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Your Business Name Here

DTI National Certificate No. BNN 12345
123 Address St, Address City, 12345
Phone no: 09001234567
April 22, 2024
To: Administrator
Company Name Here
Company Address Here

Dear Sir/Ma’m;

I am pleased to present the cost and inclusions of our services. In reference to my work, you may visit my Facebook page
Your Business Name Here. Should the offer meet your requirements and is happy to proceed, you may sign the Acceptance
of Contract statement below.


Item / Description Unit Price

Photography Services
Toga Pictorial 50 P 100,000,00
• 4 pcs 2R color print (2pcs each toga and creative)
• 1 pc 5R color print
• 1 pc 8R Print with picture frame
Graduation Rites 50 P 10,000.00
• 2 pcs 5R color print
Class Picture 200 P 40,000.00
• Formal and Wacky -2 pcs 5R color print (1 pcs each formal and
Others 37 P 62,900.00
• Filipiniana/Barong
• 1 pose for printing
• 1 pc 4R color print
• with Hair and Makeup
P 212,900

Please highlight or put a checkmark beside the package that you have chosen.

Terms and Conditions

Output – Photos will be enhanced and shall be available for download via Google Drive within 5 business days after the shot
has been taken. Hard copies of the outputs will be delivered within 30-60 business days from day of shoot.
Cancellations, Refunds & Returns – Applicable only if there are damages to the outputs that are irreplaceable.
Payments – A downpayment of 50% (which will be used for equipment rentals, mobility, and purchasing of the materials)
and service shall be paid in full upon delivery of the outputs. You may pay us through GCash or directly as cash. An official
receipt will be provided as proof of payment.

Thank you for the opportunity to offer our service.


I, _____________________________, have read and understood the Services, Costs, Terms, and Conditions presented by
Your Business Name Here. I hereby accept the package that I have highlighted above and its inclusions. I understand that my
acceptance forms a legally binding agreement between Your Business Name Here and myself.

Signed: _____________________________________________ Signature Here

Name: _____________________ Date: __________________ Proprietor

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