
3116 Dailami Dynasties 900 to 1062 CE Arabia
1304 Dark Age Greek 1100 to 671 BCE Bronze and Iron
3306 Daylamite 489 to 899 CE Byzantium
5212 Despotate of the Morea 1262 to 1460 CE Frankokratia
4309 Di 300 to 550 CE The Three Kingdoms
4207 Dian Tribes 295 BCE to 176 The Warring States and Han
1116 Dynasty of Sealand 1732 to 1460 BCE Sumer and Akkad
5506 Early 100 Years War English 1337 to 1414 CE House of Valois
5408 Early Anglo-Irish 1169 to 1349 CE Kings in the North
3205 Early Anglo-Saxon 555 to 700 CE Britain

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1307 Early Arab 1000 to 301 BCE Bronze and Iron
3101 Early Arab Conquest 629 to 637 CE Arabia
5103 Early Armenian Cilicia 1080 to 1150 CE The Crusades
3506 Early Bulgar 559 to 680 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3308 Early Byzantine 493 to 578 CE Byzantium
2506 Early Campanian 500 to 264 BCE Italy
2704 Early Carthaginian 550 to 236 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
5801 Early Catalan and Aragon 988 to 1149 CE Reconquista
5601 Early Communal Italian 1029 to 1149 CE Holy Roman Empire
3313 Early Croatian 627 to 1089 CE Byzantium
5809 Early Crown of Aragon 1150 to 1336 CE Reconquista
3121 Early Fatimid Egyptian 969 to 1073 CE Arabia
3418 Early Feudal French 888 to 1045 CE Frankia
2309 Early Franks 220 to 484 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2303 Early German 180 BCE to 219 Gaul, Germany and Britain
3419 Early Holy Roman Empire 933 to 1106 CE Frankia
3520 Early Hungarian 997 to 1100 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
5605 Early Imperial German 1106 to 1149 CE Holy Roman Empire
2516 Early Imperial Roman 20 BCE to 268 CE Italy
1402 Early Iranian 836 to 550 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1212 Early Israelite 1250 to 1001 BCE Egypt and Hatti
5615 Early Italian Condotta 1321 to 1420 CE Holy Roman Empire
3509 Early Khazar 630 to 737 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
4801 Early Khmer 100 to 801 CE Southeast Asia
2123 Early Langobard 380 to 488 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
1105 Early Libyan 3000 to 651 BCE Sumer and Akkad
5705 Early Lithuanian 1132 to 1299 CE Ostsiedlung
2404 Early Macedonian 500 to 357 BCE Greece and Macedon
5702 Early Medieval Danish 1071 to 1279 CE Ostsiedlung
5505 Early Medieval Low Countries 1297 to 1409 CE House of Valois
3404 Early Merovingian Frank 485 to 561 CE Frankia
1314 Early Neo-Assyrian Empire 883 to 745 BCE Bronze and Iron
1103 Early Nomad 3000 to 1001 BCE Sumer and Akkad
5213 Early Ottoman Turkish 1281 to 1362 CE Frankokratia
5111 Early Outremer States 1100 to 1129 CE The Crusades
3519 Early Polish 960 to 1100 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3201 Early Post-Roman British 407 to 468 CE Britain
2206 Early Ptolemaic 280 to 200 BCE Egypt and Judaea
2501 Early Roman or Latin 500 to 330 BCE Italy
5701 Early Russian 1055 to 1246 CE Ostsiedlung
2104 Early Sarmatian 350 BCE to 100 The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2613 Early Sassanid Persian 224 to 336 CE Persia, Iran and India
3210 Early Scots 850 to 1123 CE Britain
2101 Early Scythian or Saka 680 to 301 BCE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2810 Early Seleucid 279 to 167 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
3312 Early Serbian 627 to 1042 CE Byzantium
4416 Early Shatuo 808 to 907 CE Tang China
4106 Early Spring and Autumn 771 to 685 BCE Mandate of Heaven
1101 Early Sumerian 3000 to 2801 BCE Sumer and Akkad
5504 Early Swiss 1291 to 1405 CE House of Valois
1108 Early Syrian 2700 to 2200 BCE Sumer and Akkad
4405 Early Tibetan 560 to 840 CE Tang China
5417 Early Tudor English 1485 to 1487 CE Kings in the North
5107 Early Turcoman Beyliks 1092 to 1277 CE The Crusades
1315 Early Urartian 860 to 747 BCE Bronze and Iron
2114 Early Vandal 166 to 442 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
1214 Early Vedic Indian 1200 to 901 BCE Egypt and Hatti
4201 Early Warring States 475 to 355 BCE The Warring States and Han
3207 Early Welsh 580 to 1100 CE Britain
4105 Early Zhou Chinese 1122 to 722 BCE Mandate of Heaven

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3417 East Frankish 888 to 933 CE Frankia
4213 Eastern Han 25 to 208 CE The Warring States and Han
3301 Eastern Later Roman 441 to 493 CE Byzantium
5105 Eastern Seljuk Turk 1092 to 1181 CE The Crusades
3502 Eastern Slav 476 to 985 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
6301 Eastern Woodland Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
5516 Edward IV English 1475 to 1482 CE House of Valois
1107 Elamite 2800 to 1100 BCE Sumer and Akkad
4604 Emishi 709 to 878 CE Land of the Samurai
4705 Empire of Harsha 555 to 647 CE India
5208 Empire of Trebizond 1204 to 1461 CE Frankokratia
5207 Epirot Byzantine 1204 to 1337 CE Frankokratia
2410 Epirote 334 to 167 BCE Greece and Macedon
4101 Erlitou Chinese 1700 to 1301 BCE Mandate of Heaven
5706 Estonian 1200 to 1227 CE Ostsiedlung
2504 Etruscan 500 to 280 BCE Italy
2806 Eumenid 321 to 316 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
5804 Feudal Castile and León 1037 to 1349 CE Reconquista
5406 Feudal English 1154 to 1320 CE Kings in the North
5501 Feudal French 1046 to 1149 CE House of Valois
5606 Feudal German 1106 to 1340 CE Holy Roman Empire
5803 Feudal Navarrese 1035 to 1327 CE Reconquista
5704 Feudal Polish 1100 to 1335 CE Ostsiedlung
5806 Feudal Portuguese 1129 to 1149 CE Reconquista
5405 Feudal Scottish 1124 to 1305 CE Kings in the North
3513 First Bulgarian Empire 681 to 1018 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
5109 First Crusade 1096 to 1099 CE The Crusades
2712 First Servile War Slave Revolt 135 to 132 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
4421 Five Dynasties China 885 to 979 CE Tang China
2518 Foederate Roman 397 to 460 CE Italy
5210 Frankish Greece 1205 to 1458 CE Frankokratia
5508 Free Company 1357 to 1444 CE House of Valois
5514 French Ordonnance 1445 to 1480 CE House of Valois
2314 Frisii 220 to 734 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2809 Galatian 280 to 62 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
3412 Gallia Aquitania 628 to 632 CE Frankia
2319 Gallic Foederate Roman 461 to 486 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
1208 Gasgan 1450 to 1001 BCE Egypt and Hatti
4304 Gaya Confederacy 249 to 412 CE The Three Kingdoms
6107 Gé Brazilian Indian 1200 to 1580 CE South America
5217 Genoese in Cyprus 1373 to 1464 CE Frankokratia
5101 Georgian 1008 to 1403 CE The Crusades
2120 Gepid 220 to 567 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
7109 German States 1493 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
3120 Ghaznavid 962 to 1187 CE Arabia
4709 Ghurid 1100 to 1222 CE India
4311 Goguryeo Korean 313 to 668 CE The Three Kingdoms
4404 Gokturk 550 to 774 CE Tang China
4512 Golden Horde 1251 to 1502 CE Genghis
4501 Goryeo Korean 918 to 1399 CE Genghis
2122 Gothic 377 to 419 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2607 Graeco-Bactrian 250 to 140 BCE Persia, Iran and India
3123 Great Seljuk Empire 1063 to 1092 CE Arabia
2118 Greuthingi or Early Ostrogoth 220 to 497 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
4703 Gupta Indian 320 to 550 CE India
5813 Hafsid 1229 to 1500 CE Reconquista
4212 Han Rebels 17 to 205 CE The Warring States and Han
4816 Hanthawaddy Kingdom 1287 to 1539 CE Southeast Asia
6115 Hatun-Colla 1440 to 1462 CE South America
5908 Hausa Kingdoms 1000 to 1500 CE Africa

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6306 Hawaiian 1000 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
4605 Heian Japanese 794 to 1179 CE Land of the Samurai
4603 Heishi Militia Japanese 673 to 794 CE Land of the Samurai
2416 Hellenistic Greek 275 to 146 BCE Greece and Macedon
2417 Hellenistic Spartan 227 to 195 BCE Greece and Macedon
2615 Hephthalite 356 to 560 CE Persia, Iran and India
3311 Heraklian Byzantine 622 to 628 CE Byzantium
2119 Heruli 220 to 508 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2301 Highland Gallic 350 to 50 BCE Gaul, Germany and Britain
1104 Highland Raiders 3000 to 1001 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1209 Hittite Empire 1400 to 1180 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1201 Hittite Old and Middle 1680 to 1380 BCE Egypt and Hatti
5611 Hohenstaufen German 1268 CE Holy Roman Empire
5610 Hohenstaufen Sicilian 1194 to 1266 CE Holy Roman Empire
5604 Hungarian 1100 to 1308 CE Holy Roman Empire
2121 Hunnic 375 to 469 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
5716 Hussite 1419 to 1479 CE Ostsiedlung
1202 Hyksos 1645 to 1535 BCE Egypt and Hatti
4610 Ikko Ikki 1477 to 1580 CE Land of the Samurai
4513 Ilkhanate 1256 to 1357 CE Genghis
2405 Illyrian 500 BCE to 20 CE Greece and Macedon
5608 Imperial German 1150 to 1340 CE Holy Roman Empire
2517 Imperial Roman 269 to 396 CE Italy
6114 Inca Empire 1438 to 1545 CE South America
2609 Indo-Greek 180 BCE to 10 CE Persia, Iran and India
4806 Indonesian or Malay 700 to 1511 CE Southeast Asia
2612 Indo-Parthian 75 BCE to 100 CE Persia, Iran and India
1109 Indus Valley Civilisation 2600 to 1700 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1114 Isin-Larsa 2028 to 1762 BCE Sumer and Akkad
5301 Islamic Persian 1245 to 1393 CE House of Osman
1305 Israelite 1000 to 801 BCE Bronze and Iron
5618 Italian Condotta 1421 to 1493 CE Holy Roman Empire
2502 Italian Hill Tribes 500 to 290 BCE Italy
3310 Italian Lombard 584 to 774 CE Byzantium
3307 Italian Ostrogothic 493 to 561 CE Byzantium
7110 Italian States 1494 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7111 Italian Wars French 1494 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7112 Italian Wars Venetian 1494 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
5306 Jalairid Sultanate 1336 to 1432 CE House of Osman
7106 James IV Scottish 1488 to 1513 CE The Italian Wars
5401 Jarls of Orkney 1014 to 1472 CE Kings in the North
2208 Jewish 167 BCE to 6 CE Egypt and Judaea
2211 Jewish Revolt 66 to 135 CE Egypt and Judaea
4518 Joseon Korean 1400 to 1500 CE Genghis
4507 Jurchen - Jin 1113 to 1234 CE Genghis
4607 Kamakura Samurai 1180 to 1334 CE Land of the Samurai
5904 Kanem-Bornu 850 to 1500 CE Africa
5311 Kara Koyunlu 1378 to 1469 CE House of Osman
3119 Kara-Khanid Khanate 960 to 1211 CE Arabia
1205 Kassite Babylonian 1595 to 1105 BCE Egypt and Hatti
3103 Khawarij 658 to 873 CE Arabia
3514 Khazar 738 to 968 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
4502 Khitan-Liao 927 to 1125 CE Genghis
3108 Khurasanian Dynasties 821 to 1003 CE Arabia
4510 Khwarazmian 1156 to 1231 CE Genghis
5911 Kilwa Sultanate 1180 to 1506 CE Africa
5909 Kingdom of Benin 1100 to 1503 CE Africa
6113 Kingdom of Cusco 1200 to 1437 CE South America
5902 Kingdom of Ghana 800 to 1235 CE Africa
5617 Kingdom of Naples 1421 to 1493 CE Holy Roman Empire

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4809 Kingdom of Pagan 849 to 1297 CE Southeast Asia
5202 Kingdom of Serbia 1166 to 1300 CE Frankokratia
5402 Kingdom of the Isles 1079 to 1493 CE Kings in the North
5814 Kingdom of Tiemcen 1236 to 1520 CE Reconquista
5201 Komnenan Byzantine 1071 to 1204 CE Frankokratia
5915 Kongo 1350 to 1512 CE Africa
3118 Kurdish 950 to 1085 CE Arabia
2610 Kushan or Indo-Scythian 150 BCE to 500 Persia, Iran and India
1407 Kushite Egyptian 732 to 656 BCE Assyria and Babylon
5413 Lancastrian English 1455 to 1471 CE Kings in the North
3304 Langobard 489 to 584 CE Byzantium
4704 Late Classical Indian 543 to 1212 CE India
5211 Late Imperial Byzantine 1261 to 1384 CE Frankokratia
5620 Late Medieval German 1441 to 1492 CE Holy Roman Empire
5415 Late Medieval Scottish 1474 to 1487 CE Kings in the North
2203 Late Period Egyptian 405 to 343 BCE Egypt and Judaea
2209 Late Ptolemaic 54 to 31 BCE Egypt and Judaea
3315 Late Sassanid Persian 629 to 654 CE Byzantium
2813 Late Seleucid 128 to 56 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
4108 Late Spring and Autumn 591 to 475 BCE Mandate of Heaven
7101 Late Swiss 1474 to 1522 CE The Italian Wars
4414 Late Tang China - Central 764 to 884 CE Tang China
4413 Late Tang China - Northern 764 to 884 CE Tang China
4415 Late Tang China - Southern 764 to 884 CE Tang China
5512 Later 100 Years War English 1415 to 1453 CE House of Valois
2605 Later Achaemenid Persian 423 to 329 BCE Persia, Iran and India
1115 Later Amorite 1894 to 1595 BCE Sumer and Akkad
7103 Later Burgundian 1478 to 1506 CE The Italian Wars
2512 Later Campanian 335 to 211 BCE Italy
2711 Later Carthaginian 235 to 146 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
7102 Later Castilian 1477 to 1497 CE The Italian Wars
5607 Later Communal Italian 1150 to 1320 CE Holy Roman Empire
5117 Later Crusader 1188 to 1291 CE The Crusades
1313 Later Elamite 890 to 539 BCE Bronze and Iron
5102 Later Fatimid Egyptian 1074 to 1171 CE The Crusades
2519 Later Foederate Roman 461 to 490 CE Italy
7104 Later French Ordonnance 1481 to 1493 CE The Italian Wars
5304 Later Hungarian 1308 to 1441 CE House of Osman
1403 Later Israelite 800 to 586 BCE Assyria and Babylon
5714 Later Lithuanian 1300 to 1515 CE Ostsiedlung
2415 Later Macedonian 279 to 168 BCE Greece and Macedon
5511 Later Medieval Low Countries 1410 to 1478 CE House of Valois
5718 Later Medieval Polish 1455 to 1515 CE Ostsiedlung
3410 Later Merovingian Frank 613 to 735 CE Frankia
2716 Later Moorish 200 to 696 CE Spain, Sicily and Africa
1211 Later Mycenaean 1250 to 1180 BCE Egypt and Hatti
3322 Later Nikephorian Byzantine 1059 to 1071 CE Byzantium
4516 Later Nomadic Mongol 1264 to 1508 CE Genghis
5407 Later Norse-Irish 1168 to 1300 CE Kings in the North
4504 Later Northern Song 1006 to 1127 CE Genghis
3204 Later Pictish 500 to 850 CE Britain
3206 Later Post-Roman British 580 to 1053 CE Britain
2213 Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 250 to 636 CE Egypt and Judaea
4308 Later Qiang 300 to 550 CE The Three Kingdoms
2514 Later Republican Roman 105 to 20 BCE Italy
2606 Later Saka 300 to 130 BCE Persia, Iran and India
1409 Later Sargonid Assyrian 680 to 609 BCE Assyria and Babylon
2112 Later Sarmatian 100 to 390 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
3202 Later Scots-Irish 450 to 950 CE Britain
2106 Later Scythian 300 BCE to 50 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe

