A-Enrich Rezeki

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Frequently Asked Questions


This document is not a marketing material and it serves only as a guide to the product mentioned.

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1. What is Takaful?

Takaful is a mutual assistance scheme based on the principles of solidarity, brotherhood,

and cooperation. Each participant agrees to contribute on the bases of Tabarru’ (donation)
into a fund, namely the Participants’ Risk Fund, which will be used to assist each other in
times of need. AIA PUBLIC Takaful Bhd., (AIA PUBLIC) as a Takaful Operator is entrusted
to properly invest and manage this fund in accordance with the investment strategy that
complies with Shariah principles..
[Need SP advise]

2. What is A-Enrich Rezeki?

A-Enrich Rezeki is a Shariah-compliant plan which consists of Ordinary Family Takaful

and investment-linked portions which provide you with the following benefits: Investment
Booster, Maturity Booster and Savings Booster. It also offers you the potential of upside
investment gains and the flexibility in managing your savings.

On top of that, it also provides a lump sum death and Total and Permanent Disability
(TPD)3 benefit.

3. Who are the target customers of A-Enrich Rezeki?

A-Enrich Rezeki is suitable for those from affluent and mass affluent Bumi segment above
30 years old who are seeking for savings plan and financial stability.

They range from established professional who have immediate plans to acquire a few
basic necessity of life, nest builder that focuses on lifestyle improvement or proud parents
that are planning for retirement and preparing for their children’s tertiary education.

4. What are the benefits covered under A-Enrich Rezeki?

Features Benefits
Death or TPD Benefit If the Person Covered pass away or suffer from
TPD, he and his family will receive lump sum
TPD benefit is up to age 70. payment

Investment Booster Investment Booster will be allocated yearly into

Participants’ certificate and allocated into the
Participant’s Investment Fund to boost their
account value based on the table below:
Investment Booster
End of Certificate (% of Annual
Year Contribution)
5Pay20 10Pay20
2 to 5 5% 10%
6 to 11 10% 20%
12 to 19 15% 30%

Maturity Benefit The amount payable upon maturity is the total of:
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(i) PRF –
200% of Annual Contribution (for 5pay
20) 400% of Annual Contribution (for
10pay 20)
(ii) PIF – Account Value
(iii) PSF – Account Value
less any indebtedness.

Savings Booster You will be rewarded receive with an additional 40%

of Annual Contribution for 5Pay20 and 50% of
Annual Contribution for 10Pay20 together with the
Maturity Benefit upon certificate maturity if:
• the contribution has been paid on time; and
• no withdrawal has been made from Participant’s
Savings Fund throughout the coverage term.
AIA Vitality Rewarding Participants when they stay healthy.
If they sign up and stay active in AIA Vitality, we will
increase their Account Value in the Participant’s
Savings Fund that they may receive when their
certificate matures or when their certificate
terminates due to death or Total and Permanent
Disability (TPD).

Note: Annual Contribution here refers to the basic plan annual contribution (exclude A-
Plus Saver-i).

5. How is the contribution being allocated?

The contributions you pay will be divided into:

• Takaful Contribution
75% as Takaful Contribution (after deduction of Wakalah fee) into Participant’s
Risk Fund (PRF); and

• A-Plus Enhancer-i
25% as A-PlusEnhancer-i‘s (a compulsory rider) Contribution (after deduction of
Wakalah fee) into Participants’ Savings Fund (PSF) for savings and investment

6. What is the product structure of A-Enrich Rezeki?

A-Enrich Rezeki comprises of 3 Funds:

1. Account Value

i. Participant’s Savings Fund

• 25% of Contribution as A-PlusEnhancer-i‘s Contribution (after deduction of
Wakalah Fee) will go into Participant’s Savings Fund (PSF) for savings and
investment purposes.

ii. Participant’s Investment Fund

• Investment Booster will be allocated into this fund as well.

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• The allocated contribution of A-Plus Saver-i and ad hoc top-up will be placed
into this account and will be used to purchase units.

