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Smart forms:
 Used to create a layout for organization and design the business document.
 Smart forms text supports various colours and main windows not compulsory
 Multiple page format is possible and web publish is possible
 Tcode : Smartforms
 Two main nodes in smart form.

Global settings:
 Used to provide the basic settings for the smart forms.

 Form attributes:
 Specifies the general attributes like who create a date , time , package and
translate options
 then default smart styles page format DINA4 or DINA5.
 Form Interface:
 Act as mediator between driver program and smart forms
 It’s import the parameter which are exported by driver program like Variables,
Work area, internal tables.
 Global definition:
 It’s will contain the variable used within the smart forms.
 We can define the user defined datatypes, fields, symbol, initialization code,
subroutines, currency/quantity fields mainly used to declaring and define the
Pages and windows:
 This will contain all the page and the windows.
 By default , a page will be created by name %page1%.
 By default, a window will be created by name main under page1.

Nodes under pages:

 Page : define a layout for an smart forms.

 Window : used to display the information.
 Graphics : used to display the logos and images.
 Address : used to display the address of the stakeholders
Task - 1 : Create a alv report for 4 tables mara, vbap, vbak, makt table and display top
of page date and time and topic and get 10 fields and add the end of page.
Step -1 :
 First we need to create a executable program and create a structure for each fields.

 Then create a internal table and work area for showing the output.
Step -2:
 Create internal table and work area for catalog and top of page.

 Then create a select option set the check field as matnr .

 the above code is mention the select statement used to mention what are the fields we
need to get it.
 We mention only top 10 row from the output table.
 Then do the inner join for connecting the different table vbeln is common for vbak
and vbap table so use the connecting field as vbeln .
 Matnr is the common field for mara and vbap and makt table so use matnr as
connecting fields.
 Then store into the internal table.
Step -3:

 Then we need to create a field catalog for display the output in table manner
 We are using the manual catalog creation so mention the col position and col name
and table name and what text should appear on output screen.
Step -4:
 After that we need to display the output as grid format so call the grid display function

 Int this part sy-repid mention the current program name and top mention the sub
routine name.
Step -5:

 In this part we have see three things type, info and append statement.
 Type mention the text type header or selection or action
 Info mention what we need to show the output page
 Sy-datum used to call the current data.
 Sy-uzeit used to call the current time.
Step -6:
 After that we need to show the logo on output screen so insert it first.
 For insert the image go to the transaction code oaer.
 It move on to following page then click on execute button.

 Then show the page like following page

Step -7:
 So double click on screen the open up another pop up.
 Then choose the image what we want to insert it then move on to another page like
 Int this part mention the description then click on save button after that image should
be add to the screen folder

Step -8:
 Then we can use the name in our display program .
 After all those function finally move on to main program and click on execute button.

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