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5106 Later Seljuk Empire 1092 to 1194 CE The Crusades
4103 Later Shang Chinese 1300 to 1017 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4422 Later Shatuo 908 to 923 CE Tang China
2407 Later Spartan 393 to 228 BCE Greece and Macedon
1110 Later Sumerian 2500 to 2250 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1310 Later Syro-Hittite 900 to 700 BCE Bronze and Iron
5717 Later Teutonic Order 1440 to 1525 CE Ostsiedlung
3320 Later Thematic Byzantine 930 to 963 CE Byzantium
1312 Later Vedic Indian 900 to 530 BCE Bronze and Iron
3411 Later Visigoth 622 to 720 CE Frankia
4204 Later Warring States 316 to 202 BCE The Warring States and Han
4310 Later Xiongnu 304 to 439 CE The Three Kingdoms
4503 Later Zhou and Early Northern 951 to 1005 CE Genghis
5205 Latin Empire 1204 to 1261 CE Frankokratia
3518 Leidang 950 to 1070 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
2701 Libyan 650 BCE to 202 Spain, Sicily and Africa
1309 Libyan Egyptian 945 to 720 BCE Bronze and Iron
2316 Limigantes 334 to 359 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
3318 Lombard Principalities 775 to 1076 CE Byzantium
2302 Lowland Gallic 350 to 40 BCE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2509 Lucanian 500 to 203 BCE Italy
5204 Lusignan Cypriot 1192 to 1474 CE Frankokratia
4812 Lý, Trần and Hồ Vietnam 1010 to 1407 CE Southeast Asia
2802 Lycian 525 to 300 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
1408 Lydian 687 to 540 BCE Assyria and Babylon
2412 Macedonian Successor 323 to 280 BCE Greece and Macedon
2505 Magna Graecia 500 to 267 BCE Italy
3510 Magyar 650 to 997 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
5912 Mali Empire 1235 to 1670 CE Africa
5120 Mamluk Egyptian 1250 to 1517 CE The Crusades
1308 Mannaian 950 to 610 BCE Bronze and Iron
5815 Marinid 1248 to 1465 CE Reconquista
3309 Maurikian Byzantine 575 to 650 CE Byzantium
7108 Maximilian German 1493 to 1519 CE The Italian Wars
1413 Median Empire 620 to 550 BCE Assyria and Babylon
3511 Medieval Alan 651 to 1500 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
5509 Medieval Burgundian 1363 to 1471 CE House of Valois
5818 Medieval Castilian 1350 to 1476 CE Reconquista
5712 Medieval Danish and Kalmar 1280 to 1450 CE Ostsiedlung
5411 Medieval English 1320 to 1454 CE Kings in the North
5609 Medieval Frisian or 1150 to 1500 CE Holy Roman Empire
5616 Medieval German 1341 to 1440 CE Holy Roman Empire
5614 Medieval German City League 1300 to 1440 CE Holy Roman Empire
5812 Medieval Granadine 1228 to 1492 CE Reconquista
5409 Medieval Irish 1300 to 1500 CE Kings in the North
5816 Medieval Navarrese 1328 to 1379 CE Reconquista
5711 Medieval Norway 1280 to 1390 CE Ostsiedlung
5715 Medieval Polish 1335 to 1454 CE Ostsiedlung
5810 Medieval Portuguese 1150 to 1500 CE Reconquista
5410 Medieval Scottish 1306 to 1473 CE Kings in the North
5713 Medieval Swedish 1280 to 1523 CE Ostsiedlung
5404 Medieval Welsh 1094 to 1410 CE Kings in the North
2406 Mercenary Greek 401 to 298 BCE Greece and Macedon
2202 Meroitic Kushite 592 BCE to 350 Egypt and Judaea
6206 Mexica 800 to 1500 CE Meso America
2513 Mid Republican Roman 275 to 100 BCE Italy
3208 Middle Anglo-Saxon 701 to 1016 CE Britain
1210 Middle Assyrian 1365 to 884 BCE Egypt and Hatti
6201 Middle Formative Meso- 1200 to 400 BCE Meso America
3203 Middle Post-Roman British 469 to 579 CE Britain

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2614 Middle Sassanid Persian 337 to 488 CE Persia, Iran and India
5510 Middle Swiss 1405 to 1473 CE House of Valois
4202 Middle Warring States 355 to 278 BCE The Warring States and Han
4517 Ming Chinese 1356 to 1500 CE Genghis
1203 Minoan and Early Mycenaean 1600 to 1251 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1204 Mitanni 1595 to 1250 BCE Egypt and Hatti
6211 Mixtec 1100 to 1521 CE Meso America
6309 Moa-Hunter Maori 1280 to 1450 CE North America and Oceania
6109 Moche 100 to 750 CE South America
5906 Mogadishu Sultanates 896 to 1500 CE Africa
5308 Moldavian 1359 to 1517 CE House of Osman
4813 Moluccas 1200 to 1511 CE Southeast Asia
4511 Mongol Conquest 1207 to 1259 CE Genghis
3515 Moravian 833 to 907 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
5914 Mossi 1250 to 1575 CE Africa
6302 Mound-Builder Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
2603 Mountain Indian 500 to 170 BCE Persia, Iran and India
6103 Muisca Confederation 1400 to 1541 CE South America
4609 Muromachi Peasant Uprising 1428 to 1441 CE Land of the Samurai
4608 Muromachi Samurai 1335 to 1500 CE Land of the Samurai
4710 Muslim Indian Sultanates 1192 to 1526 CE India
6101 Muzo or Panche 800 to 1580 CE South America
2204 Nabatean 312 BCE to 106 Egypt and Judaea
4209 Nanyue 207 to 111 BCE The Warring States and Han
4807 Nanzhao 728 to 1382 CE Southeast Asia
1406 Neo-Assyrian Empire 745 to 681 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1412 Neo-Babylonian Empire 626 to 539 BCE Assyria and Babylon
3409 Neustria 562 to 639 CE Frankia
1207 New Kingdom Egyptian 1500 to 1069 BCE Egypt and Hatti
4811 Ngô, Đinh and Early Lê 939 to 1009 CE Southeast Asia
5206 Nicaean Byzantine 1204 to 1261 CE Frankokratia
3321 Nikephorian Byzantine 960 to 1058 CE Byzantium
7202 Nobunaga Japanese 1540 to 1582 CE Japan
3421 Norman 987 to 1071 CE Frankia
5603 Norman Sicilian 1072 to 1212 CE Holy Roman Empire
3422 Normans in Italy and Sicily 1042 to 1071 CE Frankia
3211 Norse-Irish 900 to 1167 CE Britain
3107 North African Dynasties 789 to 1164 CE Arabia
4315 Northern Dynasties 439 to 577 CE The Three Kingdoms
6116 Northern Mapuche 1450 to 1552 CE South America
5502 Northern Medieval French 1150 to 1337 CE House of Valois
5709 Novgorod Republic 1247 to 1471 CE Ostsiedlung
1111 Nubian 2500 to 1480 BCE Sumer and Akkad
2710 Numidian or Moorish 310 BCE to 199 Spain, Sicily and Africa
1102 Old or Middle Kingdom 3000 to 1550 BCE Sumer and Akkad
2315 Old Saxon 220 to 804 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
6202 Olmec 1200 BCE to 200 Meso America
5214 Order of St John 1292 to 1522 CE Frankokratia
6207 Otomi 800 to 1500 CE Meso America
5310 Ottoman Turkish 1362 to 1520 CE House of Osman
5113 Outremer States 1130 to 1187 CE The Crusades
6307 Pacific Northwest Culture 1100 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
2103 Paeonian 512 to 265 BCE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
6105 Paez 1400 to 1580 CE South America
2815 Palmyran 258 to 273 CE Syria and Asia Minor
5602 Papal Italian 1049 to 1320 CE Holy Roman Empire
2608 Parthian 250 BCE to 225 Persia, Iran and India
2611 Parthian Vassal States 147 BCE to 225 Persia, Iran and India
3516 Pecheneg 850 to 1122 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
5108 Peoples Crusade 1096 CE The Crusades

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1303 Philistine 1100 to 732 BCE Bronze and Iron
1306 Phoenician 1000 to 332 BCE Bronze and Iron
1401 Phrygian 850 to 676 BCE Assyria and Babylon
2308 Picts 215 to 500 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
6303 Plains Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
2715 Pompeian Numidian 47 to 46 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2814 Pontic 110 to 47 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
5112 Post Seljuk Abbasid 1120 to 1259 CE The Crusades
6209 Post-Classical Mayan 987 to 1461 CE Meso America
5710 Post-Mongol Russian 1247 to 1533 CE Ostsiedlung
6215 Post-Toltec Cities 1300 to 1522 CE Meso America
5703 Post-Viking Scandinavian 1071 to 1279 CE Ostsiedlung
4401 Pre Dynastic Khitan 432 to 1000 CE Tang China
4506 Pre-Conquest Mongol 1100 to 1206 CE Genghis
7113 Pre-Cordoba Trastámara 1498 to 1504 CE The Italian Wars
2205 Pre-Islamic Arab 300 BCE to 400 Egypt and Judaea
3406 Provencal 535 to 639 CE Frankia
5707 Prussian 1200 to 1283 CE Ostsiedlung
2207 Ptolemaic 199 to 55 BCE Egypt and Judaea
6304 Pueblo Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6214 Purépecha Empire 1200 to 1521 CE Meso America
2414 Pyrrhic 294 to 272 BCE Greece and Macedon
4805 Pyu and Early Mon 660 to 1057 CE Southeast Asia
4508 Qara Khitan 1124 to 1211 CE Genghis
4205 Qiang 315 BCE to 300 The Warring States and Han
4203 Qin 335 to 206 BCE The Warring States and Han
2113 Quadi 166 to 406 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
4706 Rajput Indian 600 to 1310 CE India
4802 Rebel Vietnam 544 to 938 CE Southeast Asia
3110 Regional Later 'Abbasid 831 to 946 CE Arabia
5619 Republic of Venice 1421 to 1493 CE Holy Roman Empire
5416 Richard III English 1483 to 1485 CE Kings in the North
4313 Rouran Khaganate 330 to 555 CE The Three Kingdoms
3316 Rshtuni Armenian 638 to 705 CE Byzantium
2310 Rugii 220 to 490 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
3517 Rus 860 to 1054 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3303 Sabir 450 to 582 CE Byzantium
1410 Saitic Egyptian 664 to 525 BCE Assyria and Babylon
3112 Salamiyah Qarmatian 874 to 899 CE Arabia
2511 Samnite 396 to 272 BCE Italy
2705 Sardinian 550 to 215 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
3305 Sassanid Persian 489 to 628 CE Byzantium
2117 Scirii 220 to 476 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2107 Scordisci 240 BCE to 80 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2305 Scots-Irish 50 to 450 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
5513 Scottish in France 1418 to 1429 CE House of Valois
1213 Sea Peoples 1230 to 1101 BCE Egypt and Hatti
5203 Second Bulgarian Empire 1186 to 1395 CE Frankokratia
2713 Second Servile War Slave 104 to 100 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2811 Seleucid 166 to 129 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
3122 Seljuk Turk 1037 to 1090 CE Arabia
7201 Sengoku Japanese 1500 to 1585 CE Japan
5303 Serbian Empire 1301 to 1489 CE House of Osman
5119 Seventh Crusade 1249 to 1250 CE The Crusades
4302 Shu - Three Kingdoms 208 to 263 CE The Three Kingdoms
2702 Sicel 550 to 380 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2703 Siciliot Greek 550 to 241 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
4314 Silla Korean 356 to 935 CE The Three Kingdoms
4402 Sogdian 500 to 730 CE Tang China
4606 Sohei Monks 980 to 1550 CE Land of the Samurai

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5917 Songhai 1370 to 1592 CE Africa
6310 Southeastern Woodland 1300 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
4312 Southern Dynasties 317 to 589 CE The Three Kingdoms
5503 Southern Medieval French 1150 to 1337 CE House of Valois
2214 Southern Pre-Islamic Arabian 401 to 638 CE Egypt and Judaea
3501 Southern Slav 476 to 896 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
4509 Southern Song 1127 to 1279 CE Genghis
4215 Southern Xiongnu 50 to 303 CE The Warring States and Han
2707 Spanish - Celtiberian 320 to 20 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2708 Spanish - Iberian 320 to 20 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2709 Spanish - Lusitanian 320 to 20 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2714 Spanish - Sertorian 80 to 72 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2515 Spartacus Slave Revolt 73 to 71 BCE Italy
2403 Spartan 668 to 394 BCE Greece and Macedon
2313 Suevi 220 to 584 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
4406 Sui China 581 to 623 CE Tang China
5114 Sultanate of Rum 1140 to 1276 CE The Crusades
1106 Sumerian 2800 to 2501 BCE Sumer and Akkad
3407 Swabian Duchies 539 to 744 CE Frankia
7105 Swabian League 1488 to 1499 CE The Italian Wars
2706 Syracusan 411 to 211 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
3314 Syrian Byzantine 629 to 636 CE Byzantium
5104 Syrian States 1092 to 1174 CE The Crusades
1206 Syro-Canaanite 1590 to 1100 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1302 Syro-Hittite 1100 to 901 BCE Bronze and Iron
5802 Taifa Andalusian 1017 to 1110 CE Reconquista
5808 Taifa of Murcia 1147 to 1172 CE Reconquista
2116 Taifali 220 to 380 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
7203 Takeda Japanese 1560 to 1575 CE Japan
4702 Tamil Indian 275 to 1450 CE India
4408 Tang China - Central 623 to 763 CE Tang China
4407 Tang China - Northern 618 to 763 CE Tang China
4409 Tang China - Southern 623 to 763 CE Tang China
4403 Tarim Basin States 500 to 1063 CE Tang China
5314 Tatar Khanates 1430 to 1520 CE House of Osman
4420 Ten Kingdoms China 885 to 975 CE Tang China
6203 Teotihuacan 100 to 750 CE Meso America
2115 Tervingi 220 to 376 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
5708 Teutonic Orders 1201 to 1439 CE Ostsiedlung
6213 Texcalan Empire 1168 to 1521 CE Meso America
4814 Thai Kingdoms 1238 to 1510 CE Southeast Asia
4107 The Five Hegemons 685 to 591 BCE Mandate of Heaven
3317 Thematic Byzantine 650 to 929 CE Byzantium
1113 Third Dynasty of Ur 2112 to 2004 BCE Sumer and Akkad
2402 Thracian Hill Tribes 670 BCE to 25 CE Greece and Macedon
2102 Thracian Lowland Tribes 680 BCE to 25 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2411 Thraco-Macedonian 323 to 281 BCE Greece and Macedon
2110 Thraco-Roman 20 BCE to 46 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2317 Thuringii 380 to 555 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
4418 Tibetan 841 to 1065 CE Tang China
6308 Timucuan 1200 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
5309 Timurid 1360 to 1506 CE House of Osman
3401 Tolosan Visigoth 419 to 621 CE Frankia
6208 Toltec Empire 900 to 1150 CE Meso America
6210 Totonac 1100 to 1519 CE Meso America
7114 Trastámara Spanish 1505 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
4417 Tribal Mongolian 840 to 1100 CE Tang China
1215 Trojan War - Achaean 1193 to 1183 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1216 Trojan War - Trojan 1193 to 1183 BCE Egypt and Hatti
5907 Tuareg 950 to 1550 CE Africa

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7107 Tudor English 1488 to 1525 CE The Italian Wars
6305 Tu'i Empire 950 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
3113 Tulunid and Ikhshidid 874 to 969 CE Arabia
6108 Tupi 1200 to 1580 CE South America
2318 Turcilingi 450 to 493 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
5302 Turcoman Beyliks 1278 to 1515 CE House of Osman
4411 Türgesh 699 to 965 CE Tang China
4307 Tuyuhun 284 to 634 CE The Three Kingdoms
3105 Umayyad and Early 'Abbasid 685 to 830 CE Arabia
3104 Umayyad in Africa and Spain 685 to 788 CE Arabia
2503 Umbrian 500 to 290 BCE Italy
1405 Urartian 746 to 585 BCE Assyria and Babylon
4412 Uyghur Khaganate 744 to 860 CE Tang China
4419 Uyghur Successor States 860 to 1330 CE Tang China
5209 Venetian in Greece 1204 to 1470 CE Frankokratia
4711 Vijayanagar 1336 to 1526 CE India
3209 Viking 793 to 1070 CE Britain
3512 Volga Bulgar 675 to 1237 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
5305 Wallachian 1330 to 1476 CE House of Osman
4303 Wei - Three Kingdoms 208 to 316 CE The Three Kingdoms
3503 Wends 476 to 1218 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
4210 Western Han 206 BCE to 23 CE The Warring States and Han
4316 Western Wei and Northern 535 to 581 CE The Three Kingdoms
4301 Wu - Three Kingdoms 199 to 280 CE The Three Kingdoms
4505 Xi Xia 1038 to 1227 CE Genghis
4216 Xianbei 90 to 300 CE The Warring States and Han
4306 Xianbei Kingdoms 284 to 436 CE The Three Kingdoms
4208 Xiongnu 250 BCE to 155 The Warring States and Han
4602 Yamato Era Japanese 251 to 672 CE Land of the Samurai
4601 Yayoi Japanese 500 BCE to 250 Land of the Samurai
5414 Yorkist English 1455 to 1483 CE Kings in the North
5418 Yorkist Pretender 1486 to 1487 CE Kings in the North
4515 Yuan Dynasty 1260 to 1368 CE Genghis
4206 Yuezhi 300 to 150 BCE The Warring States and Han
3111 Zanj Revolt 869 to 883 CE Arabia
6212 Zapotec 1100 to 1521 CE Meso America

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List of Armies by Date

List of Armies By Date

No. Army Dates List Set
1101 Early Sumerian 3000 to 2801 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1102 Old or Middle Kingdom 3000 to 1550 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1103 Early Nomad 3000 to 1001 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1104 Highland Raiders 3000 to 1001 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1105 Early Libyan 3000 to 651 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1106 Sumerian 2800 to 2501 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1107 Elamite 2800 to 1100 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1108 Early Syrian 2700 to 2200 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1109 Indus Valley Civilisation 2600 to 1700 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1110 Later Sumerian 2500 to 2250 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1111 Nubian 2500 to 1480 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1112 Akkadian Empire 2334 to 2193 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1113 Third Dynasty of Ur 2112 to 2004 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1114 Isin-Larsa 2028 to 1762 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1115 Later Amorite 1894 to 1595 BCE Sumer and Akkad
1116 Dynasty of Sealand 1732 to 1460 BCE Sumer and Akkad
4101 Erlitou Chinese 1700 to 1301 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4102 Chinese Northern Barbarians 1700 to 500 BCE Mandate of Heaven
1201 Hittite Old and Middle 1680 to 1380 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1202 Hyksos 1645 to 1535 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1203 Minoan and Early Mycenaean 1600 to 1251 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1204 Mitanni 1595 to 1250 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1205 Kassite Babylonian 1595 to 1105 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1206 Syro-Canaanite 1590 to 1100 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1207 New Kingdom Egyptian 1500 to 1069 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1208 Gasgan 1450 to 1001 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1209 Hittite Empire 1400 to 1180 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1210 Middle Assyrian 1365 to 884 BCE Egypt and Hatti
4103 Later Shang Chinese 1300 to 1017 BCE Mandate of Heaven
4104 Chinese Nomadic Barbarians 1300 to 314 BCE Mandate of Heaven
1211 Later Mycenaean 1250 to 1180 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1212 Early Israelite 1250 to 1001 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1213 Sea Peoples 1230 to 1101 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1214 Early Vedic Indian 1200 to 901 BCE Egypt and Hatti
6201 Middle Formative Meso- 1200 to 400 BCE Meso America
6202 Olmec 1200 BCE to 200 Meso America
1215 Trojan War - Achaean 1193 to 1183 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1216 Trojan War - Trojan 1193 to 1183 BCE Egypt and Hatti
1301 2nd Dynasty of Isin 1157 to 1026 BCE Bronze and Iron
4105 Early Zhou Chinese 1122 to 722 BCE Mandate of Heaven
1302 Syro-Hittite 1100 to 901 BCE Bronze and Iron
1303 Philistine 1100 to 732 BCE Bronze and Iron
1304 Dark Age Greek 1100 to 671 BCE Bronze and Iron
1305 Israelite 1000 to 801 BCE Bronze and Iron
1306 Phoenician 1000 to 332 BCE Bronze and Iron
1307 Early Arab 1000 to 301 BCE Bronze and Iron
1308 Mannaian 950 to 610 BCE Bronze and Iron
1309 Libyan Egyptian 945 to 720 BCE Bronze and Iron
1310 Later Syro-Hittite 900 to 700 BCE Bronze and Iron
1311 Chaldean Babylonian 900 to 627 BCE Bronze and Iron
1312 Later Vedic Indian 900 to 530 BCE Bronze and Iron
1313 Later Elamite 890 to 539 BCE Bronze and Iron
1314 Early Neo-Assyrian Empire 883 to 745 BCE Bronze and Iron
1315 Early Urartian 860 to 747 BCE Bronze and Iron
1401 Phrygian 850 to 676 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1402 Early Iranian 836 to 550 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1403 Later Israelite 800 to 586 BCE Assyria and Babylon

