Monica Ratu Valencia-045179294-T2-Bahasa Ingris Niaga

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Nama Penulis : Moch. Atim, S.Pd.,M.Pd

Nama Penelaah : Moch. Atim, S.Pd.,M.Pd
Status Pengembangan : Baru
Tahun Pengembangan : 2023
Nama : Monica Ratu Valencia
Nim : 045179294

No Uraian Tugas Tutorial Skor Maksimal Sumber Tugas

1 A statistic used for judging the health of an 25 Module 3

economy, such as GDP per head, the rate of Learning Activity 1
unemployment or the rate of inflation. Such
statistics are often subject to huge revisions in
the months and years after they are first
published, thus causing difficult and
embarrassment for the economic policymakers
who rely on them.
According to this statement, what is your
It is important to recognize that economic
statistics such as GDP per head,
unemployment rate, and inflation rate are
subject to revision. This could be due to
updated measurement methods or more
complete data. Although these revisions may
pose difficulties for policymakers, they also
demonstrate a commitment to improving the
accuracy and precision of economic
information. Policymakers should be
transparent and adaptive to changes in data to
take more appropriate steps in managing the

2 In many industries, as output increases, the 25 Module 3

average cost of each unit produced falls. One Learning Activity 1
reason is that overhead and other fixed costs
be spread over more units of output. From this
case, why should this happen?
This is related to the concept of economies of
scale or also called scale efficiency. As output
increases, average cost per unit tends to fall
due to the fixed costs and overhead incurred
by more units. With larger production, fixed
costs do not change, but are divided into a
larger number of units, so the average cost per
unit decreases. This provides economic
benefits in terms of production efficiency and
allows companies to produce goods or services
at lower unit costs.

3 A change in the demand for a good or service 25 Module 4

caused by a change in the income of Learning Activity 2
consumers rather than say a change in
consumer taste. Please, give your
understanding upon this context within one
Changes in demand for goods or services can
be influenced by changes in consumer income
rather than changes in taste. When
consumers' incomes increase, ceteris paribus,
they tend to have higher purchasing power,
which can increase demand for various
products. This is because consumers may be
better able to purchase additional or more
expensive goods or services. Conversely, a
decrease in income can result in a decrease in
demand. Although consumer tastes remain an
important factor, changes in purchasing power
generally have a more direct and significant
impact on market demand.

4 Inflation can be determined as a rate at which 25 Module 4

the general level of prices for goods and Learning Activity 2
services is rising, and subsequently purchasing
power is falling. How do this inflation affect
one to another? Elaborate your arguments!
nflation affects the general level of prices of
goods and services by causing an overall
increase in prices in the economy. When
inflation occurs, the purchasing power of
money falls because each unit of currency can
now purchase a smaller number of goods and
services. In this context, inflation and a
decrease in purchasing power are interrelated:
inflation can be considered as a cause, while a
decrease in purchasing power as a
consequence. Continuous price increases can
reduce consumer purchasing power, which in
turn can affect consumer spending,
investment, and overall economic activity.
Therefore, understanding the impact of
inflation on purchasing power is key in
detailing how rising prices can negatively
impact economic stability.
Sumber Referensi
BMP ADBI 4201/ Modul 3-4. (Edisi 2

Petunjuk Pengisian :
1. Silahkan isi jawaban di dalam table tersebut (dibawah setiap pertanyaan)
2. Sumber jawaban dapat diperoleh dari modul dan referensi lainnya
3. Tuliskan nama referensi apabila menggunakan sumber lain.
4. Jawablah pertanyaan yang disediakn sesuai dengan pendapat anda.


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