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Wealth Mastery


How to Check Your Negative Money


Firstly, What is your current Income and How long have

you been struggling with the same Income?
To Recognise your current money frequency, do the
following Assessment given in the Excel sheet. Click on the
link below.

Click Here

Check the first feeling you got when you resd the question
for first time that is your actual feeling.
Calculate your Money frequency using the given formula -
(Right Answer/25)*100=

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


How to use EFT to Remove your

Negative Money Frequency

Stop your Negative Emotional Frequency using the

following step using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
STEP 1: Recognize your negative emotions about
money from the Excel sheet.
STEP 2: Check which emotion bothers you the most
and determine its intensity between 1 and 10 (Where
10 means the highest and 1 means the lowest).
STEP 3: Do EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) round
for the particular Emotion till it goes down to Zero.
The Tapping points are
1. Side of your hands
2. Starting of eyebrows
3. Temper point
4. Below eyes
5. Over the head
6. Below the nose
7. On the chin
8. On the collar bone
9. Underarams
10. the point where nail and skin is meeting on
every fingure of hand.
11. End the process at the side of hand

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


How to use EFT to Remove your

Negative Money Frequency

Step 4: Start by saying on the side of the hand - Even

though I feel ________ (say your emotion), Inspite that I
love and accept myself the way I am. - Say it 3 times.
Step 5: On other points tap and say - _________
(emotion) release.

Do the EFT for each emotion , each thought, each belief

and each action from the excel sheet till the intenisty of
them comes to zero.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


How to Upgrade Your Money


Now convert all your negative emotions into positive

ones in the Excel sheet.
Convert your negative thought to positive thoughts.
Also add some empowering positive feelings,
thoughts, beliefs, and action.
Do a similar process for the belief and action parts

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


Ready Millionaire Emotions to Quickly

Upgrade your Frequency

At the energy level we all are

Connected As ONE.
I Trust Myself and I trust others
with Money.
Courage and compassion to
say "NO" honestly.
Gratitude and appreciation of
what you have.
Be comfortable with duality.
Be comfortable with negativity.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


Ready Millionaire Beliefs

I don't know how but it will

Profit is a choice and loss is a
I invest more money to make
more money.
I believe in the balanced
abundance of HRCM.
Making money has to be a win-
win arrangement otherwise not
Making millions is easy if I add
10X value to millions of people.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


Upgrading Money Action Frequency

Stop the small thinking, act like

a millionaire.
I promise to create an impact
on the entire economy of my
Do the Aura cleaning activity
twice a day. once in the
morning and once in the
evening by saying
I trust and dedicate what I don't
like to do.
I loved experiencing more, I
love new experiences.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

section of each video.
Wealth Mastery


Upgrading Your Money Beliefs

Formula to change Negative Belief
Step 1: Find out Your negative belief and thoughts
from the Excel sheet. One belief at a time.
Step 2: Take a positive statement in your life matching
the statement, which is 100% true in your life.
Step 3: While saying this new statement 3(4 or 5)
times, be present about your emotions, body posture,
and feelings. Check with consistency while saying the
Step 4: Now say both the negative (positive form of
your limiting belief) and positive belief statement

Assignment : Break all your limiting Beliefs.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


How to Programme Yourself to Take

Unlimited Action to Make Money

Step 1- Decide a particular action and emotion

associated with the action you want to take daily.
Step 2- Listen to a high-energy song and Decide your
MOVE. Make Your Move 3 times.
Step 3- Now make Declaration 3 times by saying.

YESS, I have the Energy to ______________ (say what

action you want to take)

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


Understanding Achieving Ultimate

Financial Freedom

Freedom from Finance is called Financial freedom.

SDE - Small Daily Experience.
FAG - Financial Accumlution Goal.
Financial freedom is the freedom to experience daily
small experiences, not financial accumulation.
Ultimate Financial Freedom = Time + Money for SDE

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


Manage Money like a Millionaire

Find out your current PMDSPM.

Passive Income (10%)

Must Expanses (55%)

Desire Expanses (10%)

Self - Pampering (10%)

Personal Growth (10%)

Making a Difference (5%)

Plan PMDSPM on the first of every month.

Follow the PMDSPM every night to check your budget
is not going out of the allocated %.
Involve your children in this process to teach them
Money management.
Stop the leakage - Check where you are spending too
much in any particular area.
Plan Proactive sacrifice.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


How to Make Multiple Sources

of Income - MSI

Upgrade Money making skills based on your

Strength and Passion.
Make a list of your skill based on your interest and
Readymade List of Skills for API (Active Passive
Online Teaching/Coaching Skills
Ho'oponopono Healing
Online Marketing Skills
Youtube Channel Revenue
Book Writing Skills
Public Speaking Skills
Law of Attraction Coaching
Workout Skills
Parenting Skills
Selling Skill
Affiliate Marketing
Amazon Drop Shipping
Facebook Marketing Skills/Youtube ads
Franchise system

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


Match your Needs with Your Goals

Needs - Keep our survival.

The Sequence of your need, make you the kind of
person you are.

Comfort/ Stability
Love and Connection
Nothing Need

Assignment 1 - Find out the Sequence of your Need and

create new Needs based on your current goals.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


Making Decisions Like a Millionaire

Quality of your Life depends on the quality of

decisions you make.
My quality of Decision gives me Direction, our
Direction gives us Destination & Our Destination
creates our Destiny.
Every Decision is a COST.
Every Cost is a Reality.

Types of Cost
Emotional Cost
Surrounding People

Steps To take a decision.

1. Write your Options with Predictable Costs for each
Option as per you.
2. Ask People who have taken these decisions, what is
the Cost as per their experience.
3. Ask yourself, which cost are you willing to pay?
4. Check if the Cost you are Willing to Pay is Supported
by your 7 Needs Sequence.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


Simple Steps on How to Write a

Book in 1 Month

Step 1- Choose a topic, Which you are Good at. Write

down 5 topics you are good at based on your strength.
Step 2- Choose any 1 topic, Which you are Most Good
at. Circle or tick that one topic.
Step 3- Create a random list of Index. Write down 5
chapters on the topic you have chosen. After that give
a logic sequence.
Step 4- Write 1 chapter at a time with a 2-hour alarm.
Step 5- Start the Chapter with Problems &
Step 6- Give the Solution in steps. After that give them
hope using testimonials and also give homework.
Step 7- Provide a gift after every chapter.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


Fail Fast, Sell First, Make Later

Fail Fast : Let the Game Start

Sell First : Do selling of your product first and make
the product later
The preparation for your success always depends
on your preparation for Failure.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


How to Invest and Multiply your Money

Tips Before you make Investment

Founder Attitude and Behaviour.

Always Check Founder Stock Ratio.

Check for their Profit Ration at least for last 1 years.

Minimun Investment should be 3 to 5 years.

Keep Checking the company data.

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

Wealth Mastery


How to Maintain Your Happy

Millionaire Frequency
I have Self-esteem, not Money esteem.
I love Myself the way I am, irrelevant how much
money I have or not.
Go with Love and Grow with Love.
I am comfortable in making _______________ (Write
down your monthly Goals) every month Happily
and easily.
Always Remember at the Energy Level, we all are

Indu and Mitesh Khatri

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