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“Africa can do it!

” Carnival

Audience/Participants: People of Morocco, Africa generally


1. To show importance of the Sustainable Development Goals

2. To display artworks and play music of their culture
3. To educate the people of the Sustainable Development Goals


1. United Nations Information Center (CINU)

2. Confederation of African Students and Interns in Morocco (CESAM)

Starting Date: 2018


Morocco's youth united to organize an SDG carnival in Rabat in March 2018. The significance
of the Sustainable Development Goals for Morocco and Africa as a whole was demonstrated at
the event through artwork, music, and festivities.

Popular drumming group Over Boys performed, along with regional saxophonists and guitarists.
A group of youthful men and women screamed "Africa can do it!" as they danced to the rhythm
of a tambourine. Participants carried SDG flags in Arabic, French, and English that were vividly

The Confederation of African Students and Interns in Morocco (CESAM), the United Nations
Information Center (CINU), and the Sustainable Development Youth Association worked
together to organize the carnival.

"This performance is a creative approach to inform people about the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), which ensure a better future for Africa," said Salah Eddine Bakkour, a member of
the Sustainable Development Youth.

The carnival was a component of a larger initiative known as "Youth SDG Action," which
promotes youth involvement in the SDGs among both genders.

One of Morocco's priorities, as stated in its 2016 Voluntary National Review on implementing
the SDGs, is including youth in public policy. In the meantime, 54% of Moroccans say they are
highly interested in public affairs or at least moderately engaged in it, per the 2016 Afro
With a score of 66.1, Morocco is the highest-ranking country on the continent according to the
Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa. This indicates that Morocco has achieved
almost 66.1% of the SDGs.

Global Village/ODA Education Center

Audience/Participants: Students of Korea/Guatemala, the Dominican Republic and El



1. To promote awareness and understanding of international development cooperation

2. To help students acquire the information, abilities, attitudes, and values necessary to ensure
a more fair, peaceful, tolerant, safe, and sustainable world.


1. Korea’s International Development Agency (KOICA)

2. Confederation of African Students and Interns in Morocco (CESAM)

Starting Date: 2010


Global citizenship education is being funded by the Korea International Development Agency

The ODA Education Center at KOICA was founded in 2010 with the goal of raising public
knowledge and comprehension of international development cooperation. All educational levels
are the focus of the Center's educational initiatives, which also include online and offline teacher
preparation programs. Highlights for elementary and secondary schools include essay
competitions and visits to student clubs; university students are also asked to participate in a
dissertation competition.

Additionally, KOICA has developed an exhibition area called Global Village, which aims to
introduce tourists to the cultures of Korea's partner nations. Arco Iris ("Rainbow"), one show
from 2017, focuses on El Salvador, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic.

Nearly 40,000 people had visited the Global Village as of 2015, and 11,495 schoolchildren in
Korea have benefited from GCED programs.
Global citizenship education (GCED) is codified in SDG objective 4.7 and, according to
UNESCO, aims to build the "knowledge, skills, values and attitudes learners need for securing a
world which is more just, peaceful, tolerant, inclusive, secure and sustainable."

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