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Descriptive Statistics

School Career and

Academic Student Student
Faculty: Facilities and Counseling
Program: services: activities:
Rating Equipment: Development
Rating Rating Rating
Rating Services: Rating

Mean 3.072 3.289 3.349 3.000 2.590 3.349

0.894 0.741 0.772 0.911 0.976 0.756

The table provides descriptive statistics for various aspects of a school environment of San Beda College

Alabang. Let's interpret and discuss the information presented from the exit interview of available

students. The mean (average) ratings for each aspect are as follows:

Faculty: 3.072; Academic Program: 3.289; School Services: 3.349; Student Activities: 3.000; School

Facilities and Equipment: 2.590; Career and Counseling Development Services: 3.349

This gives us the idea that the lowest school service was the school facilities and equipment

getting 2.590 of mean scores with a variability of 0.976, which was highest among the group. This was

also supported by their suggestion for improvement to either repair or improve the restrooms of the

college department, stating specifically the broken locks and doors that has to be held by their peers in

order to use it peacefully. In addition, they mention that the Rest rooms has mosquitoes and wet floor

from time to time. Another suggestion for improvement was fix ceilings and aircon and certain areas. As a

suggestion from the office of Counseling and Career Development, the school must find ways for the

students to have a real time way of asking for repairs as it mostly takes a whole term before a certain

aspect of the rest rooms are repaired.

The Highest scorer among the school services are the career and counseling development services

and school services.

The career and counseling development services (CCDS) received this high score, however, there

are still suggestions for improvement. This suggestion mostly revolves around the office needing to have

more interactive activities that would improve and/or address the mental health of the students. The best

feature that the office received were being welcoming, accommodating and friendly. It mostly revolves

around the praises for its personnel and services. As a suggestion for improvement on our office, the

office has to have more school-based activities that allows the students to learns skills needed to improve

their well-being.

On the other hand, student services also received the high score 3.349, however, there are still

suggestions for improvement. The suggestions revolve around that personnels of all the offices

should be more polite to make it more accessible for the students. However, most of the students

has no other suggestion for improvement. They also felt care and reliability among the personnel.

As a suggestion, the office of Counseling and Career Development urges the school to provide a

skill improvement training of the personnel on polite customer service to improve the services.

Moreover, the student activities received 3.000 score from the exit interview. This scores

somehow reflects the opinions of the students. This allows them to share their criticism that the

student activities are pretty much required making it less interesting for the students, in addition

the student activities should add in more activities that are fun as the students do not feel

complete with the amount of work that has to be done at the current time. As a suggestion of the

office, it is that the student activities office should create a interest based organization rather than
program-based organization. In addition to that, it was commendable how the program-based

organizations were able to add more activities that are related to their program.

Finally, the academic program and faculty scored 3.072 and 3.289, respectively. Both of

these work hand in hand. The academic program are mostly represented by the content of the

professor and the faculty is how they have delivered the content of the program. It is worth

noting that their averages are still very satisfactory. Their best feature are mostly recognized by

the students from how they like the content of the programs and how the professors were able to

teach it. However, there are still suggestions for improvements which includes replacing a much

more effective professors, allow the students to have social life. This works hand in hand with

how the other students provided their insight on how faculty can prove which were by being

more considerate, transparent, approachable and empathetic to the students taking the program.

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