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4106 Early Spring and Autumn 771 to 685 BCE Mandate of Heaven
1404 Cimmerian 750 to 630 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1405 Urartian 746 to 585 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1406 Neo-Assyrian Empire 745 to 681 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1407 Kushite Egyptian 732 to 656 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1408 Lydian 687 to 540 BCE Assyria and Babylon
4107 The Five Hegemons 685 to 591 BCE Mandate of Heaven
1409 Later Sargonid Assyrian 680 to 609 BCE Assyria and Babylon
2101 Early Scythian or Saka 680 to 301 BCE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2102 Thracian Lowland Tribes 680 BCE to 25 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2401 Classical Greek 670 to 275 BCE Greece and Macedon
2801 Asiatic Greek 670 to 129 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2402 Thracian Hill Tribes 670 BCE to 25 CE Greece and Macedon
2403 Spartan 668 to 394 BCE Greece and Macedon
1410 Saitic Egyptian 664 to 525 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1411 Assyrian Babylonian 652 to 648 BCE Assyria and Babylon
2701 Libyan 650 BCE to 202 Spain, Sicily and Africa
2201 Cyrenean Greek 630 to 74 BCE Egypt and Judaea
1412 Neo-Babylonian Empire 626 to 539 BCE Assyria and Babylon
1413 Median Empire 620 to 550 BCE Assyria and Babylon
2202 Meroitic Kushite 592 BCE to 350 Egypt and Judaea
4108 Late Spring and Autumn 591 to 475 BCE Mandate of Heaven
2601 Achaemenid Persian - Royal 550 to 424 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2702 Sicel 550 to 380 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2703 Siciliot Greek 550 to 241 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2704 Early Carthaginian 550 to 236 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2705 Sardinian 550 to 215 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2602 Achaemenid Persian - Satrapal 530 to 424 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2802 Lycian 525 to 300 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2103 Paeonian 512 to 265 BCE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2404 Early Macedonian 500 to 357 BCE Greece and Macedon
2501 Early Roman or Latin 500 to 330 BCE Italy
2502 Italian Hill Tribes 500 to 290 BCE Italy
2503 Umbrian 500 to 290 BCE Italy
2504 Etruscan 500 to 280 BCE Italy
2505 Magna Graecia 500 to 267 BCE Italy
2506 Early Campanian 500 to 264 BCE Italy
2507 Apulian 500 to 203 BCE Italy
2508 Bruttian 500 to 203 BCE Italy
2509 Lucanian 500 to 203 BCE Italy
2603 Mountain Indian 500 to 170 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2405 Illyrian 500 BCE to 20 CE Greece and Macedon
4601 Yayoi Japanese 500 BCE to 250 Land of the Samurai
2604 Classical Indian 500 BCE to 350 Persia, Iran and India
4201 Early Warring States 475 to 355 BCE The Warring States and Han
2803 Bithynian 435 to 74 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2605 Later Achaemenid Persian 423 to 329 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2706 Syracusan 411 to 211 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2203 Late Period Egyptian 405 to 343 BCE Egypt and Judaea
2406 Mercenary Greek 401 to 298 BCE Greece and Macedon
2510 Camillan Roman 400 to 275 BCE Italy
2511 Samnite 396 to 272 BCE Italy
2407 Later Spartan 393 to 228 BCE Greece and Macedon
2408 Alexandrian Macedonian 356 to 323 BCE Greece and Macedon
4202 Middle Warring States 355 to 278 BCE The Warring States and Han
2301 Highland Gallic 350 to 50 BCE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2302 Lowland Gallic 350 to 40 BCE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2104 Early Sarmatian 350 BCE to 100 The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2105 Bosporan 348 BCE to 375 The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2512 Later Campanian 335 to 211 BCE Italy

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4203 Qin 335 to 206 BCE The Warring States and Han
2409 Alexandrian Expeditionary 334 to 324 BCE Greece and Macedon
2410 Epirote 334 to 167 BCE Greece and Macedon
2804 Armenian 330 BCE to 627 Syria and Asia Minor
2411 Thraco-Macedonian 323 to 281 BCE Greece and Macedon
2412 Macedonian Successor 323 to 280 BCE Greece and Macedon
2805 Asiatic Successor 323 to 280 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2806 Eumenid 321 to 316 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2707 Spanish - Celtiberian 320 to 20 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2708 Spanish - Iberian 320 to 20 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2709 Spanish - Lusitanian 320 to 20 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
4204 Later Warring States 316 to 202 BCE The Warring States and Han
4205 Qiang 315 BCE to 300 The Warring States and Han
2204 Nabatean 312 BCE to 106 Egypt and Judaea
2710 Numidian or Moorish 310 BCE to 199 Spain, Sicily and Africa
2413 Coalition against Antigonus 302 to 301 BCE Greece and Macedon
4206 Yuezhi 300 to 150 BCE The Warring States and Han
2606 Later Saka 300 to 130 BCE Persia, Iran and India
2807 Cappadocian 300 BCE to 17 CE Syria and Asia Minor
2106 Later Scythian 300 BCE to 50 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2205 Pre-Islamic Arab 300 BCE to 400 Egypt and Judaea
4207 Dian Tribes 295 BCE to 176 The Warring States and Han
2414 Pyrrhic 294 to 272 BCE Greece and Macedon
2808 Attalid Pergamene 282 to 129 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2206 Early Ptolemaic 280 to 200 BCE Egypt and Judaea
2809 Galatian 280 to 62 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2415 Later Macedonian 279 to 168 BCE Greece and Macedon
2810 Early Seleucid 279 to 167 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2416 Hellenistic Greek 275 to 146 BCE Greece and Macedon
2513 Mid Republican Roman 275 to 100 BCE Italy
2607 Graeco-Bactrian 250 to 140 BCE Persia, Iran and India
4208 Xiongnu 250 BCE to 155 The Warring States and Han
2608 Parthian 250 BCE to 225 Persia, Iran and India
2107 Scordisci 240 BCE to 80 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2711 Later Carthaginian 235 to 146 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2417 Hellenistic Spartan 227 to 195 BCE Greece and Macedon
4209 Nanyue 207 to 111 BCE The Warring States and Han
4210 Western Han 206 BCE to 23 CE The Warring States and Han
2207 Ptolemaic 199 to 55 BCE Egypt and Judaea
2609 Indo-Greek 180 BCE to 10 CE Persia, Iran and India
2303 Early German 180 BCE to 219 Gaul, Germany and Britain
2108 Bastarnae 179 BCE to 300 The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2208 Jewish 167 BCE to 6 CE Egypt and Judaea
2811 Seleucid 166 to 129 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2812 Commagene 163 BCE to 72 CE Syria and Asia Minor
4701 Anuradhapura Kingdom 161 BCE to 1070 India
2610 Kushan or Indo-Scythian 150 BCE to 500 Persia, Iran and India
2611 Parthian Vassal States 147 BCE to 225 Persia, Iran and India
2712 First Servile War Slave Revolt 135 to 132 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2813 Late Seleucid 128 to 56 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
4211 Chinese Dominated Vietnam 111 BCE to 544 The Warring States and Han
2814 Pontic 110 to 47 BCE Syria and Asia Minor
2514 Later Republican Roman 105 to 20 BCE Italy
2713 Second Servile War Slave 104 to 100 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2109 Dacian or Carpi 82 BCE to 318 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2714 Spanish - Sertorian 80 to 72 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2612 Indo-Parthian 75 BCE to 100 CE Persia, Iran and India
2515 Spartacus Slave Revolt 73 to 71 BCE Italy
2304 Ancient British 60 BCE to 90 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2209 Late Ptolemaic 54 to 31 BCE Egypt and Judaea

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2715 Pompeian Numidian 47 to 46 BCE Spain, Sicily and Africa
2210 Blemmye 30 BCE to 500 CE Egypt and Judaea
2110 Thraco-Roman 20 BCE to 46 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2516 Early Imperial Roman 20 BCE to 268 CE Italy
4212 Han Rebels 17 to 205 CE The Warring States and Han
4213 Eastern Han 25 to 208 CE The Warring States and Han
4214 Buyeo 49 to 347 CE The Warring States and Han
4215 Southern Xiongnu 50 to 303 CE The Warring States and Han
2305 Scots-Irish 50 to 450 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2111 Alan 60 to 650 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2211 Jewish Revolt 66 to 135 CE Egypt and Judaea
2306 Batavian Revolt 69 to 70 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2307 Caledonian 70 to 211 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
4216 Xianbei 90 to 300 CE The Warring States and Han
2112 Later Sarmatian 100 to 390 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
6109 Moche 100 to 750 CE South America
6203 Teotihuacan 100 to 750 CE Meso America
4801 Early Khmer 100 to 801 CE Southeast Asia
2212 Axumite 150 to 970 CE Egypt and Judaea
2113 Quadi 166 to 406 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2114 Early Vandal 166 to 442 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
4301 Wu - Three Kingdoms 199 to 280 CE The Three Kingdoms
2716 Later Moorish 200 to 696 CE Spain, Sicily and Africa
6204 Classical Mayan 200 to 900 CE Meso America
4302 Shu - Three Kingdoms 208 to 263 CE The Three Kingdoms
4303 Wei - Three Kingdoms 208 to 316 CE The Three Kingdoms
2308 Picts 215 to 500 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2115 Tervingi 220 to 376 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2116 Taifali 220 to 380 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2117 Scirii 220 to 476 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2309 Early Franks 220 to 484 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2310 Rugii 220 to 490 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2311 Burgundi 220 to 495 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2118 Greuthingi or Early Ostrogoth 220 to 497 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2312 Alamanni 220 to 506 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2119 Heruli 220 to 508 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2120 Gepid 220 to 567 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2313 Suevi 220 to 584 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2314 Frisii 220 to 734 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2315 Old Saxon 220 to 804 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2613 Early Sassanid Persian 224 to 336 CE Persia, Iran and India
4304 Gaya Confederacy 249 to 412 CE The Three Kingdoms
4305 Baekje Korean 249 to 663 CE The Three Kingdoms
2213 Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 250 to 636 CE Egypt and Judaea
4602 Yamato Era Japanese 251 to 672 CE Land of the Samurai
2815 Palmyran 258 to 273 CE Syria and Asia Minor
2517 Imperial Roman 269 to 396 CE Italy
4702 Tamil Indian 275 to 1450 CE India
4306 Xianbei Kingdoms 284 to 436 CE The Three Kingdoms
4307 Tuyuhun 284 to 634 CE The Three Kingdoms
4308 Later Qiang 300 to 550 CE The Three Kingdoms
4309 Di 300 to 550 CE The Three Kingdoms
4310 Later Xiongnu 304 to 439 CE The Three Kingdoms
4311 Goguryeo Korean 313 to 668 CE The Three Kingdoms
4312 Southern Dynasties 317 to 589 CE The Three Kingdoms
4703 Gupta Indian 320 to 550 CE India
4313 Rouran Khaganate 330 to 555 CE The Three Kingdoms
2316 Limigantes 334 to 359 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2614 Middle Sassanid Persian 337 to 488 CE Persia, Iran and India
2615 Hephthalite 356 to 560 CE Persia, Iran and India

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4314 Silla Korean 356 to 935 CE The Three Kingdoms
2121 Hunnic 375 to 469 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2122 Gothic 377 to 419 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2123 Early Langobard 380 to 488 CE The Balkans and Pontic Steppe
2317 Thuringii 380 to 555 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2518 Foederate Roman 397 to 460 CE Italy
2214 Southern Pre-Islamic Arabian 401 to 638 CE Egypt and Judaea
3201 Early Post-Roman British 407 to 468 CE Britain
3401 Tolosan Visigoth 419 to 621 CE Frankia
4401 Pre Dynastic Khitan 432 to 1000 CE Tang China
3402 Armorican or Early Breton 435 to 913 CE Frankia
4315 Northern Dynasties 439 to 577 CE The Three Kingdoms
3301 Eastern Later Roman 441 to 493 CE Byzantium
3302 African Vandal 442 to 535 CE Byzantium
2318 Turcilingi 450 to 493 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
3303 Sabir 450 to 582 CE Byzantium
3202 Later Scots-Irish 450 to 950 CE Britain
2319 Gallic Foederate Roman 461 to 486 CE Gaul, Germany and Britain
2519 Later Foederate Roman 461 to 490 CE Italy
3203 Middle Post-Roman British 469 to 579 CE Britain
3403 Basque or Early Navarrese 470 to 1035 CE Frankia
3501 Southern Slav 476 to 896 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3502 Eastern Slav 476 to 985 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3503 Wends 476 to 1218 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3404 Early Merovingian Frank 485 to 561 CE Frankia
3304 Langobard 489 to 584 CE Byzantium
3305 Sassanid Persian 489 to 628 CE Byzantium
3306 Daylamite 489 to 899 CE Byzantium
3307 Italian Ostrogothic 493 to 561 CE Byzantium
3308 Early Byzantine 493 to 578 CE Byzantium
3405 Burgundian 496 to 613 CE Frankia
4402 Sogdian 500 to 730 CE Tang China
3204 Later Pictish 500 to 850 CE Britain
4403 Tarim Basin States 500 to 1063 CE Tang China
6110 Canari 500 to 1533 CE South America
4316 Western Wei and Northern 535 to 581 CE The Three Kingdoms
3406 Provencal 535 to 639 CE Frankia
3407 Swabian Duchies 539 to 744 CE Frankia
4704 Late Classical Indian 543 to 1212 CE India
4802 Rebel Vietnam 544 to 938 CE Southeast Asia
4404 Gokturk 550 to 774 CE Tang China
3504 Bavarian 550 to 788 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
5901 Christian Nubian 550 to 1500 CE Africa
3505 Avar 553 to 826 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
4705 Empire of Harsha 555 to 647 CE India
3205 Early Anglo-Saxon 555 to 700 CE Britain
3506 Early Bulgar 559 to 680 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
4405 Early Tibetan 560 to 840 CE Tang China
3408 Austrasia 562 to 639 CE Frankia
3409 Neustria 562 to 639 CE Frankia
3507 Bohemian 568 to 1003 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3309 Maurikian Byzantine 575 to 650 CE Byzantium
3206 Later Post-Roman British 580 to 1053 CE Britain
3207 Early Welsh 580 to 1100 CE Britain
4406 Sui China 581 to 623 CE Tang China
3310 Italian Lombard 584 to 774 CE Byzantium
4706 Rajput Indian 600 to 1310 CE India
4803 Champa 600 to 1500 CE Southeast Asia
4804 Annam 602 to 905 CE Southeast Asia
3410 Later Merovingian Frank 613 to 735 CE Frankia

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4407 Tang China - Northern 618 to 763 CE Tang China
3311 Heraklian Byzantine 622 to 628 CE Byzantium
3411 Later Visigoth 622 to 720 CE Frankia
4408 Tang China - Central 623 to 763 CE Tang China
4409 Tang China - Southern 623 to 763 CE Tang China
3508 Carantanian 626 to 745 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3312 Early Serbian 627 to 1042 CE Byzantium
3313 Early Croatian 627 to 1089 CE Byzantium
3412 Gallia Aquitania 628 to 632 CE Frankia
3314 Syrian Byzantine 629 to 636 CE Byzantium
3101 Early Arab Conquest 629 to 637 CE Arabia
3315 Late Sassanid Persian 629 to 654 CE Byzantium
3509 Early Khazar 630 to 737 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3102 Arab Conquest 638 to 685 CE Arabia
3316 Rshtuni Armenian 638 to 705 CE Byzantium
3317 Thematic Byzantine 650 to 929 CE Byzantium
3510 Magyar 650 to 997 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3511 Medieval Alan 651 to 1500 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3103 Khawarij 658 to 873 CE Arabia
4805 Pyu and Early Mon 660 to 1057 CE Southeast Asia
4603 Heishi Militia Japanese 673 to 794 CE Land of the Samurai
3512 Volga Bulgar 675 to 1237 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3513 First Bulgarian Empire 681 to 1018 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3104 Umayyad in Africa and Spain 685 to 788 CE Arabia
3105 Umayyad and Early 'Abbasid 685 to 830 CE Arabia
4410 Balhae Korean 698 to 926 CE Tang China
4411 Türgesh 699 to 965 CE Tang China
4806 Indonesian or Malay 700 to 1511 CE Southeast Asia
3208 Middle Anglo-Saxon 701 to 1016 CE Britain
4604 Emishi 709 to 878 CE Land of the Samurai
3413 Charles Martel Frank 718 to 741 CE Frankia
3414 Astur-Leonese 718 to 1037 CE Frankia
4707 Arab Indian 724 to 833 CE India
4807 Nanzhao 728 to 1382 CE Southeast Asia
3514 Khazar 738 to 968 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3415 Carolingian 741 to 888 CE Frankia
4412 Uyghur Khaganate 744 to 860 CE Tang China
3106 Andalusian 755 to 1031 CE Arabia
4413 Late Tang China - Northern 764 to 884 CE Tang China
4414 Late Tang China - Central 764 to 884 CE Tang China
4415 Late Tang China - Southern 764 to 884 CE Tang China
3416 Charlemagne Carolingian 768 to 814 CE Frankia
3318 Lombard Principalities 775 to 1076 CE Byzantium
3107 North African Dynasties 789 to 1164 CE Arabia
3209 Viking 793 to 1070 CE Britain
4605 Heian Japanese 794 to 1179 CE Land of the Samurai
5902 Kingdom of Ghana 800 to 1235 CE Africa
6205 Chichimec 800 to 1500 CE Meso America
6206 Mexica 800 to 1500 CE Meso America
6207 Otomi 800 to 1500 CE Meso America
6101 Muzo or Panche 800 to 1580 CE South America
4808 Angkor Empire 802 to 1431 CE Southeast Asia
4416 Early Shatuo 808 to 907 CE Tang China
3108 Khurasanian Dynasties 821 to 1003 CE Arabia
3109 Caliphal Later 'Abbasid 831 to 946 CE Arabia
3110 Regional Later 'Abbasid 831 to 946 CE Arabia
5903 Beja 831 to 1500 CE Africa
3515 Moravian 833 to 907 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
4417 Tribal Mongolian 840 to 1100 CE Tang China
4418 Tibetan 841 to 1065 CE Tang China

