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q Lug = length of mean turn, mi, and* p= resistivity, Q/m and mm? 5, Assume a suitable current donsity 8, for the field winding 2p AT, & otal aren of fckd conductors = > “A gy 2p ATh & Naimbor of fekd eonduetors = ==" Lg 2p ATp and conductors per slot Fas ~ 150) where or of construction is used for attachi ELECTRICAL MACHINE pg, rea of field conductor, mm? ; S, = number of wound slots in the rotor. DESIGN PROBLEMS Design Problem 1. Design a water wheel generator with the following specifications KVA 3000 Voltage = 6600 V Phase 3 Frequency = 50 Hz RPM 187.5 Connection = Star Power factor = 0.8 lagging. Solution. Main Dimensions : Synchronous speed n, = 187.5/60 = 3.125 rps. :. Number of poles p=2x 50/3.145 = 32. 7 Assume B,, = 0.6 Wh/m?, ac = 34000 Alm and K,, = 0.955. Output co-efficient Cy =11K, B,, ac 10 = 11 x 0.955 x 0:6 x 34000 x 10-% = 214, . Q@ ___ 3000 + Product DL = oo Taxoams = 448m. Using rectangular poles and taking L/r = 1,5, we have L = 1.5n D/S2 x 1.5 = 0.1475 D. 0.1475 D® = 4.48, = a D = 3.12 mand L = 0.1475 x 3.12 = 0.46 m. Selecting D=8.2 mand = 0.44 m. DYL provided = 3.2? x 0.44 = 4.5 m’, Peripheral speed at synchronous speed V, =" x 8.2 x 3.125 = 31.4 mis, ‘The peripheral speed at run-away speed will be nearly 60 m/s and therefore a dovetail tyre ment of poles to the yoke. oleae t= 1x 3.292 = 0.314 m, ‘Taking the ratio = Poleare _ : pole pitch = 74 1. Pole are = wt = 0.74 x 0.314 = 0.2325 m, Using 6 ducts of width 10 mm each. Gross iron length L ‘ — Ng Wy = 0.44 — 5 x 10 x 10-8 = 0,39 m = 390 mm. Therefore, the stator core is divided into 6 parts each 65 mm wide. Net iron length L, = 0.9 x 0.89 = 0.351 m, e - gesion OF SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES ° 11.61 STATOR Sw stator Winding , The stator winding is star connected with line voltage = 6600 V. Phase voltage 6600N8 = 3800 V. ‘ Flux per pole By tL = 0.6 x 0.314 x 0.44 = 82.8 x 10° Wb. ‘Turns per phase T= — =p 3820 _ ong. a 444 fF DK, 4.44 x 60 x 828 x 10 x 0.956 (This value may have to bé modified when considering the number of slots.) ‘Number of Slots ‘Taking a slot pitch of about 32 mm. :, Slots per pole per phase RD _ %x82x10° = 3.27 3Ppy, 3x 32x32 1 A fractional slot wifiding with q = 3— is used. This number is chosen as the number of poles, 92, is divisible by the denominator 4. ' ., Total number of armature slots $= 3 x at x32 = 312. Total number of armature conductors Z = 6 T',, = 6 x 218 = 1308. .. Conductors per slot = 1308/312 = 4.2. ‘The number of conductors per slot should be an even integer in order that a fractional slot winding is used (with a fractional number of slots per pole per phase, we have to use a double layer winding which requires that the conductors per slot should be even). The nearest number is 4 (actually the number of slots should be so chosen that the number of conductors already caleulated has not to be modified very much). Now conductors per slot = Z, = 4. . «Total conductors Z = 312 x 4 = 1248 , 1.5 and turns per phase Try = 1248/6 = 208., «. Modified average flux density in the gap ~ B,, = 0.6 x 218/208 = 0.628 Wh/m?. Modified flux per pole © = 0.628 x 0.314 x 0.44 = 86.9 x 10° Wb. Stator slot pitch ¥, =mD/S =x 3.2 x 109/312 = 32.2 mm. 3000 x 1000 Current hi Ty = Se = 262.4. rent per phase I= “oo Slot loading =Iy, Z, = 262 x 4 = 1048 A. This is within limits. Conductor Size. Taking a current density of(4 \/mm?. Area of cross-section of armature conductors = 262/14 = 65.5 mm?, Each conductor is divided into 2 subdivisions. Refer to Table 23.1 for size of copper strip. Using 2 strips of 6,x 6 