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Name: Brooke Spear Dates: 4/22-4/26 Class Period or Subject: Science

Topic: Earth/ Recycling Grade Level: K & 2nd Co-op initials with date:

PA Anchor/Standard or 4.3.K.B Recognize the importance of conserving natural resources.
Eligible Content 4.3.K.A Identify some renewable resources used in the classroom.
4.5.K.C Identify different types of pollution (land, water or air) and
their sources.
4.5.K.D Identify waste and practice ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Lesson Objectives After instruction, TSWBAT distinguish between reducing waste

and not reducing waste, by voting on a picture getting 3 out of 5
Sequence of activities Begin with a book: “How the Crayons Saved the Earth” by
Monica Sweeney

Go through interactive slide show.

Introduce the earth and its features.

Introduce Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Discuss Reduce as “STOP wasting”.

Give examples.
Have the students stand if you think they are wasting, stay
seated with a thumbs up if they are reducing.

The student will create Earth Day headbands for the day!
Differentiation Students show their answers in different ways. There are parts
where students physically react to the slide show and there are
times of verbal response.

Assessment The teacher will informally observe student responses to

PA Anchor/Standard or 4.3.K.B Recognize the importance of conserving natural resources.
Eligible Content 4.3.K.A Identify some renewable resources used in the classroom.
4.5.K.C Identify different types of pollution (land, water or air) and
their sources.
4.5.K.D Identify waste and practice ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Lesson Objectives After instruction, TSWBAT identify examples of reusing by
reacting to teachers probes, getting 3 out of 5 correct.
Sequence of activities Read “I Love Our Earth” by Jane Cabrera
Present on reusing.
First ask students ways that they reuse things in their life.
Then present different acts of reusing.
Have them stand if it is a nonexample and sit with a thumbs up
if it is an example of reusing.
Do a simple earth craft: Zip lock Earth Painting
Supplies: Green and Blue paint, Paper plates, Ziplock bags

Differentiation Students show their answers in different ways. There are parts
where students physically react to the slide show and there are
times of verbal response.
Assessment The teacher will informally observe student responses to
PA Anchor/Standard 4.3.K.B Recognize the importance of conserving natural resources.
or Eligible Content 4.3.K.A Identify some renewable resources used in the classroom.
4.5.K.C Identify different types of pollution (land, water or air) and
their sources.
4.5.K.D Identify waste and practice ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Lesson Objectives After instruction, TSWBAT to identify and sort items that can
be recycle, by creating a diagram as a whole group with 100%
Sequence of activities Read “Milk and Juice: A Recycling Romance” by Meredith
Review previous ways to keep the earth healthy.
Introduce the last way: recycling.
Go through ways you can recycle and the various types of
Have students show if it is an example or not by standing, and if
it is an example of recycling, showing a thumbs up.

Do the recycling hunt and sorting activity.

There will be different images of items around the room. The
students will find all the items then return to their seat.
We will go through what each student found and put it in the
recycling bin or the garbage.
There will be a garbage bin and recycling poster that the
students will use the sort.
Differentiation The students will physically and verbally respond to examples
of recycling.
The students will bring different items up to the board based on
what they find during our scavenger hunt.
Assessment The teacher will informally observe student responses to
The poster at the end will show the sorting results.
PA Anchor/Standard or 4.3.K.B Recognize the importance of conserving natural resources.
Eligible Content 4.3.K.A Identify some renewable resources used in the classroom.
4.5.K.C Identify different types of pollution (land, water or air) and
their sources.
4.5.K.D Identify waste and practice ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Lesson Objectives After instruction, TSWBAT define pollution and identify one
way to clean-up the earth after pollution, by viewing and
discussing a oil spill demonstration.
Sequence of activities Review the 3 R’s.
Then begin to discuss what happens when we don’t do these
Show pictures of pollution.
Introduce pollution and the various types.
Present water pollution video and the different ways in can be
cleaned up.
Do oil spill craft- have students observe the teach demonstration.
(Students will be permitted to assist based on ability and
Differentiation Students will be learning about various three different types of
water pollution clean-up methods.
Assessment The teacher will keep an informal record of students responses.
PA Anchor/Standard or 4.3.K.B Recognize the importance of conserving natural resources.
Eligible Content 4.3.K.A Identify some renewable resources used in the classroom.
4.5.K.C Identify different types of pollution (land, water or air) and
their sources.
4.5.K.D Identify waste and practice ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Lesson Objectives After instruction, TSWBAT identifies the ways to keep the
planet healthy, by completing an earth sheet with 100%
Sequence of activities Review 3 R’s and pollution in the slides.
Have a healthy planet party.
Have three different coloring sheets to work on.
They will choose one DOT-IT coloring sheet to complete.
Differentiation The students will have three options of coloring to work on.
Assessment The teacher will keep an informal record of student responses.

Modification/Accommodation (Generalized across the week):

Para’s will be with students for motor skill assistance.
Hand-on-hand assistance
End of the week self-evaluation:

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