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Learning outcome1:

Use Fundamental Features of

Basic Features

Usage of
Table of Contents
1. Usage of JavaScript Toolboxes ........................................................................................................ 3
1.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.2. Alert Toolbox........................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. Prompt Toolbox ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Confirm Toolbox...................................................................................................................... 4
1. Usage of JavaScript Toolboxes
1.1. Introduction

JavaScript Toolboxes offer essential built-in functions like alert, prompt, and confirm for
interactive user interactions and notifications.

1.2. Alert Toolbox

The Alert Toolbox in JavaScript refers to the alert() function, which displays a pop-up
message box with a specified message and an OK button. It is commonly used for
presenting information to the user or providing simple notifications. Here's how you can
use the Alert Toolbox:

1.3. Prompt Toolbox

The Prompt Toolbox in JavaScript is related to the prompt() function. It displays a dialog
box that allows the user to input text along with an OK and Cancel button. The function
returns the text entered by the user or null if the user cancels the input. The Prompt
Toolbox is useful when you need to get user input or request some data interactively.
1.4. Confirm Toolbox

The Confirm Toolbox in JavaScript is associated with the confirm() function. It displays a
dialog box with a specified message, along with OK and Cancel buttons. The function
returns a boolean value (true or false) based on whether the user clicks OK (true) or
Cancel (false). It is often used when you need the user to make a decision or confirm an

 Note that it is important to use these toolboxes judiciously and consider the user
experience. Frequent and unnecessary use of alert, prompt, or confirm can be
disruptive and frustrating to users. For more sophisticated and customizable user
interfaces, consider using modal dialogs or other JavaScript frameworks and
libraries. Additionally, some modern front-end frameworks like React provide
more elegant ways to handle user interactions.

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