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13th March 2024

Abrahamic Religions

The three Abrahamic religions are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Among
monotheistic religions, the Abrahamic religions have the world's largest
number of followers. This category of religions was born due to their
historical coexistence around the figure. They believe Abraham and his
sons/grandsons hold an important role in human spiritual development.
Judaism and Christianity trace their tie to Abraham through his son Isaac,
while Islam traces it through his son Ishmael.

All three religion’s family tree starts off with Abraham, then his son
Ishmael, who is a descendant Mohammed (SAW) who preached about
Islam. Then, from Isaac comes Moses, which originated Judaism. Finally,
from Moses came Jesus who developed Christianity.

In 1,400 BCE, the Torah establishes the Jewish religion. In 4 BCE, the birth
of Jesus gives rise to Christianity and their book- The Bible. Finally, in 610
AD, the preaching of Mohammed (SAW) starts the Islamic faith along with
their book, The Quran.

Overall, the term Abrahamic religion is a category to group the three

major religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam together based around the
figure Abraham, mentioned in the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran.

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