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Steven Slabbers

Post-distaster planning: Hurricane Katrina

Post-distaster planning: Hurricane Katrina


Post-distaster planning: Hurricane Katrina



How to rebuild New Orleans?

• The city was in ruins

• The trauma was devastating
• The search for a new future had to start

1. Comparing deltas
2. Reviewing history
3. Finding ways to proceed to the future

Zooming out: comparing deltas

Rhine-Meuse delta

Length: 1233 km
Drainage basin: 185.000km2
Average dischage: 2300m3/s
The Netherlands
Maximum discharge: 16000m3/s

Belgium Meuse
Length: 950 km
Drainage basin: 36.000km2
Average dischage: 230m3/s
France Maximum discharge: 2600m3/s

Inhabitants: 500/km2


Mekong delta

Length: 4.350 km

China Drainage basin: 780.300km2

Myanmar Vietnam
Average dischage: 10.314m3/s

Maximum discharge: 21.872m3/s

Delta size: 55.000km2
Inhabitants: 410/km2

Mississippi delta

Length: 3.734 km

Drainage basin: 3.226.300km2

Average dischage: 17.704m3/s

Maximum discharge: 28.161m3/s

Delta size: 25.000km2


Zooming out: comparing deltas


Zooming out: comparing deltas

Specific threats are related to both landuse and the way

of dealing with water


How to rebuild New Orleans?

• The city was in ruins

• The trauma was devastating
• The search for a new future had to start

1. Comparing deltas
2. Reviewing history
3. Finding ways to proceed to the future

Reviewing history: New Orleans 1798

Reviewing history: Old town




Reviewing history: New Orleans 1895

Drainage Canals (1895)

Reviewing history: Sprawl into the swamp


Reviewing history: Pumping stations stayed

Reviewing history: Pumping stations stayed

Reviewing history: Outfall canals weak spot!


Reviewing history: Outfall canals weak spot!

Reviewing history: Waterfront went silent

Flood barriers for high Mississippi levels


Flood barriers for high Mississippi levels

Reviewing history: Delta dynamics


Reviewing history: Delta dynamics

ca 4000 BC ca 2600 BC ca 2300 BC

Lake Pontchartrainlis stil dr y land, the New Sea level rises to its modern day elevatio
n agfter 300 years later the Mississippi river changes
Orleans crescent has not yet risen out of the Gulf meltin gl aci er s, creatin
g the sma l l isl and known course towards New Orleans, pine island barrier
of Mexico. What would become New Orleans is as ‘Pine Island’ and forms a bay which would enlarges westward and Pontchartrain bay keeps
under water become Lake Pontchartrain growing

ca 2000 BC ca1000 BC ca 0
The Mississippi River expands to the east, its The St. bernard Delta contin
u es t o grow, The river switches west, robbing the St. Bernard
sediment stretching as far east as the present-day Delta of its sediment. The resultin
g landl os s
ca 4000 forms
BC the St. Bernard Delta and ca 2600 BC
Chandaleur Islands.
ca 2300 BC
creats the modern day chandaleur islands
encloses Pontchartrain Bay
Lake Pontchartrainlis stil dr y land, the New Sea level rises to its modern day elevatio
n agfter 300 years later the Mississippi river changes
Orleans crescent has not yet risen out of the Gulf meltin gl aci er s, creatin
g the sma l l isl and known course towards New Orleans, pine island barrier
of Mexico. What would become New Orleans is as ‘Pine Island’ and forms a bay which would enlarges westward and Pontchartrain bay keeps
under water become Lake Pontchartrain growing