mm? cross-section in parallel. Area of conductor used | = 2 x 35.1 = 70.2 mm. Current density used for armature conductors E i 8, = 262/70.2 = 3.70 A/mm’, — Double layer lap winding with diamond coils is used. There are 4 13 conductors por slot, 2 in each layer and therefore there are 2 turns per Fig. 11.46. Statorslot Ee (All dimensions in mm), yy 41.62 ELECTRICAL MACHINE o, : i } Slot Dimensions. Using 0.25 mm thick strips between strands and 0.5 mm thick cong, insulation. Tho thickness of main wall insulation is 2.5 mm. ta, Referring to Fig. 11.46, Slot Width : Bare conductor 1x6 6.0 mm Conductor inculation 2x05 1.0 mm Main slot insulation 2x 25 5.0 mm Slack 1.0 mm Total slot width W, = 13.0 mm Slot Depth : Bare conductor 8x6 48.0 mm Insulation between strands 4x 0.25 1.0 mm Conductor insulation 8x05 4.0 mm Main slot insulation 4x25 10.0 mm Separator 1x25 2.5 mm Tooth lip 1.5 mm Wedge 4.0 mm Slack 2.0 mm Total slot depth Checks 1. We have to see that the average eddy current loss factor is not high. Now a= 100,/b/W, =100/6/3 =68 and ht = height of strand = 6 x 11-3 m. ah’ = 68 x 6 x 109 = 0.408. Since ah’ is less than 0.7 and therefore all the equations derived in chapter 7 for edi current loss in conductors, can be applied here. Number of conductor layers in the slot N = 8. From Eqn. 7.99, average eddy current loss factor for slot portion of conductors 2 2 Kg = 1+ (ah) T= 1 + (0.408)! x = =12, : The eddy current loss in conductors is 20% of the copper loss due to the main curret This is within limits. 2, We have to see that the flux density in the teeth at the air gap surface is not excess (the teeth have minimum cross-section near the air gap surface). Width of teeth at the gap surface W, = 82.2 - 13 = 19.2 mm. Flux density in the teeth at the gap surface _ flux per pole ~ ‘teeth per pole are xnet iron length x tooth width ™ 869x109 0.74 x (812 / 32) x 0.351 x 19.2 x 10° = 1,785 Whim? Within limits, i eson OF SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 41.63 Length of mean turn | Lengthjof mean turn of stator winding Lyyeg = 2L + 2.5.1 + 6 KV + 0.2 = 2.26 m. Out of this a length of 0.88 m is buried in the slots while the remaining 1.98 m length is in tne overhang. “ Stator resistance ‘the stator d.c. resistance por phase at 75°C. 208 x 2.26 Ne, = 0.021 208% 226 “a Toa 0.141 9. Effective stator resistance D.C. resistance of conductors embedded in slots per phase 208 x = 0,021 x 8 = 0.0546 0. Average eddy, current loss factor Ky,,) = 1.2. =. Copper losses per phase in slot portion of conductors / K gay) Ip,? (d.c. resistance of slot portion) 1.2 x 262? x 0.0546 = 4.5 kW D.C. resistance per phase of conductors in the overhang = 0.021 208138 = 0.086 9. Copper losses per phase in overhang = I,y2 (d.c. resistance of overhang portion) = 262? x 0.086 = 5.9 kW. «, Total copper loss per phase = 4.5 + 6.9 = 10.4 kW. «. AC. resistance per phase r,, = 224%10 - 9.151 0. 262° Ton Ma 262 x 0151 , ph fae. = Phe 2 SA = 0.01035. PU. resistance Ry, = aaa ou Stator core 869x10° Flux in stator core @, = ——5—— = 48.45 x 10° Wh. ‘Assuming a flux density of 1.1 Wb/m? in the core. o, 43.45 x 107° Depth of core 4." Foeh, = taxoasr = O12 m= 112 mm. Outer diameter of stator laminations Dg = D + 2(d, + d,) 3.2 + 200.073 + 0.112) = 3.57 m. Length of air gap Armature mmf per pole A, = BEXPER~ DOB 0985. _ 4499 4, ° 32 1 ‘Assuming a short circuit ratio of 1.3. ELECTRICAL Mache B Oe 11.64 sid ant por polo 4 No load field 8 "AT Pia x 4400 = 5720 A, i in the air gap. i ont of this mmf to be consumed in Taking 80 por cent o| 2 w Mmt for air gap AT, = 0.8 x 6720 = 4566 A. Maximum flux density in the air gap B= Baw = 2928 . 