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1) User:

Attributes: UserID (Primary Key), Username, Email, Password, Profile Picture, etc.

2) Investment:

Attributes: InvestmentID (Primary Key), UserID (Foreign Key), Name, Type, Description, Date of
Purchase, Amount, Quantity, etc.

3) Transaction:

Attributes: TransactionID (Primary Key), UserID (Foreign Key), InvestmentID (Foreign Key), Type
(Buy/Sell), Date, Amount, Quantity, Price, etc.

4) Financial Data:

Attributes: UserID (Foreign Key), InvestmentID (Foreign Key), Date, Performance Metrics (e.g.,
ROI, Growth Rate), etc.

5) Tax Report:

Attributes: UserID (Foreign Key), Year, Total Income, Taxable Income, Tax Paid, Deductions, Tax
Refund, etc.

6) User Settings:

Attributes: UserID (Foreign Key), Profile Settings, Security Settings, Payment Methods, Email
Preferences, etc.

7) News Feed:

Attributes: NewsID (Primary Key), Title, Description, Date, Source, URL, etc.

8) Feedback/Testimonial:

Attributes: FeedbackID (Primary Key), UserID (Foreign Key), Content, Date, Rating, etc.

 Based on these entities and their attributes, we can define the relationships between them:

Each User can have multiple Investments, Transactions, Financial Data, Tax Reports, and
Each Investment belongs to a single User and can have multiple Transactions and Financial Data

Each Transaction is associated with a single User and a single Investment.

Each Tax Report is associated with a single User.

User Settings are specific to each User.

News Feed items are independent and may not have direct relationships with other entities.

Data Dictionary:

1) User:

UserID (PK): Unique identifier for each user.

Username: User's username for authentication and identification.

Email: User's email address for communication.

Password: User's hashed password for authentication.

Profile Picture: User's profile picture URL or file path.


2) Investment:

InvestmentID (PK): Unique identifier for each investment.

UserID (FK): Foreign key referencing the user who owns the investment.

Name: Name or title of the investment.

Type: Type or category of the investment (e.g., stock, bond, mutual fund).

Description: Description or details about the investment.

Date of Purchase: Date when the investment was purchased.

Amount: Amount invested.

Quantity: Quantity or number of units purchased.


3) Transaction:

TransactionID (PK): Unique identifier for each transaction.

UserID (FK): Foreign key referencing the user associated with the transaction.

InvestmentID (FK): Foreign key referencing the investment involved in the transaction.

Type: Type of transaction (e.g., buy, sell).

Date: Date of the transaction.

Amount: Amount involved in the transaction.

Quantity: Quantity or number of units involved in the transaction.

Price: Price per unit.


4) Financial Data:

UserID (FK): Foreign key referencing the user associated with the financial data.

InvestmentID (FK): Foreign key referencing the investment associated with the financial data.
Date: Date of the financial data entry.

Performance Metrics: Metrics such as ROI, growth rate, etc.


5) Tax Report:

UserID (FK): Foreign key referencing the user associated with the tax report.

Year: Year for which the tax report is generated.

Total Income: Total income for the year.

Taxable Income: Taxable income for the year.

Tax Paid: Amount of tax paid.

Deductions: Deductions applied.

Tax Refund: Amount of tax refund (if applicable).


6) User Settings:

UserID (FK): Foreign key referencing the user associated with the settings.

Profile Settings: User's profile settings (e.g., display name, bio).

Security Settings: User's security settings (e.g., two-factor authentication).

Payment Methods: User's payment methods (e.g., credit card, PayPal).

Email Preferences: User's email notification preferences.


7) News Feed:

NewsID (PK): Unique identifier for each news feed item.

Title: Title or headline of the news feed item.

Description: Description or content of the news feed item.

Date: Date of the news feed item.

Source: Source of the news feed item (e.g., news website, financial publication).

URL: URL or link to the full article.

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