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Nama Penulis : Moch. Atim, S.Pd.,M.Pd

Nama Penelaah : Moch. Atim, S.Pd.,M.Pd
Status Pengembangan : Baru
Tahun Pengembangan : 2023
Nama : Monica Ratu Valencia
Nim : 045179294

No Uraian Tugas Tutorial Skor Maksimal Sumber Tugas

1 Labour intensive can be defined as a 25 Module 5

production process that involves Learning Activity 1
comparatively large amounts of labour. It also
connects with a flexible labour market.
According to the statement above, please find
the correlation between labour intensive and
flexible labour market in economic activities!
Intensive and flexible labor markets have
complex interrelationships in economic
activity. There are several aspects of the
reciprocal relationship between the two:
1. Intensive Labor Market Supports
Intensive labor markets, where many
workers are available with a variety of
skills, can support flexibility in
economic activity. Workforce diversity
allows companies to adjust the size and
composition of their workforce to suit
their needs.
2. Flexibility Leads to Job Diversity:
The existence of flexibility in economic
activities, such as flexible work
schedules or temporary employment
models, can lead to diversity in the
types of jobs available in the labor
market. This can create demand for a
variety of skills and abilities.
3. Dynamic Labor Market Drives
Intensive and flexible labor markets can
create a dynamic economic
environment. Workers who are diverse
in skills and experience can contribute
ideas and innovation, while flexibility in
job structures can stimulate adaptation
to market changes.
4. Flexibility In Response To The Market:
Flexibility in adjusting production
capacity or employment according to
market needs can be a direct response
to changing market conditions. A
flexible labor market allows companies
to adapt to fluctuations in demand and
economic conditions.
5. Intensive Labor Market as a Primary
Intensive labor markets are often
considered a key resource in industries
that require large numbers of workers.
Flexibility in the use of human
resources can provide competitive
advantages in a dynamic economy.
6. Challenges and Uncertainty in
While there is potential for synergies,
the relationship between intensive and
flexible labor markets can also create
challenges. For example, workers on
temporary contracts may experience
job uncertainty, while companies may
be faced with challenges in retaining
skills-intensive employees.
This relationship reflects the dynamics of the
labor market and the needs of companies
amidst changing economic conditions.
Understanding the interactions between
intensive and flexible labor markets can help
companies and government policies design
effective strategies.
2 Marginal revenue is the extra revenue earned 25 Module 5
by selling one more unit of something, while Learning Activity 2
marginal price is how much extra a consumer
must pay to buy one extra unit. From those
two point, which one is more crucial in
developing the company’s income?
Marginal revenue and marginal price, have
their own relevance and importance.
Marginal Income:
Marginal revenue is the change in total
revenue generated by the sale of one
additional unit of a product or service. It is
related to the total revenue curve of a
Important in company decision making,
especially in optimizing production levels.
Companies tend to produce at the level where
marginal revenue equals marginal cost to
achieve maximum profits.
Marginal Price:
Marginal price is the additional cost that arises
from producing one additional unit of a
product or service. It relates to the marginal
cost curve of a firm.
It is important to determine optimal
production levels and avoid wasting resources.
The principle is that production should
continue as long as marginal price is lower
than marginal revenue.
These two concepts are closely related and
important in profit optimization. A firm usually
achieves optimal production levels when
marginal revenue equals marginal cost. So, the
balance between marginal revenue and
marginal price is crucial in production
the importance of both can vary depending on
the economic sector, market structure, and
company goals.

3 Okun’s law said that if GDP grows up around 25 Module 6

3%, the number of jobless will unchanged. Learning Activity 1
Then, what are going to happen if it grows
faster? And why? Elaborate your
According to Okun's Law, if GDP grows, the
unemployment rate tends to decrease, and
vice versa. If GDP grows at around 3%
according to Okun's Law, the unemployment
rate will not change significantly. It is assumed
that a growth rate of 3% is considered to
correspond to the natural growth rate of the
economy without affecting the unemployment
rate. If GDP growth is faster than 3%, then one
can expect that the unemployment rate will
tend to decrease. Increased economic activity
and higher job demand can create new job
opportunities, and companies need to increase
labor absorption to meet this demand.
However, variability and additional factors
must be reconsidered.

4 Procedure surplus is the difference between 25 Module 6

what a supplier is paid for a good or service Learning Activity 2
and what it costs to supply. Added to
consumer surplus, it provides a measure of the
total economic benefit a sale.
In your opinion, how procedure surplus can
affect the cost of supply? Declare your
answer !
In the context of supply costs, procedural
surplus can affect a company's supply costs in
several ways:
1. Administrative Fees:
Surplus procedures often require
additional administration. If a company
must follow procedures that do not
add value, it can require more time and
administrative resources, which in turn
can increase supply costs.
2. Time and Efficiency:
The existence of a procedural surplus
can lead to wasted time in the supply
process. If a company has to engage in
inefficient or unnecessary procedures,
it can hinder operational efficiency and
slow down the supply chain.
3. Collaboration Opportunities with
Procedure surpluses can affect a
company's relationships with suppliers.
If suppliers feel that the procedures
implemented by the company are
excessive or unnecessary, this can
hinder collaboration and make it
difficult to negotiate prices or contract
Detailing surplus procedures that do not add
value and evaluating ways to reduce them or
optimize them can help reduce supply costs
and improve operational efficiency.

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