0.85 wim’, | «Ky 074 j Assuming the gap contraction factor K, = 1.15, Munf required for air gap AT, = 800,000 B, Kf, or 800,000 x 0.86 x 1.16 J, = 4566 le x 1, = 6.84 mm, Air gap length provided J, = 5.5 mm, 2 Diameter of rotor D, = D~ 2, 3.2 - 2 x 5.5 x 10° = 3.189 mm. | Poles | A leakage factor of 1.2 is assumed for the field poles. ». Flux in pole body ©, = 1.2 x 86,9 x 10% = 104.5 x 10° Wb. ‘Taking a flux density of 1.6 Wb/m? in poles. ®, _ 1045x107 Saas Taking 0.98 as the stacking factor for pole laminations, Ap _ 653x10% 098 ~ 098x044 Area of pole body = 65.3 x 10° mi, | width of pole = 0.16 m = 150 mm. Height of pole {n order to determine the height (radial length) of pole we require an approximate estima of full load field mmf. The method has been explained in details in Art, 11.21.1, Approximate value of no load field mmf. ATyp = 8720 A (calculated above). Armature mmf per pole AT, = 4400 A. Power factor cos $ = 0.8 lagging + $= 86" 52", From Fig. 11.81 for y = 0.74 the value of eross reaction factor K, = 0.45. Fig. 11.47, Determination, ‘of approximate value of AT;,. Referring to Fig. 11.47, [ 1. Draw 0a = 6720 2. Draw ab = 4400 at an angle (90° 36° 62") = 53° to oa. DESIGN OF SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 11.65 ac = 0.45 x 4400 = 1980 4. Join oc and extend, Drop perpendicular on ac extended to cut it at d. 5. Full load field mmf per pole, od = 8930 A. Assume a current density of 2.5 A/mm? in the field winding. Area of copper in the field winding = 8930/2.6 = 3570 mm?. Strips on edge conductors are used for field winding. Assume a space factor of 0.83 Area of field winding = 3570/0,83 = 4300 mm?, Assuming depth of field winding d, = 35 mm. :. Height of field winding= 4300/35 = 193 mm. To this we must add about 17 mm which’is taken up by flanges ete. "3, Cut off 1» Height of pole body h, = 123 + 17 = 140 mm. , The heighb-of pole shoe at the centre h,*= 25 mm. (Gee pole drawing Fig. 11.50) : -: Total height (radial length of pole) hy, = 140 + 25 = 165 mm., Damper “windings” paras From Eqn. 11.24, total area of damper bars per pole Aq = 0.2 x 34000 x 0.314/3 = 713 mm?. if current density is taken as 3A/mm? for damper winding. Taking the pitch of damper bars to be 80 percent of stator slot pitch. le arc 2325 . Number of da: bars N, = ——poleare _. “7 29. naper bars Na = 0 §y stator slot pitch ~ 08x922 "+ a Area of each bar a4 = 713/9 = 79'mm?. “ Diameter of each bar dy = 10 mm. :. Height of pole shoe at the tips h, = 2d, = 20 mm, Yoke design Flux in yoke ©, = @/2 = 62.25 x 10-3 Wb. Taking a flux density of 1.2 Wb/m?, Area of yoke A, = 52.25 x 10°9/1,2 = 43.5 x 10-8 m*, 435 x10 2. Depth of yoked, = ——Yokearea_ _ 485x10" _ 9 = 100 mm. 0.98xcorelength — 0.98x 041 a Estimation of flux per pole , Pole drawing In order to estimate the flux per pole, the pole drawing is constructed as explained in Art. 11.21.4 with the help of the following data : ‘Angle (mechanical) between pole axis and the interpolar axis @ = 360/2p = 5.625°. Length of air gap at the centre of pole /, = 5.5mm, ‘The distance over which the air gap remains constant is i t Length of air gap at pole tips=181,=18%5.5 = 10mm. | Height of pole shoes at pole tips 4, = 20 mm. \ ‘The rough sketch of pole profile is shown in Fig. 3.72. i We havo : we construction shown in Fig, 11.60, full load field mmf AT, = 0g = 9200 A. ——_ ELECTRICAL MACHINE p, ey i i is armature mmf Reduction factor for a a be 999 « 4400 = 9660 A. ion given in Fig. 11.38 i For the calculation of full Joad ficld mmf, the construction given in Fig. 11.38 js fo, ud = 6500 de = 3660 df= K, x 3660 fe = 3660 - 1610 1.45 x 3360 = 1510. 