2. Participant’s Risk Fund

• 75% of Contribution as Takaful Contribution (after deduction of Wakalah Fee)
will go into Participant’s Risk Fund (PRF) for Protection.
• Tabarru‘ is the amount deducted from the Protection Account and allocated into
PRF for the purpose of providing Takaful protection.
• Applying the Ju‘alah contract, the Takaful Operator will be entitled to earn 50%
of the Surplus arising from the PRF as an Ujrah (performance fee) for managing
the fund efficiently which result in the Surplus.
• In the event the PRF is insufficient to pay for its liabilities, the Takaful Operator
will make good the deficiency from its fund under the principle of Qard (loan).
This amount will be repaid to the Takaful Operator from the future PRF’s
surplus without any profit before any surplus distribution is made.

7. Is there option to perform top up to increase my account value?

You can choose to add A-Plus Saver-i to A-Enrich Rezeki to increase the account value
of the product. This is optional and you can add as low as RM10 a month.

Additionally, you can perform ad hoc top up at any time, subject to minimum amount of

8. What funds can I choose for A-Plus Enhancer-i, A-Plus Saver-i and ad hoc top up

For A-Plus Enhancer-i and A-Plus Saver-i. the participants are allowed to choose the other
funds selection and direction based on the risk they are willing to take.

The following funds are available for this plan:

(ii) A-Dana Equity
(iii) A-Dana Income
(iv) A-Dana Balanced
(v) A-Dana Strategic Equity

The Participant may select any percentage combination of the above fund(s) up to the
maximum of 100%. The minimum percentage is 5% and in multiple of 5%.

The fund direction of A-Plus Enhancer-i and A-Plus Saver-i is the same.


9. What is the benefit amount payable upon death and TPD?

Year 1 and 2

The amount payable upon death or TPD (both “any occupation” TPD and presumptive
TPD), is 100% Total Basic Contribution Paid (Takaful Contribution + A-Plus Enhancer-i
excluding loading)

If the customer has performed any ad-hoc top up or A-Plus Saver-i, the account value
from PIF will be paid out together with the benefit stated above.

Year 3 and onwards

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The amount payable upon death or TPD (both “any occupation” TPD and presumptive
TPD) is the total of:
i. PRF – X% of Total Basic Contribution Paid (Takaful Contribution plus A-Plus
Enhancer-i excluding loading) minus Investment Booster paid,
ii. PSF – Account Value
iii. PIF – Account Value

less any indebtedness.

Entry Age X% value

0 to 45 100%
46 to 60 75%

Note: TPD coverage is up to age 70.

10. What does it mean by TPD (Any Occupation) and Presumptive Disability?

TPD (Any Occupation) means a total, permanent and continuous disability where:
i. The Person Covered as a result of injury, sickness or disease, has not performed
any work for a continuous period of at least six (6) consecutive months solely due
to the same injury, sickness or disease; and
ii. is attending a Physician and has undergone all reasonable and usual treatment
including rehabilitation for the injury, sickness or disease; and
iii. in Our opinion the Person Covered, despite optimal medical care/treatment and
rehabilitation efforts, is unable ever again to work in any occupation or regular
duties; and
iv. For the purpose of the definition of Total and Permanent Disability (Any
Occupation), it is not material whether a business, occupation or regular duty is
remunerated or not.
Presumptive Disability means the occurrence of any of the following:
i. Total and irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes; or
ii. Severance of 2 limbs at or above the wrist or ankle; or
Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of 1 eye and loss by severance of 1 limb at or
above the wrist or ankle.

11. Is there any exclusion that I need to be aware of regarding the Death Benefit?

This plan does not cover death due to suicide within 1 year from the Issue Date or
Commencement Date of this certificate, whichever is later.

