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Externato Irmas Midy School

1st ACS of English Language Grade 6

Name: _____________________________________________ Number: _____

1. Complete the greetings

a) Good ____________________. It’s lunch time!
b) ____________________, Joao! See you later!
c) ___________________________, it’s time to sleep.
2. Choose ‘’am’’ and ‘’are’’
a) How (am/are) __________ you?
b) I (am/are) _____________ fine.
3. Complete the sentences

What do you see?

a) I can see a __________, an o_________, a e__________, an

4. Complete information about yourself
a) What is your name?
My ________________________________________________________
b) Where do you live?
I live _______________________________________________________
5. Complete the instructions
a) __________ up/I am standing.
b) __________ down/ I am sitting down.
6. Complete the questions with How or What.
a) ___________ does mistake mean?
A mistake is something that is wrong.
b) ___________ is a page?
A page is a part of a book.
7. Write the words for the abbreviations.
a) Mrs. __________________________
b) Mr. ___________________________
8. Choose the correct word.
a) (He/She) is the head teacher. (Mr. Afonso).
b) (He/She) is the teacher. (Miss Covo).
9. Write the name of the pictures

a) _______________ b) ______________ c) ________________

10.Complete the sentences using the following words
Good morning, welcome, head teacher, stand, good

a) _____________ morning class. This is your

____________________and great him, please!
b) ___________________________ Mr. Afonso. _________________ to
our class.
11.Fill in with He or She
a) This is Antonio. ___________ is the class leader.
b) This is Helena. ____________ is the deputy class leader.

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