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4809 Kingdom of Pagan 849 to 1297 CE Southeast Asia
3516 Pecheneg 850 to 1122 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3210 Early Scots 850 to 1123 CE Britain
5904 Kanem-Bornu 850 to 1500 CE Africa
3517 Rus 860 to 1054 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
4419 Uyghur Successor States 860 to 1330 CE Tang China
3111 Zanj Revolt 869 to 883 CE Arabia
3112 Salamiyah Qarmatian 874 to 899 CE Arabia
3113 Tulunid and Ikhshidid 874 to 969 CE Arabia
4420 Ten Kingdoms China 885 to 975 CE Tang China
4421 Five Dynasties China 885 to 979 CE Tang China
3319 Bagratid Armenian 885 to 1045 CE Byzantium
3417 East Frankish 888 to 933 CE Frankia
3418 Early Feudal French 888 to 1045 CE Frankia
3114 Bedouin Dynasties 890 to 1500 CE Arabia
5905 Abyssinian 890 to 1500 CE Africa
5906 Mogadishu Sultanates 896 to 1500 CE Africa
3115 Bahrain Qarmatian 897 to 1078 CE Arabia
3116 Dailami Dynasties 900 to 1062 CE Arabia
6208 Toltec Empire 900 to 1150 CE Meso America
3211 Norse-Irish 900 to 1167 CE Britain
6111 Chimú 900 to 1470 CE South America
6301 Eastern Woodland Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6302 Mound-Builder Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6303 Plains Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6304 Pueblo Culture 900 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
4810 Autonomous Vietnam 906 to 938 CE Southeast Asia
4422 Later Shatuo 908 to 923 CE Tang China
4501 Goryeo Korean 918 to 1399 CE Genghis
4502 Khitan-Liao 927 to 1125 CE Genghis
3320 Later Thematic Byzantine 930 to 963 CE Byzantium
3419 Early Holy Roman Empire 933 to 1106 CE Frankia
3420 Breton 935 to 1072 CE Frankia
4811 Ngô, Đinh and Early Lê 939 to 1009 CE Southeast Asia
3117 Baghdad Buyid 946 to 978 CE Arabia
3518 Leidang 950 to 1070 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3118 Kurdish 950 to 1085 CE Arabia
6305 Tu'i Empire 950 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
5907 Tuareg 950 to 1550 CE Africa
4503 Later Zhou and Early Northern 951 to 1005 CE Genghis
3321 Nikephorian Byzantine 960 to 1058 CE Byzantium
3519 Early Polish 960 to 1100 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
3119 Kara-Khanid Khanate 960 to 1211 CE Arabia
3120 Ghaznavid 962 to 1187 CE Arabia
3121 Early Fatimid Egyptian 969 to 1073 CE Arabia
4708 Chola Empire 980 to 1279 CE India
4606 Sohei Monks 980 to 1550 CE Land of the Samurai
3421 Norman 987 to 1071 CE Frankia
6209 Post-Classical Mayan 987 to 1461 CE Meso America
5801 Early Catalan and Aragon 988 to 1149 CE Reconquista
3520 Early Hungarian 997 to 1100 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
6112 Chanka 1000 to 1440 CE South America
5908 Hausa Kingdoms 1000 to 1500 CE Africa
6306 Hawaiian 1000 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
6102 Columbian Indian 1000 to 1580 CE South America
4504 Later Northern Song 1006 to 1127 CE Genghis
5101 Georgian 1008 to 1403 CE The Crusades
4812 Lý, Trần and Hồ Vietnam 1010 to 1407 CE Southeast Asia
3212 Anglo-Danish 1014 to 1071 CE Britain
5401 Jarls of Orkney 1014 to 1472 CE Kings in the North

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5802 Taifa Andalusian 1017 to 1110 CE Reconquista
5601 Early Communal Italian 1029 to 1149 CE Holy Roman Empire
5803 Feudal Navarrese 1035 to 1327 CE Reconquista
3122 Seljuk Turk 1037 to 1090 CE Arabia
5804 Feudal Castile and León 1037 to 1349 CE Reconquista
4505 Xi Xia 1038 to 1227 CE Genghis
3422 Normans in Italy and Sicily 1042 to 1071 CE Frankia
5501 Feudal French 1046 to 1149 CE House of Valois
5602 Papal Italian 1049 to 1320 CE Holy Roman Empire
5805 Almoravid 1054 to 1147 CE Reconquista
3521 Cuman or Kipchak 1054 to 1394 CE The Steppes and Eastern Europe
5701 Early Russian 1055 to 1246 CE Ostsiedlung
3322 Later Nikephorian Byzantine 1059 to 1071 CE Byzantium
3123 Great Seljuk Empire 1063 to 1092 CE Arabia
5201 Komnenan Byzantine 1071 to 1204 CE Frankokratia
5702 Early Medieval Danish 1071 to 1279 CE Ostsiedlung
5703 Post-Viking Scandinavian 1071 to 1279 CE Ostsiedlung
5603 Norman Sicilian 1072 to 1212 CE Holy Roman Empire
5102 Later Fatimid Egyptian 1074 to 1171 CE The Crusades
5402 Kingdom of the Isles 1079 to 1493 CE Kings in the North
5103 Early Armenian Cilicia 1080 to 1150 CE The Crusades
5403 Anglo Norman 1087 to 1154 CE Kings in the North
5104 Syrian States 1092 to 1174 CE The Crusades
5105 Eastern Seljuk Turk 1092 to 1181 CE The Crusades
5106 Later Seljuk Empire 1092 to 1194 CE The Crusades
5107 Early Turcoman Beyliks 1092 to 1277 CE The Crusades
5404 Medieval Welsh 1094 to 1410 CE Kings in the North
5108 Peoples Crusade 1096 CE The Crusades
5109 First Crusade 1096 to 1099 CE The Crusades
5110 County of Edessa 1097 to 1144 CE The Crusades
5111 Early Outremer States 1100 to 1129 CE The Crusades
4506 Pre-Conquest Mongol 1100 to 1206 CE Genghis
4709 Ghurid 1100 to 1222 CE India
5604 Hungarian 1100 to 1308 CE Holy Roman Empire
5704 Feudal Polish 1100 to 1335 CE Ostsiedlung
6307 Pacific Northwest Culture 1100 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
5909 Kingdom of Benin 1100 to 1503 CE Africa
6210 Totonac 1100 to 1519 CE Meso America
6211 Mixtec 1100 to 1521 CE Meso America
6212 Zapotec 1100 to 1521 CE Meso America
5605 Early Imperial German 1106 to 1149 CE Holy Roman Empire
5606 Feudal German 1106 to 1340 CE Holy Roman Empire
4507 Jurchen - Jin 1113 to 1234 CE Genghis
5112 Post Seljuk Abbasid 1120 to 1259 CE The Crusades
4508 Qara Khitan 1124 to 1211 CE Genghis
5405 Feudal Scottish 1124 to 1305 CE Kings in the North
4509 Southern Song 1127 to 1279 CE Genghis
5806 Feudal Portuguese 1129 to 1149 CE Reconquista
5113 Outremer States 1130 to 1187 CE The Crusades
5807 Almohad 1130 to 1269 CE Reconquista
5705 Early Lithuanian 1132 to 1299 CE Ostsiedlung
5114 Sultanate of Rum 1140 to 1276 CE The Crusades
5808 Taifa of Murcia 1147 to 1172 CE Reconquista
5607 Later Communal Italian 1150 to 1320 CE Holy Roman Empire
5809 Early Crown of Aragon 1150 to 1336 CE Reconquista
5502 Northern Medieval French 1150 to 1337 CE House of Valois
5503 Southern Medieval French 1150 to 1337 CE House of Valois
5608 Imperial German 1150 to 1340 CE Holy Roman Empire
5609 Medieval Frisian or 1150 to 1500 CE Holy Roman Empire
5810 Medieval Portuguese 1150 to 1500 CE Reconquista

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5115 Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 1151 to 1375 CE The Crusades
5406 Feudal English 1154 to 1320 CE Kings in the North
4510 Khwarazmian 1156 to 1231 CE Genghis
5202 Kingdom of Serbia 1166 to 1300 CE Frankokratia
5407 Later Norse-Irish 1168 to 1300 CE Kings in the North
6213 Texcalan Empire 1168 to 1521 CE Meso America
5408 Early Anglo-Irish 1169 to 1349 CE Kings in the North
5116 Ayyubid Egyptian 1171 to 1250 CE The Crusades
5910 Ayyubid in Ifriqiya 1172 to 1207 CE Africa
4607 Kamakura Samurai 1180 to 1334 CE Land of the Samurai
5911 Kilwa Sultanate 1180 to 1506 CE Africa
5811 Banu Ghaniya 1184 to 1235 CE Reconquista
5203 Second Bulgarian Empire 1186 to 1395 CE Frankokratia
5117 Later Crusader 1188 to 1291 CE The Crusades
5204 Lusignan Cypriot 1192 to 1474 CE Frankokratia
4710 Muslim Indian Sultanates 1192 to 1526 CE India
5118 Ayyubid Syrian States 1193 to 1285 CE The Crusades
5610 Hohenstaufen Sicilian 1194 to 1266 CE Holy Roman Empire
5706 Estonian 1200 to 1227 CE Ostsiedlung
5707 Prussian 1200 to 1283 CE Ostsiedlung
6113 Kingdom of Cusco 1200 to 1437 CE South America
6308 Timucuan 1200 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
4813 Moluccas 1200 to 1511 CE Southeast Asia
6214 Purépecha Empire 1200 to 1521 CE Meso America
6106 Aruak and Carib Indian 1200 to 1580 CE South America
6107 Gé Brazilian Indian 1200 to 1580 CE South America
6108 Tupi 1200 to 1580 CE South America
5708 Teutonic Orders 1201 to 1439 CE Ostsiedlung
5205 Latin Empire 1204 to 1261 CE Frankokratia
5206 Nicaean Byzantine 1204 to 1261 CE Frankokratia
5207 Epirot Byzantine 1204 to 1337 CE Frankokratia
5208 Empire of Trebizond 1204 to 1461 CE Frankokratia
5209 Venetian in Greece 1204 to 1470 CE Frankokratia
5210 Frankish Greece 1205 to 1458 CE Frankokratia
4511 Mongol Conquest 1207 to 1259 CE Genghis
5812 Medieval Granadine 1228 to 1492 CE Reconquista
5813 Hafsid 1229 to 1500 CE Reconquista
5912 Mali Empire 1235 to 1670 CE Africa
5814 Kingdom of Tiemcen 1236 to 1520 CE Reconquista
4814 Thai Kingdoms 1238 to 1510 CE Southeast Asia
5301 Islamic Persian 1245 to 1393 CE House of Osman
5709 Novgorod Republic 1247 to 1471 CE Ostsiedlung
5710 Post-Mongol Russian 1247 to 1533 CE Ostsiedlung
5815 Marinid 1248 to 1465 CE Reconquista
5119 Seventh Crusade 1249 to 1250 CE The Crusades
5120 Mamluk Egyptian 1250 to 1517 CE The Crusades
5913 Bantu Kingdoms 1250 to 1550 CE Africa
5914 Mossi 1250 to 1575 CE Africa
4512 Golden Horde 1251 to 1502 CE Genghis
4513 Ilkhanate 1256 to 1357 CE Genghis
4514 Chagatai Khanate 1259 to 1370 CE Genghis
4515 Yuan Dynasty 1260 to 1368 CE Genghis
5211 Late Imperial Byzantine 1261 to 1384 CE Frankokratia
5212 Despotate of the Morea 1262 to 1460 CE Frankokratia
4516 Later Nomadic Mongol 1264 to 1508 CE Genghis
5611 Hohenstaufen German 1268 CE Holy Roman Empire
5612 Angevin Sicilian 1268 to 1320 CE Holy Roman Empire
5302 Turcoman Beyliks 1278 to 1515 CE House of Osman
5711 Medieval Norway 1280 to 1390 CE Ostsiedlung
5712 Medieval Danish and Kalmar 1280 to 1450 CE Ostsiedlung

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6309 Moa-Hunter Maori 1280 to 1450 CE North America and Oceania
5713 Medieval Swedish 1280 to 1523 CE Ostsiedlung
5213 Early Ottoman Turkish 1281 to 1362 CE Frankokratia
5613 Aragonese Sicilian 1282 to 1442 CE Holy Roman Empire
4815 Bamarised Shan Kingdoms 1287 to 1539 CE Southeast Asia
4816 Hanthawaddy Kingdom 1287 to 1539 CE Southeast Asia
5504 Early Swiss 1291 to 1405 CE House of Valois
5214 Order of St John 1292 to 1522 CE Frankokratia
5505 Early Medieval Low Countries 1297 to 1409 CE House of Valois
5614 Medieval German City League 1300 to 1440 CE Holy Roman Empire
5409 Medieval Irish 1300 to 1500 CE Kings in the North
6310 Southeastern Woodland 1300 to 1500 CE North America and Oceania
5714 Later Lithuanian 1300 to 1515 CE Ostsiedlung
6215 Post-Toltec Cities 1300 to 1522 CE Meso America
5303 Serbian Empire 1301 to 1489 CE House of Osman
5215 Catalan Company in Anatolia 1303 to 1305 CE Frankokratia
5216 Catalan Company in Greece 1306 to 1388 CE Frankokratia
5410 Medieval Scottish 1306 to 1473 CE Kings in the North
5304 Later Hungarian 1308 to 1441 CE House of Osman
5411 Medieval English 1320 to 1454 CE Kings in the North
5615 Early Italian Condotta 1321 to 1420 CE Holy Roman Empire
5816 Medieval Navarrese 1328 to 1379 CE Reconquista
5305 Wallachian 1330 to 1476 CE House of Osman
5715 Medieval Polish 1335 to 1454 CE Ostsiedlung
4608 Muromachi Samurai 1335 to 1500 CE Land of the Samurai
5306 Jalairid Sultanate 1336 to 1432 CE House of Osman
5817 Crown of Aragon 1336 to 1479 CE Reconquista
4711 Vijayanagar 1336 to 1526 CE India
5506 Early 100 Years War English 1337 to 1414 CE House of Valois
5507 100 Years War French 1337 to 1444 CE House of Valois
5616 Medieval German 1341 to 1440 CE Holy Roman Empire
5818 Medieval Castilian 1350 to 1476 CE Reconquista
5412 Anglo-Irish 1350 to 1500 CE Kings in the North
5915 Kongo 1350 to 1512 CE Africa
5916 Central African 1350 to 1550 CE Africa
5307 Albanian Principalities 1355 to 1479 CE House of Osman
4517 Ming Chinese 1356 to 1500 CE Genghis
5508 Free Company 1357 to 1444 CE House of Valois
5308 Moldavian 1359 to 1517 CE House of Osman
5309 Timurid 1360 to 1506 CE House of Osman
5310 Ottoman Turkish 1362 to 1520 CE House of Osman
5509 Medieval Burgundian 1363 to 1471 CE House of Valois
5917 Songhai 1370 to 1592 CE Africa
5217 Genoese in Cyprus 1373 to 1464 CE Frankokratia
5311 Kara Koyunlu 1378 to 1469 CE House of Osman
5312 Ak Koyunlu 1387 to 1504 CE House of Osman
5313 Crusade of Nicopolis 1396 CE House of Osman
4518 Joseon Korean 1400 to 1500 CE Genghis
6103 Muisca Confederation 1400 to 1541 CE South America
6104 Cauca Valley Tribes 1400 to 1580 CE South America
6105 Paez 1400 to 1580 CE South America
5510 Middle Swiss 1405 to 1473 CE House of Valois
5511 Later Medieval Low Countries 1410 to 1478 CE House of Valois
5512 Later 100 Years War English 1415 to 1453 CE House of Valois
5513 Scottish in France 1418 to 1429 CE House of Valois
5716 Hussite 1419 to 1479 CE Ostsiedlung
5617 Kingdom of Naples 1421 to 1493 CE Holy Roman Empire
5618 Italian Condotta 1421 to 1493 CE Holy Roman Empire
5619 Republic of Venice 1421 to 1493 CE Holy Roman Empire
4609 Muromachi Peasant Uprising 1428 to 1441 CE Land of the Samurai

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List of Armies by Date

No. Army Dates List Set

6216 Aztec Empire 1428 to 1521 CE Meso America
5314 Tatar Khanates 1430 to 1520 CE House of Osman
6114 Inca Empire 1438 to 1545 CE South America
6115 Hatun-Colla 1440 to 1462 CE South America
5717 Later Teutonic Order 1440 to 1525 CE Ostsiedlung
5620 Late Medieval German 1441 to 1492 CE Holy Roman Empire
5315 Black Army Hungarian 1442 to 1494 CE House of Osman
5514 French Ordonnance 1445 to 1480 CE House of Valois
6116 Northern Mapuche 1450 to 1552 CE South America
5413 Lancastrian English 1455 to 1471 CE Kings in the North
5414 Yorkist English 1455 to 1483 CE Kings in the North
5718 Later Medieval Polish 1455 to 1515 CE Ostsiedlung
5515 Burgundian Ordonnance 1471 to 1477 CE House of Valois
5415 Late Medieval Scottish 1474 to 1487 CE Kings in the North
7101 Late Swiss 1474 to 1522 CE The Italian Wars
5516 Edward IV English 1475 to 1482 CE House of Valois
7102 Later Castilian 1477 to 1497 CE The Italian Wars
4610 Ikko Ikki 1477 to 1580 CE Land of the Samurai
7103 Later Burgundian 1478 to 1506 CE The Italian Wars
7104 Later French Ordonnance 1481 to 1493 CE The Italian Wars
5416 Richard III English 1483 to 1485 CE Kings in the North
5417 Early Tudor English 1485 to 1487 CE Kings in the North
5418 Yorkist Pretender 1486 to 1487 CE Kings in the North
7105 Swabian League 1488 to 1499 CE The Italian Wars
7106 James IV Scottish 1488 to 1513 CE The Italian Wars
7107 Tudor English 1488 to 1525 CE The Italian Wars
7108 Maximilian German 1493 to 1519 CE The Italian Wars
7109 German States 1493 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7110 Italian States 1494 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7111 Italian Wars French 1494 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7112 Italian Wars Venetian 1494 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7113 Pre-Cordoba Trastámara 1498 to 1504 CE The Italian Wars
7201 Sengoku Japanese 1500 to 1585 CE Japan
7114 Trastámara Spanish 1505 to 1520 CE The Italian Wars
7202 Nobunaga Japanese 1540 to 1582 CE Japan
7203 Takeda Japanese 1560 to 1575 CE Japan

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Nations and Dynasties

Index of Armies
Can’t find the army you are looking for. This lists nations and dynasties and the list they would be
included in.