Regional scale
text about:
- growth of mississippi delta
- city in a dynamic deltalandscape leifend ibendum, leifend, ugue. Lobortis psum,
- location not on the coast, but south of lake uspendisse auris ugue auris ulla, usto. Quisque
pontchartrain psum uctus etusmaecenas agna ulla ascetur
- human interaction on wetland ecosystems itora. Velit ortor honcus, ullam, igula, uctor ibero
ca 1000 ca 1718 ca 1900 idiculus latea, ulvinar. Ultriciesfusce incidunt ptent
1,000 years later, the river again changes
n The city is founded in 1718: Three centuries of Humans and nature have cut away at Louisiana’s
coastline empor ibendum rnare olestie, orquent, lacerat,
directio and tur ns eas t and south, beginning to swamp draining and levee and canal building
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet kexx, consectetuer
Reviewing history: Delta dynamics
ca 2000
create BC
the modern birdfoot delta. ca1000 BC
begins ca 0 utrum. Lorem uctus enean, liquet eque celerisque
The Mississippi River expands to the east, its The St. bernard Delta contin
u es t o grow, The river switches west, robbing the St. Bernard adipiscing elit ellentesque orbi, urpis, uctor
sediment forms the St. Bernard Delta and stretching as far east as the present-day Delta of its sediment. The resultin
g landl os s ondimentum ugue elis auris. Ornare liquam otenti
encloses Pontchartrain Bay Chandaleur Islands. creats the modern day chandaleur islands estibulum auris ulputate liquet arius. Luctus ollis nceptos ostra eque, apien ymenaeos arius, ltrices.
aoreet olestie ugue olutpat. Adipiscing itae olestie Etiam liquet ivamus ehicula elitnulla ccumsan itae
agittis etus, estibulum etus agittis incidunt. Luctus ociosqu orem nterdum. Mauris eque leifend liquam
eque odales orttitor ulputate arius orem. Risus ristique, dipiscing ictumst attis, agna auris. Donec
ollicitudin, scale
ltrices ulla olor eque apibus. Conubia ulvinarpraesent arius ollicitudin urus uismod ellus
ltricies, retium ugue, orem aciti, ymenaeos empor lass uctor urpis. Accumsan celerisque eugiat ulla
ptent ibendum. Vulputate enean iverra ullam aciti
text about: ongue aciti. Felis elit olor eugiat celerisque elis,
- growth celerisque lacerat
of mississippi aoreet ulla. Tellus liquam
delta alesuada. Hendrerit aoreet ollis.
- city inulputate,
a dynamic itae urabitur mperdiet auris orem,
deltalandscape leifend ibendum, leifend, ugue. Lobortis psum,
Mollis uismod, idiculus hasellus usto, aecenas.
- location Tempor
not on theaucibus,
coast,idiculus ivamus,
but south of lakeraesent uspendisse auris ugue auris ulla, usto. Quisque
Risus endrerit auris ibendum uscipit, urus honcus
ca 2000 ca 2005 ca 2020 ociosqu isus. Ipsum osuere, osuere ellentesque
pontchartrain psum uctus etusmaecenas agna ulla ascetur
between 1932 and 2000, 2000 square miles of land Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have washed away a 700 more square miles could dissapear by 2020 if onec ollicitudin apien. Ipsum ortor ringilla endrerit
nterdum agnis. Torquent
- human interaction ortor ehicula
on wetland ulvinar
ecosystems itora. Velit ortor honcus, ullam, igula, uctor ibero
n due to constructio of le vees s& jettie, further 217 square miles of land landloss
ca 1900
is contined unc heck ed orem aecenas obortis, onsequat, onvallisproin itae.
ca 1000
canals and channels, land subsidence, saltwater ca 1718 roin ptent. Mattis itae ortor, apibus gestas landit idiculus latea, ulvinar. Ultriciesfusce incidunt ptent
1,000 invasive
years species
later, the river and
n rise The city is founded in 1718: Three centuries of Humans and nature have cut away at Louisiana’s Lacinia ectus celerisque onummy olor, eugiat ortor
coastline empor ibendum rnare olestie, orquent, lacerat,
directio and tur ns eas t and south, beginning to swamp draining and levee and canal building
create the modern birdfoot delta. begins
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet kexx, consectetuer utrum. Lorem uctus enean, liquet eque celerisque
Water Management Strategy
adipiscing elit ellentesque orbi, urpis, uctor ondimentum ugue elis auris. Ornare liquam otenti
estibulum auris ulputate liquet arius. Luctus ollis nceptos ostra eque, apien ymenaeos arius, ltrices.
aoreet olestie ugue olutpat. Adipiscing itae olestie Etiam liquet ivamus ehicula elitnulla ccumsan itae
agittis etus, estibulum etus agittis incidunt. Luctus ociosqu orem nterdum. Mauris eque leifend liquam
eque odales orttitor ulputate arius orem. Risus ristique, dipiscing ictumst attis, agna auris. Donec
ollicitudin, ltrices ulla olor eque apibus. Conubia ulvinarpraesent arius ollicitudin urus uismod ellus
ltricies, retium ugue, orem aciti, ymenaeos empor lass uctor urpis. Accumsan celerisque eugiat ulla
ptent ibendum. Vulputate enean iverra ullam aciti ongue aciti. Felis elit olor eugiat celerisque elis,
enean celerisque lacerat aoreet ulla. Tellus liquam alesuada. Hendrerit aoreet ollis.
uscipit ulputate, itae urabitur mperdiet auris orem, Mollis uismod, idiculus hasellus usto, aecenas.
onummy. Tempor aucibus, idiculus ivamus, raesent Risus endrerit auris ibendum uscipit, urus honcus
ca 2000 ca 2005 ca 2020 ociosqu isus. Ipsum osuere, osuere ellentesque
between 1932 and 2000, 2000 square miles of land Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have washed away a 700 more square miles could dissapear by 2020 if onec ollicitudin apien. Ipsum ortor ringilla endrerit
n due to constructio of le vees s& jettie, further 217 square miles of land landloss
u is contined unc heck ed nterdum agnis. Torquent ortor ehicula ulvinar orem aecenas obortis, onsequat, onvallisproin itae.
canals and channels, land subsidence, saltwater roin ptent. Mattis itae ortor, apibus gestas landit
intrusion, invasive species and sea-level rise Lacinia ectus celerisque onummy olor, eugiat ortor

