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Haramaya university college of computing and informatics

Department of computer science

Final Year Project Documentation Chapter 1

Group members ID NO

Aminu Ali 0406/13

Bekele Tsanga
Desalegn Sefiw 0857/13
Tofik Asmamaw 2327/13

Submission date: Nov 10 2023 2023 Haramaya Ethiopia


First of all we would like to thank almighty who helped us through preparation of this project.
Next our deepest gratitude goes to Mr Gadisa A. for his valuable advice and support. This project
is accomplished through a lot of efforts made to evolve with the target environment.

List of abbreviation

CSS cascading style sheet

HTML hyper text markup language

HRU Haramaya University

SQL structured query language

UML unified modeling language

Table of Contents
List of abbreviation......................................................................................................................................ii
Organization of document..........................................................................................................................iv
1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the project............................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem.............................................................................................................1
1.3 Objectives of the project..............................................................................................................1
1.3.1 General Objective................................................................................................................1
1.3.2 Specific Objectives..............................................................................................................1
1.4 Methodology of the project..........................................................................................................2
1.4.1 Data collection methodology...............................................................................................2
1.4.2 System Analysis and Design Methodology..........................................................................2
1.4.3 Development Methodology..................................................................................................2
1.4.4 System development tools..................................................................................................3
1.5 Scope and limitation....................................................................................................................3
1.5.1 Scope of the project.............................................................................................................3
1.5.2 Limitation of the project......................................................................................................4
1.6 Significance of the Project...........................................................................................................4
1.7 Target Beneficiaries of the System..............................................................................................4
1.8 Work Breakdown.........................................................................................................................4

Organization of document

Haramaya University (HU) is one of the oldest higher learning institutions in Ethiopia which has
gone through more than six decades of gigantic transformations since its establishment as an
Imperial Ethiopian College of Agricultural and Mechanical of Arts (IECAMA) in the early
1950s. Its foundation was necessitated with the need for modernizing and advancing Ethiopia’s
agriculture through the production of trained manpower and pragmatic research and extension
programs. To this end, the governments of Ethiopia and the United States of America signed an
Agreement under the Point Four Program on May 15, 1952. This was followed by the
establishment of Jimma Agricultural Technical School and IECAMA. The Jimma School began
to function as a source of and interim institution for the College students pending the foundation
of an agricultural College. The Agreement between the Government of Ethiopia and the
Technical Cooperation Administration of the Government of the United States of America was
signed on May 16, 1952, which gave the mandate to Oklahoma State University (OSU) to
establish and operate the College, carry out a nationwide system of Agricultural Extension via
agricultural research and experimental station. Subsequently, with the recommendation of His
Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Sellasie I, the envisioned IECAMA was established at its
present location, Haramaya, near the historic Lake Haramaya. The area covers a total of 440
hectares of land. The establishment involved the construction of physical plant and enormous
facilities of the campus including students’ dormitories, the cafeteria, the classrooms, the clinic,
farm shop and staff dwellings largely in 1950s.

1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the project
Scheduling is used in different educational areas such as: colleges, and universities (higher
educational institutions) and doing this takes a lot of time and resources. Based on this we
proposed to solve the problem of the existing scheduling system of Haramaya University for
Colleges by developing web based scheduling system. Our proposed system will eliminate
weaknesses of the existing system by providing fast and easy class scheduling system. Students
and Instructors can view their class schedule online. This system will also provide benefits for
the college by providing simple mechanism to schedule classes. Generally the proposed system
will be able to improve previous resources, time consuming and tedious way of scheduling

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The existing Class Scheduling System at HrU is susceptible to different labor and time problems.
The main problems of the current Class Scheduling System are as follows.

Repetition of work: if there are any changes to be made during scheduling class manually the
data will have to be entered again. At times the worker would forget to make the changes or
forget that they had already altered it and might redo it again, it’s again time consuming.

Time conflict: during scheduling class one class can have more than one course at the same time.
And class duplication is also based on the time conflict.

Hence, the development of this project is critically important to address the problems listed

1.3 Objectives of the project

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of this project is to develop Web based class scheduling system for HrU.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objective of this project includes: -

Identify the user requirements using interviews, questionnaires and document analysis.
Design the system for implementation with detailed UML specifications.
Develop a system that can replace the existing scheduling system based on the UML
design specifications.
Test the system for any defects using different white and black box test mechanisms

1.4 Methodology of the project

1.4.1 Data collection methodology

The data/information needed to develop the new system has obtained from registrar workers,
Department heads, and documents.