Nation or Dynasty Army List List Number

Aamu Early Nomad 1103
Achaea (Principality of) Frankish Greece 5210
Achaean League Hellenistic Greek 2416
Acolhuas Post-Toltec Cities 6215
Acre (Kingdom of) Later Crusader 5117
Adiabene Parthian Vassal States 2611
Aedui Lowland Gallic 2302
Aequi Italian Hill Tribes 2502
Aghlabid Dynasty North African Dynasties 3107
Agrianians Paeonian 2103
Aimoré Gé Brazilian Indian 6107
Ain Dara Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Aitolia Classical Greek or Hellenistic
Greek 2401
Ajuran Sultanate Mogadishu Sultanates 5906
Algonquin Eastern Woodland Culture 6301
Alketas Asiatic Successor 2805
Allobroges Highland Gallic 2301
Alodia Christian Nubian 5901
Ambrones Lowland Gallic 2302
Amurru Early Nomad 1103
Andaquí Columbian Indian 6102
Andia Early Iranian 1402
Angelokastron and Lepanto Albanian Principalities
(Despotate of) 5307
Annazid Dynasty Kurdish 3118
Anrad Phoenician 1306
Antes Southern Slav 3501
Antigonus Asiatic Successor 2805
Antioch (Principality of) Early Outremer States or
Outremer States 5111
Antiochus Hierax Seleucid 2811
Aquitani Lowland Gallic 2302
Aramean Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Arapaho Plains Culture 6303
Aratta Elamite 1107
Arrhidaios Asiatic Successor 2805
Arta (Despotate of) Albanian Principalities 5307
Arveni Highland Gallic 2301
Asai Sengoku Japanese 7201
Assiniboine Plains Culture 6303
Astrakhan (Khanate of) Tatar Khanates 5314
Asura Sengoku Japanese 7201
Athapascan Pacific Northwest Culture 6307
Athens Classical Greek or Hellenistic
Greek 2401 or 2416
Athens (Duchy of) Frankish Greece 5210
Attalos Asiatic Successor 2805
Aurastian Later Moorish 2716
Aurunci Italian Hill Tribes 2502
Austur Later Moorish 2716
Ava Kingdom Bamarised Shan Kingdoms 4815

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Nations and Dynasties

Nation or Dynasty Army List List Number

Awan Elamite 1107
Aydin Turcoman Beyliks 5302
Ayutthaya Kingdom Thai Kingdoms 4814
Badajoz (Taifa of) Taifa Andalusian 5802
Bahmani Sultanate Muslim Indian Sultanates 4710
Batavi Early German or Batavian Revolt 2303
Belgae Lowland Gallic 2302
Berat (Lordship of) Albanian Principalities 5307
Berytus Phoenician 1306
Bessi Thracian Hill Tribes 2402
Bit Agusi Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Bit Bahiani Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Bit Gabbari Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Bit-Adini Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Black Sheep Turcoman Ak Koyunlu 5312
Blackfeet Plains Culture 6303
Boiotia Classical Greek or Hellenistic
Greek 2401 or 2416
Bulala Kanem-Bornu 5904
Butua (Kingdom of) Bantu Kingdoms 5913
Buwayhid (Buyid) Dynasty Dailami Dynasties 3116
Cairi Gé Brazilian Indian 6107
Candar Turcoman Beyliks 5302
Carchemish Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Carpodacae Dacian or Carpi 2109
Chalukyas of Badami (Early Late Classical Indian
Chalukya) 4704
Chalukyas of Kalyani (Western Late Classical Indian
Chalukya) 4704
Chalukyas of Vengi (Eastern Late Classical Indian
Chalukya) 4704
Chandelas Rajput Indian 4706
Characene Parthian Vassal States 2611
Chaululukya Dynasty Rajput Indian 4706
Chavda Rajput Indian 4706
Chen Southern Dynasties 4312
Cheng Han Di 4309
Chenla Kingdom Early Khmer 4801
Cherokee Southeastern Woodland Culture 6310
Cherusci Early German 2303
Cheyenne Plains Culture 6303
Chickasaw Southeastern Woodland Culture 6310
Chinchaysuyu Chanka 6112
Choctaw Southeastern Woodland Culture 6310
Chu Early Warring States, Middle
Warring States and Later Warring
States 4201, 4202 or 4204
Chu Ten Kingdoms China 4420
Cimbri Early German 2303
Cornwall Later Post-Roman British 3206
Coroado Gé Brazilian Indian 6107
Creek Southeastern Woodland Culture 6310
Crimean Khanate Tatar Khanates 5314
Crow Plains Culture 6303
Da Qi Later Zhou and Early Northern
Song 4503
Dahae Later Saka 2606

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Nations and Dynasties

Nation or Dynasty Army List List Number

Dal Riata Later Scots-Irish 3202
Delhi Sultanate Muslim Indian Sultanates 4710
Demetrius (Poliorcetes) Asiatic Successor 2805
Denyen Sea Peoples 1213
Dii Thracian Hill Tribes 2402
Dongyi Chinese Northern Barbarians 4102
Dregovichians Eastern Slav 3502
Drevlians Eastern Slav 3502
Dulgadir Turcoman Beyliks 5302
Dumnonia Later Post-Roman British 3206
East Anglia Early Anglo-Saxon and Middle
Anglo-Saxon 3205
Eastern Jin Southern Dynasties 4312
Eastern Wei Northern Dynasties 4315
Ebla Early Syrian or Later Amorite 1108
Edessa (Osroene) Parthian Vassal States 2611
Ekwesh Sea Peoples 1213
Elmet Later Post-Roman British 3206
Elymais Parthian Vassal States 2611
Elymoi Sicel 2702
Eshnunna Isin-Larsa 1114
Eumenes Asiatic Successor 2805
Fatimid Dynasty North African Dynasties 3107
First Dynasty of Babylon Later Amorite 1115
Former Liang Later Xiongnu 4310
Former Qin Di 4309
Former Shu Ten Kingdoms China 4420
Former Yan Xianbei Kingdoms 4306
Former Zhao Later Xiongnu 4310
Frexes Later Moorish 2716
Funan (Kingdom of) Early Khmer 4801
Gahadvalas Rajput Indian 4706
Garamantes Libyan 2701
Getae Thracian Lowland Tribes 2102
Ghassanids Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213
Gjirokaster (Principality of) Albanian Principalities 5307
Goddodin Later Post-Roman British 3206
Gonzhu Uyghur Uyghur Successor States 4419
Gros Ventre Plains Culture 6303
Guayupe Columbian Indian 6102
Guhilas Rajput Indian 4706
Gupta Empire Classical Indian 2604
Gurgum Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Guti Highland Raiders 1104
Hamath Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Hamdanid Dynasty Bedouin Dynasties 3114
Hanseatic League Medieval German City League 5614
Hanu Later Amorite 1115
Harappan Civilisation Indus Valley Civilisation 1109
Hasanuyid Dynasty Kurdish 3118
Hatarikka-Luhuti Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Hatra (Araba) Parthian Vassal States 2611
Helveti Highland Gallic 2301
Hernici Italian Hill Tribes 2502
Hilakku Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Hitchiti-Creek Southeastern Woodland Culture 6310
Hopi Pueblo Culture 6304

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Nations and Dynasties

Nation or Dynasty Army List List Number

Hoysala Tamil Indian 4702
Hunas Hephthalite 2615
Huron Eastern Woodland Culture 6301
Hurrians Highland Raiders 1104
I Chinese Northern Barbarians 4102
Idrisid Dynasty North African Dynasties 3107
Ifuraces Later Moorish 2716
Ilman Slavs Eastern Slav 3502
Imagawa Sengoku Japanese 7201
Injuids of Fars Islamic Persian 5301
Iroquois Eastern Woodland Culture 6301
Jerusalem (Kingdom of) Early Outremer States or
Outremer States 5111
Jerusalem (Second Kingdom of) Later Crusader 5117
Jingnan Ten Kingdoms China 4420
Jung Chinese Northern Barbarians 4102
Kahuripan Kingdom Indonesian or Malay 4806
Kakongo Kongo 5915
Kalcharis of Tripuri Late Classical Indian 4704
Kalingga Kingdom Indonesian or Malay 4806
Kammanu Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Karkemish Later Amorite 1115
Karts of Herat Islamic Persian 5301
Kassandros Macedonian Successor 2412
Kassites Highland Raiders 1104
Kastrioti (Principality of) Albanian Principalities 5307
Kazan (Khanate of) Tatar Khanates 5314
Kederi Kingdom Indonesian or Malay 4806
Kereyit (Keraites) Pre-Conquest Mongol 4506
Kerma Nubian 1111
Khamag Mongols Pre-Conquest Mongol 4506
Khotan Tarim Basin States 4403
Kira Sengoku Japanese 7201
Krateros Asiatic Successor 2805
Krivi-Chians Eastern Slav 3502
Kucha Tarim Basin States 4403
Kummuh Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Kuru Kingdom Early Vedic Indian 1214
Lakhmids Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213
Lakota/Sioux Plains Culture 6303
Laongo Kongo 5915
Later Han Five Dynasties China 4421
Later Jin Five Dynasties China 4421
Later Liang Di 4309
Later Liang Five Dynasties China 4421
Later Qin Later Qiang 4308
Later Shu Ten Kingdoms China 4420
Later Tang Later Shatuo 4422
Later Yan Xianbei Kingdoms 4306
Later Zhao Later Xiongnu 4310
Leonnatos Asiatic Successor 2805
Letts Prussian 5707
Liang Southern Dynasties 4312
Libu Early Libyan 1105
Ligures Highland Gallic 2301
Liu Song Southern Dynasties 4312
Livs Prussian 5707

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Nations and Dynasties

Nation or Dynasty Army List List Number

Lombard League Later Communal Italian 5607
Luba Central African 5916
Lukka Sea Peoples 1213
Lullubi Highland Raiders 1104
Lunda Central African 5916
Luwian Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Lykiskos Macedonian Successor 2412
Lysimachus Thraco-Macedonian 2411
Magadazo (Kingdom of) Mogadishu Sultanates 5906
Maghrawanid Dynasty North African Dynasties 3107
Majapahit Empire Indonesian or Malay 4806
Makai (Macae) Libyan 2701
Makuria Christian Nubian 5901
Malacca Sultanate Indonesian or Malay 4806
Mansurah Arab Indian 4707
Mapungubwe (Kingdom of) Bantu Kingdoms 5913
Marcomanni Early German 2303
Mari Early Syrian 1108
Markhashi Elamite 1107
Mar-Tu Early Nomad 1103
Marwandi Dynasty Kurdish 3118
Massagetae Later Saka 2606
Mattiaci Early German 2303
Maurya Empire Classical Indian 2604
Mazyadid Dynasty Bedouin Dynasties 3114
Medes Early Iranian 1402
Media Atropatene Parthian Vassal States 2611
Meluhha Indus Valley Civilisation 1109
Menteshe Turcoman Beyliks 5302
Mercia Early Anglo-Saxon and Middle
Anglo-Saxon 3205 or 3208
Merkit Tribal Mongolian and Pre-
Conquest Mongolian 4417 or 4506
Meshwesh Early Libyan 1105
Min Ten Kingdoms China 4420
Mirdassid Dynasty Bedouin Dynasties 3114
Mochica Moche 6109
Mollosan League Epirote 2410
Multan Arab Indian 4707
Musafirid Dynasty Dailami Dynasties 3116
Muskogee-Creek Southeastern Woodland Culture 6310
Mutapa (Kingdom of) Bantu Kingdoms 5913
Muzaffarid Dynasty Muslim Indian Sultanates 4710
Muzaffarids of Fars and Isfahan Islamic Persian 5301
Myinsaing Kingdom Bamarised Shan Kingdoms 4815
Nagavanshi Rajput Indian 4706
Naiman Tribal Mongolian and Pre-
Conquest Mongolian 4417 or 4506
Nair (Kozhikode) Muslim Indian Sultanates 4710
Natchez Mound-Builder Culture 6302
Ndongo Kongo 5915
Neoptomemos Asiatic Successor 2805
Ngoyo Kongo 5915
Nobatae Blemmye 2210
Nobatia Christian Nubian 5901
Northern Han Five Dynasties China 4421
Northern Liang Later Xiongnu 4310

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Nations and Dynasties

Nation or Dynasty Army List List Number

Northern Qi Northern Dynasties 4315
Northern Wei Northern Dynasties 4315
Northern Yan Xianbei Kingdoms 4306
Northumbria Early Anglo-Saxon and Middle
Anglo-Saxon 3205 or 3208
Odrysae Thracian Lowland Tribes 2102
Oghuz Turgesh 4411
Old Assyrian Empire Later Amorite 1115
Ongut (Onggud) Tribal Mongolian and Pre-
Conquest Mongolian 4420
Order of the Knights of Christ of Teutonic Orders
Livonia 5708
Pala Empire Late Classical Indian 4704
Palastin Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Pallavas Tamil Indian 4702
Panchala Later Vedic Indian 1312
Pandyas Tamil Indian 4702
Paramara Rajput Indian 4706
Parnii Later Saka 2606
Parsua Early Iranian 1402
Pattin Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Pecos Pueblo Culture 6304
Peithon Asiatic Successor 2805
Peleset Sea Peoples 1213
Persis Parthian Vassal States 2611
Peukestas Asiatic Successor 2805
Picentes Italian Hill Tribes 2502
Pijao Columbian Indian 6102
Pinya Kingdom Bamarised Shan Kingdoms 4815
Pior Pueblo Culture 6304
Polianians Eastern Slav 3502
Polyperchon Macedonian Successor 2412
Popayan Cauca Valley Tribes 6104
Potiguar Tupi 6108
Ptolemais Macedonian Successor 2412
Ptolemy (I) Asiatic Successor 2805
Pubén Cauca Valley Tribes 6104
Puri Gé Brazilian Indian 6107
Qatanum Later Amorite 1115
Qi Early Warring States, Middle
Warring States and Later Warring
States 4201, 4202 or 4204
Qocho (Kingdom of) Uyghur Successor States 4419
Quwe Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Radimichians Eastern Slav 3502
Rashtrakuta Empire Late Classical Indian 4704
Rawaddid Dynasty Kurdish 3118
Rheged Later Post-Roman British 3206
Rhoxolani Early Sarmatian or Later
Sarmatian 2104 or 2112
Sabines Italian Hill Tribes 2502
Sae Columbian Indian 6102
Saffarid Dynasty Khurasanian Dynasties 3108
Sagaing Kingdom Bamarised Shan Kingdoms 4815
Salih Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213
Salishan Pacific Northwest Culture 6307
Samanid Dynasty Khurasanian Dynasties 3108

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Nations and Dynasties

Nation or Dynasty Army List List Number

Samogitian Early Lithuanian 5705
Saraceni Pre-Islamic Arab 2205
Sarbadarids of Sabzawar Islamic Persian 5301
Saruhan Turcoman Beyliks 5302
Satvahana Empire Classical Indian 2604
Second Dynasty of Babylon Dynasty of Sealand 1116
Seleucus Asiatic Successor 2805
Sequani Early German 2303
Severians Eastern Slav 3502
Seville (Taifa of) Taifa Andalusian 5802
Shah Rukh Timurid 5309
Shekelesh Sea Peoples 1213
Sherden Sea Peoples 1213
Sicani Sicel 2702
Sicily (Kingdom of) Kingdom of Naples 5617
Sidicini Italian Hill Tribes 2502
Sidon Phoenician 1306
Singhasari Indonesian or Malay 4806
Siracae Early Sarmatian or Later
Sarmatian 2104 or 2112
Solomonic Dynasty Abyssinian 5905
Southern Han Ten Kingdoms China 4420
Southern Liang Xianbei Kingdoms 4306
Southern Qi Southern Dynasties 4312
Southern Tang Ten Kingdoms China 4420
Southern Yan Xianbei Kingdoms 4306
Srivijaya Indonesian or Malay 4806
Strathclyde Later Post-Roman British 3206
Sukhothai Kingdom Thai Kingdoms 4814
Sunda Kingdom Indonesian or Malay 4806
Susquehannock Eastern Woodland Culture 6301
Sutu Later Amorite 1115
Swabian League (First) Medieval German City League 5614
Tabal Syro-Hittite or Later Syro-Hittite 1302 or 1310
Tacaniju Gé Brazilian Indian 6107
Taharid Dynasty Khurasanian Dynasties 3108
Tana Pueblo Culture 6304
Tanguts Xi Xia 4505
Tarascan Purépecha Empire 6214
Tarumanagara Indonesian or Malay 4806
Tatars Tribal Mongolian and Pre-
Conquest Mongolian 4420
Tencteri Early German 2303
Tepanecs Post-Toltec Cities 6215
Teresh Sea Peoples 1213
Teutoni Early German 2303
Tewa Pueblo Culture 6304
Thebes Classical Greek or Hellenistic
Greek 2401 or 2416
Thessaly Classical Greek 2401
Three Jins (Han, Wei and Zhao) Early Warring States, Middle
Warring States and Later Warring
States 4201, 4202 or 4204
Tingurini Lowland Gallic 2302
Tivertsians Eastern Slav 3502
Tiwa Pueblo Culture 6304
Tjeker Sea Peoples 1213