Water Management Strategy

How to rebuild New Orleans?

• The city was in ruins

• The trauma was devastating
• The search for a new future had to start

1. Comparing deltas
2. Reviewing history
3. Finding ways to proceed to the future
a. Coping strategies
b. Restoring the former systems


Finding ways: a) coping strategies

Finding ways: a) coping strategies

Finding ways: a) coping strategies


Finding ways: a) coping strategies

Finding ways: b) restoring former systems

Finding ways: b) restoring former systems


Finding ways: b) restoring former systems

Finding ways: b) restoring former systems

Finding ways: b) restoring former systems


Finding ways: b) restoring former systems

Finding ways: b) restoring former systems

Pumping stations
To lake side

Finding ways: b) restoring former systems


Finding ways: b) restoring former systems

Finding ways: b) restoring former systems

How to rebuild New Orleans?

• The city was in ruins

• The trauma was devastating
• The search for a new future had to start

1. Comparing deltas
2. Reviewing history
3. Finding ways to proceed to the future
a. Coping strategies
b. Restoring the former systems
c. Paradigm shift: invite the water in!







Finding ways: c) invite the water in!


Finding ways: c) invite the water in!

Finding ways: c) invite the water in!

Currently, all is designed
to discharge
all the time ASAP


Finding ways: c) invite the water in!

Before… …now… …future.

Finding ways: c) invite the water in!

Slow… …store & use… …drain only


Finding ways: c) invite the water in!

now… …If we only …WMS

pump… Strategy.


Finding ways: c) invite the water in!

Making more basins Circulate not only

using the natural extreme wet but
landscape also dry periods

Existing situation

And circulating when dry!


Extreme wet periods (pump)

Finding ways: c) invite the water in!

Taylor made Strategy for all 7


Finding ways: c) invite the water in!


Finding ways: c) invite the water in!

Findings ways:

Problem and opportunity:

Many residents never returned

Finding ways: c) invite the water in!


Finding ways: c) invite the water in!

Finding ways: c) invite the water in!

Lafitte is working for a larger area

Finding ways: c) invite the water in!


Finding ways: c) invite the water in!

Finding ways: c) invite the water in!


And generic principles that can be applied now

Current street

New normal street: Normal condition - dry

New normal street: wet condition - normal


New normal street: wet condition – heavy rain

Not only designs that work but that also add quality

With different projects on different Phases


Water City

Greater New Orleans

Comprehensive, Integrated & Sustainable
Water Management Strategy


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