12. Is there any exclusion that I need to be aware of regarding Total Permanent
Disability (TPD)?

The exclusions for Total Permanent Disability (TPD) applicable such as:
(i) willful exposure to danger or self-inflicted act while sane or insane; or

(ii) assault or murder or due to war (declared or undeclared), revolution, riot and civil
commotion, industrial action or terrorist activity; or

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(iii) wrongful act such as violation or attempted violation of the law or resistance to
arrest, participating in any fight, racing on wheels or accidents due to intoxication of
alcohol or drugs; or

(iv) entering, exiting, operating, servicing, or being transported by any aerial device or
conveyance except when the Person Covered is a fare-paying passenger or crew
member on a commercial passenger airline on a regular scheduled passenger trip
over its established passenger route; or

(v) pre-existing Disability resulting from a physical or mental condition and Pre-Existing
Conditions prior to Issue Date or Commencement Date, whichever is later.


13. How can Investment Booster increase my Account Value?

Investment Booster is expressed as a percentage (%) of Annual Contribution and will be

allocated to the Participant’s Investment Fund. The investment booster payable are as
follow will be different for 5pay 20 and 10pay 20:

Investment Booster amount

(% of Annual Contribution)
End of Certificate Year 5pay 20 10pay 20
2 to 5 5% 10%
6 to 11 10% 20%
12 to 19 15% 30%

14. Are there any conditions for the payable of Investment Booster?

Investment Booster will be payable in accordance with the percentage as stated in the
above schedule with the conditions that the Certificate is still in force, the Person Covered
survives and the Person Covered is not suffering from any such disability which entitles
him to a claim for lump sum or advance payment of the Sum Covered of this Certificate
(TPD claim).


15. What is Savings Booster and what is the amount payable?

Savings Booster is an additional payable to reward you when you stay financially
disciplined. You will receive an additional % of Annual Contribution depending on the plan
chosen together with the Maturity Benefit upon certificate maturity if:
• the basic contribution (including A-Plus Enhancer-i) has been paid on time; and
• no partial withdrawal has been made from Participant’s Savings Fund throughout the
coverage term.

5Pay20 10Pay20
40% of Annual Contribution 50% of Annual Contribution

16. Are there any conditions for the payable of Savings Booster?
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Participants can still perform partial withdrawal from the Participant’s Investment Fund.
However, in the event that the modal contribution due is not paid within the grace period,
Automatic Contribution Scheme (ACS) will be exercised. Once ACS is triggered, this
benefit will be forfeited (even if the customer repays the outstanding amount prior to

17. Does late payment in saver affect the Savings Booster?

Annual Contribution here refers to basic contribution and A-Plus Enhancer-i contribution
(excluding loading contribution) but excluding A-Plus Saver-i and any ad hoc top up.
Thus, late payment of A-Plus Saver-i will not impact the payment of Savings Booster.


18. Are there any additional benefits given to AIA Vitality members?

Yes. An initial Vitality Booster percentage of 20% will be given in the first Vitality Booster
year. Thereafter, the Vitality Booster percentage shall flex according to the AIA Vitality
status of the person covered.

Vitality Booster will be paid upon death, TPD or certificate maturity

= Min (current Vitality Booster percentage % X Account Value (exclude account value from
Regular Top-up and ad hoc top-up), 200% of Annual Contribution)

AIA Vitality Status Benefits

Initial 20%
Platinum +1%
Gold 0%
Silver -2%
Bronze -4%

The more engaged you are with AIA Vitality, the higher your VBP will be; if you are inactive,
you may lose this Vitality Booster benefit.

The vitality booster is only payable together with the PSF.


19. What is the benefit amount payable when the certificate matures?

Upon maturity of the certificate, you will receive 200% of your Annual Contribution1 for
5Pay20 and 400% of your Annual Contribution for 10Pay20. The Account Value in the
Participant’s Savings Fund and Participant’s Investment Fund will be payable together as
well upon maturity as your Maturity Benefit.

5Pay20 10Pay20
200% of Annual Contribution 400% of Annual Contribution


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20. In the event I have stopped contributing to A-Enrich Rezeki before my certificate
matures, what amount of the Account Value that I am encountered for?