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Nations and Dynasties

Nation or Dynasty Army List List Number

Tlaxcalan Texcalan Empire 6213
Tlingit Pacific Northwest Culture 6307
Tobayara Tupi 6108
Toledo (Taifa of) Taifa Andalusian 5802
Tripoli (County of) Early Outremer States or
Outremer States 5111 or 5113
Tupinambá Tupi 6108
Tupini Tupi 6108
Tupinikin Tupi 6108
Turfan Tarim Basin States 4403
Tylis Galatian 2809
Tyre Phoenician 1306
Ugarit Syro-Canaanite 1206
Ulichians Eastern Slav 3502
Uqaylid Dynasty Bedouin Dynasties 3114
Usipi Early German 2303
Vaghela Dynasty Rajput Indian 4706
Valona (Principality of) Albanian Principalities 5307
Videha Kingdom Later Vedic Indian 1312
Volsci Italian Hill Tribes 2502
Vriji Confederation Later Vedic Indian 1312
Vyatichans Eastern Slav 3502
Waitacá Gé Brazilian Indian 6107
Weshesh Sea Peoples 1213
Wessex Early Anglo-Saxon and Middle
Anglo-Saxon 3205 or 3208
Western Liang Later Xiongnu 4310
Western Qin Xianbei Kingdoms 4306
White Sheep Turcoman Kara Koyunlu 5311
Wu Ten Kingdoms China 4420
Wuyue Ten Kingdoms China 4420
Xi Pre Dynastic Khitan 4401
Xia Later Xiongnu 4310
Xia Dynasty Erlitou Chinese 4101
Xirong Chinese Northern Barbarians 4102
Yaka Central African 5916
Yamhad Later Amorite 1115
Yan Early Warring States, Middle
Warring States and Later Warring
States 4201, 4202 or 4204
Yashovarman Rajput Indian 4706
Yuezhi Kushan or Indo-Scythian 2610
Zagwe Dynasty Abyssinian 5905
Zaragoza (Taifa of) Taifa Andalusian 5802
Zirid Dyansty North African Dynasties 3107
Zirkutu Early Iranian 1402
Ziyarid Dynasty Dailami Dynasties 3116
Zuni Pueblo Culture 6304

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Available as Allies

List of Armies Available as allies

Ally Number Available to Number
100 Years War French 5507 Early Medieval Low 5505
Ak Koyunlu 5312 Timurid 5309
Akkadian Empire 1112 Elamite 1107
Alamanni 2312 Early Franks 2309
Alan 2111 Later Sarmatian 2112
Alan 2111 Early Vandal 2114
Alan 2111 Gothic 2122
Alan 2111 Foederate Roman 2518
Alan 2111 Foederate Roman 2518
Alan 2111 Armenian 2804
Alan 2111 Armorican or Early Breton 3402
Albanian Principalities 5307 Despotate of the Morea 5212
Albanian Principalities 5307 Serbian Empire 5303
Albanian Principalities 5307 Ottoman Turkish 5310
Almoravid 5805 Kingdom of Ghana 5902
Andalusian 3106 Basque or Early Navarrese 3403
Andalusian 3106 Early Catalan and Aragon 5801
Anglo-Danish 3212 Viking 3209
Annam 4804 Champa 4803
Anuradhapura Kingdom 4701 Tamil Indian 4702
Apulian 2507 Magna Graecia 2505
Apulian 2507 Samnite 2511
Arab Conquest 3102 Rshtuni Armenian 3316
Arab Conquest 3102 Rshtuni Armenian 3316
Arab Indian 4707 Khurasanian Dynasties 3108
Arab Indian 4707 Late Classical Indian 4704
Armenian 2804 Later Republican Roman 2514
Armenian 2804 Early Imperial Roman 2516
Armenian 2804 Imperial Roman 2517
Armenian 2804 Imperial Roman 2517
Armenian 2804 Parthian 2608
Armenian 2804 Early Sassanid Persian 2613
Armenian 2804 Middle Sassanid Persian 2614
Armenian 2804 Cappadocian 2807
Armenian 2804 Pontic 2814
Armenian 2804 Sassanid Persian 3305
Armenian 2804 Early Byzantine 3308
Armenian 2804 Late Sassanid Persian 3315
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 5115 Ilkhanate 4513
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 5115 Syrian States 5104
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 5115 Outremer States 5113
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 5115 Ayyubid Syrian States 5118
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 5115 Komnenan Byzantine 5201
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 5115 Order of St John 5214
Armorican or Early Breton 3402 Gallic Foederate Roman 2319
Armorican or Early Breton 3402 Later Merovingian Frank 3410
Armorican or Early Breton 3402 Carolingian 3415
Asiatic Greek 2801 Lydian 1408
Asiatic Greek 2801 Bithynian 2803
Asiatic Greek 2801 Asiatic Successor 2805
Astur-Leonese 3414 Andalusian 3106
Astur-Leonese 3414 Basque or Early Navarrese 3403
Attalid Pergamene 2808 Mid Republican Roman 2513
Attalid Pergamene 2808 Cappadocian 2807
Austrasia 3408 Burgundian 3405
Austrasia 3408 Neustria 3409
Autonomous Vietnam 4810 Champa 4803
Avar 3505 Italian Lombard 3310

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Available as Allies

Ally Number Available to Number

Avar 3505 Bavarian 3504
Avar 3505 First Bulgarian Empire 3513
Ayyubid Syrian States 5118 Ilkhanate 4513
Ayyubid Syrian States 5118 Sultanate of Rum 5114
Ayyubid Syrian States 5118 Ayyubid Egyptian 5116
Ayyubid Syrian States 5118 Later Crusader 5117
Ayyubid Syrian States 5118 Mamluk Egyptian 5120
Baekje Korean 4305 Gaya Confederacy 4304
Baekje Korean 4305 Goguryeo Korean 4311
Baekje Korean 4305 Silla Korean 4314
Baekje Korean 4305 Yamato Era Japanese 4602
Bagratid Armenian 3319 Dailami Dynasties 3116
Bamarised Shan Kingdoms 4815 Ming Chinese 4517
Banu Ghaniya 5811 Ayyubid in Ifriqiya 5910
Basque or Early Navarrese 3403 Astur-Leonese 3414
Bastarnae 2108 Thracian Lowland Tribes 2102
Bastarnae 2108 Scordisci 2107
Bastarnae 2108 Dacian or Carpi 2109
Bavarian 3504 Carantanian 3508
Bedouin Dynasties 3114 Caliphal Later 'Abbasid 3109
Bedouin Dynasties 3114 Bahrain Qarmatian 3115
Bedouin Dynasties 3114 Dailami Dynasties 3116
Bedouin Dynasties 3114 Georgian 5101
Bedouin Dynasties 3114 Later Seljuk Empire 5106
Bedouin Dynasties 3114 Early Outremer States 5111
Bedouin Dynasties 3114 Banu Ghaniya 5811
Bedouin Dynasties 3114 Ayyubid in Ifriqiya 5910
Beja 5903 Christian Nubian 5901
Bithynian 2803 Later Republican Roman 2514
Black Army Hungarian 5315 Moldavian 5308
Blemmye 2210 Meroitic Kushite 2202
Blemmye 2210 Axumite 2212
Bohemian 3507 Carolingian 3415
Bohemian 3507 Charlemagne Carolingian 3416
Bohemian 3507 Magyar 3510
Bohemian 3507 Early Polish 3519
Breton 3420 Norman 3421
Bruttian 2508 Lucanian 2509
Bruttian 2508 Later Carthaginian 2711
Burgundi 2311 Gothic 2122
Burgundi 2311 Alamanni 2312
Burgundi 2311 Foederate Roman 2518
Burgundi 2311 Foederate Roman 2518
Burgundi 2311 Tolosan Visigoth 3401
Burgundian 3405 Italian Ostrogothic 3307
Burgundian 3405 Early Merovingian Frank 3404
Burgundian 3405 Austrasia 3408
Burgundian 3405 Neustria 3409
Buyeo 4214 Goguryeo Korean 4311
Caliphal Later 'Abbasid 3109 Khurasanian Dynasties 3108
Camillan Roman 2510 Early Campanian 2506
Camillan Roman 2510 Lucanian 2509
Camillan Roman 2510 Samnite 2511
Cappadocian 2807 Asiatic Successor 2805
Carantanian 3508 Bavarian 3504
Carolingian 3415 Lombard Principalities 3318
Carolingian 3415 Armorican or Early Breton 3402
Catalan Company in Greece 5216 Venetian in Greece 5209
Catalan Company in Greece 5216 Frankish Greece 5210
Chagatai Khanate 4514 Yuan Dynasty 4515

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Ally Number Available to Number

Chaldean Babylonian 1311 Later Elamite 1313
Champa 4803 Rebel Vietnam 4802
Champa 4803 Angkor Empire 4808
Champa 4803 Ngô, Đinh and Early Lê 4811
Champa 4803 Lý, Trần and Hồ Vietnam 4812
Chichimec 6205 Mexica 6206
Chichimec 6205 Otomi 6207
Chichimec 6205 Mixtec 6211
Chichimec 6205 Zapotec 6212
Chichimec 6205 Pueblo Culture 6304
Chinese Nomadic Barbarians 4104 Later Shang Chinese 4103
Chinese Nomadic Barbarians 4104 Early Zhou Chinese 4105
Chinese Northern Barbarians 4102 Erlitou Chinese 4101
Chinese Northern Barbarians 4102 Later Shang Chinese 4103
Chinese Northern Barbarians 4102 Chinese Nomadic Barbarians 4104
Chinese Northern Barbarians 4102 The Five Hegemons 4107
Chola Empire 4708 Angkor Empire 4808
Christian Nubian 5901 Beja 5903
Cimmerian 1404 Mannaian 1308
Cimmerian 1404 Phrygian 1401
Cimmerian 1404 Early Iranian 1402
Cimmerian 1404 Urartian 1405
Classical Greek 2401 Spartan 2403
Classical Greek 2401 Spartan 2403
Classical Greek 2401 Spartan 2403
Classical Greek 2401 Early Macedonian 2404
Classical Greek 2401 Early Macedonian 2404
Classical Greek 2401 Mercenary Greek 2406
Classical Greek 2401 Later Spartan 2407
Classical Greek 2401 Later Spartan 2407
Classical Greek 2401 Macedonian Successor 2412
Classical Greek 2401 Macedonian Successor 2412
Classical Greek 2401 Macedonian Successor 2412
Classical Greek 2401 Macedonian Successor 2412
Classical Greek 2401 Macedonian Successor 2412
Classical Greek 2401 Pyrrhic 2414
Classical Greek 2401 Achaemenid Persian - 2602
Classical Greek 2401 Later Achaemenid Persian 2605
Classical Greek 2401 Asiatic Successor 2805
Classical Greek 2401 Galatian 2809
Columbian Indian 6102 Paez 6105
Commagene 2812 Early Imperial Roman 2516
County of Edessa 5110 Early Outremer States 5111
County of Edessa 5110 Komnenan Byzantine 5201
Crown of Aragon 5817 Medieval Castilian 5818
Cuman or Kipchak 3521 Medieval Alan 3511
Cuman or Kipchak 3521 Volga Bulgar 3512
Cuman or Kipchak 3521 Komnenan Byzantine 5201
Cuman or Kipchak 3521 Second Bulgarian Empire 5203
Cuman or Kipchak 3521 Latin Empire 5205
Cuman or Kipchak 3521 Nicaean Byzantine 5206
Cuman or Kipchak 3521 Hungarian 5604
Cuman or Kipchak 3521 Early Russian 5701
Cyrenean Greek 2201 Saitic Egyptian 1410
Cyrenean Greek 2201 Mercenary Greek 2406
Cyrenean Greek 2201 Syracusan 2706
Dacian or Carpi 2109 Tervingi 2115
Dacian or Carpi 2109 Scirii 2117
Dailami Dynasties 3116 Khurasanian Dynasties 3108
Dailami Dynasties 3116 Kurdish 3118

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Ally Number Available to Number

Dark Age Greek 1304 Lydian 1408
Daylamite 3306 Sassanid Persian 3305
Daylamite 3306 Late Sassanid Persian 3315
Di 4309 Shu - Three Kingdoms 4302
Di 4309 Wei - Three Kingdoms 4303
Di 4309 Xianbei Kingdoms 4306
Early 100 Years War English 5506 Medieval Portuguese 5810
Early Anglo-Saxon 3205 Early Welsh 3207
Early Arab 1307 Later Elamite 1313
Early Arab 1307 Neo-Assyrian Empire 1406
Early Arab 1307 Later Sargonid Assyrian 1409
Early Arab 1307 Assyrian Babylonian 1411
Early Armenian Cilicia 5103 Syrian States 5104
Early Armenian Cilicia 5103 County of Edessa 5110
Early Armenian Cilicia 5103 Early Outremer States 5111
Early Armenian Cilicia 5103 Outremer States 5113
Early Bulgar 3506 Langobard 3304
Early Bulgar 3506 Avar 3505
Early Bulgar 3506 Gokturk 4404
Early Byzantine 3308 Tolosan Visigoth 3401
Early Campanian 2506 Early Roman or Latin 2501
Early Campanian 2506 Samnite 2511
Early Carthaginian 2704 Cyrenean Greek 2201
Early Carthaginian 2704 Sicel 2702
Early Catalan and Aragon 5801 Andalusian 3106
Early Catalan and Aragon 5801 Feudal French 5501
Early Catalan and Aragon 5801 Feudal Navarrese 5803
Early Catalan and Aragon 5801 Feudal Castile and León 5804
Early Communal Italian 5601 Early Holy Roman Empire 3419
Early Communal Italian 5601 Papal Italian 5602
Early Communal Italian 5601 Early Imperial German 5605
Early Communal Italian 5601 Early Catalan and Aragon 5801
Early Crown of Aragon 5809 Feudal Castile and León 5804
Early Feudal French 3418 Viking 3209
Early Feudal French 3418 Early Holy Roman Empire 3419
Early Feudal French 3418 Breton 3420
Early Feudal French 3418 Norman 3421
Early Franks 2309 Alamanni 2312
Early Franks 2309 Gallic Foederate Roman 2319
Early Franks 2309 Armorican or Early Breton 3402
Early German 2303 Highland Gallic 2301
Early German 2303 Lowland Gallic 2302
Early German 2303 Batavian Revolt 2306
Early German 2303 Early Imperial Roman 2516
Early Holy Roman Empire 3419 Lombard Principalities 3318
Early Hungarian 3520 Early Russian 5701
Early Imperial German 5605 Outremer States 5113
Early Imperial German 5605 Papal Italian 5602
Early Imperial Roman 2516 Thraco-Roman 2110
Early Imperial Roman 2516 Ancient British 2304
Early Imperial Roman 2516 Numidian or Moorish 2710
Early Iranian 1402 Mannaian 1308
Early Iranian 1402 Urartian 1405
Early Iranian 1402 Neo-Assyrian Empire 1406
Early Iranian 1402 Later Sargonid Assyrian 1409
Early Iranian 1402 Later Sargonid Assyrian 1409
Early Iranian 1402 Assyrian Babylonian 1411
Early Italian Condotta 5615 Later Hungarian 5304
Early Italian Condotta 5615 Albanian Principalities 5307
Early Italian Condotta 5615 Medieval German 5616

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Ally Number Available to Number

Early Khmer 4801 Rebel Vietnam 4802
Early Lithuanian 5705 Novgorod Republic 5709
Early Macedonian 2404 Classical Greek 2401
Early Macedonian 2404 Later Spartan 2407
Early Medieval Danish 5702 Feudal German 5606
Early Medieval Danish 5702 Medieval Frisian or 5609
Early Medieval Low Countries 5505 Early 100 Years War English 5506
Early Merovingian Frank 3404 Early Byzantine 3308
Early Merovingian Frank 3404 Armorican or Early Breton 3402
Early Nomad 1103 Early Sumerian 1101
Early Nomad 1103 Elamite 1107
Early Nomad 1103 Early Syrian 1108
Early Nomad 1103 Later Sumerian 1110
Early Nomad 1103 Third Dynasty of Ur 1113
Early Nomad 1103 Isin-Larsa 1114
Early Nomad 1103 Hyksos 1202
Early Nomad 1103 Mitanni 1204
Early Ottoman Turkish 5213 Late Imperial Byzantine 5211
Early Outremer States 5111 Early Armenian Cilicia 5103
Early Outremer States 5111 Syrian States 5104
Early Outremer States 5111 County of Edessa 5110
Early Polish 3519 Early Holy Roman Empire 3419
Early Polish 3519 Rus 3517
Early Roman or Latin 2501 Early Campanian 2506
Early Roman or Latin 2501 Early Campanian 2506
Early Russian 5701 Estonian 5706
Early Sarmatian 2104 Bosporan 2105
Early Sarmatian 2104 Later Scythian 2106
Early Sarmatian 2104 Dacian or Carpi 2109
Early Sarmatian 2104 Early German 2303
Early Sarmatian 2104 Armenian 2804
Early Scots 3210 Viking 3209
Early Scots 3210 Anglo-Danish 3212
Early Scythian Or Saka 2101 Early Iranian 1402
Early Scythian Or Saka 2101 Later Sargonid Assyrian 1409
Early Scythian Or Saka 2101 Median Empire 1413
Early Scythian or Saka 2101 Early Sarmatian 2104
Early Scythian or Saka 2101 Achaemenid Persian - Royal 2601
Early Seleucid 2810 Galatian 2809
Early Shatuo 4416 Five Dynasties China 4421
Early Swiss 5504 Medieval German City 5614
Early Swiss 5504 Medieval German 5616
Early Syrian 1108 Early Nomad 1103
Early Syrian 1108 Akkadian Empire 1112
Early Tibetan 4405 Umayyad and Early 'Abbasid 3105
Early Tibetan 4405 Tang China - Northern 4407
Early Tibetan 4405 Türgesh 4411
Early Tibetan 4405 Late Tang China - Central 4414
Early Tibetan 4405 Rajput Indian 4706
Early Tibetan 4405 Nanzhao 4807
Early Turcoman Beyliks 5107 Early Armenian Cilicia 5103
Early Turcoman Beyliks 5107 Sultanate of Rum 5114
Early Turcoman Beyliks 5107 Komnenan Byzantine 5201
Early Urartian 1315 Mannaian 1308
Early Urartian 1315 Phrygian 1401
Early Welsh 3207 Early Anglo-Saxon 3205
Early Welsh 3207 Later Post-Roman British 3206
Early Welsh 3207 Anglo-Danish 3212
Early Zhou Chinese 4105 Later Shang Chinese 4103
East Frankish 3417 Lombard Principalities 3318

