Class 2

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FINAL TERM 2024-2025

Name:________________ T. Marks.75
Class: 3 Subject:. Science

Section A"

Q:1(a) Fill in the blanks:

1: We need _____ to move any thing from it's original position.
2: Force tends to change_______ of an object.
3: plants make there food in the presence of _______.
4': Heat keeps animals _____.
5: Then live on the earth opportunity ______year.

Q:1(b) Write TRUE or FALSE :

1: It is very hot when it is cloudy. ( )
2: Water turns in to stain when we heat. ( )
3: Heat comes from the sun. ( )
4': A steam engine moues by electricity. ( )
5: It is hotter after the sun sets. ( )

Q:2 Write the answer of the following Question: (ALL)

Q1: what is Force?

Q2: what if there were no friction on the Earth?
Q3: Name the natural source of light in day ?
Q4: what is temperature?
Q5: list down some uses of heat?
Q6: when was the earth created?

Q:3 Write the meanings of the following words: (ALL)

1: force 2 Heavy. 3. Recent 4. Move 5. Source 6 winter 7 sunlight 8 lakes 9 covered 10 Iron.

" Activity"

*. How many directions name them ?

*: Write the short note on the following topic Heat?

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