You may surrender Your Takaful Certificate for the Surrender Value and the Account Value
of PSF and PIF. However, it would not be to Your advantage if You were to surrender Your
Takaful Certificate and You may get receive lesser amount than what You have paid.

There is no surrender charge applicable under this Takaful Certificate.


21. How much is the contribution for A-Enrich Rezeki?

The contribution for A-Enrich Rezeki is determined by you. The minimum and maximum
Annual Contribution for A-Enrich Rezeki are as follows:

Plan Minimum Maximum

5Pay20 RM12,000 RM50,000
10Pay20 RM6,000 RM40,000

The amounts must be in multiple of RM120 for both type of plan.

22. What is the frequency and payment method for A-Enrich Rezeki?

The contribution can be paid annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly via cash,
cheque, auto debit or credit card.

23. Is the Contribution or Tabarru’ for A-Enrich Rezeki guaranteed?

The Contribution or Tabarru’ for this plan is not guaranteed and we reserve the right to
revise the Tabarru’ by giving a 3-month prior notice in writing.


24. What are the funds available under A-Enrich Rezeki?

The investment-linked funds available for Participant’s Investment Fund are A-Dana
Income, A-Dana Equity, A-Dana Balanced and A-Dana Strategic Equity. You may refer to
the Fund Fact Sheet for further details of each fund.

25. Can I perform fund switching?

Yes, fund switching is allowed for PIF and PSF and is currently free. However, we reserve
the right to impose charges by giving the Participant three (3) months’ prior written notice.


26. Who is eligible to buy A-Enrich Rezeki?

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A-Enrich Rezeki is available to individuals between the age of 14 days old to 60 years old.
The participant however needs to be at least 18 years old to participate in this plan.

27. Is juvenile lien applicable to A-Life Rezeki?

Not applicable

28. What are the contribution payment term options for A-Enrich Rezeki?

You can choose to pay contribution for 5 years or 10 years.

29. What are the coverage term options for A-Enrich Rezeki?

The coverage term is for 20 years.

30. What is the minimum and maximum sum covered for A-Enrich Rezeki?

There is no minimum or maximum of Sum Covered as it is not needed for the calculation
of contribution.


31. Can I increase or decrease the coverage amount of my A-Enrich Rezeki certificate?

No, increase or decrease of the Sum Covered is not applicable.

32. Can I perform ad hoc top-up to increase the account value?

Yes, you can, at any time, choose to perform ad hoc top-up into the Participant’s
Investment Fund to increase your account value subject to a minimum top-up amount of

33. Can I perform a partial withdrawal?

Yes, you can withdraw partially from your Participant’s Savings Fund (PSF) and
Participant’s Investment Fund, subject to a minimum withdrawal amount of RM1,000 for
both fund and the minimum account value for PSF in after withdrawal is RM1,000. No
minimum balance after partial withdrawal is required and full withdrawal is allowed.

For any partial withdrawal request, it should be first made from PIF then only from PSF
(this is important as any partial withdrawal from PSF will forfeit the Savings Booster).

34. Can I stop paying contribution at any time?

There is no Continuous Charges Deduction if you stop paying the contribution. But there
are several sequences for contribution default which are:

1. Suspense.

2. Automatic Contribution Scheme (ACS)

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Whilst the Certificate is in force, and in the event that the modal Contribution due is not
paid within the Grace Period, the ACS will be exercised.

Upon the exercise of ACS, the Contribution payment mode will automatically change
to monthly mode (from annual / semi-annual / quarterly payment mode), and will
remain as such even after Reinstatement until You have made a request to change
the payment mode
Sequence of the ACS
Before this Takaful (a) If the Contribution due is not paid within the Grace
Certificate has Period, we will have the right to use any available Account
acquired Surrender Value (from PIF then PSF) to pay:
Value (i) The unpaid monthly Takaful Contributions (excluding
A-Plus Enhancer-i); and
(ii) The unpaid monthly attached Rider(s)’

(b) If the PIF is insufficient to cover for the contribution, we

will have the right to use any available Account Value from
PSF to pay:
(i) The unpaid monthly Takaful Contributions (A-Plus
Enhancer-i); and
(ii) The unpaid monthly attached Rider(s)’