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Ally Number Available to Number

East Frankish 3417 Moravian 3515
East Frankish 3417 Moravian 3515
Eastern Han 4213 Buyeo 4214
Eastern Later Roman 3301 Later Foederate Roman 2519
Eastern Seljuk Turk 5105 Ghurid 4709
Eastern Slav 3502 Early Polish 3519
Elamite 1107 Later Sumerian 1110
Elamite 1107 Akkadian Empire 1112
Elamite 1107 Isin-Larsa 1114
Emishi 4604 Heian Japanese 4605
Empire of Trebizond 5208 Latin Empire 5205
Empire of Trebizond 5208 Turcoman Beyliks 5302
Empire of Trebizond 5208 Ak Koyunlu 5312
Epirot Byzantine 5207 Nicaean Byzantine 5206
Epirot Byzantine 5207 Frankish Greece 5210
Etruscan 2504 Samnite 2511
Feudal English 5406 Later Norse-Irish 5407
Feudal French 5501 Breton 3420
Feudal French 5501 Norman 3421
Feudal French 5501 Outremer States 5113
Feudal French 5501 Anglo Norman 5403
Feudal French 5501 Early Medieval Low 5505
Feudal French 5501 Feudal Navarrese 5803
Feudal German 5606 Early Medieval Low 5505
Feudal German 5606 Early 100 Years War English 5506
Feudal German 5606 Early Imperial German 5605
Feudal German 5606 Imperial German 5608
Feudal German 5606 Medieval Frisian or 5609
Feudal German 5606 Medieval German City 5614
Feudal German 5606 Early Medieval Danish 5702
Feudal German 5606 Feudal Polish 5704
Feudal Navarrese 5803 Feudal English 5406
Feudal Navarrese 5803 Northern Medieval French 5502
Feudal Navarrese 5803 Feudal Castile and León 5804
Feudal Polish 5704 Feudal German 5606
Feudal Polish 5704 Early Russian 5701
Feudal Polish 5704 Prussian 5707
Feudal Polish 5704 Teutonic Orders 5708
First Bulgarian Empire 3513 Avar 3505
First Bulgarian Empire 3513 Rus 3517
First Crusade 5109 Early Armenian Cilicia 5103
Five Dynasties China 4421 Early Shatuo 4416
Five Dynasties China 4421 Khitan-Liao 4502
Foederate Roman 2518 Suevi 2313
Frankish Greece 5210 Epirot Byzantine 5207
Free Company 5508 Early Italian Condotta 5615
Free Company 5508 Medieval Navarrese 5816
Free Company 5508 Medieval Castilian 5818
French Ordonnance 5514 Crown of Aragon 5817
Frisii 2314 Later Merovingian Frank 3410
Galatian 2809 Later Macedonian 2415
Galatian 2809 Later Republican Roman 2514
Galatian 2809 Bithynian 2803
Galatian 2809 Attalid Pergamene 2808
Gallia Aquitania 3412 Early Merovingian Frank 3404
Gallia Aquitania 3412 Austrasia 3408
Gaya Confederacy 4304 Baekje Korean 4305
Gaya Confederacy 4304 Goguryeo Korean 4311
Gaya Confederacy 4304 Silla Korean 4314
Gaya Confederacy 4304 Yamato Era Japanese 4602

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Ally Number Available to Number

Georgian 5101 Golden Horde 4512
Georgian 5101 Ilkhanate 4513
Georgian 5101 Empire of Trebizond 5208
Georgian 5101 Jalairid Sultanate 5306
Georgian 5101 Ak Koyunlu 5312
Gepid 2120 Early Vandal 2114
Gepid 2120 Tervingi 2115
Gepid 2120 Scirii 2117
Gepid 2120 Hunnic 2121
Ghaznavid 3120 Khurasanian Dynasties 3108
Ghaznavid 3120 Eastern Seljuk Turk 5105
Ghurid 4709 Khwarazmian 4510
Ghurid 4709 Eastern Seljuk Turk 5105
Goguryeo Korean 4311 Baekje Korean 4305
Goguryeo Korean 4311 Silla Korean 4314
Gokturk 4404 Heraklian Byzantine 3311
Gokturk 4404 Rouran Khaganate 4313
Gokturk 4404 Northern Dynasties 4315
Gokturk 4404 Western Wei and Northern 4316
Gokturk 4404 Sui China 4406
Golden Horde 4512 Ilkhanate 4513
Golden Horde 4512 Second Bulgarian Empire 5203
Golden Horde 4512 Late Imperial Byzantine 5211
Golden Horde 4512 Post-Mongol Russian 5710
Golden Horde 4512 Later Lithuanian 5714
Goryeo Korean 4501 Mongol Conquest 4511
Goryeo Korean 4501 Yuan Dynasty 4515
Gothic 2122 Foederate Roman 2518
Greuthingi or Early Ostrogoth 2118 Hunnic 2121
Greuthingi or Early Ostrogoth 2118 Foederate Roman 2518
Greuthingi or Early Ostrogoth 2118 Eastern Later Roman 3301
Hebrew #N/A Later Syro-Hittite 1310
Heian Japanese 4605 Sohei Monks 4606
Hellenistic Greek 2416 Later Macedonian 2415
Hellenistic Greek 2416 Later Macedonian 2415
Hellenistic Greek 2416 Mid Republican Roman 2513
Hellenistic Greek 2416 Early Seleucid 2810
Hephthalite 2615 Middle Sassanid Persian 2614
Hephthalite 2615 Armenian 2804
Hephthalite 2615 Sassanid Persian 3305
Heruli 2119 Scirii 2117
Heruli 2119 Greuthingi or Early 2118
Heruli 2119 Alamanni 2312
Heruli 2119 Turcilingi 2318
Highland Gallic 2301 Lowland Gallic 2302
Highland Gallic 2301 Lowland Gallic 2302
Highland Raiders 1104 Early Sumerian 1101
Highland Raiders 1104 Elamite 1107
Highland Raiders 1104 Later Sumerian 1110
Highland Raiders 1104 Hittite Old and Middle 1201
Hittite Empire 1209 Mitanni 1204
Hittite Empire 1209 Trojan War - Trojan 1216
Hungarian 5604 Komnenan Byzantine 5201
Hungarian 5604 Second Bulgarian Empire 5203
Hungarian 5604 Imperial German 5608
Hungarian 5604 Early Russian 5701
Hungarian 5604 Feudal Polish 5704
Hungarian 5604 Medieval Polish 5715
Hunnic 2121 Scirii 2117
Hunnic 2121 Foederate Roman 2518

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Ally Number Available to Number

Hussite 5716 Later Medieval Polish 5718
Ikko Ikki 4610 Sohei Monks 4606
Ilkhanate 4513 Chagatai Khanate 4514
Ilkhanate 4513 Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 5115
Illyrian 2405 Paeonian 2103
Illyrian 2405 Scordisci 2107
Illyrian 2405 Early Macedonian 2404
Inca Empire 6114 Canari 6110
Indonesian or Malay 4806 Yuan Dynasty 4515
Indus Valley Civilisation 1109 Later Sumerian 1110
Isin-Larsa 1114 Early Nomad 1103
Islamic Persian 5301 Ilkhanate 4513
Islamic Persian 5301 Chagatai Khanate 4514
Italian Condotta 5618 French Ordonnance 5514
Italian Condotta 5618 Kingdom of Naples 5617
Italian Condotta 5618 Republic of Venice 5619
Italian Hill Tribes 2502 Early Roman or Latin 2501
Italian Hill Tribes 2502 Camillan Roman 2510
Italian Hill Tribes 2502 Samnite 2511
Italian Lombard 3310 Carolingian 3415
Italian Lombard 3310 Charlemagne Carolingian 3416
Italian Ostrogothic 3307 Tolosan Visigoth 3401
Italian States 7110 Later Castilian 7102
Italian States 7110 Italian Wars Venetian 7112
Italian States 7110 Pre-Cordoba Trastámara 7113
Italian States 7110 Trastámara Spanish 7114
Italian Wars French 7111 Italian Wars Venetian 7112
Italian Wars Venetian 7112 Later Castilian 7102
Italian Wars Venetian 7112 Italian Wars French 7111
Italian Wars Venetian 7112 Pre-Cordoba Trastámara 7113
Italian Wars Venetian 7112 Trastámara Spanish 7114
Jarls of Orkney 5401 Kingdom of the Isles 5402
Jewish 2208 Later Republican Roman 2514
Jewish 2208 Early Imperial Roman 2516
Jurchen - Jin 4507 Xi Xia 4505
Jurchen - Jin 4507 Mongol Conquest 4511
Kamakura Samurai 4607 Sohei Monks 4606
Kara Koyunlu 5311 Jalairid Sultanate 5306
Kara Koyunlu 5311 Timurid 5309
Kara Koyunlu 5311 Ak Koyunlu 5312
Kara-Khanid Khanate 3119 Qara Khitan 4508
Kara-Khanid Khanate 3119 Khwarazmian 4510
Kara-Khanid Khanate 3119 Eastern Seljuk Turk 5105
Khitan-Liao 4502 Five Dynasties China 4421
Khitan-Liao 4502 Five Dynasties China 4421
Khurasanian Dynasties 3108 Dailami Dynasties 3116
Khwarazmian 4510 Qara Khitan 4508
Kingdom of Pagan 4809 Nanzhao 4807
Kingdom of Serbia 5202 Second Bulgarian Empire 5203
Kingdom of the Isles 5402 Feudal Scottish 5405
Kingdom of the Isles 5402 Early Anglo-Irish 5408
Kingdom of the Isles 5402 Medieval Irish 5409
Komnenan Byzantine 5201 Outremer States 5113
Kurdish 3118 Dailami Dynasties 3116
Kushan or Indo-Scythian 2610 Indo-Parthian 2612
Kushan or Indo-Scythian 2610 Early Sassanid Persian 2613
Kushan or Indo-Scythian 2610 Middle Sassanid Persian 2614
Kushite Egyptian 1407 Later Israelite 1403
Langobard 3304 Early Byzantine 3308
Late Classical Indian 4704 Ghaznavid 3120

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Ally Number Available to Number

Late Classical Indian 4704 Rajput Indian 4706
Late Imperial Byzantine 5211 Epirot Byzantine 5207
Late Imperial Byzantine 5211 Despotate of the Morea 5212
Late Medieval German 5620 Medieval Danish and Kalmar 5712
Late Swiss 7101 Italian States 7110
Late Tang China - Northern 4413 Balhae Korean 4410
Late Tang China - Northern 4413 Uyghur Khaganate 4412
Later Achaemenid Persian 2605 Spartan 2403
Later Achaemenid Persian 2605 Asiatic Greek 2801
Later Amorite 1115 Early Nomad 1103
Later Amorite 1115 Isin-Larsa 1114
Later Amorite 1115 Hittite Old and Middle 1201
Later Carthaginian 2711 Sardinian 2705
Later Communal Italian 5607 Komnenan Byzantine 5201
Later Communal Italian 5607 Papal Italian 5602
Later Communal Italian 5607 Imperial German 5608
Later Communal Italian 5607 Hohenstaufen Sicilian 5610
Later Communal Italian 5607 Angevin Sicilian 5612
Later Crusader 5117 Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 5115
Later Crusader 5117 Ayyubid Syrian States 5118
Later Elamite 1313 Chaldean Babylonian 1311
Later Elamite 1313 Assyrian Babylonian 1411
Later Fatimid Egyptian 5102 Outremer States 5113
Later Hebrew #N/A Later Syro-Hittite 1310
Later Hebrew #N/A Neo-Assyrian Empire 1406
Later Hungarian 5304 Early Italian Condotta 5615
Later Hungarian 5304 Medieval Polish 5715
Later Lithuanian 5714 Medieval German City 5614
Later Lithuanian 5714 Novgorod Republic 5709
Later Lithuanian 5714 Post-Mongol Russian 5710
Later Lithuanian 5714 Medieval Polish 5715
Later Lithuanian 5714 Later Medieval Polish 5718
Later Moorish 2716 Early Vandal 2114
Later Moorish 2716 Umayyad in Africa and Spain 3104
Later Moorish 2716 African Vandal 3302
Later Moorish 2716 Maurikian Byzantine 3309
Later Moorish 2716 Thematic Byzantine 3317
Later Nikephorian Byzantine 3322 Papal Italian 5602
Later Nomadic Mongol 4516 Ming Chinese 4517
Later Nomadic Mongol 4516 Timurid 5309
Later Norse-Irish 5407 Feudal English 5406
Later Norse-Irish 5407 Early Anglo-Irish 5408
Later Northern Song 4504 Jurchen - Jin 4507
Later Post-Roman British 3206 Viking 3209
Later Post-Roman British 3206 Early Scots 3210
Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213 Southern Pre-Islamic Arabian 2214
Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213 Imperial Roman 2517
Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213 Foederate Roman 2518
Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213 Early Sassanid Persian 2613
Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213 Middle Sassanid Persian 2614
Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213 Palmyran 2815
Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213 Eastern Later Roman 3301
Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213 Sassanid Persian 3305
Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213 Early Byzantine 3308
Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin 2213 Maurikian Byzantine 3309
Later Qiang 4308 Shu - Three Kingdoms 4302
Later Qiang 4308 Wei - Three Kingdoms 4303
Later Republican Roman 2514 Parthian 2608
Later Republican Roman 2514 Spanish - Sertorian 2714
Later Sargonid Assyrian 1409 Mannaian 1308

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Ally Number Available to Number

Later Sarmatian 2112 Bastarnae 2108
Later Sarmatian 2112 Dacian or Carpi 2109
Later Sarmatian 2112 Early German 2303
Later Scots-Irish 3202 Later Pictish 3204
Later Scots-Irish 3202 Viking 3209
Later Scythian 2106 Early Sarmatian 2104
Later Seljuk Empire 5106 Post Seljuk Abbasid 5112
Later Spartan 2407 Classical Greek 2401
Later Spartan 2407 Early Macedonian 2404
Later Spartan 2407 Later Macedonian 2415
Later Spartan 2407 Magna Graecia 2505
Later Sumerian 1110 Highland Raiders 1104
Later Sumerian 1110 Early Syrian 1108
Later Sumerian 1110 Akkadian Empire 1112
Later Syro-Hittite 1310 Philistine 1303
Later Syro-Hittite 1310 Israelite 1305
Later Syro-Hittite 1310 Mannaian 1308
Later Syro-Hittite 1310 Early Neo-Assyrian Empire 1314
Later Syro-Hittite 1310 Early Urartian 1315
Later Syro-Hittite 1310 Urartian 1405
Later Syro-Hittite 1310 Neo-Assyrian Empire 1406
Later Thematic Byzantine 3320 Lombard Principalities 3318
Latin Empire 5205 Second Bulgarian Empire 5203
Libyan 2701 Kushite Egyptian 1407
Libyan 2701 Cyrenean Greek 2201
Libyan 2701 Late Period Egyptian 2203
Libyan 2701 Early Carthaginian 2704
Libyan 2701 Syracusan 2706
Libyan Egyptian 1309 Philistine 1303
Libyan Egyptian 1309 Neo-Assyrian Empire 1406
Lombard Principalities 3318 Carolingian 3415
Lombard Principalities 3318 Charlemagne Carolingian 3416
Lombard Principalities 3318 East Frankish 3417
Lombard Principalities 3318 Early Holy Roman Empire 3419
Lombard Principalities 3318 Normans in Italy and Sicily 3422
Lombard Principalities 3318 Papal Italian 5602
Lowland Gallic 2302 Early German 2303
Lowland Gallic 2302 Etruscan 2504
Lowland Gallic 2302 Samnite 2511
Lowland Gallic 2302 Later Republican Roman 2514
Lucanian 2509 Magna Graecia 2505
Lucanian 2509 Bruttian 2508
Lusignan Cypriot 5204 Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 5115
Macedonian Successor 2412 Paeonian 2103
Magyar 3510 East Frankish 3417
Magyar 3510 Moravian 3515
Mamluk Egyptian 5120 Lusignan Cypriot 5204
Mamluk Egyptian 5120 Turcoman Beyliks 5302
Mamluk Egyptian 5120 Christian Nubian 5901
Mannaian 1308 Early Urartian 1315
Mannaian 1308 Early Iranian 1402
Mannaian 1308 Urartian 1405
Mannaian 1308 Neo-Assyrian Empire 1406
Mannaian 1308 Later Sargonid Assyrian 1409
Mannaian 1308 Median Empire 1413
Marinid 5815 Feudal Castile and León 5804
Median Empire 1413 Urartian 1405
Median Empire 1413 Neo-Babylonian Empire 1412
Median Empire 1413 Achaemenid Persian - Royal 2601
Medieval Alan 3511 Cuman or Kipchak 3521

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Ally Number Available to Number

