Diass 11-Midterm

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Government Recognition No. 001 s. 1998
School ID 404972
Senior High School ID No. 349027
“Cheating is nothing to be proud of”-Mark Hunt
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Given that the youth are the future of every nation, the role of providing guidance to them at critical moments of their growth is
a serious nation-building undertaking. Which among the following is not included in the roles of guidance counselors to the
a. To assist the client in realizing a change in behavior or attitude.
b. To assist them to seek achievement of goals.
c. To assist them to find help.
d. A counselors roles not include aiding one in coping with crisis
2. The following are the functions of guidance counselors except;
a. Helping a client to develop potentials to the fullest.
b. Helping a client plan to utilized his/her potential to the fullest.
c. Administering a wide range of human development services.
d. Sharing and applying knowledge not related to counseling such as philosophical theories.
3. Competencies of guidance are the following except;
a. Guidance counselors have the ability to administer mathematical and statistical problems.
b. They can administer career advocacy services.
c. Guidance counselor are capable career advocates.
d. Guidance counselor can facilitate conduct of career advocacy in collaboration with career advocates and peer facilitator.
4. Refer to active listening, which mean listening with purpose and responding in such a way that clients are aware that they
have both been heard and understood?
a. Reflective skills b .Attending and listening skills c. Probing skills d. Communication skills
5. The skills are concerned with the other person’s frame of reference.
a. Reflective skills. B. Attending and listening skills c. Probing skills d. Communication skills
6. These skills facilitate going deeper, asking more directed or leading questions
a. Probing skills b. Attending and listening skills c. Communication skills d. Reflective skills
7. This include the ability to actively listen, demonstrate understanding, ask appropriate questions and provide information as
a. Communication skillsmotivational skills c. Problem-solving skills d. Conflict resolution skills
8. These involves learning about styles of conflict resolution.
a. Communication skills b. Motivational skills c. Problem-solving skills d. Conflict resolution skills
9. The skills are the ones influence a helpee to take an action after the helping session or consultation.
a. Problem-solving skills b. communication skills c. conflict resolution d. motivational skills
10. This includes restoration of impaired capacities either curative/remedial and or/rehabilitative
a. Developmental b. physical c. preventive d.restorative
11. This includes providing individual and psychsocial resources.
a. Developmental b. physical c. preventive d.restorative
12. This refers to prevention of social dysfunction, social problems, and social injustice and rights violations.
a. Developmental b. physical c. preventive d.restorative
13. The social worker must first engage the client in early meetings to promote a collaborative relationship.
a. Supportive b. engagement c. assessment d. planning
14. Data must be gathered that will guide and direct a plan of action to help the client.
a. supportive b. engagement c. assessment d. planning
15. Negotiate and formulate an action plan.
a. implementation b. engagement c. assessment d. planning
16. Promote resource acquisition and enhance role performance,
a. implementation b. monitor/evluation c. supportive counseling d. planning
17. Ongoing documentation through short-term goal attainment of the extent to which client is following through.
a. Graduated Disengagement b. monitor/evaluation c. supportive counseling d. planning
18. Affirming, challenging, encouraging, informing and exploring options.
a. Graduated Disengagement b. monitor/evaluation c. supportive counseling d. planning
19. Seeking to replace the social worker with a naturally occurring resource.
a. Graduated Disengagement b. monitor/evaluation c. supportive counseling d. planning
20. A social works theory describes human behavior regarding complex system.
a. Social Learning Theory b. Psychosocial Development Theory c. Systems Theory d. Transpersonal Theory
21. Based on Albert Bandura’s idea that learning occurs through observation and imitation
a. Social Learning Theory b. Psychosocial Development Theory c. Systems Theory d. Transpersonal Theory
22. The theory which has an eight-stage theory. Erickson’s believed everyone must pass through eight stages of development
over the life cycle; Hope, will, purpose, competence, fidelity, love, care and wisdom.
a. Psychodynamic Development b. Psychosocial Development Theory c. Systems Theory d. Transpersonal Theory
23. Developed by Sigmund Freud, and it explains personality regarding conscious and unconscious forces. Describes the
personality as consisting of ID(responsible for following basic instincts), the SUPEREGO (attempts to follow rules and behave
morally) and the EGO (mediates between the id and the ego).
a. Transpersonal b. Psychosocial Development Theory c. Rational Choice Theory d. Transpersonal Theory
24. Proposes additional stages beyond the dult ego. In healthy individuals, these stages contribute to creativity, wisdom and
altruism. In people lacking healthy ego development, experiences can lead to psychosis
a. Transpersonal b. Psychosocial Development Theory c. Rational Choice Theory d. Transpersonal Theory
25. Based on the idea that all action is fundamentally rational in character, and people calculate the risks and benefits of any
action before making decision,
a. Transpersonal b. Psychosocial Development Theory c. Rational Choice Theory d. Transpersonal Theory

II. Identification: identify what is being asked.

a. Reality therapy d. Transactional analysis g. Existential Therapy

b. Rational emotive therapy e. Gestalt Therapy h. Adlerian Therapy
c. Behavior therapy f. Person-Centered Therapy I. Psychoanalytic Therapy

1. Is an approach developed by Sigmund Freud that human being are basically determined by psychic energy and early
2. Is an approach similar to the Freudian, it was developed by Alfred Adler who believed that the first six years of life influence
3. Was founded and promoted by William Glasser, this therapy is a short-term approach that focuses on the present and
highlights a client’s strength.
4. Was developed by Albert Ellis, it is a form of cognitively- oriented behavioral therapy and is based on the assumption that
human being are born with the potential for both rational straight thinking and irrational or crooked thinking.
5. Focuses on the human capacity to define and shape his/her own life give meaning to personal circumstance through
reflection, decision making and self-awareness.
6. Uses many action-oriented methods to help people take steps to change what they are doing and thinking.
7. Its emphasis on decision and contracts that must be made by clients.
8. People get share or surrender power and control over themselves and others and so empowerment depended on the self and
such required non-directive process.
9. Introduced by Frederick S. Perls, it is an essential approach, stressing that people must find their own way in life and accept
personal responsibility for maturity.
10. Bonus

III. Complete the concept map

Enumerate the following:





Prepared by: JEROME S. JORGIO


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