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Judul :Developing Integrated Management Information System in Research: A

Study at the Institute for Research and Community Services of Universitas

Pendidikan Indonesia

Tema : A Study at the Institute for Research and Community Services of the University Indonesian

Volume : 10

Tahun : 2015

Penulis : Linda Setiawati


the data contained in universities are increasingly complex, especially if the universities have the same
environment as the Indonesian Education University where there is an increase in the number of
professors conducting research. The development steps carried out in this study are based on the
results of previous research in the context of learning innovation in the Management Information
System course. for Research and Community Service UPI.


Learning Products at the university level are often unable to answer the challenges of fulfilling
instrumental problem solving in the field. As one of the breakthroughs that can be done by lecturers is
to conduct research such as that carried out in this study. The above thinking shows that research
conducted by utilizing the results of previous studies to carry out the latest innovations from a lecture is
a must for educators in higher education environments. Such conditions will make the implementation
and application of research results more comprehensive in order to solve the problems encountered.


This research was conducted using the approach

Research and development . This research approach is used in accordance with the research objectives,
namely designing and developing MSIT which begins with designing a research data database for UPI
lecturers which is then integrated into the sub-directory of the LPPM website. The schedule adapted
from the research phase was then modified based on the product research phase per month in
accordance with the output target to be produced as formulated in the expected results in this study.

management information System

Donald W. Kroeber and Hugh J. Watson stated that «Management Information System is a process that
provides direction to managers that supports the setting of goals and policies through an organization».
This opinion provides guidelines that the process of achieving goals is of course through various policy
steps that must be determined in advance by a leader which can be done through managing the
information needed in a management information system.

Research Database

According to Deni Darmawan understanding Management Information System is any system that
provides a complete understanding of both data and information relating to the operation of an
organization Charles Parker. This opinion is related to his position. Thus the position of MIS in this case is
as part of the integration of organizational structure, as stated by Larry Long that the Management
Information System is an integrated structure of databases and information flows around all levels and
components within the organization with which the activities of collecting, delivering, and the
presentation of information is optimized to meet the needs.

The results of the research show that through E¬research every faculty and researcher will be motivated
to continue learning according to their potential and skills

Enterprise Information System (EIS)

In the process of developing an information system which is likely to lead to the creation of a database
system, it will be necessary to study the design of certain information systems with the appropriate type
of methodology. The above explanation is intended to support the organization's management function
in order to achieve the institutional mission. EIS/EA implementation will require an in-system
assessment methodology. TOGAF is a registered trademark of The Open Group. TOGAF is a high-level
and holistic design approach, typically modeled at four levels: Business, Application, Data and
Technology. As an open standard, TOGAF is Instant confirmation adopted to support EA.

1.Research Findings

MSIT Website Development as Sub Directory page.

In the span of the first three months, the research phase has included several activities that have been
carried out. This process has been carried out by analyzing a number of research reports

2.Basic Data Analysis

During the research the team has analyzed the amount of data managed by the data section of the
LPPM UPI INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND COMMUNITY SERVICES data which are all related to a fairly
complex initial data set.

3. Preparation of initial design database

Database development has been carried out since the design using php, especially by utilizing the
existing facilities in the php admin when it was developed at an early stage. The data structure was
developed following the condition of the research data that has been managed by the data section of

4.Development of SI Enterprise Database

The results are as shown in the prototype during the second quarter, where the facility looks easier to
5. Development of Integrated Database Engine Information System

A development engine that is able to integrate all data classifications that is able to access the query
(IRCS) IRCS (Research and community service institutions are carried out with a fairly practical approach.

6.Prototype Validation

To test the reliability of the MSIT UPI IRCS system, researchers carried out a validation process that
involved a number of experts, managers and lecturers in its use. The theoretical and practical system
validation is carried out by following the software testing phase according to the IEEE Standard.

1) Final Model

After analyzing a number of improvements needed to the prototype using the TOGAF method which
requires several efforts, efforts have been made to improve the MSIT SBRC UPI information system in
the form of professional stages.

2. UPI MSIT (IRCS) website.

This website serves as a medium for delivering announcements about monitoring and evaluation
activities or the time specified for submitting research reports.

3. Database Structure

Currently there are four tables that will be used for the MSIT website, this is due to missing data that
does not match the latest data. For the development stage, the upload process can be carried out by the
lecturer himself.

4. Implementation of courses as a form of applying the results of previous studies with an online
database design that contains integrated information data from a number of research lecturers at UPI.

The lecture process is associated with the development of the MSIT website and database which is
discussed according to the topic of teaching materials developed in the form of teaching materials.

conclusions and recommendations


After conducting the research stages and producing various products in the form of research and
development as well as system analysis needed in the form of a website as a form of database and
information system development that aims to support the management of research information data.

COMMUNITY OF SERVICES (IRCS), then as a result of the development of teaching materials or learning
tools in certain subjects have been adapted by the research team. The courses most related to the focus
and results of this research are Management Information Systems courses, so the following conclusions
can be drawn:
• Development of a syllabus for the course of Management Information Systems courses;

• Online Material Drafting

database that can be developed further;

• Creation of a website as a sub-directory of the IRCS UPI web page;

• Creation of a database for managing the integration of research data from all UPI lecturers;

• Implementation of the implementation of the course as a form of application of the results of previous
research with a design in the form of an online database design containing integrated information data
of a number of research lecturers at UPI;

• The establishment of an Integrated Information System Database Learning Innovation Article

published by an Accredited International Journal.

• Writing database development books for the benefit of integrated research data management
information systems in higher education


Based on the research results, discussions and conclusions regarding the focus of research with a set of
SIM course instrument products, management of integrated information system websites, database
structures, teaching materials, and lectures, to material articles for international journals, the following
are some recommendations that can be used as input for stakeholders and stakeholders INSTITUTE FOR
RESEARCH AND COMMUNITY SERVICE (IRCS)-UPI in the context of managing research data at UPI. Based
on these conditions, the following are some recommendations given:

• Research data management by IRCS UPI

must be carried out in an integrated manner between the data field and the existing IT field.

• Data relating to the amount of money must be filtered according to the guidelines and framework of
the employment contract in completing the research;

• Researchers must pay attention to aspects of data structure in order to have an in-depth reference in
the field of software engineering in managing research data at the INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND


Very detailed and detailed discussion.


Too many words that are difficult to understand.

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