Review 3

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) In the figure below d = 7.2 cm. What is the electric field at the position indicated by the dot in the 1)

A) 1.1 x 104 N/C, at 8.5e below the horizontal

B) 1.1 x 104 N/C, at 5.2e below the horizontal

C) 1.0 x 104 N/C, at 8.5e below the horizontal

D) 1.0 x 104 N/C, at 5.2e below the horizontal

2) A flat 1.0 m2 surface is vertical at x = 2.0 m and parallel to the yz-plane. What is the flux through 2)
the surface if it is located in a uniform electric field given by E = 29.0^
i + 42.0^
j + 62.0 ^
k N/C?

A) 62 Nœm 2/C B) 42 Nœm 2 /C C) 100 Nœm 2 /C D) 29 Nœm 2 /C

3) A charge of 8.0 ˛ 10-6 mC is located inside a sphere. What is the flux through the sphere? 3)

A) 0.90 Nœm 2 /C
B) It cannot be determined if the radius is unknown.

C) 0.23p Nœm 2 /C
D) 71 Nœm 2/C

4) A spherical conductor with radius 3.0 mm carries a charge of 5.0 mC. What is the electrical field 4)
strength at 6.0 mm from the center of the conductor?

A) 140 x 109 N/C B) 1300 x 109 N/C C) 1.2 x 109 N/C D) 21 x 109 N/C

5) A wire has a current density of 17.0 A/mm2. If The drift velocity is 4.0 x 10-8 m/s, how many free 5)
electrons does the wire have in a 1.0 m length? The radius of the wire is 1.0 mm.

A) 5.2 x 1046 B) 1.7 x 1052 C) 8.3 x 1027 D) 2.7 x 1033

6) An electron was accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 1800 V. What is its speed? 6)
A) 1.2 x 107 m/s B) 2.1 x 10 7 m/s C) 2.5 x 10 7 m/s D) 1.7 x 10 7 m/s

7) A 3.0 mF and a 13.0 mF capacitor are connected in series, and the series arrangement is connected in 7)
parallel to a 25.0 mF capacitor. How much capacitance would a single capacitor need to replace the
three capacitors?

A) 12 mF B) 24 mF C) 27 mF D) 16 mF

8) Three capacitors are arranged as shown. C 1 has a capacitance of 5.0 pF, C 2 has a capacitance of 8)
10.0 pF, and C3 has a capacitance of 15.0 pF. Find the voltage drop across the entire arrangement if
the voltage drop across C2 is 175.0 V.

A) 700 V B) 1100 V C) 290 V D) 320 V

9) A 1.0 m length of gold wire is connected to a 1.5 V battery, and a current of 2.0 mA flows through 9)
it. What is the diameter of the wire? The resistivity of gold is 2.24 x 10-8 W œ m.)

A) 2.2 mm B) 6.2 mm C) 6.0 mm D) 3.1 mm

10) A battery is rated that it provides 2.0 mW of power at 9.0 V when fully charged. How much current 10)
can it deliver?

A) 41 kA B) 0.22 mA C) 4.5 kA D) 0.47 mA

11) What current will a 4.0 V battery cause to flow if it is short circuited? The internal resistance of the 11)
battery is 15.0 W.

A) 3.8 A B) 60 A C) 240 A D) 0.27 A

12) What is the current through resistor R1 in this circuit? 12)

R1 60.0 W R2 90.0 W

3.0 V 9.0 V

R3 120.0 W

A) 0.044 A B) 0.20 A C) 0.022 A D) 0.10 A

13) A particle with charge 1.0 C moving at v = 3.0^

i m/s enters a magnetic field B = 19.0^
j T and an 13)
electric field E = 23 ^
k N/C. Find the acceleration of the particle if its mass is 0.00400 kg.

A) 20,000 ^
k m/s2 B) 5750^
j + 14,250 ^
k m/s2

C) 8500 ^
k m/s2 D) -5750^
j + 14,250 ^
k m/s2

14) A 3.0 m long wire carrying a current of 1.0 A through a magnetic field of magnitude 10.0 T 14)
experiences a force of 4.0 ^
k N entirely due to the current passing through the magnetic field. What
angle does the wire make with the magnetic field?
A) 7.6e B) 82e C) 0.0023e D) 7.7e

15) A very long wire generates a magnetic field of 0.0040 ˛ 10-4 T at a distance of 2.0 mm. What is the 15)
magnitude of the current?
A) 13,000 mA B) 4.0 mA C) 2.0 mA D) 4000 mA

16) A solenoid 2.0 cm long consists of 2653 loops of wire. If the magnetic field inside the solenoid is 16)
5.0 T, what is the magnitude of the current that flows through it?
A) 30 A B) 380 A C) 2.0 A D) 0.033 A

17) A square conductor with 1.0 m sides is placed in the yz plane. The magnetic field in the area 17)
increases uniformly from 5.0^
i T to 9.0^
i T in 2.0 s at a constant rate. What is the emf that this
changing magnetic field induces in the conductor?
A) -2.0 V B) 4.5 V C) 2.0 V D) -4.5 V

18) A closed loop conductor with radius 2.0 m is located in a changing magnetic field. If the maximum 18)
emf induced in the loop is 3.0 V, what is the maximum rate at which the magnetic field strength is
changing if the magnetic field is oriented perpendicular to the plane in which the loop lies?
A) 0.24 T/s B) 0.080 T/s C) 3.0 T/s D) 1.5 T/s

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

19) A conductor moves through a magnetic field and a current I flows. If there is no change of 19)
the magnetic flux over the distance, but the conductor doubles its speed, what would the
current become?

20) A closed, circular loop has a current flowing through it. If a second, closed, circular loop 20)
with the same radius approaches this loop along a common axis as shown, in what
direction will a current flow in the approaching loop?

Answer Key

1) D
2) D
3) A
4) C
5) C
6) C
7) C
8) B
9) B
10) B
11) D
12) D
13) A
14) D
15) B
16) A
17) A
18) A
19) 2I
20) The current will flow in the opposite direction from the current in the first conductor.

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