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Nama : ……………………………….. Kelas : 9 (Sembilan)
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 02 Mei 2024 Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Nomor Peserta : ………………………………..


Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang ( x ) pada a, b, c atau d!

It’s a Birthday party for


Come and share joy there will be cakes, ice cream, and candies

Saturday, Agust 27th, 2019 at 01.00 p.m at kids café

Raya Bogor street, Depok

Dresscode: Favorite cartoon character

Can’t wait to see you in the party!!!

This following invitation is for question 1-4.

1. The statements below are false, except….

A. The party will be held on the end of August
B. The party is started in the morning
C. The invitee can wear any clothe they want
D. The party will be held in Agung’s house
2. “Can’t wait to see you in the party”. The underline word refers to…
A. Agung’s house C. Kids cafe
B. Invitee D. Agung
3. “Come and share the joy”. The underline word has the same meaning with….

A. Sadness C. Condolences
B. Happiness D. Rich

4. Clothes that must be worn at the event are

A. Favorite cartoon character C. Teletubies costume

B. School costume D. Any clothes they want
5. .
This is for number 5-7.
What is the writer’s intention to write the text.
A. To promote a good hotel
B. To explain the hotel’s location
C. To inform people about the hotel’s facilities
D. To tell people how to reserve the hotel room
6. To tell people how to reserve the hotel room……
A. have businesses in town
B. want to enjoy beautiful landscape
C. want to enjoy beautiful landscape
D. stay in the countryside for couples of days
7. What shoild people do to reserve the hotel with good benefit?
A. Call the hotel C. Come to the hotel
B. Visit its website D. Follow its social media

This is for number 8-10
The type of the text is….
A. Procedure C. Narrative
B. Infornation D. Report
9. The third step of the bovee intuctions is…….
A. Put some eggs in the pan C. Prepare a pan and some eggs
B. Put the pan on it D. Trun on the stove
10. The last step of the bovee intuctions is…….

A. The boiled eggs are ready C. Wait until the water is boiled
B. Pour some water in the pan D. Turn on the stove

11. I…a new motorcycle in the store.(take)

A. Have taken C. Am take
B. Has taken D. Am not taking
12. Bagus in away in June, Bagus…in Surabaya. (Come)
A. Have not come C. Have come
B. Has not come D. Has come

13. Deny is back home from holiday now Deny…to Jakarta.(go)

A. Have not gone C. Have gone

B. Has not gone D. Has gone

14. Is Rehan in your home? No market.(go)

A. Have not gone C. Have gone

B. Has not gone D. Has gone

15. She told Ipan about his house, but Ipan . . .it. (forget)

A. Have not forgotten C. Have forgotten

B. Has not forgotten D. Has forgotten

16. My mother told me this recipe, but I…it. (make)

A. Has not made C. Have made

B. Have not made D. Has made

17. This is a form of Pesent perfect tense.

A. S + Has/Have + V3 + O C. S + Will + V + O
B. S + To be + Ving + O D. S + V + s/es + O

18. Present perfect tense adalah tense yang menunjukan aktivitas….

A. Masa lalu yang sudah berlalu
B. Masa lalu yang masih berlanjut sampai sekarang.
C. Masa depan yang sudah berlalu
D. Masa depan yang belum pasti
19. Kata “Has” di gunakan untuk subject….

A. I, you, they, we C. I, she, you, it.

B. She, he, it D. She, they, it

20. Kata “Has” di gunakan untuk subject….

A. I, you, they, we. C. I, she, you, it.

B. She, he, it. D. She, they, it.

21. This text is for question no.22-32

Ali Baba, a poor woodcutter, was gathering wood in the forest when a band of thieves
approached. He hid and watched them enter a cave that opened when they said the words,
“Open Sesame” . After they departed, Ali baba atood before the cave and gave the command.
To his surprise, the cave opened to reveal an enormous supply of gold and treasure. Ali Baba
packed some of the gold on his donkeys and returned home
When his brother, Qosim, a rich but hard-hearted merchant, discovered Ali Baba’s new
wealth, he demanded an explanation. The next day, Qosim visited the cave and greedily
gathered as much treasure as he could, but forgot the formula for leaving the cave. He was
found and killed, and the thieves soon traced him to Ali Baba. They planned to kill him too, but
Ali Baba’s slave, Murganah, discovered and foiled their scheme. In gratitude, Ali Baba freed
Murganah and married her.

