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Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.

It is a plant-type Pokémon
introduced in the second
generation. It is one of the three
initial Pokémon that can be
chosen at the beginning of the
adventure in the Johto region,
along with Cyndaquil and

About the Pattern:

In this document you’ll find an amigurumi designed by "Pumpi Crochet" and contains all the
instructions to make this little character.

This document is for personal and non-transferable use, so you cannot share, copy, alter, publish or
distribute it. You cannot make workshops, challenges or tutorials, in person or online with this pattern.
You can publish and sell the finished product, always giving design credits to PumpiCrochet.

The amigurumi obtained as a final result is considered a Fan Art and is not intended to represent
exactly or directly the original character.

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.
About Us:

Pumpi Crochet

Hi! my name is Fernanda Reyes, I’m part of the Pumpi Crochet team and I’m
in charge of designing our patterns, thank you very much for buying it! We
hope you like it as much as we do!
We would love to see your finished work and answer your questions or
concerns, I’ll attach our social networks so you can contact us. In addition to
the platforms where you can purchase other patterns of ours.

Its final size is 16 cm counting the height of the leaf at its head, which varies according
to the thickness of your thread, the size of your hook and the tension with which you
The level of difficulty of the pattern is intermediate. We’ll work in continues spiral and
2.2 mm crochet hook, unless otherwise indicated.

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.

- Crochet hook according to the size of your thread, in my case I used a 2.2 mm hook
- Black thread for embroidering mouth or black acrylic paint.
- Cotton balls, we use Yarn Art Jeans in the following colors:
Light green 29 (legs, body and tail)
Leaf green 69 (sedes and leaf)
White 01 (details legs)
- Others: stuffing, scissors, tapestry needle, pins, stitch markers, glue, felt white, red
and Pink or acrylic paints in white, black and red, depending on the elaboration of
your eyes, 70 cm approximately of thin steel wire to give firmness to the blade.


MR = Magic Ring
slst = slip stitch
ch = chain
sc = single crochet
inc = increase
dec = decrease
hdc = half double crochet
hdc-inc= two hdc in same stitch
hdc-dec =Half double crochet decrease

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.
In light green. Ch 19 and start on the second chain from your hook:
1- 17 sc, 3 sc in the same stitch, 16 sc, inc (38)
2- 2 inc, 15 sc, 3 inc, 17 sc, inc (44)
3- (sc, inc) x2, 15 sc, (sc, inc) x3, 16 sc, 3 inc (52)
4- 3 inc, 19 sc, 6 inc, 18 sc, (inc, 2 sc) x2 (63)
5- (2 sc, inc) x2, 19 sc, (inc, 2 sc) x2, (2 sc, inc) x2, 26 sc (69)
6- 7 hdc, hdc-inc, 19 hdc, hdc-inc, 7 hdc, 34 sc (71)
7- 37 hdc, 34 sc (71)
8- (3 hdc , hdc-inc) x2, 22 hdc, hdc-inc, 3 hdc, hdc-inc, 2 hdc, 34 sc (75)
9- 41 hdc, 34 sc (75)
10- (4 hdc, hdc-inc) x2, 23 hdc, hdc-inc, 4 hdc, hdc-inc, 3 hdc, 33 dc (79)
11- 47 hdc, 32 sc (79)
12- 48 hdc, 31 sc (79)
13- 49 hdc, 30 sc (79)
14- (4 sc, dec) x2, 25 sc, (dec, 4 sc) x2, 30 sc (75)
15- 45 hdc, 30 sc (75)
16- (6 sc, dec) x2, 13 sc, (dec, 6 sc) x2, 30 sc (71)
17- (5 sc, dec) x2, 13 sc, (dec, 5 sc) x2, 14 sc, dec, 14 sc (66)
18- (4 sc, dec) x3, sc, (dec, 4 sc) x3, 6 sc, inc, 15 sc, inc, 6 sc (62)
19- (5 sc, dec) x2, 3 sc, (dec, 5 sc) x2, (4 sc, inc) x2, 11 sc, (inc, 4 sc) x2 (62)
20- 4 hdc, hdc-dec, 15 hdc, hdc-dec, 4 hdc, 35 sc (60)
21 a 22- 25 hdc, 35 sc (60)
23 a 33- 60 sc (60) Start to stuff.
34- (4 sc, dec, 4 sc) x 6 (54)
35- 54 sc (54)

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.
36- (7 sc, dec) x 6 (48)
37- 48 sc (48)
38- (3 sc, dec, 3 sc) x 6 (42)
39- (5 sc, dec) x 6 (36)
40- (2 sc, dec, 2 sc) x 6 (30)
41- (3 sc, dec) x 6 (24)
42- (sc, dec, sc) x 6 (18)
43- (sc, dec) x 6 (12)
44- (sc, dec) x4 (8)
Stuff firmly and remember to shape the body as you stuff. Make pd and do not close,
since this is where we will introduce the steel wire of the leaf.

