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1c- The Dynamic and subjective nature of health and wellbeing

Key knowledge:
concepts of health and wellbeing (including physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual
dimensions) and illness, and the dynamic and subjective nature of these concepts
Key Skill:
explain the dynamic and subjective nature of the concepts of health and wellbeing and illness
describe interrelationships between dimensions of health and wellbeing

The information required for the following questions can be found in:
- Edrolo Study notes (attached to learning task)

- Textbook

See next page

Fill in the following table, illustrating how each dimension in the top row could impact each dimension in the first column:

Physical Social Emotional Mental Spiritual

Having high energy levels If an individual can identify Having high self-esteem Participating in spiritual
and being free from disease and process negative allows us to feel more exercises such as Yoga
allows people to socialize emotions, they are more confident in how our allows our physical health to
and maintain a positive likely to return to their physical appearance looks feel calm and release
network of friends normal activities such as tenseness.

exercise which can


Being able to adapt to a An individual knows their Having a close family Connecting with others
range of social situations range of emotions, and can allows people to share through religions and can
can promote opportunities see if someone is sad, they problems with others find a similarity with
for physical activity (by can connect with them and which can reduce stress. between them and

joining clubs etc.) which assist with any issues they understand each other’s
promotes fitness. may have. sense of purpose in life.
If an individual can identify An individual knows their Having bad levels of self- Finding a sense of purpose
and process negative range of emotions, and can esteem can cause negative in life and peace and
emotions, they are more see if someone is sad, they emotions such as sadness harmony, can relate to not
likely to return to their can connect with them and and feeling angry with having emotions of rage.
normal activities such as assist with any issues they ourselves.
exercise which can may have.

Having high self-esteem Having a close family allows Having bad levels of self- Finding a sense in life can
allows us to feel more people to share problems esteem can cause negative boost confidence levels with
confident in how our with others which can emotions such as sadness achieving tasks being put at
physical appearance looks. reduce stress. and feeling angry with hand

Participating in spiritual Connecting with others Finding a sense of purpose Finding a sense in life can
exercises such as Yoga through religions and can in life and peace and boost confidence levels
allows our physical health find a similarity with harmony, can relate to not with achieving tasks being
to feel calm and release between them and having emotions of rage. put at hand

tenseness. understand each other’s

sense of purpose in life.

Practice Question

Briefly explain how:

a. Social and mental health and wellbeing are interrelated. 2 marks
Having a close and supportive family (social) can allow an individual to feel keener to share problems
with others which can reduce stress (mental). When feeling confident, the individual may feel more
open to sharing conversation about their day (social) which can increase having conversation and
connecting with others outside family.

a. Students receive one mark for making a link from social to mental health and wellbeing and another
mark for making a link from mental to social health and wellbeing. Answers worth two marks include:

 A person with strong social networks (social) is more likely to have people they can talk to
when they are feeling down. This can assist in dealing with problems which can reduce
feelings of stress and anxiety (mental). When people are experiencing high self-esteem, they
are more likely to want to socialize (social) which can enhance relationships with friends and
 A person who is feeling confident (mental) is more likely to make friends in new situations
such as when starting a new job or playing for a new sports team, which enhances social
health and wellbeing. A person who has strong social networks may have more opportunities
for physical activity (such as going for walks with friends) which can release endorphins and
elevate mood, enhancing mental health and wellbeing.

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