What kind of text is it?

A. Narrative C. Procedure
B. Report D. Explanatory
22. What does the story begin with?

A. Conflict. C. Orientation.
B. Climax D. Solution

23. Who is the main character of the story?

A. Qosim C. Thieves
B. Ali Baba D. Murganah

24. What are mentioned in the first part of the story?

A. The solution and the setting C. The caracters and setting

B. The climax and the setting D. The resolution and the setting

25. Ali Baba found an anermous supply of gold and treasure in the ….

A. Forest C. Cave
B. Home D. Village

26. “After they departed…..”(Paragraph 1) the synonym of the italicized word is….

A. Arrived C. Remained
B. Left D. Stayed

27. Why couldn’t Qosim leave the cave?

A. Because he was rich
B. Because he forgot the formula for the leaving the cave
C. Because he gathered much treasure
D. Because he was hard-hearted merchant
28. Who is Murganah?

A. Ali Babab’s slave C. Qosim’s brother

B. Ali Baba’s brother D. A thief

29. How was the end of the story?.

A. Sadly C. Disappointingly
B. Indifferently D. Happily

30. Who is Qosim?

A. A poor woodcutter C. A generous merchant

B. The leader of thieves D. Ali Baba’s brother

31. The word amusing has the similar meaning with the word…..

A. Entertaining C. Exciting
B. Enjoying D. Terrifying

32. This clock ….in 1750.

A. Is made C. Is making
B. Was made D. Will be made

33. What the meaning of past?.

A. Masa lalu C. Akan datang

B. Masa depan D. Akan pergi

34. What the meaning of continuous?

A. Berlangsung C. Masa depan
B. Belum berlanjut D. Aktivitas yang berkelanjutan

35. We will….by that teacher.

A. Be teached C. Be taught
B. Have taught D. Been taught

36. The Mansion …in 1750.

A. Is built C. Will be built

B. Was built D. Builded

37. All the beds were….my grandmother.

A. Made by C. Make by
B. Made for D. Make for

38. The latter…today.

A. Sent C. Is sent
B. Sends D. Has sent

39. Dialogue below is for question no. 39-41

Alex : “Hi, Angga. I heard from Miss Nita you won English speech in province level.
Angga : “ How nice of you to say. You won math Olimpiad in Bandung, did you?”
Alex : “Yess, that’s true. I got the second place”.
Angga : “You did a good job!! Congratulation.”
Alex : “Thank’s. I still have to learn more”.

Why does Alex congratulate Angga?

A. Because he won Math in Bandung
B. Because he met Miss Nita
C. Because he won English speech in province level
D. Because he got the second place
40. Who got the second place?

A. Angga C. Angga and Alex

B. Alex D. Miss Nita

41. What expressions are used in the dialogue?

A. Apologizing C. Congratulations
B. Permission D. Appreciation

42. No stopping sign. I…

A. Must not park here C. Must not stop her

B. Must stop here D. Must park her
A. Turn left C. Give way
B. Turn right D. No entry
43. What the sign us this?

44. ….eat in the bus. You must not eat here.

A. Do not C. Eating
B. Didn’t D. Do


A. Do not smoking C. Do not Sleep

B. Do not eating D. Do not Taking a bath

46. V3 from word “eat” is….

A. Ate C. Enten
B. Eaten D. Aten

47. We know that v3 form of “read” is…

A. Read C. Road
B. Red D. Rode

48. I just want to be…by you.

A. Love C. Laught
B. Loved D. Levo

49. I had…the ghost when I was child.

A. Seen C. See
B. Saw D. Sea

50. I have a very…cat.

A. Cute C. Strong
B. Worse D. Dengerous

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