Front Legs x2:

Start with White.
1- 6 sc in MR (6)
2- 6 sc (6)
3- 6 inc (12) Change color to light green.
4- (2 sc, inc) x4 (16)
5- 16 sc (16)
6- (3 sc, inc) x 4 (20)
7- 20 sc (20)
8- 16 sc, from here we will start working in rows, at the end of each row we will make
1 chain and turn
9 a 10- 12 sc (12)
11- dec, 8 sc, dec (10)
12 a 15- 10 sc (10) Leave a long tail to sew to the body

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.
Backs Legs x2:
Start with white .
1- 6 sc in MR (6)
2- 6 sc (6)
3- 6 inc (12) Change color to light green.
4- (3 sc, inc) x3 (15)
5- 15 sc (15)
6- (4 sc, inc) x3 (18)
7 a 10- 18 sc (18)
11- (4 sc, dec) x3 (15)
12- (3 sc, inc) x3 (12)
13- (sc, inc) x4 (8)
Do not stuff. lose with a trapestry needle by passing through the front strand of the 8
sc of the last round and fasten off. Leave a long tail to sew to the body.

Thighs x2
In light green.
1- 6 sc in MR (6)
2- 6 inc (12)
3- (sc, inc) x6 (18)
4- (sc, inc, sc) x6 (24)
5- (3 sc, inc) x6 (30)
6-(2 sc, inc, 2 sc) x6 (24)
7 a 9- 36 sc (36)
Leave a long tail to sew to the body

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.
In light green.
1- 6 sc in MR (6)
2- (sc, inc) x3 (9)
3- (2 sc, inc) x3 (12)
4- (sc, inc) x6 (18)
5- 18 sc (18)
6- (2 sc, inc) x 6 (24)
7- 24 sc (24)
8- (3 sc, inc) x 6 (30) Leave a long tail to sew to the body

Seed necklace:
Seeds x10
In Leaf Green.
1- 6 sc in MR (6)
2- (sc, inc) x3 (9)
Leave a long tail to sew to the body.

In Leaf Green.
1- 6 sc in MR (6)
2- 6 sc (6)
3- (sc, inc) x3 (9)
4- (2 sc, inc) x3 (12)
5- (3 sc, inc) x3 (15)

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.
6- 15 sc (15)
7- (4 sc, inc) x3 (18)
8- 18 sc (18)
9- (5 sc, inc) x3 (21)
10 a 11- 21 sc (21)
12- (6 sc, inc) x3 (24)
13- (3 sc, inc) x6 (30)
14- 30 sc (30)
15- (4 sc, inc) x6 (36)
16- 36 sc (36)
17- (11 sc, inc) x3 (39)
18- (6 sc, inc, 6 sc) x3 (42)
19- 42 sc (42)
20- (13 sc, inc) x3 (45)
21 a 23- 45 sc (45)
24- (7 sc, inc, 7 sc) x3 (48)
25 a 32- 48 sc (48)
33- (7 sc, dec, 7 sc) x3 (45)
34- 45 sc (45)
35- (13 sc, dec) x3 (42)
36- (5 sc, dec) x6 (36)
37- (2 sc, dec, 2 sc) x6 (30)
38- (3 sc, dec) x6 (24)
Before we continue weaving we will introduce a steel wire figure similar to the one
shown in the images to give stability to our leaf and we will continue working around

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.
39- 24 sc (24)
40- (6 sc, dec) x3 (21)
41- (5 sc, dec) x3 (18)
42- (4 sc, dec) x3 (15)
43- (3 sc, dec) x3 (12)
44- 12 sc (12)
45- (2 sc, dec, 2 sc) x2 (10)
46- 10 sc (10)
47- (3 sc, dec) x 2 (8)
48- 8 sc (8)
Leave a long tail to sew to the head.

We’ve two options for making Chikorita’s eyes

You can make them in felt as shown below:

1,5 cm
2,5 cm

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.
Or, as in our version, by painting them in the following way:


You can follow the image below to see the position of the pieces, remember that the
front legs and thighs are stuffed as you sew them to the body.

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.
Begin by attaching the front legs Then we sew the back legs to the
and thighs to the body. lower part of the body.

We will attach the tail centered to the We sew the seeds around the neck of
back of the body. our Chikorita.

We will join the leaflet by inserting the steel We will glue the eyes of our Chikorita leaving the
wire in the opening we left in the body. space to make the mouth afterwards.

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.
With felt we will make the interior part of its Finally, we embroider a green line through
mouth and with black acrylic paint or embroidery the center of the leaf..
thread we will make the contour to give it shape.

And your Chikorita is finished!!

Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.

All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2022 PumpiCrochet.
All rights reserved.

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