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According to principle
According to need
According to impulse
Save the puppy
Leave the puppy to it’s fate
Kill the puppy

● Evil choice
● For the greater good choice
● Because it’s morally right choice
● Because it’s the law choice
● Because of a personal need choice
● Because of a personal impulse choice


Mother died when you were young. Father had three wives, and
immediately replaced your mother with a new wife. Did you love your

Swore an oath to uphold the barbarian code of honour OR thought it was

all a bunch of nonsense

Tribe is starving.

A bear had dug up a mother wolf’s den. The mother had tried to fight but
its dead and half-eaten. The cubs are missing, because they’ve been
eaten. You hear one pup in the bushes. It’s injured but alive.

Wounded pup. You...

– Nursed the pup back to health and released it back into the wild.
– Put the pup out of its misery, and brought it back to the village for
food. [+1 Barbarian relations]
– Left the pup to it’s fate
– Tortured the pup with a sharp stick until it died
– Nursed the pup back to health and adopted it, feeding it at the
expense of your own food rations. [wolf companion]
Name your wolf

You had two friends that grew up alongside you.

Gwi was only a year older than you, but she treated you like she was an
adult. Even since childhood Gwi has been headstrong, stubborn and
assertive. Gwi has messy blonde hair that falls down to her shoulders.
Despite her parents wishes she learnt how to master the bow, and often
joined the men on their hunting trips. She often has a fierce look on her
face, and covers her skin with detailed blue warpaint markings whenever
she goes hunting.


Gwi and Konen text intro and description

Nearby town began to be built when you were thirteen. Lack of woman in
the tribe so you were encouraged to steal some to ensure the tribes future
survival. With your friends you...
– Stole their cattle [-2 commoner relations] ] [+1 Barbarian relations]
– Kidnapped their women [-8 commoner relations] [+3 Barbarian
– Tried to make contact with them. [-1 commoner relations] ] [-1
Barbarian relations]
– Stayed clear of them

Feelings around the same age... puberty.

– Were attracted to girls.
– We’re attracted to boys.
– We’re attracted to boys and girls.
– Weren’t attracted to anyone.

Around this time the famine ended. Food was coming vack and life was
looking good.

– Warrior
– Hunter
– Druid

Jump to the present day with father, Gwi and Konen. Father wakes you up
in the home. As chieftain, he has three wives. Customary but any more
than three is seen as greedy. All much older than you.

Fight for Gwi/Conan? If you lose or refuse, you can have the option of
forcibly marrying a kidnapped woman called Erica. (Whom is killed in the

So your marriage is arranged. But there is one final challenge to be done.

It is customary for the men to hunt a bear to prove their strength. Since
they are expected to be child-rearers and foragers, women are exempt
from this challenge, although many women have done this challenge as
– Female characters don’t have to. Males do.

Out hunting with Gwi, Conan.

– merchant encounter... they’re lost in the forest! Calling for help. Except
for the bard, who calmly plays his tunes.

Party fighting power: 14

Conan - fighting power 8
Gwi - fighting power 3
Wolf - fighting power 3

Druid staff
Warrior axe
Hunter bow and arrow

– Talk to them
– Ambush them with intent to kill
– Ambush them with intent to rob
– Hide and let them pass
Ambush to kill. Are you sure? (Its against the barbarian code to murder
innocents, although stealing from them and making their lives miserable is
perfectly good fun) Gwi lets an arrow loose at the guard. Conan finishes
him off. The merchant and the bard beg you for mercy, each one telling
you to take the other but to let them live. Kill merchant? No worries but
REAL demons attack a few months later. The story ends early but can
continue in the sequel. Kill bard? He’s erased from the story.

– Intent to rob plays out as if you talked to them. But you get all of the
merchants trinkets. Seemingly useless. But you equip a ruby ring and a
golden necklace because you think that they look nice. You can sell
them later.
– Hide and let them pass. On the return journey you notice tracks that
suggest they were right next to your village! They obviously were
scared of your people, and fled.

The bear fight. You get the honour of going first. Slay the bear or not, the
story then progresses a week later.

The ambush.

You’re dreaming that you’re lost in a forest. Strange fairies, no bigger than
your hand, use magic to alight a pyre. They invite you to dance around the
fire with you. The heat grows stronger and stronger. It’s becomes big and
hot that even the fairies run away You try to force your body to run away
but it’s frozen still. You awaken to see that your home is on fire!

With your combined strength, almost burning alive (one of the wives
begins to catch alight and screams in agony), you smash down the door
past the barricade. You collapse to the ground, physically drained. Your
father does the same. The wives run away but three crossbow bolts kill

The battle begins. Konen barges out of his home, his family follows him,
but they are being rained down upon by a swarm of bolts, killing many.

Your dad grabs his axe and tells you to follow him.

– Grab your weapon and follow your dad

– Hide and play dead

Enemies are firing from the bushes, you and your father sneak into the
bushes and your father cuts down at least two of them. Wearing brown
hooded robes. A crossbow bolt hits your father in the chest. He falls to
one knee, but tightens his grip on his weapon and stands back up. Four
more attackers rush towards you with their swords drawn, two for you and
two for your dad.

Regardless of whether you win or lose your first against the two cultists,
the enemies sound a horn and retreat. Your father, successfully killed his
two opponents, but with a crossbow bolt sticking out of his chest and
covered in deep cuts, loses his strength and collapses to the ground in a
pool of his own blood. He’s dead.

A cultist splutters blood. He feebly attempts to crawl away...

– Cut off his head
– Capture him (dies anyway)
– Let him escape (he dies anyway... find his body while travelling to the

The village burns. Konen calls your name. All those who remain are Konen,
Gwi and Gwi’s mother and father (both badly burned). Gwi has been hit by
a bolt in the leg but pulls it out. You search for survivors all night but found
none. Gwis parents die in their sleep. Ericka is dead.

You, Gwi and Konen bury the dead

Konen takes the head of three of the dead cultists. They’re the only leads
they’ve got. We find out who knows these faces, then we kill them. Gwi
remembers the merchant caravan. And you come to the conclusion that
it’s the merchant, the merchant’s guard, the bard, or all three.

Begin traveling to the town. You spot tracks that reaffirm that you’re
heading in the right direction. Gwi loses strength, you think it might be
that she’s too emotionally weak to handle the loss of her tribe, but then
she collapses to the ground. The crossbow bolt was poisoned. Konen,
being the stronger of you two, carries her while you lead the way to the

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