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 Homepage Flow:

1) User visits the homepage.

2) They see the hero section with a carousel displaying featured content.
3) Below the hero section, they see key features of the application.
4) Further down, there's a testimonial section showcasing user feedback.
5) The user can navigate to other pages using the header navigation bar.

 Dashboard Flow:
1) After logging in, the user is directed to the dashboard.
2) The dashboard contains an overview of the user's financial data, including investments,
performance analysis, and news feed.
3) The sidebar navigation allows users to access different sections of the dashboard, such as
portfolio, reports, and account settings.

 Portfolio Flow:
1) Within the dashboard, the user can navigate to the portfolio section.
2) Here, they can view detailed information about their investments, including interactive
charts and performance analysis.
3) They can also view transaction history and related investment suggestions.

 Reports Flow:
1) Users can access various reports from the dashboard, such as investment reports and tax
2) These reports provide detailed insights into the user's financial data, including investment
performance, tax information, and recommendations for improvement.

 Account Settings Flow:

1) Users can access their account settings from the dashboard sidebar.
2) Here, they can manage their profile, security settings, payment methods, and email

 Export Data Flow:

1) Users can export their financial data from the dashboard.
2) They can select the desired format (CSV, Excel, PDF) and initiate the export process.

 404 Page Flow:

1) If a user navigates to a non-existent page, they are redirected to the 404 page.
2) Here, they see a message indicating that the page was not found and an option to navigate
back to the previous page.
System Flow Explanation:

1) External User Interaction:

 The system begins with an external user interacting with the web application.
 The user may perform various actions such as logging in, navigating through the application,
accessing dashboard features, managing portfolio, etc.

2) Web Application:
 The user interacts with the web application's frontend components, which include UI
elements such as navigation bars, forms, buttons, etc.
 The web application serves as the interface between the user and the backend components.

3) Backend Components:
 Once the user interacts with the frontend, the requests are sent to the backend components
for processing.
 The backend components handle various processes such as authentication, user
management, data processing, and interaction with external systems or databases.

4) Authentication Process:
 If the user initiates a login or authentication action, the authentication process verifies the
user's credentials (username/password or token) against the stored data in the system.
 Upon successful authentication, the user is granted access to the system's features and

5) Data Processing Process:

 Meanwhile, the data processing process handles tasks related to financial data management
and processing.
 This includes managing user accounts, processing transactions (buy/sell orders), updating
portfolio data, generating reports, etc.

6) User Management:
 Within the data processing process, user management tasks involve creating new user
accounts, updating user profiles, managing user permissions, etc.

7) Financial Data Processing:

 Financial data processing tasks involve processing transactions, updating investment
portfolios, calculating performance metrics, generating reports (such as investment reports,
tax reports), etc.
8) Interaction with External Systems/Databases:
 The system may interact with external systems or databases to fetch additional data or
perform specific tasks.
 For example, the system may retrieve financial market data from external APIs, fetch news
articles from news sources, or integrate with external payment gateways for transactions.

9) Response to User:
 Finally, the system generates responses based on the user's actions and sends them back to
the frontend for display.
 This includes rendering updated UI elements, displaying transaction confirmations, showing
investment performance charts, etc.

Overall, the system flow involves the interaction of the user with the web application's frontend,
which triggers various processes and data flows within the backend components to handle
authentication, data processing, user management, and interaction with external entities.

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