1150. Field winding design 1, Assume an excitor voltage of 125 V with 25 V in reserve and 100 V across the field cgi, Voltage across each field coil B, = 100/82 = 3.125 V. ; 2. The field winding consists of conductors wound on edge. Using a sheet metal spo] 25 mm thick and bakelized paper flanges 6 mm thick. and Height of winding = A,, ~ hy — height occupied by insulation and spool 165 ~ 25 - 2 x (6 + 2.5) = 123 mm. 3. The depth of winding, d, is assumed to be 35 mm. Referring to Fig. 11.40, L,, = 0.9L = 0.9 x 0.44 = 0.396 m, by =0.15m Lyup = 2p + H(by + 0.01 + d,) = 1.4 m (See Eqn. 11.84). ATy P Lint % = 9200 x 0.021 x 1:4 7 3125 5. Assuming current density 5, of 2.6 A/mm, for the field winding, field current I, = 86.6 x 2.6 = 225 A. 6. Field winding turns 7; = AT,/I, = 920/225 = 41. 7. Area of each conductor a, = 86.6 mm? and width of conductor = 35 mm, Depth of conductor = 86.6/35 = 2.5 mm. Area of conductor provided a, = 35 x 2.5 = 87.5 mm? Using an insulation of 0.3 mm between conductors. Height occupied by conductors = 41(2.5 + 0.3) = 115 mm. The balance space of 123 - 115 = 8 mm is taken up by buckling of conductors. +. Height of winding A, = 123 mm = 0.123 m. 4. Area of field winding conductor a, = 86.6 mm?, Resistance of each field coil R = 41 x 2021x14 0.0138 2, 875 Actual value of field current J, = 3.125/0.0138 = 226 A. ‘Mnf provided AT, = IT, = 226 x 41 = 9270 A. Loss in each field coil Q, = (226)? x 0.0138 = 705 W. Area of dissipating surface $ = 2 Ljup(hy + dj) = 2 x 1.4(0,128 + 0.035) = 0.442 m*. From Table 4.6, cooling co-efficient 012 012 Ge tis 1° T301V, “Troan aid = 90%. - pesioN OF SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 14.73 ‘Temperature rise o= Qr or This is within limits, 7 sosse0s (i) Copper loss The total copper loss including eddy current loss in each phase is 10.4 kW (This has already peen calculated when calculating the effective stator resistance). :, Total copper loss = 8 x 10.4 = 31.2 kW, (ii) Stray load loss The stray load loss is taken as 20 per cent of total copper loss. :, Stray load loss = 0.2 x 31.2 = 6.2 kW. (iii) Iron loss (a) Stator teeth : Diameter of armature at the middle of teeth = 3.273 m. Slot pitch at the middle of teeth = x x 3,273/312 m = 32.9 mm. Tooth width at the middle W, = 32.9 — W, = 32.9 - 13 = 19.9 mm. z. Weight of stator teeth= S x L, x d, x W, x 7.8 x 108 12 x 0,851 x 73 x 10-8 x 19.9 x 10 x 7.8 x 10° = 1240 kg. aoe oe density in the teeth at, 1/3 height from narrow end is 1.77 Wb/m?. From Eqn. 3.58, width a = 6.5, Specific iron loss in teeth=aBm? = 6.5 x (1.77)? = 21 Wikg. .. Tron loss in teeth = 1240 x 21 W = 26 kW. (0) Core : Mean core diameter = 3.458 m. - Weight of stator core = x x 3.458 x 0.35 x 114 x 10 x 7.8 x 10° = 3380 kg. Flux density in the core = 1.11 Wb/m?. From Eqn. 3.58, specific iron loss in core = 4.7 x (1.11)? = 5.9 W. Tron loss in core = 3380 x 5.9 W = 20 kW. Total iron loss = 26 + 20 = 46 kW. (jv) Friction and windage loss is taken 0.7 percent of kVA rating. «. Friction and windage loss = 0.7/100 x 3000 = 21 kW. (v) Field copper loss = pl?/R, = 32 x 226? x 0.0138 = 22.5 kW. Taking a drop of 1 volt at each brush. Brush contact loss = 2 x 1 x 226 = 552 watt = 0.6 kW. =. Exciter input = 22.5,+ 0.6 = 23.1 kW. Taking an exciter efficiency of 88 percent, total exciter output = 23./0.88 = 26.3.kW. +. Excitation losses = 26.3 kW. = Total loss 1, Copper loss including eddy current = $1.2 kW 2. Stray load loss =6.2 kW 3, Iron loss = 46.0 kW 4. Friction and windage loss = 21.0 kW 5. Excitation loss = 26.3 kW = 131.0 kW Total loss

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