(c) The ACS will continue utilizing the Account Value (from
PIF then PSF) until:
(i) The Takaful Certificate has acquired Surrender
Value, or
(ii)the Account Value becomes insufficient or fully
After this Takaful (a) If the Contribution due is not paid within the Grace
Certificate has Period, it will be paid from the Surrender Value (in PRF) that
acquired Surrender you may be entitled if this Certificate is surrendered or
Value lapsed. The payment will be taken from the Surrender Value,
according to the sequence of Contributions payment as
(i) The unpaid monthly Takaful Contributions, and
(ii) The unpaid monthly attached Rider(s)’ Contribution.

Upon utilisation of the Surrender Value, the amount

utilised will be considered as indebtedness to Us. Any
future benefits or payout payable under this Certificate is
subject to the deduction of the indebtedness, unless the
same is paid by You.

(b) If the Surrender Value is insufficient to make the

payment for the item mentioned above, the insufficient
amount will be taken from the Account Value (from PIF then
PSF) according to the sequence of Contributions payment
as follows:
(i) The unpaid monthly Takaful Contributions, and
(ii) The unpaid monthly attached Rider(s)’

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Under this clause, the Account Value is based on on the
business day immediately on the date the Certificate
becomes lapsed.

This will continue if the monthly Takaful Contributions and

Rider(s)’ Contribution (if any) and any indebtedness remain
unpaid at subsequent monthly due dates, provided there is
sufficient amount of Surrender Value and/or Account Value
(where applicable).
If the Account The Account Value will be refunded to the Participant and
Value is insufficient this Certificate and any attached Rider(s) shall subsequently
to cover the lapse. Similarly, in the event the Account Value has been
monthly Takaful fully utilised, this Certificate and any attached Rider(s) shall
Contribution subsequently lapse.

If the customer fails to pay the A-Plus Saver-i Contribution, NO ACS shall be triggered.

35. Can I reinstate my certificate after it has lapsed?

If Certificate has lapsed due to non-payment of Contribution, the Certificate may be

reinstated by AIA PUBLIC at its discretion. This however has to be within two (2) years
from the date of lapse and it is also subject to the following:

(i) A written application is made by the Participant to have his Certificate reinstated;
(ii) The Person Covered is within the allowable age limits as determined by AIA
PUBLIC at the time of reinstatement;
(iii) The Person Covered has to produce evidence of permissible Takaful that is
satisfactory to AIA PUBLIC;
(iv) Payment of all overdue Regular Contributions;
(v) Payment of any indebtedness which AIA PUBLIC may require; and
(vi) Any other terms and conditions which AIA PUBLIC may impose at the material

Any reinstatement shall only cover loss or the covered event which occurs after the
reinstatement date.

There shall be no payment of Investment Booster to the certificate while it is in lapse status.
Upon reinstatement, any Investment Booster that was due during the lapse period shall
be allocated to the certificate based on the unit price on the reinstatement date.


36. What are the fees and charges for A-Enrich Rezeki?

i. Tabarru’
Applicable. After deduction of Wakalah Fee from the Takaful Contribution (from the 75%
of A-Enrich Rezeki Contribution), the remaining portion will be allocated into the PRF as

ii. Fund Management Charge

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Fund Management Charge will be imposed for each of the fund (per annum) as percentage
of net Asset Value:

No Fund Current FMC Max FMC

1 A-Dana Equity 1.5% 1.5%

2 A-Dana Income 0.5% 1.0%

3 A-Dana Balanced 1.2% 1.5%

4 A-Dana Strategic Equity 1.5% 1.5%

The Fund Management Charge will be deducted at each valuation date and We reserve
the right to revise the Fund Management Charge by giving the Participants three (3)
months’ prior written notice.

iii. Top Up Charge

Wakalah Fee for A-Plus Enhancer-i, A-Plus Saver-i and Ad Hoc Top Up is 5% of

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