Fact finding technique


We have used interview to collect relevant workflow, the tasks performed in the class scheduling
system, and anything that the team can’t find from the document analysis.


We have understood the work flow of the class scheduling system by preparing some

1.4.2 System Analysis and Design Methodology

The team chooses to follow the object oriented system analysis and design methodology during
the whole project life cycle (Analysis, design etc.) for the many benefits that it has over
structured approach including reusability, improve quality, maintainability and manages
complexity. Hence, we have applied the concepts of object oriented system development
methodology throughout the project, because it manages and assemble objects that are
implement in our system, and the composition of objects and interaction between objects on the
system. This categorized in to two phases. These phases are:- Object oriented Analysis

During this phase we have looked at the problem domain, and with the aim of producing a
conceptual model of the information that exists in the area which have been analyzed. And this
Model the functions of the system (use case modeling), identifying the business objects, organize
the objects and also the relationship between them. Object oriented design

During this phase Model object interactions and behaviors that support the use case scenario, and
finally update object model to reflect the implementation environment. And also transforms the
conceptual model produced in object-oriented analysis to take account of the constraints imposed
to our system format, so that we used this phase to refine the use case model to reflect the
implementation environment.

1.4.3 Development Methodology

The development method we are using to develop the proposed system is the Waterfall approach.
Because of that the system documentation process activities of specification, development,
validation and evolution represented in a separate process phases.

 Advantages of Waterfall Model:
Simplicity: The Waterfall Model is easy to understand and use. Its linear nature makes it simple
to follow and manage the project progress.
Clear Documentation: Each phase has well-defined deliverables and documentation, which helps
in better understanding and future reference.
Easy Project Management: The sequential nature of the model allows for better project planning
and resource allocation.
 Disadvantages of Waterfall Model:
Lack of Flexibility: The linear nature of the Waterfall Model makes it difficult to accommodate
changes or modifications once a phase is completed.
Limited Customer Feedback: Since the customer involvement is mostly limited to the initial
stages, there is a risk of delivering a product that does not fully meet their needs or expectations.
1.4.4 System development tools
In this project the following system development tools were used:

Activities Program/tool
Client side coding HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Server side coding PHP
Platform Window
Database Mysql
Editor Vs code
Documentation MS word
Presentation MS power point

1.5 Scope and limitation

1.5.1 Scope of the project

This project focuses on the current work flow of class scheduling system of HrU.

This project will cover the all collages of Haramaya. University The system should work:

For all programs: regular, Continuing and distance education.

For all under-graduate and post-graduate .

Class scheduling
View class scheduled
Offered courses of each department.
Assigned instructors of each offered courses.
Assigned class rooms.

Allocated time (period) of each course.

1.5.2 Limitation of the project

The Project does not include:

The system doesn’t provide service for disable peoples such as peoples that can’t
visualize, unable to hear and the like.
Make up class
Add and Drop Students
Exam scheduling system

1.6 Significance of the Project

After implementing this automated system it is very easy to schedule class. This system solves
the previous time consuming and tiresome system it saves a lot of time, scheduling is very fast
and delays can be avoided and it helps the university in reducing costs such as labor and
stationary. And it avoids wastage of time in teaching and learning process.

1.7 Target Beneficiaries of the System

The main purpose of our project which is Web Based Class Scheduling System is to justify the
problems which are found on the existing class scheduling system that we describe above.
Because of the existence of the new system it changes the use of manually system application
forms to the computerized system. This System can be improved quality or increased
predictability of quality and improved robustness (consistency), of processes or product. This
project is centered on the design and implementation of computer software’s that handle class
scheduling system for HrU. It aims at providing applications that will make the processing of
HrU very easy and reliable.

For Scheduler:

The system will save the time to schedule time table.

It also enable the scheduler to easily manage records
Reduce errors and overlapping of time table

For Student: The student gets quickly service (i.e. view their class schedule) due to Web Based
Class Scheduling System.

For Instructor: The instructor gets quickly service (i.e. view their class schedule) due to Web
Based Class Scheduling System.

1.8 Work Breakdown

The project will organize in four chapters. The first chapter is about the project proposal having
background of the project, Literature review and statement of problems, objectives, scope and

In the second chapter, we will see the work of the current system and view of the proposed
system, functional requirement, non-functional requirement.
Chapter three is about System Modeling, Data dictionary, User interface: navigational paths and
screen mock-ups, and use case diagrams and other diagrams.
In the fourth chapter we will discuss about design goal, deployment diagram, proposed system
architecture, persistence data management, boundary condition, user interfaces….

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