Medieval Alan 3511 Late Imperial Byzantine 5211
Medieval Burgundian 5509 Later 100 Years War English 5512
Medieval Castilian 5818 Medieval Portuguese 5810
Medieval Frisian or Dithmarschen 5609 Early Medieval Low 5505
Medieval Frisian or Dithmarschen 5609 Feudal German 5606
Medieval Frisian or Dithmarschen 5609 Medieval German City 5614
Medieval Frisian or Dithmarschen 5609 Medieval German 5616
Medieval German 5616 Early Medieval Low 5505
Medieval German 5616 Medieval Frisian or 5609
Medieval German 5616 Medieval German City 5614
Medieval German 5616 Medieval Danish and Kalmar 5712
Medieval German City League 5614 Medieval German 5616
Medieval German City League 5614 Medieval Danish and Kalmar 5712
Medieval German City League 5614 Medieval Swedish 5713
Medieval Granadine 5812 Feudal Castile and León 5804
Medieval Irish 5409 Early Anglo-Irish 5408
Medieval Irish 5409 Anglo-Irish 5412
Medieval Navarrese 5816 Frankish Greece 5210
Medieval Navarrese 5816 Order of St John 5214
Medieval Navarrese 5816 Northern Medieval French 5502
Medieval Navarrese 5816 Medieval Castilian 5818
Medieval Polish 5715 Later Hungarian 5304
Medieval Polish 5715 Hussite 5716
Medieval Swedish 5713 Medieval Danish and Kalmar 5712
Medieval Welsh 5404 Feudal English 5406
Mercenary Greek 2406 Thracian Lowland Tribes 2102
Meroitic Kushite 2202 Axumite 2212
Mexica 6206 Chichimec 6205
Mexica 6206 Otomi 6207
Mexica 6206 Texcalan Empire 6213
Mexica 6206 Purépecha Empire 6214
Middle Anglo-Saxon 3208 Early Welsh 3207
Middle Assyrian 1210 Mannaian 1308
Middle Swiss 5510 French Ordonnance 5514
Middle Swiss 5510 Italian Condotta 5618
Middle Swiss 5510 Republic of Venice 5619
Middle Swiss 5510 Late Medieval German 5620
Ming Chinese 4517 Joseon Korean 4518
Mitanni 1204 Syro-Canaanite 1206
Mitanni 1204 Hittite Empire 1209
Mixtec 6211 Zapotec 6212
Mogadishu Sultanates 5906 Abyssinian 5905
Moldavian 5308 Later Hungarian 5304
Moldavian 5308 Ottoman Turkish 5310
Moldavian 5308 Medieval Polish 5715
Moldavian 5308 Later Medieval Polish 5718
Moravian 3515 Carolingian 3415
Mountain Indian 2603 Classical Indian 2604
Muromachi Samurai 4608 Sohei Monks 4606
Nabatean 2204 Jewish 2208
Nabatean 2204 Early Imperial Roman 2516
Nanzhao 4807 Early Tibetan 4405
Nanzhao 4807 Late Tang China - Southern 4415
Neo-Assyrian Empire 1406 Mannaian 1308
Neo-Babylonian Empire 1412 Later Elamite 1313
Neo-Babylonian Empire 1412 Median Empire 1413
Neustria 3409 Austrasia 3408
New Kingdom Egyptian 1207 Syro-Canaanite 1206
Nicaean Byzantine 5206 Second Bulgarian Empire 5203
Nikephorian Byzantine 3321 Lombard Principalities 3318

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Available as Allies

Ally Number Available to Number

Nobunaga Japanese 7202 Sengoku Japanese 7201
Nobunaga Japanese 7202 Takeda Japanese 7203
Norman 3421 Early Feudal French 3418
Norman Sicilian 5603 Epirot Byzantine 5207
Norman Sicilian 5603 Papal Italian 5602
Normans in Italy and Sicily 3422 Lombard Principalities 3318
Normans in Italy and Sicily 3422 Papal Italian 5602
Norse-Irish 3211 Early Welsh 3207
Norse-Irish 3211 Medieval Welsh 5404
North African Dynasties 3107 Lombard Principalities 3318
North African Dynasties 3107 Normans in Italy and Sicily 3422
North African Dynasties 3107 Banu Ghaniya 5811
Northern Medieval French 5502 Feudal English 5406
Northern Medieval French 5502 Feudal Navarrese 5803
Numidian or Moorish 2710 Mid Republican Roman 2513
Numidian or Moorish 2710 Later Republican Roman 2514
Numidian or Moorish 2710 Early Carthaginian 2704
Numidian or Moorish 2710 Syracusan 2706
Numidian or Moorish 2710 Later Carthaginian 2711
Old Or Middle Kingdom Egyptian 1102 Nubian 1111
Old Or Middle Kingdom Egyptian 1102 Hyksos 1202
Old Saxon 2315 Picts 2308
Old Saxon 2315 Gallic Foederate Roman 2319
Old Saxon 2315 Early Post-Roman British 3201
Old Saxon 2315 Langobard 3304
Old Saxon 2315 Austrasia 3408
Old Saxon 2315 Charlemagne Carolingian 3416
Old Saxon 2315 Wends 3503
Otomi 6207 Chichimec 6205
Otomi 6207 Mexica 6206
Ottoman Turkish 5310 Late Imperial Byzantine 5211
Ottoman Turkish 5310 Despotate of the Morea 5212
Ottoman Turkish 5310 Turcoman Beyliks 5302
Ottoman Turkish 5310 Serbian Empire 5303
Ottoman Turkish 5310 Ak Koyunlu 5312
Ottoman Turkish 5310 Tatar Khanates 5314
Outremer States 5113 Later Fatimid Egyptian 5102
Outremer States 5113 Early Armenian Cilicia 5103
Outremer States 5113 Syrian States 5104
Outremer States 5113 County of Edessa 5110
Outremer States 5113 Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 5115
Outremer States 5113 Komnenan Byzantine 5201
Paeonian 2103 Macedonian Successor 2412
Paeonian 2103 Galatian 2809
Paez 6105 Columbian Indian 6102
Papal Italian 5602 Early Holy Roman Empire 3419
Parthian 2608 Jewish 2208
Parthian Vassal States 2611 Early Imperial Roman 2516
Parthian Vassal States 2611 Parthian 2608
Parthian Vassal States 2611 Parthian 2608
Parthian Vassal States 2611 Armenian 2804
Parthian Vassal States 2611 Armenian 2804
Pecheneg 3516 Great Seljuk Empire 3123
Pecheneg 3516 First Bulgarian Empire 3513
Pecheneg 3516 Moravian 3515
Pecheneg 3516 Rus 3517
Philistine 1303 Later Israelite 1403
Philistine 1303 Neo-Assyrian Empire 1406
Philistine 1303 Later Sargonid Assyrian 1409
Phoenician 1306 Philistine 1303

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Available as Allies

Ally Number Available to Number

Phoenician 1306 Israelite 1305
Phoenician 1306 Later Syro-Hittite 1310
Phoenician 1306 Later Israelite 1403
Phoenician 1306 Neo-Assyrian Empire 1406
Phrygian 1401 Neo-Assyrian Empire 1406
Pre Dynastic Khitan 4401 Northern Dynasties 4315
Pre Dynastic Khitan 4401 Western Wei and Northern 4316
Pre Dynastic Khitan 4401 Tang China - Northern 4407
Pre Dynastic Khitan 4401 Late Tang China - Northern 4413
Pre Dynastic Khitan 4401 Early Shatuo 4416
Pre Dynastic Khitan 4401 Later Zhou and Early 4503
Pre-Conquest Mongol 4506 Jurchen - Jin 4507
Pre-Conquest Mongol 4506 Qara Khitan 4508
Pre-Cordoba Trastámara Spanish 7113 Italian States 7110
Pre-Islamic Arab 2205 Axumite 2212
Pre-Islamic Arab 2205 Axumite 2212
Pre-Islamic Arab 2205 Later Republican Roman 2514
Pre-Islamic Arab 2205 Parthian 2608
Pre-Islamic Arab 2205 Early Sassanid Persian 2613
Pre-Islamic Arab 2205 Middle Sassanid Persian 2614
Pre-Islamic Arab 2205 Armenian 2804
Provencal 3406 Tolosan Visigoth 3401
Provencal 3406 Early Merovingian Frank 3404
Provencal 3406 Burgundian 3405
Provencal 3406 Austrasia 3408
Pyrrhic 2414 Syracusan 2706
Qara Khitan 4508 Khwarazmian 4510
Quadi 2113 Later Sarmatian 2112
Quadi 2113 Early German 2303
Quadi 2113 Alamanni 2312
Rajput Indian 4706 Late Classical Indian 4704
Rajput Indian 4706 Ghurid 4709
Rebel Vietnam 4802 Champa 4803
Rebel Vietnam 4802 Nanzhao 4807
Rouran Khaganate 4313 Northern Dynasties 4315
Rouran Khaganate 4313 Western Wei and Northern 4316
Rugii 2310 Scirii 2117
Rugii 2310 Gepid 2120
Rugii 2310 Turcilingi 2318
Rus 3517 Early Polish 3519
Sabir 3303 Middle Sassanid Persian 2614
Sabir 3303 Sassanid Persian 3305
Sabir 3303 Early Byzantine 3308
Saitic Egyptian 1410 Later Israelite 1403
Saitic Egyptian 1410 Later Sargonid Assyrian 1409
Samnite 2511 Etruscan 2504
Samnite 2511 Camillan Roman 2510
Sassanid Persian 3305 Maurikian Byzantine 3309
Sassanid Persian 3305 Avar 3505
Scirii 2117 Hunnic 2121
Scirii 2117 Suevi 2313
Scirii 2117 Turcilingi 2318
Scordisci 2107 Bastarnae 2108
Scordisci 2107 Dacian or Carpi 2109
Scots-Irish 2305 Picts 2308
Sea Peoples 1213 Early Libyan 1105
Second Bulgarian Empire 5203 Nicaean Byzantine 5206
Second Bulgarian Empire 5203 Epirot Byzantine 5207
Second Bulgarian Empire 5203 Late Imperial Byzantine 5211
Sengoku Japanese 7201 Nobunaga Japanese 7202

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Available as Allies

Ally Number Available to Number

Sengoku Japanese 7201 Takeda Japanese 7203
Serbian Empire 5303 Late Imperial Byzantine 5211
Serbian Empire 5303 Wallachian 5305
Serbian Empire 5303 Black Army Hungarian 5315
Sicel 2702 Siciliot Greek 2703
Siciliot Greek 2703 Pyrrhic 2414
Siciliot Greek 2703 Sicel 2702
Siciliot Greek 2703 Early Carthaginian 2704
Siciliot Greek 2703 Later Carthaginian 2711
Silla Korean 4314 Gaya Confederacy 4304
Silla Korean 4314 Baekje Korean 4305
Silla Korean 4314 Goguryeo Korean 4311
Silla Korean 4314 Tang China - Northern 4407
Sogdian 4402 Umayyad and Early 'Abbasid 3105
Sogdian 4402 Early Tibetan 4405
Sogdian 4402 Türgesh 4411
Sohei Monks 4606 Heian Japanese 4605
Sohei Monks 4606 Kamakura Samurai 4607
Sohei Monks 4606 Muromachi Samurai 4608
Sohei Monks 4606 Muromachi Peasant Uprising 4609
Sohei Monks 4606 Ikko Ikki 4610
Southern Medieval French 5503 Early Crown of Aragon 5809
Southern Slav 3501 Italian Lombard 3310
Southern Slav 3501 Thematic Byzantine 3317
Southern Song 4509 Mongol Conquest 4511
Southern Song 4509 Yuan Dynasty 4515
Southern Xiongnu 4215 Eastern Han 4213
Spanish - Celtiberian 2707 Mid Republican Roman 2513
Spanish - Celtiberian 2707 Spanish - Iberian 2708
Spanish - Celtiberian 2707 Spanish - Lusitanian 2709
Spanish - Iberian 2708 Lowland Gallic 2302
Spanish - Iberian 2708 Mid Republican Roman 2513
Spanish - Iberian 2708 Spanish - Celtiberian 2707
Spanish - Iberian 2708 Spanish - Lusitanian 2709
Spanish - Iberian 2708 Later Carthaginian 2711
Spanish - Lusitanian 2709 Mid Republican Roman 2513
Spanish - Lusitanian 2709 Spanish - Celtiberian 2707
Spanish - Lusitanian 2709 Spanish - Iberian 2708
Spartan 2403 Early Macedonian 2404
Suevi 2313 Scirii 2117
Suevi 2313 Langobard 3304
Suevi 2313 Tolosan Visigoth 3401
Sui China 4406 Gokturk 4404
Sultanate of Rum 5114 Ilkhanate 4513
Sultanate of Rum 5114 Ilkhanate 4513
Sultanate of Rum 5114 Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 5115
Sultanate of Rum 5114 Ayyubid Syrian States 5118
Sultanate of Rum 5114 Latin Empire 5205
Sultanate of Rum 5114 Nicaean Byzantine 5206
Sultanate of Rum 5114 Frankish Greece 5210
Sumerian 1106 Early Syrian 1108
Syracusan 2706 Illyrian 2405
Syrian States 5104 Later Fatimid Egyptian 5102
Syrian States 5104 Later Seljuk Empire 5106
Syrian States 5104 County of Edessa 5110
Syrian States 5104 Early Outremer States 5111
Syrian States 5104 Post Seljuk Abbasid 5112
Syrian States 5104 Outremer States 5113
Syro-Canaanite 1206 Mitanni 1204
Syro-Canaanite 1206 Hittite Empire 1209

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Available as Allies

Ally Number Available to Number

Syro-Hittite 1302 Philistine 1303
Syro-Hittite 1302 Mannaian 1308
Taifa Andalusian 5802 Early Catalan and Aragon 5801
Taifa Andalusian 5802 Almoravid 5805
Taifali 2116 Later Sarmatian 2112
Taifali 2116 Tervingi 2115
Taifali 2116 Gothic 2122
Takeda Japanese 7203 Sengoku Japanese 7201
Takeda Japanese 7203 Nobunaga Japanese 7202
Tamil Indian 4702 Anuradhapura Kingdom 4701
Tamil Indian 4702 Late Classical Indian 4704
Tamil Indian 4702 Empire of Harsha 4705
Tamil Indian 4702 Chola Empire 4708
Tang China - Northern 4407 Silla Korean 4314
Tang China - Northern 4407 Balhae Korean 4410
Tang China - Southern 4409 Nanzhao 4807
Tarim Basin States 4403 Early Tibetan 4405
Tarim Basin States 4403 Tang China - Northern 4407
Tarim Basin States 4403 Tibetan 4418
Tatar Khanates 5314 Ottoman Turkish 5310
Tatar Khanates 5314 Later Lithuanian 5714
Ten Kingdoms China 4420 Later Zhou and Early 4503
Tervingi 2115 Imperial Roman 2517
Teutonic Orders 5708 Feudal Polish 5704
Teutonic Orders 5708 Later Lithuanian 5714
Thai Kingdoms 4814 Hanthawaddy Kingdom 4816
The Five Hegemons 4107 Chinese Northern Barbarians 4102
Thematic Byzantine 3317 Later Moorish 2716
Thematic Byzantine 3317 Rshtuni Armenian 3316
Thematic Byzantine 3317 Lombard Principalities 3318
Thracian Hill Tribes 2402 Thracian Lowland Tribes 2102
Thracian Hill Tribes 2402 Scordisci 2107
Thracian Hill Tribes 2402 Thraco-Roman 2110
Thracian Hill Tribes 2402 Thraco-Macedonian 2411
Thracian Lowland Tribes 2102 Cimmerian 1404
Thracian Lowland Tribes 2102 Thracian Hill Tribes 2402
Thracian Lowland Tribes 2102 Thraco-Macedonian 2411
Thuringii 2317 Gepid 2120
Thuringii 2317 Old Saxon 2315
Tibetan 4418 Late Tang China - Central 4414
Tibetan 4418 Uyghur Successor States 4419
Tibetan 4418 Xi Xia 4505
Tolosan Visigoth 3401 Foederate Roman 2518
Tolosan Visigoth 3401 Later Foederate Roman 2519
Tolosan Visigoth 3401 Neustria 3409
Tolosan Visigoth 3401 Later Merovingian Frank 3410
Trastámara Spanish 7114 Italian States 7110
Tribal Mongolian 4417 Early Shatuo 4416
Tuareg 5907 North African Dynasties 3107
Tuareg 5907 Kanem-Bornu 5904
Tuareg 5907 Hausa Kingdoms 5908
Tuareg 5907 Mali Empire 5912
Tuareg 5907 Songhai 5917
Tudor English 7107 Later French Ordonnance 7104
Tudor English 7107 Trastámara Spanish 7114
Turcoman Beyliks 5302 Late Imperial Byzantine 5211
Turcoman Beyliks 5302 Ottoman Turkish 5310
Turcoman Beyliks 5302 Ak Koyunlu 5312
Türgesh 4411 Khurasanian Dynasties 3108
Türgesh 4411 Khazar 3514

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Available as Allies

Ally Number Available to Number

Umayyad and Early 'Abbasid 3105 Khawarij 3103
Umayyad and Early 'Abbasid 3105 Khurasanian Dynasties 3108
Umayyad and Early 'Abbasid 3105 Rshtuni Armenian 3316
Umayyad and Early 'Abbasid 3105 Sogdian 4402
Umbrian 2503 Samnite 2511
Urartian 1405 Mannaian 1308
Urartian 1405 Phrygian 1401
Uyghur Khaganate 4412 Late Tang China - Central 4414
Uyghur Khaganate 4412 Late Tang China - Central 4414
Uyghur Successor States 4419 Late Tang China - Northern 4413
Uyghur Successor States 4419 Xi Xia 4505
Uyghur Successor States 4419 Qara Khitan 4508
Uyghur Successor States 4419 Mongol Conquest 4511
Uyghur Successor States 4419 Yuan Dynasty 4515
Venetian in Greece 5209 Latin Empire 5205
Venetian in Greece 5209 Frankish Greece 5210
Viking 3209 Later Post-Roman British 3206
Viking 3209 Early Welsh 3207
Viking 3209 Middle Anglo-Saxon 3208
Viking 3209 Early Scots 3210
Viking 3209 Norse-Irish 3211
Viking 3209 Anglo-Danish 3212
Viking 3209 Armorican or Early Breton 3402
Viking 3209 Early Feudal French 3418
Viking 3209 Rus 3517
Viking 3209 Early Polish 3519
Wallachian 5305 Later Hungarian 5304
Wallachian 5305 Ottoman Turkish 5310
Wallachian 5305 Black Army Hungarian 5315
Wends 3503 East Frankish 3417
Wends 3503 Early Holy Roman Empire 3419
Wends 3503 Leidang 3518
Wends 3503 Feudal Polish 5704
Xi Xia 4505 Khitan-Liao 4502
Xi Xia 4505 Mongol Conquest 4511
Xianbei 4216 Eastern Han 4213
Xianbei 4216 Wei - Three Kingdoms 4303
Xiongnu 4208 Qiang 4205
Xiongnu 4208 Eastern Han 4213
Yamato Era Japanese 4602 Gaya Confederacy 4304
Yamato Era Japanese 4602 Baekje Korean 4305
Yorkist English 5414 Richard III English 5416
Yorkist English 5414 Early Tudor English 5417
Yuan Dynasty 4515 Kingdom of Pagan 4809
Zapotec 6212 Mixtec 6211

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